using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using SharpDX.DirectInput; using System.IO; using SCJMapper_V2.Common; using SCJMapper_V2.Actions; using SCJMapper_V2.SC; using SCJMapper_V2.Table; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Keyboard; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Mouse; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Gamepad; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Joystick; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Options; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Monitor; using SCJMapper_V2.Translation; using System.Threading; using SCJMapper_V2.Layout; namespace SCJMapper_V2 { public partial class MainForm : Form { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType ); private const string c_GithubLink = @""; private bool m_appLoading = true; // used to detect if we are loading (or running) // keyboard modifier handling variables private string m_persistentMods = ""; private const int c_modifierTime = 3500; // msec time before a modifier times out and will be removed private int m_modifierTimeout = 0; private bool m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // allow dumping SCJoyServer Commands into the XML Pane while true /// /// Holds the ActionTree that manages the TreeView and the action lists /// private ActionTree m_AT = null; /// /// Holds the Tuning Form /// private OGL.FormJSCalCurve JSCAL = null; /// /// Holds the Table Form /// private FormTable FTAB = null; #region Tools section // Means to identify the Gamepad TabPage // (the TAG is used as Int for JS as well - so don't change the ID type used) private const int ID_GAMEPAD_TAB = -99; /// /// Identify the Tab as Gamepad tab /// /// The tab page private void SetGamepadTab( TabPage page ) { page.Tag = ID_GAMEPAD_TAB; } /// /// Returns true if the tabPage is the Gamepad Page /// /// The tab page /// True if it is the Gamepad Tab private bool IsGamepadTab( TabPage page ) { // catch if the Tag is not an int... try { return ( (int)page.Tag == ID_GAMEPAD_TAB ); } catch { return false; } } /// /// Detects and returns the current Input device /// private Act.ActionDevice InputMode { get { // take care of the sequence.. mouse overrides key but both override joy and game if ( m_mouseIn ) { // 20151220BM: add mouse device (from AC 2.0 defaultProfile usage) return Act.ActionDevice.AD_Mouse; } else if ( m_keyIn ) { return Act.ActionDevice.AD_Keyboard; } else { if ( tc1.SelectedTab != null ) { if ( IsGamepadTab( tc1.SelectedTab ) ) { return Act.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad; } else { return Act.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick; } } return Act.ActionDevice.AD_Unknown; } } } /// /// Get the current JsN string for the active device tab /// /// The jsN string - can be jsx, js1..jsN private string JSStr() { UC_JoyPanel jp = (UC_JoyPanel)( tc1.SelectedTab?.Controls["UC_JoyPanel"] ); return jp?.JsName; } // tab index for the tcXML control private enum EATabXML { Tab_XML = 0, Tab_Assignment, } private void AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML tab ) { if ( AppSettings.Instance.AutoTabXML ) { if ( tcXML.SelectedIndex != (int)tab ) { tcXML.SelectedTab = tcXML.TabPages[(int)tab]; if ( tab == EATabXML.Tab_Assignment ) lblLastJ.Select( ); // select again as when changing the Tabs } } } private void UpdateDDMapping( string mapName ) { msSelectMapping.Text = mapName; AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName = mapName; AppSettings.Instance.Save( ); } /// /// Indicates if the SC directory is a valid one /// private void SCFileIndication() { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( SCPath.SCClientMappingPath ) ) msSelectMapping.BackColor = MyColors.InvalidColor; else msSelectMapping.BackColor = MyColors.MappingColor; } /// /// Returns true if the JS with index (0...) is hidden in AppSettings /// /// The JS index (0...) /// True if hidden private bool IsTabPageHidden( int jsIndex ) { return ( AppSettings.Instance.JSnHide.Contains( jsIndex.ToString( "D2" ) ) ); } // contains the index into the color map of this particular device // JS are 0..n, GP is GPtab index, not used is -1 private int[] m_tabMap = new int[12] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; // manage TabPage visibility private void ShowTabPages() { // only JS devices can be hidden foreach ( var dev in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) { dev.Hidden = IsTabPageHidden( dev.DevInstance ); } tc1.SuspendLayout( ); // reload all pages from the dev instance tc1.TabPages.Clear( ); // rebuild tab map for visible JS devices m_tabMap = new int[12] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; int i = 0; foreach ( var dev in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) { if ( !dev.Hidden ) { tc1.TabPages.Add( dev.TabPage ); m_tabMap[i++] = dev.DevInstance; } } if ( DeviceInst.GamepadRef != null ) { tc1.TabPages.Add( DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage ); m_tabMap[i++] = DeviceInst.GamepadRef.MyTabPageIndex; } // select the first tab if one is available if ( tc1.TabPages.Count > 0 ) tc1.SelectedTab = tc1.TabPages[0]; tc1.ResumeLayout( ); } /// /// Returns the assigned color of the Joystick from Settings /// /// The JS index (0...) /// An Argb Color private Color JsColorSetting( int jsIndex ) { // read JS Tab Colors string[] e = AppSettings.Instance.JSnColor.Split( new char[] { ',' } ); if ( jsIndex < e.Length ) { if ( int.TryParse( e[jsIndex], out int colInt ) ) { return Color.FromArgb( colInt ); } else { //invalid int... , use default return MyColors.TabColor[jsIndex]; } } else { // no color found, use default return MyColors.TabColor[jsIndex]; } } /// /// Update the TabPage Colors from Settings (only Joystick colors) /// private void UpdateTabPageColors() { // re-load TabPage colors for each JS device foreach ( var dev in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) { MyColors.TabColor[dev.DevInstance] = JsColorSetting( dev.DevInstance ); dev.TabPage.BackColor = MyColors.TabColor[dev.DevInstance]; } } #endregion #region Main Form Handling public void splash() { Application.Run( new AboutBox( ) ); } private Thread SplashT = null; public MainForm() { try { // Load the icon from our resources var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager( this.GetType( ) ); this.Icon = ( (Icon)( resources.GetObject( "$this.Icon" ) ) ); } catch { ; // well... } // Splash screen SplashT = new Thread( new ThreadStart( splash ) ); SplashT.Start( ); InitializeComponent( ); } private void MainForm_Deactivate( object sender, EventArgs e ) { timer1.Enabled = false; if ( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef != null ) DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Deactivate( ); if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef != null ) DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.Deactivate( ); } private void MainForm_Activated( object sender, EventArgs e ) { timer1.Enabled = true; if ( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef != null ) DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Activate( ); if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef != null ) DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.Activate( ); } private void MainForm_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "MainForm_FormClosing - Entry" ); // don't record minimized, maximized forms if ( this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal ) { AppSettings.Instance.FormSize = this.Size; AppSettings.Instance.FormLocation = this.Location; } if ( FTAB != null ) { AppSettings.Instance.FormTableLocation = FTAB.LastLocation; AppSettings.Instance.FormTableSize = FTAB.LastSize; AppSettings.Instance.FormTableColumnWidth = FTAB.LastColSize; FTAB.Close( ); FTAB = null; } AppSettings.Instance.Save( ); } private void LoadMappingDD() { SCMappings.UpdateMappingNames( ); msSelectMapping.DropDownItems.Clear( ); foreach ( string s in SCMappings.MappingNames ) { if ( SCMappings.IsExportedMapping( s ) ) { msSelectMapping.DropDownItems.Add( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( s ), IL2.Images["Exported"] ); } else if ( !SCMappings.IsUserMapping( s ) ) { msSelectMapping.DropDownItems.Add( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( s ), IL2.Images["RSI"] ); } else { msSelectMapping.DropDownItems.Add( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( s ), IL2.Images["User"] ); } } } /// /// Handle the load event /// /// /// private void MainForm_Load( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "MainForm_Load - Entry" ); // 20190711 - this needs to be done before updating the Pack... // init PTU folder usage at the very start if ( AppSettings.Instance.UsePTU ) log.Debug( "Using PTU Folders" ); lblPTU.Visible = AppSettings.Instance.UsePTU; TheUser.UsesPTU = AppSettings.Instance.UsePTU; SCFiles.Instance.UpdatePack( ); // update game files Tx.LocalizeControlTree( this ); Tx.LocalizeControlTree( cmCopyPaste ); Tx.LocalizeControlTree( cmAddDel ); msBtLoad.ToolTipText = Tx.Translate( msBtLoad.Name + "_TT" ); msBtDump.ToolTipText = Tx.Translate( msBtDump.Name + "_TT" ); msBtShow.ToolTipText = Tx.Translate( msBtShow.Name + "_TT" ); msBtConfig.ToolTipText = Tx.Translate( msBtConfig.Name + "_TT" ); msBtLoadMap.ToolTipText = Tx.Translate( msBtLoadMap.Name + "_TT" ); // some applic initialization // Assign Size property - check if on screen, else use defaults if ( Commons.IsOnScreen( new Rectangle( AppSettings.Instance.FormLocation, AppSettings.Instance.FormSize ) ) ) { this.Size = AppSettings.Instance.FormSize; this.Location = AppSettings.Instance.FormLocation; } string version = Application.ProductVersion; // get the version information // BETA VERSION; TODO - comment out if not longer //lblTitle.Text += " - V " + version.Substring( 0, version.IndexOf( ".", version.IndexOf( "." ) + 1 ) ); // PRODUCTION lblTitle.Text += " - V " + version + " beta"; // BETA log.InfoFormat( "Application Version: {0}", version.ToString( ) ); // tooltips where needed toolTip1.SetToolTip( this.linkLblReleases, c_GithubLink ); // allow to see where the link may head tsLblSupport.Text = "profile version = \"1\" optionsVersion = \"2\" rebindVersion = \"2\""; // XML RTB log.Debug( "Loading RTB" ); rtb.SelectionTabs = new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 }; // short tabs rtb.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler( rtb_DragEnter ); rtb.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler( rtb_DragDrop ); rtb.AllowDrop = true; // add Drop to rtb // load languages SCUiText.Instance.Language = SCUiText.Languages.profile; if ( Enum.TryParse( AppSettings.Instance.UseLanguage, out SCUiText.Languages lang ) ) { SCUiText.Instance.Language = lang; } treeView1.ShowNodeToolTips = AppSettings.Instance.ShowTreeTips; // load mappings log.Debug( "Loading Mappings" ); LoadMappingDD( ); msSelectMapping.Text = AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName; SCFileIndication( ); // load TabPage colors for ( int i = 0; i < MyColors.TabColor.Length; i++ ) { MyColors.TabColor[i] = JsColorSetting( i ); } // load other defaults log.Debug( "Loading Other" ); txMappingName.Text = AppSettings.Instance.MyMappingName; SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); foreach ( ToolStripDropDownItem d in msSelectMapping.DropDownItems ) { if ( d.Text == txMappingName.Text ) { UpdateDDMapping( txMappingName.Text ); break; } } // Init X things log.Debug( "Loading DirectX" ); if ( !InitDirectInput( ) ) { log.Fatal( "Initializing DirectXInput failed" ); MessageBox.Show( "Initializing DirectXInput failed - program exits now", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information ); Close( ); } log.Debug( "Loading last used mapping" ); if ( SCMappings.MappingFileExists( txMappingName.Text ) ) { rtb.LoadFile( SCMappings.MappingFileName( txMappingName.Text ), RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); InitActionTree( false ); Grab( ); AppSettings.Instance.MyMappingName = txMappingName.Text; AppSettings.Instance.Save( );// last used - persist txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.SuccessColor; } else { log.WarnFormat( "Last used mapping not available ({0})", txMappingName.Text ); txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ErrorColor; } // load Mouse menu strip if ( DeviceInst.MouseRef != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < DeviceInst.MouseRef.NumberOfButtons; i++ ) { var ts = new ToolStripMenuItem( "Button " + ( i + 1 ).ToString( ), null, new EventHandler( tmeItem_Click ) ); ts.Tag = ( i + 1 ).ToString( ); cmMouseEntry.Items.Add( ts ); } } // load show checkboxes cbxShowJoystick.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.ShowJoystick; cbxShowGamepad.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.ShowGamepad; cbxShowKeyboard.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.ShowKeyboard; cbxShowMouse.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.ShowMouse; cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.ShowMapped; // now update the contents according to new settings foreach ( JoystickCls j in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) j.ApplySettings( ); // init current Joystick int jsIndex = -1; if ( tc1.SelectedTab != null ) jsIndex = (int)tc1.SelectedTab.Tag; // gets the index into the JS list if ( jsIndex >= 0 ) DeviceInst.JoystickInst = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[jsIndex]; // Auto Tab XML cbxAutoTabXML.Checked = AppSettings.Instance.AutoTabXML; // poll the XInput log.Debug( "Start XInput polling" ); timer1_Tick( null, null ); timer1.Start( ); // this one polls the joysticks to show the props // Select XML tab to start with AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); m_appLoading = false; // no longer SplashT.Abort( ); } /// /// Handles the Exit button /// private void buttonExit_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "Shutting down now..." ); Close( ); } // TAB Control Events private void tc1_Selected( object sender, TabControlEventArgs e ) { if ( tc1.SelectedTab == null ) { DeviceInst.JoystickInst = null; } else { // init current Joystick int jsIndex = (int)tc1.SelectedTab.Tag; // gets the index into the JS list if ( jsIndex >= 0 ) DeviceInst.JoystickInst = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[jsIndex]; else DeviceInst.JoystickInst = null; } } /// /// Fancy tab coloring with ownerdraw to paint the callout buttons /// private void tc1_DrawItem( object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e ) { try { // get the BG color from the current TabColor Map. // as some devices can be hidden, use m_tabMap to find the 'real' index rather than using the tab index (this tabMap is updated on changes in Settings) // GP should be always the last JS +1 // -1 indicates - not used if ( m_tabMap[e.Index] < 0 ) return; // not used tab - should not happen.. Font f; Brush backBrush = new SolidBrush( MyColors.TabColor[m_tabMap[e.Index]] ); Brush foreBrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Black ); //The draw call sends all tabs to draw, the selected one needs to be with Bold font if ( e.Index == this.tc1.SelectedIndex ) { f = new Font( e.Font, FontStyle.Bold ); /* Rectangle tabRect = tc1.Bounds; Region tabRegion = new Region( tabRect ); Rectangle TabItemRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); for ( int nTanIndex = 0; nTanIndex < tc1.TabCount; nTanIndex++ ) { TabItemRect = Rectangle.Union( TabItemRect, tc1.GetTabRect( nTanIndex ) ); } tabRegion.Exclude( TabItemRect ); //e.Graphics.FillRegion( backBrush, tabRegion ); */ } else { f = e.Font; } //To set the alignment of the caption. string tabName = this.tc1.TabPages[e.Index].Text; StringFormat sf = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center }; //This will help you to fill the interior portion of selected