You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store';
import { DialogConfig } from '../shared/models/alertData';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { RTLConfiguration, Node, GetInfoRoot } from '../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import { FetchFile, Login, OpenSnackBar, ResetPassword, SetSelectedNode, UpdateNodeSettings, VerifyTwoFA } from '../shared/models/rtlModels';
import { RTLActions } from '../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
export const voidAction = createAction(RTLActions.VOID);
export const setApiUrl = createAction(RTLActions.SET_API_URL_ECL, props<{ payload: string }>());
export const updateRootAPICallStatus = createAction(RTLActions.UPDATE_API_CALL_STATUS_ROOT, props<{ payload: ApiCallStatusPayload }>());
export const closeAllDialogs = createAction(RTLActions.CLOSE_ALL_DIALOGS);
export const openSnackBar = createAction(RTLActions.OPEN_SNACK_BAR, props<{ payload: string | OpenSnackBar }>());
export const openSpinner = createAction(RTLActions.OPEN_SPINNER, props<{ payload: string }>());
export const closeSpinner = createAction(RTLActions.CLOSE_SPINNER, props<{ payload: string }>());
export const openAlert = createAction(RTLActions.OPEN_ALERT, props<{ payload: DialogConfig }>());
export const closeAlert = createAction(RTLActions.CLOSE_ALERT, props<{ payload: any }>());
export const openConfirmation = createAction(RTLActions.OPEN_CONFIRMATION, props<{ payload: DialogConfig }>());
export const closeConfirmation = createAction(RTLActions.CLOSE_CONFIRMATION, props<{ payload: boolean | any[] }>());
export const showPubkey = createAction(RTLActions.SHOW_PUBKEY);
export const fetchConfig = createAction(RTLActions.FETCH_CONFIG, props<{ payload: string }>());
export const showConfig = createAction(RTLActions.SHOW_CONFIG, props<{ payload: any }>());
export const updateSelectedNodeOptions = createAction(RTLActions.UPDATE_SELECTED_NODE_OPTIONS);
export const resetRootStore = createAction(RTLActions.RESET_ROOT_STORE, props<{ payload: Node }>());
export const fetchRTLConfig = createAction(RTLActions.FETCH_APPLICATION_SETTINGS);
export const setApplicationSettings = createAction(RTLActions.SET_APPLICATION_SETTINGS, props<{ payload: RTLConfiguration }>());
export const setSelectedNode = createAction(RTLActions.SET_SELECTED_NODE, props<{ payload: SetSelectedNode }>());
export const updateNodeSettings = createAction(RTLActions.UPDATE_NODE_SETTINGS, props<{ payload: UpdateNodeSettings }>());
export const updateApplicationSettings = createAction(RTLActions.UPDATE_APPLICATION_SETTINGS, props<{ payload: { showSnackBar: boolean, message: string, config: RTLConfiguration } }>());
export const setNodeData = createAction(RTLActions.SET_NODE_DATA, props<{ payload: GetInfoRoot }>());
export const logout = createAction(RTLActions.LOGOUT);
export const resetPassword = createAction(RTLActions.RESET_PASSWORD, props<{ payload: ResetPassword }>());
export const resetPasswordRes = createAction(RTLActions.RESET_PASSWORD_RES, props<{ payload: { token: string } }>());
export const isAuthorized = createAction(RTLActions.IS_AUTHORIZED, props<{ payload: string }>());
export const isAuthorizedRes = createAction(RTLActions.IS_AUTHORIZED_RES, props<{ payload: any }>());
export const login = createAction(RTLActions.LOGIN, props<{ payload: Login }>());
export const verifyTwoFA = createAction(RTLActions.VERIFY_TWO_FA, props<{ payload: VerifyTwoFA }>());
export const fetchFile = createAction(RTLActions.FETCH_FILE, props<{ payload: FetchFile }>());
export const showFile = createAction(RTLActions.SHOW_FILE, props<{ payload: any }>());