text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Accept 0-General Assign 1-Main Disable 1-Main Cancel 0-General Clear 1-Main Clear Filter 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Dump XML 1-Main Find 1st. 1-Main Grab XML 1-Main JS / Kbd 1-Main Dump and Save my Mapping 1-Main Exit 1-Main Switch XML/Mapping tab automatically 1-Main, 2-Settings Use CSV Listing 2-Settings Use Gamepad 2-Settings List Modifiers 2-Settings Gamep 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Joystick 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Keyb. 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Mapped 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Mouse 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space Throttle 1-Main Show Tree tips 2-Settings Settings 2-Settings Advanced Options ... 2-Settings Configuration - enter button numbers which should be ignored separated by spaces (e.g. 24 25) 2-Settings Ignore Actionmaps - check the ones to hide 2-Settings Path to the Star Citizen Installation (e.g. C:\Games\StarCitizen) 2-Settings Action Filter: 1-Main Dev Ctrl 1-Main Mapping 1-Main Mapping name: 1-Main Profile Language: 2-Settings Selected 1-Main Note: Accepting changes will clear the action tree to apply the new settings; Cancel now if you want to save your work first. 2-Settings For information and updates visit us @ Github ... 1-Main Defaults, Load and Grab ! 1-Main Dump Actiontree as XML 1-Main Dump DefaultProfile 1-Main Dump Logfile 1-Main Dump Mapping List 1-Main Js Reassign Dialog... 1-Main Load ! 1-Main Load and Grab ! 1-Main Load... 1-Main Load a map with options... 1-Main Reset defaults ! 1-Main Reset empty ! 1-Main Reset, Load and Grab ! 1-Main Settings Dialog... 1-Main Show Device Tuning Dialog... 1-Main Show Options Dialog... 1-Main Show Toggle Table... 1-Main Dump... 1-Main Get additional information 1-Main Reset... 1-Main Reset the action tree 1-Main Config... 1-Main Configure the program 1-Main Show... 1-Main Show Options, Tuning and Tables 1-Main Dumps (XML, Logs etc.) 1-Main All Mappings 1-Main Mappings: 1-Main Profile: 1-Main Support: 1-Main Copy to all axis 5-DevTuning Done 0-General Flight Device Tuning 5-DevTuning SCJMapper - Options 4-Options Reassign Joystick Numbers 3-ReassingJS Device Capabilities 1-Main GamePad State 1-Main jsN - Assignment 1-Main Joystick State 1-Main jsN - Assginment 3-ReassingJS Select an option then click and drag 4-Options damping 5-DevTuning This device is listed as: 1-Main # Axis: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space # Buttons: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space # DPad: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space # POV: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space # TSticks: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space # Triggers: 1-Main - Must remain short to fit the space sec per 360° turn 5-DevTuning Curve 0-General Deadzone 0-General Dev Control 0-General Device Options 0-General Exponent 0-General Instance 0-General Invert 0-General None 0-General Option 0-General Point 1: 0-General Point 2: 0-General Point 3: 0-General Saturation 0-General Undo Edits 6-Table Disable all Unmapped 6-Table Accept Edits 6-Table Edit "Disabled" 6-Table Actiontree as Table 6-Table Edit 6-Table Filters 6-Table Def Bind Filter 6-Table Loading data... 6-Table Usr Bind Filter 6-Table Action 6-Table Addbind 6-Table Def.Binding 6-Table Def.Modifier 6-Table Device 6-Table Disabled 6-Table Actionmap 6-Table Usr.Binding 6-Table Usr.Modifier 6-Table Exp.Value 4-Options Action 7-RTF map Actionmap 7-RTF map Activation Mode 7-RTF map default 7-RTF map Actions listed for input: 7-RTF map Location 7-RTF map mapped 7-RTF map modified 7-RTF map profile 7-RTF map Add Mapping 1-Main Context Assign Mapping 1-Main Context Disable Mapping 1-Main Context Clear Mapping 1-Main Context Collapse to selected 1-Main Context Delete Mapping 1-Main Context Expand all Mappings 1-Main Context Copy 1-Main Context Open... 1-Main Context Paste 1-Main Context Paste (Replace all) 1-Main Context Save as... 1-Main Context Select All 1-Main Context Buttons: 1-Main JPanel Changing the Gamepad option needs a restart of the application !! 2-Settings Settings Notification 2-Settings the same jsN was assigned to more than one Joystick - either fix it or exit with Cancel 3-ReassingJS Settings Notification 3-ReassingJS No Activation Mode 1-Main Context Gamepad 0-General Joystick 0-General Show Device Monitoring Dialog... 1-Main Monitoring 8-DeviceMonitor Monitor mouse axis 8-DeviceMonitor Device Monitor 8-DeviceMonitor Keyboard 0-General Mouse 0-General Cannot find the SC Installation Path !!\nUse Settings to provide the path manually 2-Settings SCPath Cannot find the SC Client Directory !!\n\nTried to look for:\n{0} \n\nPlease adjust the path in Settings\n 2-Settings SCPath There is no vaild path given (empty string) 2-Settings SCPath There is no vaild path given (invalid directory) 2-Settings SCPath Path to the Star Citizen Installation 2-Settings SCPath List actions 8-DeviceMonitor Hide 2-Settings Forced write 0-General Yes 0-General Select an entry in the list and then click above to assign colors. Note: White background is treated as Transparent while drawing items to the image. 9-Layout Show Layout Dialog... 1-Main