tabpage. e.Graphics.FillRectangle( backBrush, e.Bounds ); Rectangle r = e.Bounds; r = new Rectangle( r.X, r.Y + 3, r.Width, r.Height - 3 ); e.Graphics.DrawString( tabName, f, foreBrush, r, sf ); sf.Dispose( ); if ( e.Index == this.tc1.SelectedIndex ) { f.Dispose( ); // we created this one } backBrush.Dispose( ); foreBrush.Dispose( ); } catch ( Exception Ex ) { log.Error( "Ex DrawItem", Ex ); MessageBox.Show( Ex.Message.ToString( ), "Error Occured", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information ); } } #endregion #region Initializations /// /// Resets the Action Tree /// private void InitActionTree( bool addDefaultBinding ) { log.Debug( "InitActionTree - Entry" ); // build TreeView and the ActionMaps if ( m_AT != null ) { m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent -= M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // disconnect the Event m_AT.Dispose( ); } m_AT = new ActionTree( ); log.DebugFormat( "InitActionTree - New AT: {0}", m_AT.GetHashCode( ).ToString( ) ); m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent += M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // connect the Event m_AT.Ctrl = treeView1; // the ActionTree owns the TreeView control m_AT.IgnoreMaps = AppSettings.Instance.IgnoreActionmaps; // provide the display items (init) m_AT.DefineShowOptions( cbxShowJoystick.Checked, cbxShowGamepad.Checked, cbxShowKeyboard.Checked, cbxShowMouse.Checked, cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked ); // Init with default profile filepath m_AT.LoadProfileTree( addDefaultBinding ); tslblProfileUsed.Text = SCDefaultProfile.UsedDefProfile; // SCA 2.2 show used profile // Activation Update tdiCbxActivation.Items.Clear( ); tdiCbxActivation.Items.AddRange( ActivationModes.Instance.Names.ToArray( ) ); tdiCbxActivation.SelectedIndex = 0; // apply a default JS to Joystick mapping - can be changed and reloaded from XML mappings // must take care of Gamepads if there are (but we take care of one only...) int joyStickIndex = 0; // Joystick List Index for ( int deviceTabIndex = 0; deviceTabIndex < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; deviceTabIndex++ ) { if ( tc1.TabPages.Count > deviceTabIndex ) { // valid Device Tab if ( IsGamepadTab( tc1.TabPages[deviceTabIndex] ) ) { ; // ignore gamepads } else if ( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Count > joyStickIndex ) { // there is a joystick device left.. DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[joyStickIndex].JSAssignment = joyStickIndex + 1; // assign number 1.. m_AT.ActionMaps.jsN[deviceTabIndex] = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[joyStickIndex].DevName; m_AT.ActionMaps.jsN_instGUID[deviceTabIndex] = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[joyStickIndex].DevInstanceGUID; m_AT.ActionMaps.jsN_prodGUID[deviceTabIndex] = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef[joyStickIndex].DevGUID; joyStickIndex++; } } } m_AT.FilterTree( txFilter.Text ); } // Helper: collect the joysticks here struct myDxJoystick { public Joystick js; public string prodName; } /// /// Aquire the DInput joystick devices /// /// public bool InitDirectInput() { log.Debug( "InitDirectInput - Entry" ); // Enumerate gamepads in the system. SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex gpDeviceIndex = SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.Any; // Initialize DirectInput log.Debug( " - Instantiate DirectInput" ); var directInput = new DirectInput( ); try { log.Debug( " - Get Keyboard device" ); DeviceInst.KeyboardInst = new KeyboardCls( new Keyboard( directInput ), this.Handle ); log.Debug( " - Get Mouse device" ); DeviceInst.MouseInst = new MouseCls( new Mouse( directInput ), this.Handle ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { log.Debug( " *** InitDirectInput phase 1 failed unexpectedly", ex ); return false; } // init devices List dxJoysticks = new List( ); SharpDX.XInput.Controller dxGamepad = null; // load from DirectX try { // scan the Input for attached devices log.Debug( " - Scan GameControl devices" ); foreach ( DeviceInstance instance in directInput.GetDevices( DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly ) ) { log.InfoFormat( " - GameControl: Type:{0} Device:{1}", instance.Type.ToString( ), instance.ProductName ); // Create the device interface log.Debug( " - Create the device interface" ); if ( AppSettings.Instance.DetectGamepad && ( instance.Usage == SharpDX.Multimedia.UsageId.GenericGamepad ) ) { // detect Gamepad only if the user wishes to do so for ( SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex i = SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.One; i < SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.Four; i++ ) { dxGamepad = new SharpDX.XInput.Controller( i ); if ( dxGamepad.IsConnected ) { log.InfoFormat( " - Scan Input {0} for gamepad - {1}", i, dxGamepad.GetCapabilities( SharpDX.XInput.DeviceQueryType.Gamepad ).ToString( ) ); gpDeviceIndex = i; break; // get only the first one } } } else { myDxJoystick myJs = new myDxJoystick { js = new Joystick( directInput, instance.InstanceGuid ), prodName = instance.ProductName }; dxJoysticks.Add( myJs ); log.DebugFormat( " - Create the device interface for: {0}", myJs.prodName ); } } } catch ( Exception ex ) { log.Debug( " *** InitDirectInput phase 2 failed unexpectedly", ex ); return false; } // Create the TabPages int tabs = 0; // do all joysticks int nJs = 0; // number the Joystick Tabs foreach ( myDxJoystick myJs in dxJoysticks ) { // we have the first tab made as reference so TabPage[0] already exists JoystickCls js = null; UC_JoyPanel uUC_JoyPanelNew = null; if ( tabs == 0 ) { // first panel - The Tab content exists already log.Debug( " - Add first Joystick panel" ); uUC_JoyPanelNew = UC_JoyPanel; } else { log.Debug( " - Add next Joystick panel" ); // setup the further tab contents along the reference one in TabPage[0] (the control named UC_JoyPanel) tc1.TabPages.Add( "" ); uUC_JoyPanelNew = new UC_JoyPanel( ); tc1.TabPages[tabs].Controls.Add( uUC_JoyPanelNew ); Tx.LocalizeControlTree( uUC_JoyPanelNew ); uUC_JoyPanelNew.Size = UC_JoyPanel.Size; uUC_JoyPanelNew.Location = UC_JoyPanel.Location; } // common part log.Debug( " - Create Joystick instance " + nJs.ToString( ) ); // does all device related activities for that particular item js = new JoystickCls( myJs.js, this, nJs, uUC_JoyPanelNew, tabs ) { TabPage = tc1.TabPages[tabs] }; DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Add( js ); // add to joystick list js.TabPage.Text = string.Format( "{0} {1}", Tx.Translate( "xJoystick" ), nJs + 1 ); // numbering is 1 based for the user js.TabPage.ToolTipText = string.Format( "{0}\n{1}", js.DevName, js.DevInstanceGUID ); toolTip1.SetToolTip( js.TabPage, js.TabPage.ToolTipText ); js.TabPage.Tag = js.DevInstance; // used to find the tab for polling js.TabPage.BackColor = MyColors.TabColor[tabs]; js.Hidden = IsTabPageHidden( js.DevInstance ); nJs++; // next joystick // next Joystick tab tabs++; if ( tabs >= JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX ) { log.Debug( " - Number of Device tabs reached MAX, cannot add more devices" ); break; // cannot load more JSticks than predefined Tabs } } // make the GP the LAST device if there is one. if ( ( tabs < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX ) && ( dxGamepad != null ) ) { log.Debug( " - Add Gamepad panel" ); if ( tabs > 0 ) { tc1.TabPages.Add( "" ); log.Debug( " - Add Gamepad as next panel" ); } tc1.TabPages[tabs].Text = Tx.Translate( "xGamepad" ) + " "; UC_GpadPanel uUC_GpadPanelNew = new UC_GpadPanel( ); tc1.TabPages[tabs].Controls.Add( uUC_GpadPanelNew ); Tx.LocalizeControlTree( uUC_GpadPanelNew ); uUC_GpadPanelNew.Size = UC_JoyPanel.Size; uUC_GpadPanelNew.Location = UC_JoyPanel.Location; if ( tabs == 0 ) { UC_JoyPanel.Enabled = false; UC_JoyPanel.Visible = false; // don't use this one } log.Debug( " - Create Gamepad instance" ); DeviceInst.GamepadInst = new GamepadCls( dxGamepad, uUC_GpadPanelNew, tabs ); // does all device related activities for that particular item DeviceInst.GamepadRef.SetDeviceName( GamepadCls.DevNameCIG ); // this is fixed ... DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage = tc1.TabPages[tabs]; DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage.ToolTipText = string.Format( "{0}\n{1}", DeviceInst.GamepadRef.DevName, " " ); toolTip1.SetToolTip( DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage, DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage.ToolTipText ); SetGamepadTab( DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage ); // indicates the gamepad tab (murks..) MyColors.TabColor[tabs] = MyColors.GamepadColor; // save it for future use of tab coloring (drawing) DeviceInst.GamepadRef.TabPage.BackColor = MyColors.TabColor[tabs]; DeviceInst.GamepadRef.Hidden = false; // always visible tabs++; // next tab } log.DebugFormat( " - Added {0} GameControl devices", tabs ); if ( tabs == 0 ) { log.Warn( " - Unable to find and/or create any joystick devices." ); MessageBox.Show( "Unable to create a joystick device. Program will exit.", "No joystick found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information ); return false; } // manage visibility of Tabs ShowTabPages( ); // load the profile items from the XML log.Debug( " - End of, InitActionTree now" ); InitActionTree( true ); return true; } #endregion #region Tree Handling /// /// Grab the rtb data and load them into config /// private void Grab() { log.Debug( "Grab - Entry" ); m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one m_AT.ActionMaps.fromXML( rtb.Text ); // Collect modifiers - simply overwrite existing ones as we deal with THIS file now tdiAddMod1.Visible = false; tdiAddMod2.Visible = false; tdiAddMod3.Visible = false; // make context menu invisible tdiAddMod1.Text = ""; tdiAddMod2.Text = ""; tdiAddMod3.Text = ""; // and clear /* if ( m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers.Count > 2 ) { tdiAddMod3.Text = string.Format( "MOD: {0}", m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[2] ); tdiAddMod3.Visible = true; // make a new one CheckBox cbx = new CheckBox(); cbx.Text = m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[2]; cbx.Checked = true; cbx.CheckedChanged += Cbx_CheckedChanged; flpExtensions.Controls.Add( cbx ); } if ( m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers.Count > 1 ) { tdiAddMod2.Text = string.Format( "MOD: {0}", m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[1] ); tdiAddMod2.Visible = true; // make a new one CheckBox cbx = new CheckBox(); cbx.Text = m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[1]; cbx.Checked = true; cbx.CheckedChanged += Cbx_CheckedChanged; flpExtensions.Controls.Add( cbx ); } if ( m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers.Count > 0 ) { tdiAddMod1.Text = string.Format( "MOD: {0}", m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[0] ); tdiAddMod1.Visible = true; // make a new one CheckBox cbx = new CheckBox(); cbx.Text = m_AT.ActionMaps.Modifiers[0]; cbx.Checked = true; cbx.CheckedChanged += Cbx_CheckedChanged; flpExtensions.Controls.Add( cbx ); } */ m_AT.DefineShowOptions( cbxShowJoystick.Checked, cbxShowGamepad.Checked, cbxShowKeyboard.Checked, cbxShowMouse.Checked, cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked ); m_AT.ReloadTreeView( ); // finally reload things into the tree btDump.BackColor = btClear.BackColor; btDump.UseVisualStyleBackColor = btClear.UseVisualStyleBackColor; // neutral again btGrab.BackColor = btClear.BackColor; btGrab.UseVisualStyleBackColor = btClear.UseVisualStyleBackColor; // neutral again // get the text into the view try { rtb.ScrollToCaret( ); } catch { ; // just ignore } UpdateTable( ); UpdateAssignmentList( ); } /// /// Dump Config into rtb /// private void Dump() { log.Debug( "Dump - Entry" ); m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); rtb.Text = string.Format( "\n{2}", DateTime.Now, txMappingName.Text, m_AT.toXML( txMappingName.Text ) ); btDump.BackColor = btClear.BackColor; btDump.UseVisualStyleBackColor = btClear.UseVisualStyleBackColor; // neutral again btGrab.BackColor = btClear.BackColor; btGrab.UseVisualStyleBackColor = btClear.UseVisualStyleBackColor; // neutral again } private void SetRebindField( string map ) { txRebind.Text = "pp_rebindkeys " + map; } #endregion #region Event Handling // *** Timer Events // polls the devices to get the latest update private void timer1_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // Handle Kbd modifier timeout for joystick m_modifierTimeout -= timer1.Interval; // decrement timeout if ( m_modifierTimeout < 0 ) m_modifierTimeout = 0; // prevent undeflow after long time not using modifiers if ( m_keyIn || tc1.SelectedTab?.Tag == null ) return; // don't handle those string ctrl = ""; if ( DeviceInst.JoystickRef == null ) { // no active joystick - may be a gamepad if ( DeviceInst.GamepadRef != null ) { // poll Gamepad if active DeviceInst.GamepadRef.GetData( ); ctrl = DeviceInst.GamepadRef.GetLastChange( ); timer1.Interval = 750; // allow more time to release buttons [msec] } } else { // poll active Joystick DeviceInst.JoystickRef.GetData( ); // poll the device // add keyboard modifier - if there are .. if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef == null ) { // no keyboard => no modifier ctrl = JSStr( ) + DeviceInst.JoystickRef.GetLastChange( ); // show last handled JS control } else { UpdateModifiers( ); // get the last keyboard modifer to compose the command, also handles the modifier lifetime ctrl = JSStr( ) + m_persistentMods + DeviceInst.JoystickRef.GetLastChange( ); // show last handled JS control } timer1.Interval = 150; // standard polling [msec] } lblLastJ.Text = ctrl; // Handle Throttle checkbox if ( JoystickCls.CanThrottle( ctrl ) ) { cbxThrottle.Enabled = true; } else { cbxThrottle.Checked = false; cbxThrottle.Enabled = false; } // Update joystick modifiers - not currently used //btMakeMod.Enabled = JoystickCls.ValidModifier( ctrl ); } // *** TreeView Events private void treeView1_NodeMouseClick( object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e ) { if ( e.Button == MouseButtons.Right ) { treeView1.SelectedNode = e.Node; // trigger ActionTree events.. } } private void treeView1_NodeMouseDoubleClick( object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e ) { if ( !m_dumpSCJScommands ) return; // disabled if ( e.Button == MouseButtons.Left ) { if ( e.Node.Level > 0 ) { string cmd = SCJServer.SCJScmd.GetCommand( e.Node ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( cmd ) ) { rtb.Text += $"{cmd}\n"; } } } } // Action Tree Event - manages the de/selection of a node private void M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent( object sender, ActionTreeEventArgs e ) { lblAction.Text = SCUiText.Instance.Text( e.SelectedAction ); lblAssigned.Text = e.SelectedCtrl; } // *** Show options private void cbxShowTreeOptions_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_AT == null ) return; // on init m_AT.DefineShowOptions( cbxShowJoystick.Checked, cbxShowGamepad.Checked, cbxShowKeyboard.Checked, cbxShowMouse.Checked, cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked ); m_AT.ReloadTreeView( ); if ( m_appLoading ) return; // don't assign while loading defaults AppSettings.Instance.ShowJoystick = cbxShowJoystick.Checked; AppSettings.Instance.ShowGamepad = cbxShowGamepad.Checked; AppSettings.Instance.ShowKeyboard = cbxShowKeyboard.Checked; AppSettings.Instance.ShowMouse = cbxShowMouse.Checked; AppSettings.Instance.ShowMapped = cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked; } // *** Assign Panel Items private void btFind_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_AT.FindAndSelectCtrl( JoystickCls.MakeThrottle( Act.DevInput( lblLastJ.Text, InputMode ), cbxThrottle.Checked ), "" ); // find the action for a Control (joystick