using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SCJMapper_V2.Common; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Keyboard; namespace SCJMapper_V2.Layout { /// /// Key Input /// contains a text to display at a position within a rectangle /// class ShapeKey : ShapeItem { /// /// The SCGameKey for this Command /// Only a single one - NO modifiers here /// public string SCGameKey { get; set; } /// /// The DX GameKey for this Command /// public SharpDX.DirectInput.Key DXGameKey { get { return KeyboardCls.FromSCKeyboardCmd( SCGameKey ); } } /// /// The Windows Virtual GameKey for this Command /// public VirtualKey WinVirtualKey { get { return (VirtualKey)WinApi.MapVirtualKeyEx( (uint)DXGameKey, WinApi.VirtualKeyMapType.MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX, IntPtr.Zero ); } } /// /// Indicates that the Key symbol needs to be drawn /// public bool IsSymbolShape { get; set; } = false; // default /// /// GetRoundRectPath /// Credit: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL) /// /// This function uses the AddArc method for defining the rounded rectangle path. /// The first workaround handles the special case where the radius is 10. /// It offsets the arc's rectangle and increases its size at a strategic point. /// I don’t have a good theory for why this works or why it is only needed for a radius of 10. /// private void GetRoundRectPath( ref GraphicsPath pPath, Rectangle r, int dia ) { // diameter can't exceed width or height if ( dia > r.Width ) dia = r.Width; if ( dia > r.Height ) dia = r.Height; // define a corner var Corner = new Rectangle( r.X, r.Y, dia, dia ); pPath.Reset( ); // begin path // top left pPath.AddArc( Corner, 180, 90 ); // tweak needed for radius of 10 (dia of 20) if ( dia == 20 ) { Corner.Width += 1; Corner.Height += 1; r.Width -= 1; r.Height -= 1; } // top right Corner.X += ( r.Width - dia - 1 ); pPath.AddArc( Corner, 270, 90 ); // bottom right Corner.Y += ( r.Height - dia - 1 ); pPath.AddArc( Corner, 0, 90 ); // bottom left Corner.X -= ( r.Width - dia - 1 ); pPath.AddArc( Corner, 90, 90 ); // end path pPath.CloseFigure( ); } /// /// DrawRoundRect /// Credit: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL) /// /// This function draws a rounded rectangle using the passed rectangle, radius, pen color, and pen width. /// The second workaround involves using a pen width of 1 and drawing “width” number of rectangles, /// decrementing the size of the rect each time.That alone is insufficient, because it will leave /// holes at the corners. Instead, this deflates only the x, draws the rect, then deflates the y, and draws again. /// private void DrawRoundRect( Graphics pGraphics, Rectangle r, Color color, int radius, int width ) { int dia = 2 * radius; // set to pixel mode var oldPageUnit = pGraphics.PageUnit; pGraphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; // define the pen var pen = new Pen( color, 1 ); pen.Alignment = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PenAlignment.Center; // get the corner path var path = new GraphicsPath( ); // get path GetRoundRectPath( ref path, r, dia ); // draw the round rect pGraphics.DrawPath( pen, path ); // if width > 1 for ( int i = 1; i < width; i++ ) { r.Inflate( -1, 0 ); // left stroke GetRoundRectPath( ref path, r, dia ); // get the path pGraphics.DrawPath( pen, path ); // draw the round rect r.Inflate( 0, -1 ); // up stroke GetRoundRectPath( ref path, r, dia ); // get the path pGraphics.DrawPath( pen, path ); // draw the round rect } // restore page unit pGraphics.PageUnit = oldPageUnit; } /// /// Draw a key /// /// /// /// private void DrawKey( Graphics g, Rectangle drawRect, string key ) { var printSize =Size.Add( Size.Ceiling( g.MeasureString( key, MapProps.MapFont ) ), new Size(18,18)); // get the surounding box for the Text var rect = new Rectangle( drawRect.Location, printSize ); rect.Offset( 0, ( drawRect.Height - printSize.Height ) / 2 ); // try to find the middle by shifting the drawing if ( rect.Width < rect.Height ) rect.Width = rect.Height; // minimum with DrawRoundRect( g, rect, MapProps.KbdSymbolPen.Color, 7, 3 ); rect.Inflate( -5, -5 ); DrawRoundRect( g, rect, MapProps.KbdSymbolPen.Color, 7, 3 ); rect.Inflate( -2, -2 ); g.DrawString( key, MapProps.MapFont, MapProps.KbdSymbolBrush, rect ); // write into the rectangle } #region IShape Implementation /// /// Draws the shape /// public override void DrawShape( Graphics g ) { // Key Symbol left of the Text Location if ( IsValid ) { var symbolRect = Rectangle; symbolRect.Offset( -120, 0 ); // TODO get a proper left offset rather than static (Should be left aligned though..) symbolRect.Width = 120; string key = WinApi.KbdScanCodeToVK((uint)DXGameKey); // might work.... if (IsSymbolShape) DrawKey( g, symbolRect, key ); } // draw the text base.DrawShape( g ); } #endregion } }