You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
5.7 KiB

import { DataTypeEnum, LoopTypeEnum, PaymentTypes, SwapTypeEnum } from '../services/consts-enums-functions';
import { GetInfoRoot, RTLConfiguration } from './RTLconfig';
import { GetInfo, Invoice, Channel, Peer, PendingOpenChannel, UTXO } from './lndModels';
import { Invoice as InvoiceCLN, GetInfo as GetInfoCLN, Peer as PeerCLN, Channel as ChannelCLN, UTXO as UTXOCLN, Offer as OfferCLN, LookupNode as LookupNodeCLN } from './clnModels';
import { GetInfo as GetInfoECL, Peer as PeerECL, Channel as ChannelECL, Invoice as InvoiceECL, PaymentSent as PaymentSentECL } from './eclModels';
import { LoopQuote } from './loopModels';
import { ServiceInfo } from './boltzModels';
export interface MessageErrorField {
code: number;
message: string | any;
URL: string;
export interface MessageDataField {
key: string;
value: any;
title: string;
width: number;
type?: DataTypeEnum;
export interface InputData {
placeholder: string;
inputValue?: string | number | boolean;
inputType?: string;
min?: number;
max?: number;
step?: number;
width?: number;
hintText?: string;
hintFunction?: Function;
export interface OnChainLabelUTXO {
utxo: UTXO;
component?: any;
export interface OnChainSendFunds {
sweepAll: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface CLNOnChainSendFunds {
sweepAll: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface ChannelRebalanceAlert {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: { channels?: Channel[], selChannel?: Channel };
component?: any;
export interface OpenChannelAlert {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: { information: GetInfo, balance: number, peer?: Peer, peers?: Peer[] };
component?: any;
export interface CLNOpenChannelAlert {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: { information: GetInfoCLN, balance: number, utxos: UTXOCLN[], peer?: PeerCLN, peers?: PeerCLN[], isCompatibleVersion: boolean };
newlyAdded?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface CLNOpenLiquidityChannelAlert {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: { node: LookupNodeCLN, balance: number, requestedAmount: number, feeRate: number, localAmount: number };
newlyAdded?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface ECLOpenChannelAlert {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: { information: GetInfoECL, balance: number, peer?: PeerECL, peers?: PeerECL[] };
newlyAdded?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface InvoiceInformation {
invoice: Invoice;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
pageSize: number;
component?: any;
export interface CLNInvoiceInformation {
invoice: InvoiceCLN;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
pageSize: number;
component?: any;
export interface CLNPaymentInformation {
paymentType: PaymentTypes;
invoiceBolt11?: string;
pubkeyKeysend?: string;
bolt12?: string;
offerTitle?: string;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface CLNOfferInformation {
offer: OfferCLN;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
pageSize: number;
component?: any;
export interface ECLInvoiceInformation {
invoice: InvoiceECL;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
pageSize: number;
component?: any;
export interface ECLPaymentInformation {
sentPaymentInfo: any[];
payment: PaymentSentECL;
component?: any;
export interface ChannelInformation {
channel: Channel;
showCopy?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface CLNChannelInformation {
channel: ChannelCLN;
showCopy?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface ECLChannelInformation {
channel: ChannelECL;
channelsType?: string;
component?: any;
export interface PendingOpenChannelInformation {
pendingChannel: PendingOpenChannel;
component?: any;
export interface OnChainAddressInformation {
alertTitle?: string;
address: string;
addressType: string;
component?: any;
export interface ShowPubkeyData {
information: GetInfoRoot;
component?: any;
export interface LoopAlert {
channel: Channel;
minQuote: LoopQuote;
maxQuote: LoopQuote;
direction?: LoopTypeEnum;
component?: any;
export interface SwapAlert {
channel: Channel;
serviceInfo: ServiceInfo;
direction?: SwapTypeEnum;
component?: any;
export interface AlertData {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: Array<Array<MessageDataField>>;
scrollable?: boolean;
showQRName?: string;
showQRField?: string;
newlyAdded?: boolean;
showCopyName?: string;
showCopyField?: string;
component?: any;
openedBy?: string;
export interface ConfirmationData {
alertTitle?: string;
warningMessage?: string;
informationMessage?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: any;
scrollable?: boolean;
noBtnText?: string;
yesBtnText?: string;
flgShowInput?: boolean;
getInputs?: Array<InputData>;
component?: any;
export interface ErrorData {
alertTitle?: string;
titleMessage?: string;
message?: MessageErrorField;
scrollable?: boolean;
component?: any;
export interface AuthConfig {
appConfig?: RTLConfiguration;
component?: any;
export interface DialogConfig {
width?: string;
maxWidth?: string;
minHeight?: string;
data: AlertData | ConfirmationData | ErrorData | ChannelRebalanceAlert | OpenChannelAlert | CLNOpenChannelAlert | InvoiceInformation |
CLNPaymentInformation | CLNInvoiceInformation | CLNOfferInformation | ECLInvoiceInformation | ECLPaymentInformation | ChannelInformation | CLNChannelInformation |
PendingOpenChannelInformation | OnChainAddressInformation | ShowPubkeyData | LoopAlert | SwapAlert | AuthConfig |
OnChainLabelUTXO | OnChainSendFunds | CLNOnChainSendFunds | ECLChannelInformation | ECLOpenChannelAlert;