input) } private void btAssign_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "btAssign_Click" ); if ( m_AT.UpdateSelectedItem( JoystickCls.MakeThrottle( lblLastJ.Text, cbxThrottle.Checked ), InputMode, true ) ) { if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; UpdateTableSelectedItem( ); } else MySounds.PlayNotfound( ); } private void btBlend_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "btBlend_Click" ); if ( m_AT.CanDisableBinding ) { m_AT.DisableBinding( ); UpdateTableSelectedItem( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } else MySounds.PlayCannot( ); } private void btClear_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { log.Debug( "btClear_Click" ); if ( m_AT.CanClearBinding || m_AT.CanDisableBinding ) { m_AT.ClearBinding( ); UpdateTableSelectedItem( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } else MySounds.PlayCannot( ); } // *** General Area Items private void btDump_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Dump( ); } private void btGrab_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Grab( ); } private void btClearFilter_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { txFilter.Text = ""; } private void txFilter_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_AT.FilterTree( txFilter.Text ); } private void cbxAutoTabXML_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { AppSettings.Instance.AutoTabXML = cbxAutoTabXML.Checked; AppSettings.Instance.Save( ); } // *** Toolstrip Items private void meResetDefaults_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one // start over and if chosen, load defaults from SC game InitActionTree( true ); rtb.Text = ""; UpdateTable( ); UpdateAssignmentList( ); } private void meResetEmpty_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one // start over cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked = false; // else it might get empty.. InitActionTree( false ); rtb.Text = ""; UpdateTable( ); UpdateAssignmentList( ); } private void meDumpMappingList_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); if ( AppSettings.Instance.UseCSVListing ) rtb.Text = string.Format( "-- {0} - SC Joystick Mapping --\n{1}", DateTime.Now, m_AT.ReportActionsCSV( AppSettings.Instance.ListModifiers ) ); else rtb.Text = string.Format( "-- {0} - SC Joystick Mapping --\n{1}", DateTime.Now, m_AT.ReportActions( ) ); } private void meDumpLogfile_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); rtb.Text = $"-- {DateTime.Now} - SC Joystick AC Path and Logfile --\n"; var devList = new DeviceList( ); rtb.Text += $"\n{devList.DumpDevices( )}\n{SCPath.Summary( )}\n{SCLogExtract.ExtractLog( )}"; devList = null; } private void meDumpDefaultProfile_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); rtb.Text = SCDefaultProfile.DefaultProfile( ); } private void meDumpActiontreeAsXML_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Dump( ); } // *** Dialogs // Show the Table Window private void meShowToggleTable_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { bool created = false; if ( FTAB == null ) { FTAB = new FormTable( ); FTAB.EditActionEvent += FTAB_EditActionEvent; FTAB.UpdateEditEvent += FTAB_UpdateEditEvent; created = true; } if ( FTAB.Visible ) { AppSettings.Instance.FormTableSize = FTAB.LastSize; AppSettings.Instance.FormTableLocation = FTAB.LastLocation; AppSettings.Instance.FormTableColumnWidth = FTAB.LastColSize; FTAB.Hide( ); } else { FTAB.Show( ); if ( created ) { FTAB.LastColSize = AppSettings.Instance.FormTableColumnWidth; } // reload the data to display UpdateTable( ); } } private void meShowOptionsDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { timer1.Enabled = false; // must be off while a modal window is shown, else DX gets crazy FormOptions OPT = new FormOptions( ); // Have to attach here to capture the currently valid settings // cleanup - Actions will be assigned new in below calls m_AT.ActionMaps.DeviceOptions.ResetDynamicItems( ); m_AT.ActionMaps.TuningOptions.ResetDynamicItems( ); UpdateAllTuningItems( JoystickCls.DeviceClass ); UpdateAllTuningItems( GamepadCls.DeviceClass ); UpdateAllTuningItems( MouseCls.DeviceClass ); DeviceList devlist = new DeviceList( ); if ( AppSettings.Instance.DetectGamepad && ( DeviceInst.GamepadRef != null ) ) { devlist.Add( DeviceInst.GamepadRef ); } devlist.AddRange( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ); devlist.Add( DeviceInst.MouseRef ); OPT.TuningOptions = m_AT.ActionMaps.TuningOptions; OPT.DeviceOptions = m_AT.ActionMaps.DeviceOptions; OPT.Devicelist = devlist; OPT.ShowDialog( this ); m_AT.Dirty = true; OPT = null; // get rid and create a new one next time.. devlist = null; if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; timer1.Enabled = true; } private void meShowDeviceTuningDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { timer1.Enabled = false; // must be off while a modal window is shown, else DX gets crazy JSCAL = new OGL.FormJSCalCurve( ); // Have to attach here to capture the currently valid settings // cleanup - Actions will be assigned new in below calls m_AT.ActionMaps.DeviceOptions.ResetDynamicItems( ); m_AT.ActionMaps.TuningOptions.ResetDynamicItems( ); UpdateTuningItems( ); // run JSCAL.TuningOptions = m_AT.ActionMaps.TuningOptions; JSCAL.ShowDialog( this ); m_AT.Dirty = true; JSCAL = null; // get rid and create a new one next time.. if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; timer1.Enabled = true; } private void meShowDeviceMonitoringDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { timer1.Enabled = false; // must be off while a modal window is shown, else DX gets crazy var MONITOR = new FormDeviceMonitor { ActionTree = m_AT }; MONITOR.ShowDialog( this ); MONITOR = null; // get rid and create a new one next time.. timer1.Enabled = true; } private void meShowLayoutDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // sanity check for the layout folder if ( !Directory.Exists( TheUser.LayoutsDir ) ) { MessageBox.Show( this, $"Layout folder is missing - should be: {TheUser.LayoutsDir}" ); } else { timer1.Enabled = false; // must be off while a modal window is shown, else DX gets crazy var LAYOUT = new FormLayout { ActionList = m_AT.ReportActionsSItemText( ) }; LAYOUT.ShowDialog( this ); LAYOUT = null; // get rid and create a new one next time.. timer1.Enabled = true; } } private void meDumpSCJoyServerCommands_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // clear the XML pane and allow double clicks to create commands from the action rtb.Clear( ); m_dumpSCJScommands = true; // enable this one rtb.Text = "Doubleclick items in the Action Tree to create commands\n\n"; } // *** Settings private void meSettingsDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // have to stop polling while the Settings window is open timer1.Enabled = false; if ( AppSettings.Instance.ShowSettings( "" ) != DialogResult.Cancel ) { AppSettings.Instance.Reload( ); // must reload in case of any changes in the form // Hide JS Tabs as needed ShowTabPages( ); // update JS colors UpdateTabPageColors( ); // then reload the profile and mappings LoadMappingDD( ); // indicates (in)valid folders SCFileIndication( ); // change language if needed if ( Enum.TryParse( AppSettings.Instance.UseLanguage, out SCUiText.Languages lang ) ) { SCUiText.Instance.Language = lang; } treeView1.ShowNodeToolTips = AppSettings.Instance.ShowTreeTips; // now update the contents according to new settings foreach ( JoystickCls j in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) j.ApplySettings( ); // update Seetings m_AT.IgnoreMaps = AppSettings.Instance.IgnoreActionmaps; // and start over with an empty tree InitActionTree( false ); UpdateTable( ); } timer1.Enabled = true; } private void meJsReassignDialog_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // have to stop polling while the Reassign window is open timer1.Enabled = false; if ( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.ShowReassign( ) != DialogResult.Cancel ) { // copy the action tree while reassigning the jsN mappings from OLD to NEW ActionTree newTree = m_AT.ReassignJsN( DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.JsReassingList ); // we have still the old assignment in the ActionMap - change it here (map does not know about the devices) JoystickCls j = null; // for all supported jsN devices for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) { j = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Find_InstanceForjsN( i + 1 ); if ( j != null ) { newTree.ActionMaps.jsN[i] = j.DevName; newTree.ActionMaps.jsN_instGUID[i] = j.DevInstanceGUID; newTree.ActionMaps.jsN_prodGUID[i] = j.DevGUID; } else { newTree.ActionMaps.jsN[i] = ""; newTree.ActionMaps.jsN_instGUID[i] = ""; newTree.ActionMaps.jsN_prodGUID[i] = ""; } } m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent -= M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // disconnect the Event m_AT = newTree; // make it the valid one m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent += M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // reconnect the Event m_AT.DefineShowOptions( cbxShowJoystick.Checked, cbxShowGamepad.Checked, cbxShowKeyboard.Checked, cbxShowMouse.Checked, cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked ); m_AT.ReloadTreeView( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } timer1.Enabled = true; } // *** Load maps private void msSelectMapping_DropDownItemClicked( object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e ) { UpdateDDMapping( e.ClickedItem.Text ); } private void meDefaultsLoadAndGrab_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one // start over InitActionTree( true ); rtb.Text = SCMappings.Mapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ); Grab( ); if ( SCMappings.IsUserMapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ) ) { txMappingName.Text = AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName; SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); } btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; } private void meResetLoadAndGrab_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one // start over InitActionTree( false ); rtb.Text = SCMappings.Mapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ); if ( SCMappings.IsUserMapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ) ) { txMappingName.Text = AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName; SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); } Grab( ); txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; } private void meLoadAndGrab_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one rtb.Text = SCMappings.Mapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ); Grab( ); if ( SCMappings.IsUserMapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ) ) { txMappingName.Text = AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName; SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); } btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; } private void meLoad_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_dumpSCJScommands = false; // disable this one rtb.Text = SCMappings.Mapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ); if ( SCMappings.IsUserMapping( AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName ) ) { txMappingName.Text = AppSettings.Instance.DefMappingName; SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); } btGrab.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; } // *** Context Menu Items // RTB Menu private void tsiCopy_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rtb.Focus( ); if ( rtb.SelectionLength > 0 ) rtb.Copy( ); } private void tsiPaste_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rtb.Focus( ); rtb.Paste( DataFormats.GetFormat( DataFormats.UnicodeText ) ); btGrab.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } private void tsiSelAll_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rtb.Focus( ); rtb.SelectAll( ); } private void tsiPReplace_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rtb.Focus( ); rtb.SelectAll( ); rtb.Paste( DataFormats.GetFormat( DataFormats.UnicodeText ) ); btGrab.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } private void tsiOpen_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( OFD.ShowDialog( this ) == DialogResult.OK ) { rtb.LoadFile( OFD.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); btGrab.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } } private void tsiSaveAs_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( SFD.ShowDialog( this ) == DialogResult.OK ) { rtb.SaveFile( SFD.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); } } // *** Node Menu private ActivationMode m_prevActivationMode = new ActivationMode( ActivationMode.Default ); private void cmAddDel_Opening( object sender, CancelEventArgs e ) { // note: the right click selected the node ContextMenuStrip cts = ( sender as ContextMenuStrip ); bool any2 = false; // Group 2 bool any3 = false; // Group 3 bool any4 = false; // Group 4 m_prevActivationMode = ActivationMode.Default; // switch Closing handling OFF in case we don't show anything if ( m_AT.CanAssignBinding ) { tdiAssignBinding.Text = Tx.Translate( tdiAssignBinding ) + ": " + JoystickCls.MakeThrottle( lblLastJ.Text, cbxThrottle.Checked ); } tdiAssignBinding.Visible = m_AT.CanAssignBinding; any2 = any2 || m_AT.CanAssignBinding; // Assign tdiBlendBinding.Visible = m_AT.CanDisableBinding; any2 = any2 || m_AT.CanDisableBinding; // Blend tdiClearBinding.Visible = m_AT.CanClearBinding; any2 = any2 || m_AT.CanClearBinding; // Clear tdiAddBinding.Visible = m_AT.CanAddBinding; any3 = any3 || m_AT.CanAddBinding; // Add tdiDelBinding.Visible = m_AT.CanDelBinding; any3 = any3 || m_AT.CanDelBinding; // Del // handle activation modes - there is a default one and the list of choosable ones // there is no further decision on can or cannot - any(2) is enough to know tdiCbxActivation.Visible = false; ActivationModes am = m_AT.ActivationModeSelectedItem( ); // have to fudge around with a descriptive text here if ( am[0] == ActivationMode.Default ) tdiTxDefActivationMode.Text = string.Format( "Profile: {0}", Tx.Translate( tdiTxDefActivationMode ) ); // show the default element else tdiTxDefActivationMode.Text = string.Format( "Profile: {0}", am[0].Name ); // show the default element if ( any2 && m_AT.IsMappedAction ) { m_prevActivationMode = am[1]; // this is the selected one tdiCbxActivation.Visible = true; any4 = true; tdiCbxActivation.Text = m_prevActivationMode.Name; } tdiSGroup1.Visible = any2; // separator tdiSGroup2.Visible = any3; // separator tdiSGroup3.Visible = any4; // separator tdiTxDefActivationMode.Visible = any4; e.Cancel = false; // !