using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace SCJMapper_V2 { /// /// Finds and returns the Mappings from SC Bundle /// it is located in the Mappings Path /// class SCMappings { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType ); private const String c_UserMapStartsWith = "layout_my_"; // we only allow those mapping names static private List m_scMappings = new List( ); /// /// Returns true if a mapping file exists /// /// The mapping name /// True if the file exists static public Boolean MappingFileExists( String mapName ) { Boolean retVal = false; if ( Directory.Exists( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ) ) { retVal = File.Exists( Path.Combine( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath, mapName + ".xml" ) ); } return retVal; } /// /// Returns the mapping file name + path into our user MAPPING dir (TODO possibly to change??) /// /// The mapping name /// A fully qualified filename static public String MappingFileName( String mapName ) { return Path.Combine( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath, mapName + ".xml" ); } /// /// Returns true if a mapping name is considered a user mapping /// /// The mapping name /// True if it is a user mapping name static public Boolean IsUserMapping( String mapName ) { return mapName.StartsWith( c_UserMapStartsWith ); } /// /// Check if we may use that name - we allow only names like "layout_my_XYZ" /// /// A map name /// True if valid static public Boolean IsValidMappingName( String mapName ) { Boolean retVal = true; // for now retVal &= mapName.StartsWith( c_UserMapStartsWith ); retVal &= ( mapName.IndexOfAny( new char[] { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\0' } ) < 0 ); // make sure we don't have spaces etc. return retVal; } static public void UpdateMappingNames( ) { if ( Directory.Exists( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ) ) { m_scMappings.Clear( ); m_scMappings = ( List )Directory.EnumerateFiles( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ).ToList( ); } } /// /// Returns a list of files found /// /// A list of filenames - can be empty static public List MappingNames { get { log.Debug( "MappingNames - Entry" ); if ( m_scMappings.Count == 0 ) { if ( Directory.Exists( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ) ) { m_scMappings.Clear( ); m_scMappings = ( List )Directory.EnumerateFiles( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ).ToList( ); } } else { log.Warn( "MappingNames - cannot find SC Mapping directory" ); } return m_scMappings; } } /// /// Returns the sought default profile as string from GameData.pak /// /// The filename of the profile to be extracted /// A string containing the file contents static public String Mapping( String mappingName ) { String retVal = ""; String mFile = Path.Combine( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath, ( mappingName + ".xml" ) ); if ( File.Exists( mFile ) ) { using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( mFile ) ) { retVal = sr.ReadToEnd( ); } } return retVal; } } }