You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
/// <summary>
/// should read the default profile - may be replacing the MappingVars once
/// </summary>
class DProfileReader
public Boolean ValidContent { get; set; }
private Stack<String> m_nodeNameStack = null; // element name stack - keeping track where we are
// state for the parser
enum EState
idle = 0,
private EState m_state = EState.idle;
// an action map and its actions
class Action
public String name { get; set; } // the action name
public String input { get; set; } // the input method K,J,X,P
public String defBinding { get; set; } // the default binding - may be useful
public String keyName
{ get { return input + name; } } // prep for TreView usage - create a key from input+name
class ActionMap : List<Action> // carries the action list
public String name { get; set; } // the map name
Dictionary<String, ActionMap> m_aMap = null; // key would be the actionmap name
ActionMap m_currentMap = null;
// actionmap names to gather (do we need them to be cofigurable ??)
private String[] c_exMaps = { "spaceship_general", "spaceship_view", "spaceship_movement", "spaceship_targeting", "spaceship_weapons", "spaceship_missiles",
"spaceship_defensive", "spaceship_auto_weapons", "spaceship_radar" , "spaceship_hud" , "IFCS_controls" , "" , "" , "" };
public DProfileReader( )
ValidContent = false; // default
/// <summary>
/// Returns the collected actionmaps as CSV (same format as MappingVars)
/// i.e. one line per actionmap where the first element is the actionmap and following are actions;defaultBinding lead by the input Key in uppercase (JKXP)
/// </summary>
public String CSVMap
String buf = "";
foreach ( ActionMap am in m_aMap.Values ) {
buf += + ";";
foreach ( Action a in am ) {
buf += a.keyName + ";" + a.defBinding + ";"; // add default binding to the CSV
buf += String.Format( "\n" );
return buf;
/// <summary>
/// Read one 'empty' XML element
/// <name [attr="" ..] />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xr">An XML reader @ StartElement</param>
/// <returns>True if reading can continue</returns>
private Boolean ReadEmptyElement( XmlReader xr )
Dictionary<String, String> attr = new Dictionary<string, string>( );
String eName = xr.Name;
switch ( xr.NodeType ) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
//Console.Write( "<{0}", xr.Name );
while ( xr.MoveToNextAttribute( ) ) {
attr.Add( xr.Name, xr.Value ); // save the attributes
//Console.Write( " {0}='{1}'", xr.Name, xr.Value );
if ( m_state == EState.inActionMap ) {
// processing a valid action map - collect actions
if ( eName.ToLower( ) == "action" ) {
// this is an action.. - collect it
// we collect actions for each input ie for K,J,X and P
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "joystick" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "J";
ac.defBinding = attr["joystick"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "keyboard" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "K";
ac.defBinding = attr["keyboard"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "xboxpad" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "X";
ac.defBinding = attr["xboxpad"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "ps3pad" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "P";
ac.defBinding = attr["ps3pad"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
}// if inmap
//Console.Write( ">\n" );
m_nodeNameStack.Pop( );
case XmlNodeType.Text:
//Console.Write( xr.Value );
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
//Console.Write( "</{0}>\n", xr.Name );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Read one XML element
/// <name attr="">
/// [ Xelement ]
/// </name>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xr">An XML reader @ StartElement</param>
/// <returns>True if reading can continue</returns>
private Boolean ReadElement( XmlReader xr )
Dictionary<String, String> attr = new Dictionary<string, string>( );
String eName = xr.Name;
switch ( xr.NodeType ) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
//Console.Write( "<{0}", xr.Name );
while ( xr.MoveToNextAttribute( ) ) {
attr.Add( xr.Name, xr.Value ); // save the attributes
//Console.Write( " {0}='{1}'", xr.Name, xr.Value );
// now here we could have an actionmap start
if ( m_state == EState.idle ) {
if ( m_nodeNameStack.Peek( ).ToLower( ) == "actionmap" ) {
// check for a valid one
String mapName = attr["name"];
String item = Array.Find( c_exMaps, delegate( String sstr ) {
return sstr == mapName;
} );
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( item ) ) {
// finally.... it is a valid actionmap
m_currentMap = new ActionMap( ); = mapName;
m_aMap.Add( mapName, m_currentMap ); // add to our inventory
m_state = EState.inActionMap; // now we are in and processing the map
else if ( m_state == EState.inActionMap ) {
// processing a valid action map - collect actions
if ( eName.ToLower( ) == "action" ) {
// this is an action.. - collect it
// we collect actions for each input ie for K,J,X and P
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "joystick" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "J";
ac.defBinding = attr["joystick"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "keyboard" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "K";
ac.defBinding = attr["keyboard"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "xboxpad" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "X";
ac.defBinding = attr["xboxpad"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
if ( attr.ContainsKey( "ps3pad" ) ) {
Action ac = new Action( ); = attr["name"];
ac.input = "P";
ac.defBinding = attr["ps3pad"];
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ac.defBinding ) ) m_currentMap.Add( ac ); // finally add it to the current map if it was bound
//Console.Write( ">\n" );
case XmlNodeType.Text:
//Console.Write( xr.Value );
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
//Console.Write( "</{0}>\n", xr.Name );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Read the xml part
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xr"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Boolean ReadXML( XmlReader xr )
Boolean retVal = true;
do {
if ( xr.IsStartElement( ) ) {
m_nodeNameStack.Push( xr.Name );
if ( xr.IsEmptyElement )
retVal = retVal && ReadEmptyElement( xr );
else {
retVal = retVal && ReadElement( xr );
else if ( xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement ) {
//Console.Write( "</{0}>\n", xr.Name );
String exitElement = m_nodeNameStack.Pop( );
if ( m_state == EState.inActionMap )
if ( exitElement.ToLower( ) == "actionmap" ) m_state = EState.idle; // finished
} while ( xr.Read( ) );
if ( m_nodeNameStack.Count == 0 )
return retVal && true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Read the defaultProfile.xml - do some sanity check
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xml">the XML action defaultProfile Content</param>
/// <returns>True if an action was decoded</returns>
public Boolean fromXML( String xml )
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings( );
settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment;
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create( new StringReader( xml ), settings );
m_nodeNameStack = new Stack<String>( );
m_aMap = new Dictionary<String, ActionMap>( );
reader.Read( );
ValidContent = ReadXML( reader );
return ValidContent;