using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using SCJMapper_V2.Common; using SCJMapper_V2.Translation; using SCJMapper_V2.Actions; using SCJMapper_V2.SC; using static SCJMapper_V2.Layout.ActionGroups; using System.IO; namespace SCJMapper_V2.Layout { public partial class FormLayout : Form { // Graphics private DrawPanel m_dPanel = new DrawPanel( ); // draw panel private DrawPanel m_sPanel = new DrawPanel( ); // show panel private DisplayList m_displayList = new DisplayList( ); private readonly Color COL_OK = Color.LightGreen; private readonly Color COL_ERR = Color.Gold; private Layouts m_layouts = null; internal ActionItemList ActionList { get; set; } = null; private bool IsDebug() { return File.Exists( "DEBUG_LAYOUT.txt" ); } public FormLayout() { InitializeComponent( ); if ( IsDebug( ) ) { // Show Debug items at startup txGuid1.Visible = true; txGuid2.Visible = true; txGuid3.Visible = true; btCreateDbgList.Visible = true; } } /// /// Local to support the handling /// private class ActionMapItem { public string ActionMap = ""; public string ActionMapDisp = ""; public override string ToString() { return ActionMapDisp; } } // the item index is shared with the checkbox list in the GUI private List m_chkLbActionMaps = new List( ); private void FormLayout_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Tx.LocalizeControlTree( this ); AppSettings.Instance.Reload( ); // Assign Size property - check if on screen, else use defaults if ( Commons.IsOnScreen( new Rectangle( AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutLocation, AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutSize ) ) ) { this.Size = AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutSize; this.Location = AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutLocation; } // Action Groups // Main dialog chkLbActionGroups.Items.Clear( ); chkLbActionGroups.Columns.Add( "Actiongroups", chkLbActionMaps.Width ); foreach ( var s in ActionGroups.ActionGroupNames( ) ) { var item = chkLbActionGroups.Items.Add( s ); item.ForeColor = MapProps.GroupColor( GroupNameToGroup( s ) ).ForeColor; item.BackColor = MapProps.GroupColor( GroupNameToGroup( s ) ).BackColor; } // color settings chkLbActionGroupsColor.Items.Clear( ); chkLbActionGroupsColor.Columns.Add( "Actiongroups", chkLbActionMaps.Width ); foreach ( var s in ActionGroups.ActionGroupNames( ) ) { var item = chkLbActionGroupsColor.Items.Add( s ); item.ForeColor = MapProps.GroupColor( GroupNameToGroup( s ) ).ForeColor; item.BackColor = MapProps.GroupColor( GroupNameToGroup( s ) ).BackColor; } // Action Maps chkLbActionMaps.Items.Clear( ); m_chkLbActionMaps.Clear( ); chkLbActionMaps.Columns.Add( "Actionmaps", chkLbActionMaps.Width ); foreach ( EGroup g in Enum.GetValues( typeof( EGroup ) ) ) { var aMaps = ActionmapNames( g ); foreach ( var aMap in aMaps ) { if ( !AppSettings.Instance.IgnoreActionmaps.Contains( "," + aMap + "," ) ) { var ami = new ActionMapItem( ) { ActionMap = aMap, ActionMapDisp = SCUiText.Instance.Text( aMap ) }; m_chkLbActionMaps.Add( ami ); var item = chkLbActionMaps.Items.Add( ami.ActionMapDisp ); item.ToolTipText = ami.ActionMap; item.ForeColor = MapProps.MapColor( ami.ActionMap ).ForeColor; item.BackColor = MapProps.MapColor( ami.ActionMap ).BackColor; } } } // Layouts m_layouts = new Layouts( ); foreach ( var l in m_layouts ) { cbxLayouts.Items.Add( l ); } if ( cbxLayouts.Items.Count > 0 ) cbxLayouts.SelectedIndex = 0; // Draw Panel // drawPanel.Controls.Add( m_dPanel ); // m_dPanel.Top = 0; m_dPanel.Left = 0; this.Controls.Add( m_dPanel ); m_dPanel.Top = 0; m_dPanel.Left = this.Width + 2000; // out of view m_dPanel.Visible = false; m_dPanel.AutoSize = true; m_dPanel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None; m_dPanel.BackColor = Color.SpringGreen; m_dPanel.BackgroundImageResized = ( cbxLayouts.SelectedItem as DeviceLayout ).Image; m_dPanel.Paint += M_dPanel_Paint; drawPanel.Controls.Add( m_sPanel ); m_sPanel.Top = 0; m_sPanel.Left = 0; m_sPanel.AutoSize = false; m_sPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; m_sPanel.