using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; namespace SCJMapper_V2 { class ActionTree { public ActionMapsCls ActionMaps { get; set; } public TreeView Ctrl { get; set; } public Boolean Dirty { get; set; } // Load MappingVars.csv into the ActionList and create the Control TreeView public void LoadTree( String defaultProfile ) { TreeNode tn = null; TreeNode[] cnl = { }; TreeNode cn = null; TreeNode topNode = null; ActionCls ac = null; ActionMapCls acm = null; ActionMaps = new ActionMapsCls( ); Ctrl.Nodes.Clear( ); // read the action items into the TreeView DProfileReader dpReader = new DProfileReader( ); // we may read a profile TextReader txReader = null; // 1st choice is a user given MappingVars.csv file in the appdir - this is only compatibilty and testing if ( File.Exists( "MappingVars.csv" ) ) { txReader = new StreamReader( "MappingVars.csv" ); } // second choice a defaultProfile.xml in given path else if ( File.Exists( defaultProfile ) ) { using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( defaultProfile ) ) { String buff = sr.ReadToEnd( ); dpReader.fromXML( buff ); } if ( dpReader.ValidContent ) { txReader = new StringReader( dpReader.CSVMap ); } } // third choice a defaultProfile.xml in the app dir distributed with the application ??? to be deleted ??? else { if ( File.Exists( SCPath.DefaultProfileName ) ) { using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( SCPath.DefaultProfileName ) ) { String buff = sr.ReadToEnd( ); dpReader.fromXML( buff ); } if ( dpReader.ValidContent ) { txReader = new StringReader( dpReader.CSVMap ); } } } // last resort is the built in list if ( txReader == null ) { var defFile = SCJMapper_V2.Properties.Resources.MappingVars; txReader = new StringReader( defFile ); } using ( TextReader sr = txReader ) { String buf = sr.ReadLine( ); while ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( buf ) ) { String[] elem = buf.Split( new char[] { ';', ',', ' ' } ); if ( elem.Length > 1 ) { // must have 2 elements min Array.Resize( ref cnl, 0 ); acm = new ActionMapCls( ); = elem[0]; // get actionmap name // process items for ( int ei=1; ei < elem.Length; ei++ ) { if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( elem[ei] ) ) { String action = elem[ei].Substring( 1 ); cn = new TreeNode( action ); cn.Name = elem[ei]; // name with the key it to find it.. String devID = elem[ei].Substring( 0, 1 ); String device = ActionCls.DeviceFromID( devID ); cn.ImageKey = devID; Array.Resize( ref cnl, cnl.Length + 1 ); cnl[cnl.Length - 1] = cn; ac = new ActionCls( ); ac.key = cn.Name; = action; ac.device = device; acm.Add( ac ); // add to our map } }//for tn = new TreeNode(, cnl ); tn.Name =; // name it to find it.. tn.ImageIndex = 0; tn.NodeFont = new Font( Ctrl.Font, FontStyle.Bold ); Ctrl.BackColor = Ctrl.BackColor; // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text) Ctrl.Nodes.Add( tn ); // add to control if ( topNode == null ) topNode = tn; // once to keep the start of list ActionMaps.Add( acm ); // add to our map }// if valid line buf = sr.ReadLine( ); }//while } // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text at last element -despite the BackColor fix) add another and delete it tn = new TreeNode( "DUMMY" ); tn.Name = "DUMMY"; tn.ImageIndex = 0; tn.NodeFont = new Font( Ctrl.Font, FontStyle.Bold ); Ctrl.BackColor = Ctrl.BackColor; // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text) Ctrl.Nodes.Add( tn ); // add to control Ctrl.Nodes.RemoveByKey( "DUMMY" ); // fix for defect TreeView (cut off bold text) txReader = null; Ctrl.ExpandAll( ); if ( topNode != null ) Ctrl.TopNode = topNode; Dirty = false; } // input is like js1_button3 public void UpdateSelectedItem( String input ) { if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode == null ) return; if ( Ctrl.SelectedNode.Level == 1 ) { String[] elements = Ctrl.SelectedNode.Text.Split( ); if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) { Ctrl.SelectedNode.Text = elements[0]; Ctrl.SelectedNode.BackColor = Color.White; } else { Ctrl.SelectedNode.Text = elements[0] + " - " + input; int jNum = JoystickCls.JSNum( input ); Ctrl.SelectedNode.BackColor = MyColors.JColor[jNum - 1]; // color list is 0 based } ActionMapCls ACM = ActionMaps.Find( delegate( ActionMapCls acm ) { return == Ctrl.SelectedNode.Parent.Name; } ); if ( ACM != null ) { ActionCls AC = ACM.Find( delegate( ActionCls ac ) { return ac.key == Ctrl.SelectedNode.Name; } ); if ( AC != null ) { AC.input = input; Dirty = true; } } } } /// /// Loads the mappings back into the treeview control /// Note: this takes a while as the list grows... /// public void ReloadCtrl( ) { Ctrl.BeginUpdate( ); foreach ( ActionMapCls acm in ActionMaps ) { try { TreeNode amTn = Ctrl.Nodes[]; // get the map node // find the item to reload into the treeview foreach ( ActionCls ac in acm ) { try { TreeNode tnl = amTn.Nodes[ac.key]; String[] elements = tnl.Text.Split( ); if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.input ) ) { // grabed input is not mapped tnl.Text = elements[0]; tnl.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } else { int jNum = JoystickCls.JSNum( ac.input ); tnl.Text = elements[0] + " - " + ac.input; tnl.BackColor = MyColors.JColor[jNum - 1]; // color list is 0 based } } catch { ; // key not found } } } catch { ; // map key not found ?? } } Ctrl.EndUpdate( ); } public void FindCtrl( String ctrl ) { Boolean found = false; foreach ( TreeNode tn in Ctrl.Nodes ) { // have to search nodes of nodes foreach ( TreeNode stn in tn.Nodes ) { if ( stn.Text.Contains( ctrl ) ) { Ctrl.SelectedNode = stn; Ctrl.SelectedNode.EnsureVisible( ); found = true; break; } } if ( found ) break; // exit all loops } } public String ReportActions( ) { String repList = ""; if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js1 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js1 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js1 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js2 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js2 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js2 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js3 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js3 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js3 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js4 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js4 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js4 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js5 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js5 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js5 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js6 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js6 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js6 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js7 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js7 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js7 ); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ActionMaps.js8 ) ) repList += String.Format( "** js8 = {0}\n", ActionMaps.js8 ); repList += String.Format( "\n" ); foreach ( ActionMapCls acm in ActionMaps ) { String rep = String.Format( "*** {0}\n", ); repList += rep; foreach ( ActionCls ac in acm ) { if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.input ) ) { rep = String.Format( " {0} - {1} - {2}\n", 35 ), ac.device.PadRight( 10 ), ac.input ); repList += rep; } } repList += String.Format( "\n" ); } return repList; } } }