You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
public class OptionsInvert
public enum Inversions
flight_move_pitch = 0, // used also as array index - MUST remain 0
I_LAST // designates the last item for loop handling
public struct MappedActionRec
public MappedActionRec( String m, String a ) { Map = m; Action = a; }
public String Map;
public String Action;
// setup of mapped actions as of AC 1.0 (may need a change once in a while...)
//Note: sequence is matched with the Enum above
static public MappedActionRec[] MappedActions = {
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_pitch"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_targeting", "v_aim_pitch"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_view", "v_view_pitch"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_yaw"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_targeting", "v_aim_yaw"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_view", "v_view_yaw"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_roll"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_throttle_abs"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_strafe_vertical"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_strafe_lateral"),
new MappedActionRec("spaceship_movement", "v_strafe_longitudinal"),
private CheckBox m_cbInvert = null;
private DeviceCls m_device = null;
private String m_type = ""; // joystick OR xboxpad
private int m_devInstanceNo = -1; // jsN - instance in XML
String m_option = ""; // the option name (level where it applies)
// ctor
public OptionsInvert( Inversions item )
m_option = item.ToString();
#region Properties
public DeviceCls GameDevice
get { return m_device; }
m_device = value;
m_type = "";
m_devInstanceNo = -1;
if ( m_device == null ) return; // got a null device
if ( JoystickCls.IsDeviceClass( m_device.DevClass ) ) {
m_type = m_device.DevClass;
m_devInstanceNo = ( m_device as JoystickCls ).JSAssignment;
else if ( GamepadCls.IsDeviceClass( m_device.DevClass ) ) {
m_type = m_device.DevClass;
m_devInstanceNo = 1; // supports ONE gamepad
public int DevInstanceNo
get { return m_devInstanceNo; }
public bool InvertUsed
get { return m_cbInvert.Checked; }
set { m_cbInvert.Checked = value; }
public CheckBox CBInvert
set { m_cbInvert = value; }
public void Reset( )
m_cbInvert.Checked = false;
/// <summary>
/// Format an XML -options- node from the tuning contents
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The XML string or an empty string</returns>
public String Options_toXML( )
if ( InvertUsed == false ) return ""; // not used
if ( DevInstanceNo <= 0 ) return ""; // not assigned or not valid...
String tmp = "";
tmp += String.Format( "\t<options type=\"{0}\" instance=\"{1}\">\n", m_type, m_devInstanceNo.ToString( ) );
tmp += String.Format( "\t\t<{0} ", m_option );
if ( InvertUsed ) { // leave this IF in - to allow to extend the code for sensitivity
tmp += String.Format( "invert=\"1\" " );
tmp += String.Format( "/> \n" );// CIG get to default expo 2.something if not set to 1 here
tmp += String.Format( "\t</options>\n \n" );
return tmp;
/// <summary>
/// Read the options from the XML
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">A prepared XML reader</param>
/// <param name="instance">the Joystick instance number</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Boolean Options_fromXML( XmlReader reader, String type, int instance )
m_type = type;
String invert = "";
m_option = reader.Name;
m_devInstanceNo = instance;
if ( reader.HasAttributes ) {
invert = reader["invert"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( invert ) ) {
InvertUsed = false;
if ( invert == "1" ) InvertUsed = true;
reader.Read( );
return true;