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; RefreshPanel( ); } private void FormLayout_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e ) { // don't record minimized, maximized forms if ( this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal ) { AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutSize = this.Size; AppSettings.Instance.FormLayoutLocation = this.Location; } AppSettings.Instance.Save( ); } #region dPanel Events private void M_dPanel_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e ) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; m_displayList.DrawList( g ); } private void RefreshPanel() { m_dPanel.Refresh( ); var b = new Bitmap( m_dPanel.Width, m_dPanel.Height ); m_dPanel.DrawToBitmap( b, new Rectangle( 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height ) ); m_sPanel.BackgroundImage = b; } #endregion /// /// Matches for any selection possible /// e.g. action maps selected etc. /// /// The actionItem /// True to map private bool MatchCriteria( ActionItem action ) { // is the map checked? foreach ( int idx in chkLbActionMaps.CheckedIndices ) { if ( m_chkLbActionMaps[idx].ActionMap == action.ActionMap ) return true; } return false; // TODO (add criterias) } /// /// Populate the display list from the Items found in the ActionTree /// private void Populate() { // for all actions found from action tree m_displayList.Clear( ); ( cbxLayouts.SelectedItem as DeviceLayout ).DeviceController.CreateShapes( ); foreach ( var si in ActionList ) { // if ( si.DeviceName == cbxDevices.SelectedItem.ToString( ) ) { // matches the selected device if ( MatchCriteria( si ) ) { bool firstInstance = ActionList.IsFirstInstance( si.DevicePidVid, si.InputTypeNumber ); var ctrl = ( cbxLayouts.SelectedItem as DeviceLayout ).DeviceController.FindItem( si.DevicePidVid, si.ControlInput, firstInstance ); if ( ctrl != null ) { if ( ctrl.ShapeItems.Count > 0 ) { var shape = ctrl.ShapeItems.Dequeue( ); shape.DispText = si.ModdedDispText; shape.TextColor = MapProps.MapForeColor( si.ActionMap ); shape.BackColor = MapProps.MapBackColor( si.ActionMap ); m_displayList.Add( shape ); } } } // } } } // Event Handlers private void btLayout_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Populate( ); RefreshPanel( ); } private void cbxLayouts_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_displayList.Clear( ); m_dPanel.BackgroundImageResized = ( cbxLayouts.SelectedItem as DeviceLayout ).Image; RefreshPanel( ); } private void chkLbActionGroups_ItemCheck( object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e ) { var group = (EGroup)e.Index; var gNames = ActionmapNames( group ); for ( int idx = 0; idx < chkLbActionMaps.Items.Count; idx++ ) { if ( gNames.Contains( m_chkLbActionMaps[idx].ActionMap ) ) { chkLbActionMaps.Items[idx].Checked = ( e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked ) ? true : false; } } } private void btSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { SFD.Filter = "PNG Files|*.png|Jpg Files|*.jpg|All Files|*.