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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
/// <summary>
/// Maintains one ActionCommand
/// AC2 style input is used i.e. with device tag in front
/// commands are a built from as devID_input where ..
/// devID: jsN, mo1, xi1, kb1, thumbl_down and modified ones: ralt+button1 (modifier+deviceinput)
/// input: x, mouse1, r, and ~ as internal blend (defined in DeviceCls)
/// </summary>
public class ActionCommandCls
/// <summary>
/// The Input commands used incl. modifiers (mod+command)
/// </summary>
public String Input { get; set; } // AC2 style: input command name AC2 e.g. x, mouse1, r, "~" to blend
/// <summary>
/// The device ID of the device (jsN, mo1, kb1, xi1)
/// </summary>
public String DevID { get; set; } // the device ID (jsN, mo1, xi1, kb1)
/// <summary>
/// The complete input string (devID_input)
/// Assuming internally blended ones only (i.e. no space blends contained)
/// Can derive if a device tag is given
/// </summary>
public String DevInput {
get {
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Input ) )
return Input; // no Input - return empty
else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( DevID ) )
return Input; // no devID - return input only
return String.Format( "{0}_{1}", DevID, Input ); // fully qualified only if both exist
set {
// decompose the deviceInput into parts
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) { // no Input - insert input empty
Input = ""; // empty one
else if ( value.IndexOf("_") == 3 ) { // fully qualified only if both exist
DevID = value.Substring( 0, 3 );
Input = value.Substring( 4 );
else { // no device - insert input empty
// treat as input only
Input = value;
/// <summary>
/// The index of the visible child node (-1 -> shown in ActionNode)
/// </summary>
public int NodeIndex { get; set; } // index of the vis treenode
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( )
// init with something to debug if needed
Input = "UNDEF";
DevID = "NA0";
NodeIndex = -1;
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( ActionCommandCls other )
Input = other.Input;
DevID = other.DevID;
NodeIndex = other.NodeIndex;
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( String devInp )
DevInput = devInp;
NodeIndex = -1;
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( String devInp, int nodeIx )
DevInput = devInp;
NodeIndex = nodeIx;
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( String dev, String inp )
Input = inp;
DevID = dev;
NodeIndex = -1;
// ctor
public ActionCommandCls( String dev, String inp, int nodeIx )
Input = inp;
DevID = dev;
NodeIndex = nodeIx;
/// <summary>
/// Copy return the action while reassigning the JsN Tag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
/// <returns>The action copy with reassigned input</returns>
public ActionCommandCls ReassignJsN( JsReassingList newJsList )
// full copy from 'this'
ActionCommandCls newAc = new ActionCommandCls( this );
// reassign the jsX part for Joystick commands
if ( this.DevID.StartsWith( "js" ) ) {
int oldJsN = JoystickCls.JSNum( this.DevID );
if ( JoystickCls.IsJSValid( oldJsN ) ) {
if ( newJsList.ContainsOldJs( oldJsN ) ) newAc.DevID = JoystickCls.ReassignJSTag( this.DevID, newJsList.newJsFromOldJs( oldJsN ) );
return newAc;
/// <summary>
/// Dump the action as partial XML nicely formatted
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the action as XML fragment</returns>
public String toXML( )
String r = "";
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( Input ) ) {
r = String.Format( " />\n" ); // actually an ERROR...
else {
// regular - apply XML formatting to internally blended items
r = String.Format( "input=\"{0}_{1}\" />\n", DevID, DeviceCls.toXML( Input ) );
return r;