( any2 || any3 ); } // Collapses all but the selected node or the part where it is in private void tdiCollapseAll_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TreeNode selNodeActionMap = treeView1.SelectedNode; TreeNode selNodeParent = selNodeActionMap; // see if we have a parent.. if ( selNodeActionMap.Level > 1 ) selNodeParent = selNodeActionMap.Parent; treeView1.CollapseAll( ); selNodeParent.Expand( ); treeView1.SelectedNode = selNodeActionMap; treeView1.SelectedNode.EnsureVisible( ); } private void tdiExpandAll_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { treeView1.ExpandAll( ); treeView1.SelectedNode.EnsureVisible( ); } private void tdiCbxActivation_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { cmAddDel.Close( ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m_prevActivationMode.Name ) && ( m_prevActivationMode.Name != (string)tdiCbxActivation.SelectedItem ) ) { tdiCbxActivation.Text = (string)tdiCbxActivation.SelectedItem; // seems to have changed - evaluate // it is either one of the ActivationModes, or profile default m_AT.UpdateActivationModeSelectedItem( tdiCbxActivation.Text ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; m_prevActivationMode = ActivationMode.Default; // reset prev entry for next edit } } private void tdiAssignBinding_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { btAssign_Click( sender, e ); } private void tdiBlendBinding_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { btBlend_Click( sender, e ); } private void tdiClearBinding_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { btClear_Click( sender, e ); } private void tsiAddBinding_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // note: the right click selected the node log.Debug( "tsiAddBinding_Click" ); m_AT.AddBinding( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } private void tdiDelBinding_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // note: the right click selected the node log.Debug( "tdiDelBinding_Click" ); m_AT.DelBinding( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } // note: the right click selected the node private void tdiAddMod_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { } // rtb drop xml file private void rtb_DragEnter( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) { bool dropEnabled = true; if ( e.Data.GetDataPresent( DataFormats.FileDrop, true ) ) { string[] filenames = e.Data.GetData( DataFormats.FileDrop, true ) as string[]; foreach ( string filename in filenames ) { if ( System.IO.Path.GetExtension( filename ).ToUpperInvariant( ) != ".XML" ) { dropEnabled = false; break; } } } else { dropEnabled = false; } if ( dropEnabled ) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } else { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; } } private void rtb_DragDrop( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) { // Loads the file into the control. string[] droppedFilenames = e.Data.GetData( DataFormats.FileDrop, true ) as string[]; if ( droppedFilenames.Length > 0 ) rtb.LoadFile( droppedFilenames[0], RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); } // *** XML load and save private void btSaveMyMapping_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { bool cancel = false; AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_XML ); if ( SCMappings.IsValidMappingName( txMappingName.Text ) ) { Dump( ); if ( SCMappings.MappingFileExists( txMappingName.Text ) ) { cancel = ( MessageBox.Show( "File exists, shall we overwrite ?", "Save XML", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo ) == DialogResult.No ); } if ( !cancel ) { rtb.SaveFile( SCMappings.MappingFileName( txMappingName.Text ), RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); TheUser.BackupMappingFile( txMappingName.Text ); // backup copy of the old one rtb.SaveFile( TheUser.MappingFileName( txMappingName.Text ), RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText ); // also save the new one in the user space SetRebindField( txMappingName.Text ); // get the new one into the list LoadMappingDD( ); UpdateDDMapping( txMappingName.Text ); AppSettings.Instance.MyMappingName = txMappingName.Text; AppSettings.Instance.Save( );// last used - persist txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.SuccessColor; // autosave our XML for other activities string xmlList = $" \n{m_AT.ReportActionsXML( )}"; using ( StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText( TheUser.MappingXmlFileName( txMappingName.Text ) ) ) { sw.Write( xmlList ); } // autosave our Json for other activities var jexport = m_AT.ReportActionsJson( ); jexport.Comment = $"{DateTime.Now} - SC Joystick Mapping ({txMappingName.Text})"; jexport.WriteToFile( TheUser.MappingJsonFileName( txMappingName.Text ) ); } } else { txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ErrorColor; } } private void txMappingName_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( SCMappings.IsValidMappingName( txMappingName.Text ) ) { txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; } else { txMappingName.BackColor = MyColors.InvalidColor; } } // *** Hyperlink private void linkLblReleases_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e ) { this.linkLblReleases.LinkVisited = true; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( c_GithubLink ); } private void btClip_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Clipboard.SetText( txRebind.Text ); } // *** Joystick Tuning private void cbxInv_XY_MouseClick( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) { m_AT.Dirty = true; if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } /// /// Updates Gamedevice, Nodetext for one Tuning (Option) item from current assignment /// /// The device class /// The option to handle /// The corresponding action /// The actionmap to search for the action private bool UpdateTuningForDevice( string deviceClass, string optionName, string action, string actionmap ) { DeviceTuningParameter tuning = null; DeviceCls dev = null; string match = ""; string nodeText = ""; if ( JoystickCls.IsDeviceClass( deviceClass ) ) { match = ActionTreeNode.ComposeNodeActionText( action, "js" ); } else if ( GamepadCls.IsDeviceClass( deviceClass ) ) { match = ActionTreeNode.ComposeNodeActionText( action, "xi" ); } else if ( MouseCls.IsDeviceClass( deviceClass ) ) { match = ActionTreeNode.ComposeNodeActionText( action + "_mouse", "mo" ); // CIG cannot decide on terminology rules at all... } nodeText = m_AT.FindText( actionmap, match ); // returns "" or a complete text ("action - command") // check for exit states if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( nodeText ) ) return false; // EXIT - no node assigned if ( Act.IsDisabledInput( ActionTreeNode.CommandFromActionText( nodeText ) ) ) return false; // EXIT disabled item // find the device for the action if it is an axis (analog command) string command = ActionTreeNode.CommandFromActionText( nodeText ); if ( JoystickCls.IsAxisCommand( command ) ) { dev = DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Find_InstanceForjsN( JoystickCls.JSNum( command ) ); } else if ( GamepadCls.IsAxisCommand( command ) ) { dev = DeviceInst.GamepadRef; } else if ( MouseCls.IsAxisCommand( command ) ) { dev = DeviceInst.MouseRef; } // finally do the job.. if ( dev != null ) { // find the tuning item of the action string toID = Tuningoptions.TuneOptionIDfromJsN( deviceClass, dev.XmlInstance ); OptionTree ot = m_AT.ActionMaps.TuningOptions.OptionTreeFromToID( toID ); if ( ot == null ) return false; // EXIT no optiontree for the device tuning = ot.TuningItem( optionName ); // set defaults if ( tuning == null ) return false; // EXIT no tuning item for the device string doID = Deviceoptions.DevOptionID( dev.DevClass, dev.DevName, nodeText ); if ( m_AT.ActionMaps.DeviceOptions.ContainsKey( doID ) ) { tuning.AssignDynamicItems( dev, m_AT.ActionMaps.DeviceOptions[doID], nodeText ); } else { tuning.AssignDynamicItems( dev, null, nodeText ); } } return true; } /// /// Updates the option for the first device found only /// Used for the Tuning Dialog, only one item can be tuned /// /// The option to handle /// The corresponding action /// The actionmap to search for the action private void UpdateTuningPrioritized( string optionName, string action, string actionmap ) { bool retVal = UpdateTuningForDevice( JoystickCls.DeviceClass, optionName, action, actionmap ); if ( !retVal ) retVal = UpdateTuningForDevice( GamepadCls.DeviceClass, optionName, action, actionmap ); if ( !retVal ) retVal = UpdateTuningForDevice( MouseCls.DeviceClass, optionName, action, actionmap ); } /// /// Get the assigned controls for some commands used in Tuning Yaw,Pitch,Roll and the Strafe ones /// Connect deviceOption if known /// private void UpdateTuningItems() { UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_pitch", "v_pitch", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_yaw", "v_yaw", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_roll", "v_roll", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_strafe_vertical", "v_strafe_vertical", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_strafe_lateral", "v_strafe_lateral", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningPrioritized( "flight_move_strafe_longitudinal", "v_strafe_longitudinal", "spaceship_movement" ); } /// /// Get