*"; SFD.DefaultExt = "png"; if ( SFD.ShowDialog( this ) == DialogResult.OK ) { var b = new Bitmap( m_dPanel.Width, m_dPanel.Height ); m_dPanel.DrawToBitmap( b, new Rectangle( 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height ) ); string ext = Path.GetExtension( SFD.FileName ); if ( ext.ToLowerInvariant( ) == ".jpg" ) { b.Save( SFD.FileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg ); } else if ( ext.ToLowerInvariant( ) == ".png" ) { b.Save( SFD.FileName, ImageFormat.Png ); } else { MessageBox.Show( "Unkown fileformat - use jpg or png please", "Save Image Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); } } } #region Color Setting Handling private int m_colSelGroup = -1; // index of selected group private void btColors_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { pnlInput.Enabled = false; m_sPanel.Visible = false; tbFontSize.Value = MapProps.FontSize; lblFontSize.Text = MapProps.FontSize.ToString( ); lblTest.Font = MapProps.MapFont; gbxColors.Visible = true; } private void btCloseColors_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { gbxColors.Visible = false; pnlInput.Enabled = true; m_sPanel.Visible = true; } private void btAcceptColors_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // carry values to MapProps MapProps.FontSize = int.Parse( lblFontSize.Text ); foreach ( ListViewItem lv in chkLbActionGroupsColor.Items ) { MapProps.SetMapColor( (EGroup)lv.Index, lv.ForeColor, lv.BackColor ); } MapProps.SaveToSettings( ); // recolor the selection in main foreach ( ListViewItem item in chkLbActionGroups.Items ) { item.ForeColor = MapProps.GroupColor( (EGroup)item.Index ).ForeColor; item.BackColor = MapProps.GroupColor( (EGroup)item.Index ).BackColor; } foreach ( ListViewItem item in chkLbActionMaps.Items ) { item.ForeColor = MapProps.GroupColor( MapNameToGroup( item.ToolTipText ) ).ForeColor; item.BackColor = MapProps.GroupColor( MapNameToGroup( item.ToolTipText ) ).BackColor; } gbxColors.Visible = false; pnlInput.Enabled = true; m_sPanel.Visible = true; } private void lblTextColor_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_colSelGroup >= 0 ) { colDlg.Color = lblTest.ForeColor; if ( colDlg.ShowDialog( this ) == DialogResult.OK ) { lblTest.ForeColor = colDlg.Color; chkLbActionGroupsColor.Items[m_colSelGroup].ForeColor = colDlg.Color; } } else { MySounds.PlayCannot( ); } } private void lblBackColor_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_colSelGroup >= 0 ) { colDlg.Color = lblTest.BackColor; if ( colDlg.ShowDialog( this ) == DialogResult.OK ) { lblTest.BackColor = colDlg.Color; chkLbActionGroupsColor.Items[m_colSelGroup].BackColor = colDlg.Color; } } else { MySounds.PlayCannot( ); } } private void chkLbActionGroupsColor_ItemActivate( object sender, EventArgs e ) { foreach ( ListViewItem item in chkLbActionGroupsColor.SelectedItems ) { m_colSelGroup = item.Index; lblTest.Text = item.Text; lblTest.ForeColor = item.ForeColor; lblTextColor.BackColor = item.ForeColor; lblTest.BackColor = item.BackColor; lblBackColor.BackColor = item.BackColor; } } private void tbFontSize_Scroll( object sender, EventArgs e ) { lblFontSize.Text = tbFontSize.Value.ToString( ); lblTest.Font = new Font( lblTest.Font.FontFamily, tbFontSize.Value ); ; } private bool m_checkAllToggle = true; private void pictureBox1_DoubleClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // select all groups for ( int i = 0; i < chkLbActionGroups.Items.Count; i++ ) { chkLbActionGroups.Items[i].Checked = m_checkAllToggle; } m_checkAllToggle = !m_checkAllToggle; // toggle } #endregion #region DEBUG LIST private DbgActionItemList DBG_LIST = null; private void btCreateDbgList_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { DBG_LIST = new DbgActionItemList( ); List guids = new List( ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( txGuid1.Text ) ) guids.Add( txGuid1.Text ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( txGuid2.Text ) ) guids.Add( txGuid2.Text ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( txGuid3.Text ) ) guids.Add( txGuid3.Text ); DBG_LIST.CreateDebugList( guids.ToArray( ) ); ActionList = DBG_LIST.DbgList; } #endregion } }