using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using SharpDX; using SharpDX.XInput; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace SCJMapper_V2 { /// /// Handles one JS device as DXInput device /// In addition provide some static tools to handle JS props here in one place /// Also owns the GUI i.e. the user control that shows all values /// public class GamepadCls : DeviceCls { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType ); private static readonly AppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings( ); #region Static Items public new const String DeviceClass = "xboxpad"; // the device name used throughout this app public const String JsUnknown = "xi_"; public new const String BlendedInput = "xi_reserved"; /// /// Returns the currently valid color /// /// A color static public System.Drawing.Color XiColor() { return MyColors.GamepadColor; } /// /// Returns true if the devicename is a gamepad /// /// /// static public new Boolean IsDeviceClass( String deviceClass ) { return ( deviceClass == DeviceClass ); } /// /// Returns true if the input is an xi_ but not xi_reserved /// /// /// static public Boolean IsXiValid( String input ) { return (IsXi(input) && (String.Compare(input, BlendedInput)!= 0)); } const string xi_pattern = @"^xi_*"; static Regex rgx_xi = new Regex( xi_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); /// /// Returns true if the input starts with a valid xi_ formatting /// /// /// static public Boolean IsXi( String input ) { return rgx_xi.IsMatch( input ); } const string xil_pattern = @"^xi_thumb[lr][xy]$"; static Regex rgx_xil = new Regex( xil_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); /// /// returns true if the ctrl can be inverted - for now this is thumb[lr][xyz] /// /// /// static public Boolean CanInvert( String control ) { return rgx_xil.IsMatch( control ); } #endregion private Controller m_device; private String m_devName = "Generic Gamepad"; private Capabilities m_gpCaps = new Capabilities( ); private State m_state = new State( ); private State m_prevState = new State( ); private String m_lastItem = ""; private int m_senseLimit = 500; // axis jitter avoidance... private bool m_activated = false; private UC_GpadPanel m_gPanel = null; // the GUI panel internal int MyTabPageIndex = -1; /// /// The DeviceClass of this instance /// public override String DevClass { get { return GamepadCls.DeviceClass; } } /// /// The JS ProductName property /// public override String DevName { get { return m_devName; } } /// public void SetDeviceName( String devName ) { m_devName = devName; m_gPanel.Caption = DevName; } /// /// Returns the mapping color for this device /// public override System.Drawing.Color MapColor { get { return MyColors.GamepadColor; } } public override Boolean Activated { get { return m_activated; } set { m_activated = value; } } private Boolean Bit( GamepadButtonFlags set, GamepadButtonFlags check ) { Int32 s = ( Int32 )set; Int32 c = ( Int32 )check; return ( ( s & c ) == c ); } /// /// ctor and init /// /// A DXInput device /// The WinHandle of the main window /// The respective JS panel to show the properties public GamepadCls( SharpDX.XInput.Controller device, UC_GpadPanel panel, int tabIndex ) { log.DebugFormat( "GamepadCls ctor - Entry with index {0}", device.ToString( ) ); m_device = device; m_gPanel = panel; MyTabPageIndex = tabIndex; Activated = false; m_senseLimit = AppConfiguration.AppConfig.gpSenseLimit; // can be changed in the app.config file if it is still too little // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data. log.Debug( "Get GP Objects" ); try { m_gpCaps = m_device.GetCapabilities( DeviceQueryType.Gamepad ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { log.Error( "Get GamepadCapabilities failed", ex ); } m_gPanel.Caption = DevName; int n = 0; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp ) ) n++; m_gPanel.nDPads = n.ToString( ); m_gPanel.DPadE = ( n > 0 ); n = 0; if ( ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftThumbX != 0 ) || ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftThumbY != 0 ) || Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.TStickLE = true; } if ( ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightThumbX != 0 ) || ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightThumbY != 0 ) || Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.TStickRE = true; } m_gPanel.nTSticks = n.ToString( ); n = 0; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.A ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.B ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.X ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Y ) ) n++; if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Start ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.StartE = true; } if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Back ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.BackE = true; } if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.ShoulderLE = true; } if ( Bit( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder ) ) { n++; m_gPanel.ShoulderRE = true; } m_gPanel.nButtons = n.ToString( ); n = 0; if ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.LeftTrigger > 0 ) { n++; m_gPanel.TriggerLE = true; } if ( m_gpCaps.Gamepad.RightTrigger > 0 ) { n++; m_gPanel.TriggerRE = true; } m_gPanel.nTriggers = n.ToString( ); m_gPanel.ButtonE = true; // what else ... ApplySettings( ); // get whatever is needed here from Settings Activated = true; } /// /// Shutdown device access /// public override void FinishDX( ) { log.DebugFormat( "Release Input device: {0}", m_device ); } /// /// Tells the Joystick to re-read settings /// public override void ApplySettings( ) { appSettings.Reload( ); } /// /// Returns true if a modifer button is pressed /// /// private Boolean ModButtonPressed( ) { Boolean retVal = m_state.Gamepad.Buttons != GamepadButtonFlags.None; retVal = ( retVal || ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftTrigger ) > 0 ) ); retVal = ( retVal || ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightTrigger ) > 0 ) ); return retVal; } /// /// Find the last change the user did on that device /// /// The last action as CryEngine compatible string public override String GetLastChange( ) { if ( ModButtonPressed() ) { m_lastItem = ""; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY ) ) && !Bit(m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumblx+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX ) ) && !Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumbly+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) ) && !Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumbrx+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) ) && !Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumbry+"; if ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftTrigger ) > 0 ) m_lastItem += "xi_triggerl_btn+"; if ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightTrigger ) > 0 ) m_lastItem += "xi_triggerr_btn+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.A ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_a+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.B ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_b+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.X ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_x+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Y ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_y+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Start ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_start+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Back ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_back+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_dpad_down+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_dpad_left+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_dpad_right+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_dpad_up+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_shoulderl+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_shoulderr+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumbl+"; if ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) ) m_lastItem += "xi_thumbr+"; } else { // no button -> only non button items will reported - single events if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY )) ) m_lastItem = "xi_thumblx+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX )) ) m_lastItem = "xi_thumbly+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) ) ) m_lastItem = "xi_thumbrx+"; if ( ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) > m_senseLimit ) && ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY ) > Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX ) ) ) m_lastItem = "xi_thumbry+"; if ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.LeftTrigger ) > 0 ) m_lastItem = "xi_triggerl_btn+"; if ( Math.Abs( ( Int32 )m_state.Gamepad.RightTrigger ) > 0 ) m_lastItem = "xi_triggerr_btn+"; } return m_lastItem.TrimEnd( new char[] { '+' } ); ; } /// /// Figure out if an axis changed enough to consider it as a changed state /// The change is polled every 100ms (timer1) so the user has to change so much within that time /// Then an axis usually swings back when left alone - that is the real recording of a change. /// We know that the range is -32758 .. 32767 so we can judge absolute /// % relative is prone to small changes around 0 - which is likely the case with axes /// private bool DidAxisChange2( int current, int prev ) { // determine if the axis drifts more than x units to account for bounce // old-new/old if ( current == prev ) return false; int change = (Math.Abs( current ) - Math.Abs( prev ) ) / 32; // if the axis has changed more than x units to it's last value return change > m_senseLimit ? true : false; } /// /// Figure out if an axis changed enough to consider it as a changed state /// private bool DidAxisChange( int current, int prev ) { // determine if the axis drifts more than x% to account for bounce // old-new/old if ( current == prev ) return false; if ( prev == 0 ) prev = 1; int changepct = Math.Abs( prev ) - Math.Abs( current ) / Math.Abs( prev ); // if the axis has changed more than 70% relative to it's last value return changepct > 70 ? true : false; } /// /// Show the current props in the GUI /// private void UpdateUI( ) { // This function updated the UI with joystick state information. string strText = ""; strText += ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown ) > 0 ) ? "d" : " "; strText += ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft ) > 0 ) ? "l" : " "; strText += ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight ) > 0 ) ? "r" : " "; strText += ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp ) > 0 ) ? "u" : " "; m_gPanel.DPad = strText; m_gPanel.TStickXL = m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX.ToString( ); m_gPanel.TStickYL = m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY.ToString( ); m_gPanel.TStickBtL = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; m_gPanel.TStickXR = m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX.ToString( ); m_gPanel.TStickYR = m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY.ToString( ); m_gPanel.TStickBtR = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; m_gPanel.TriggerL = m_state.Gamepad.LeftTrigger.ToString( ); m_gPanel.TriggerR = m_state.Gamepad.RightTrigger.ToString( ); m_gPanel.ShoulderL = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; m_gPanel.ShoulderR = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; m_gPanel.Start = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Start ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; m_gPanel.Back = ( ( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Back ) > 0 ) ? "pressed" : "_"; String buttons = ""; buttons += ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.A ) ) ? "A" : "_"; buttons += ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.B ) ) ? "B" : "_"; buttons += ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.X ) ) ? "X" : "_"; buttons += ( Bit( m_state.Gamepad.Buttons, GamepadButtonFlags.Y ) ) ? "Y" : "_"; m_gPanel.Button = buttons; } /// /// Collect the current data from the device /// public override void GetCmdData( String cmd, out int data ) { // Make sure there is a valid device. if ( m_device == null ) { data = 0; return; } // Get the state of the device - retaining the previous state to find the lates change m_prevState = m_state; // Poll the device for info. try { m_state = m_device.GetState( ); switch ( cmd ) { case "xi_thumblx": data = (int) ((float)m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX/32.767f); break; // data should be -1000..1000 case "xi_thumbly": data = (int) ((float)m_state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY/32.767f); break; case "xi_thumbrx": data = (int) ((float)m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbX/32.767f); break; case "xi_thumbry": data = ( int )( ( float )m_state.Gamepad.RightThumbY / 32.767f ); break; default: data = 0; break; } } catch ( SharpDXException e ) { log.Error( "Gamepad-GetData: Unexpected Poll Exception", e ); data = 0; return; // EXIT see ex code } } /// /// Collect the current data from the device /// public override void GetData( ) { // Make sure there is a valid device. if ( m_device == null ) return; // Get the state of the device - retaining the previous state to find the lates change m_prevState = m_state; // Poll the device for info. try { m_state = m_device.GetState( ); } catch ( SharpDXException e ) { log.Error( "Gamepad-GetData: Unexpected Poll Exception", e ); return; // EXIT see ex code } UpdateUI( ); // and update the GUI } } }