the assigned controls for other Options - if available... /// private void UpdateAllTuningItems( string deviceClass ) { UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_pitch", "v_pitch", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_yaw", "v_yaw", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_roll", "v_roll", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_strafe_vertical", "v_strafe_vertical", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_strafe_lateral", "v_strafe_lateral", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_move_strafe_longitudinal", "v_strafe_longitudinal", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_view_pitch", "v_view_pitch", "spaceship_view" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_view_yaw", "v_view_yaw", "spaceship_view" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_throttle_abs", "v_throttle_abs", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_throttle_rel", "v_throttle_rel", "spaceship_movement" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_aim_pitch", "v_aim_pitch", "spaceship_targeting" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "flight_aim_yaw", "v_aim_yaw", "spaceship_targeting" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "turret_aim_pitch", "v_aim_pitch", "spaceship_turret" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "turret_aim_yaw", "v_aim_yaw", "spaceship_turret" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "mgv_view_pitch", "v_view_pitch", "vehicle_general" ); UpdateTuningForDevice( deviceClass, "mgv_view_yaw", "v_view_yaw", "vehicle_general" ); } // *** Keyboard Input bool m_keyIn = false; bool m_mouseIn = false; private void btJsKbd_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_keyIn = ( !m_keyIn ); if ( m_keyIn ) { cbxThrottle.Checked = false; cbxThrottle.Enabled = false; // must be disabled.. if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef == null ) { m_keyIn = false; btJsKbd.ImageKey = "J"; return; } // bail out .. lblLastJ.BackColor = MyColors.KeyboardColor; btJsKbd.ImageKey = "K"; lblLastJ.Focus( ); DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.Activate( ); DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetData( ); // poll to aquire once } else { m_mouseIn = false; // not longer lblLastJ.BackColor = MyColors.ValidColor; btJsKbd.ImageKey = "J"; // m_Keyboard.Deactivate( ); // not longer with modifier mappings in AC 1.1 } } // Key down triggers the readout via DX Input private void lblLastJ_KeyDown( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) { if ( m_keyIn ) { DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetData( ); string modS = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetLastChange( false ); // modifiers only string keyModS = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetLastChange( true ); // modifiers+keyboard input // don't override modifiers when we are in mouse mode and the mod is the same and there is no kbd entry.... if ( m_mouseIn && ( keyModS == modS ) && ( m_persistentMods == ( modS + "+" ) ) ) { ; // nothing here - } else { m_mouseIn = false; // clear on kbd input - 20171226 must prepend text change lblLastJ.Text = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetLastChange( true ); } // also maintain persistent mods UpdateModifiers( ); } // don't spill the field with regular input e.SuppressKeyPress = true; e.Handled = true; } private void UpdateAssignmentList() { string devInput = Act.DevInput( lblLastJ.Text, InputMode ); RTF.RTFformatter RTF = new RTF.RTFformatter( ); m_AT.ListAllActionsRTF( devInput, RTF ); // have to check if throttle is used and if - add those to the list string altDevInput = JoystickCls.MakeThrottle( devInput, true ); if ( altDevInput != devInput ) { m_AT.ListAllActionsRTF( altDevInput, RTF ); } lbxOther.Rtf = RTF.RTFtext; } // text of input has changed private void lblLastJ_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { AutoTabXML_Assignment( EATabXML.Tab_Assignment ); UpdateAssignmentList( ); } // maintain the global modifier store private void UpdateModifiers() { if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef == null ) return; DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetData( ); string modS = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetLastChange( false ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( modS ) ) { if ( modS.Contains( KeyboardCls.ClearMods ) ) { // allow to cancel modifiers m_persistentMods = ""; // kill persistent ones } else { m_persistentMods = modS + "+"; m_modifierTimeout = c_modifierTime; // restart show interval } } else { if ( m_modifierTimeout <= 0 ) { m_persistentMods = ""; // modifier timed out m_mouseIn = false; } } } // *** Mouse Input private void cmMouseEntry_Opening( object sender, CancelEventArgs e ) { if ( !m_keyIn ) e.Cancel = true; } // processes all mouse context menu and some unreachable KBD item clicks private void tmeItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { ToolStripMenuItem ts = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( (string)ts.Tag ) ) return; string item = ""; string device = MouseCls.DeviceClass; if ( int.TryParse( (string)ts.Tag, out int btNum ) ) { // got a button (most likely..) item = "mouse" + btNum.ToString( ); } else if ( (string)ts.Tag == "X" ) item = "maxis_x"; else if ( (string)ts.Tag == "Y" ) item = "maxis_y"; else if ( (string)ts.Tag == "U" ) item = "mwheel_up"; else if ( (string)ts.Tag == "D" ) item = "mwheel_down"; else if ( (string)ts.Tag == "K_Tab" ) { item = "tab"; device = KeyboardCls.DeviceClass; } string ctrl = ""; // have to handle the two devices if ( MouseCls.IsDeviceClass( device ) ) { if ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef == null ) { // no keyboard = no modifier ctrl = MouseCls.MakeCtrl( item, "" ); // show last handled JS control } else { UpdateModifiers( ); ctrl = MouseCls.MakeCtrl( item, m_persistentMods ); // show last handled JS control } m_mouseIn = true; // for this one only } else if ( KeyboardCls.IsDeviceClass( device ) ) { UpdateModifiers( ); ctrl = KeyboardCls.MakeCtrl( item, m_persistentMods ); // show last handled JS control m_mouseIn = false; } lblLastJ.Text = ctrl; } #endregion #region DataTable Handling // Called when the table must be rebuild private void UpdateTable() { // only if needed if ( ( FTAB != null ) && FTAB.Visible ) { FTAB.SuspendDGV( ); m_AT.ActionMaps.ToDataSet( FTAB.DS_AMaps ); FTAB.ResumeDGV( ); FTAB.Populate( ); } } // Called when an entry has been modified private void UpdateTableSelectedItem() { // only if needed if ( ( FTAB != null ) && FTAB.Visible ) { string actionID = m_AT.SelectedActionID; m_AT.ActionMaps.UpdateDataSet( FTAB.DS_AMaps, actionID ); } } // called when the user clicks Update from the Table Window private void FTAB_UpdateEditEvent( object sender, UpdateEditEventArgs e ) { ActionTree newTree = m_AT.UpdateFromDataSet( FTAB.DS_AMaps ); // returns a null if no changes have been found if ( newTree != null ) { m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent -= M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // disconnect the Event m_AT = newTree; // make it the valid one m_AT.NodeSelectedEvent += M_AT_NodeSelectedEvent; // reconnect the Event m_AT.DefineShowOptions( cbxShowJoystick.Checked, cbxShowGamepad.Checked, cbxShowKeyboard.Checked, cbxShowMouse.Checked, cbxShowMappedOnly.Checked ); m_AT.ReloadTreeView( ); if ( m_AT.Dirty ) btDump.BackColor = MyColors.DirtyColor; } } // called when the user if the TAB form wants to edit a row private void FTAB_EditActionEvent( object sender, EditRowEventArgs e ) { m_AT.FindAndSelectActionKey( e.Actionmap, e.Actionkey, e.Nodeindex ); } #endregion } }