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import request from 'request-promise';
import { Logger, LoggerService } from '../../utils/logger.js';
import { Common, CommonService } from '../../utils/common.js';
import { Database, DatabaseService } from '../../utils/database.js';
import { CollectionFieldsEnum, CollectionsEnum, Offer } from '../../models/database.model.js';
import { CommonSelectedNode } from '../../models/config.model.js';
let options = null;
const logger: LoggerService = Logger;
const common: CommonService = Common;
const databaseService: DatabaseService = Database;
export const getMemo = (selNode: CommonSelectedNode, payment: any) => {
options.url = selNode.ln_server_url + '/v1/decode';
options.body = { string: payment.bolt11 };
return request.post(options).then((res) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: selNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Payment Decode Received', data: res });
payment.memo = res.description || '';
return payment;
}).catch((err) => {
payment.memo = '';
return payment;
function paymentReducer(accumulator, currentPayment) {
const currPayHash = currentPayment.payment_hash;
if (!currentPayment.partid) { currentPayment.partid = 0; }
if (!accumulator[currPayHash]) {
accumulator[currPayHash] = [currentPayment];
} else {
return accumulator;
function summaryReducer(accumulator, mpp) {
if (mpp.status === 'complete') {
accumulator.amount_msat = accumulator.amount_msat + mpp.amount_msat;
accumulator.amount_sent_msat = accumulator.amount_sent_msat + mpp.amount_sent_msat;
accumulator.status = mpp.status;
if (mpp.bolt11) { accumulator.bolt11 = mpp.bolt11; }
if (mpp.bolt12) { accumulator.bolt12 = mpp.bolt12; }
return accumulator;
function groupBy(payments) {
const paymentsInGroups = payments?.reduce(paymentReducer, {});
const paymentsGrpArray = Object.keys(paymentsInGroups)?.map((key) => ((paymentsInGroups[key].length && paymentsInGroups[key].length > 1) ? common.sortDescByKey(paymentsInGroups[key], 'partid') : paymentsInGroups[key]));
return paymentsGrpArray?.reduce((acc, curr) => {
let temp: any = {};
if (curr.length && curr.length === 1) {
temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(curr[0]));
temp.is_group = false;
temp.is_expanded = false;
temp.total_parts = 1;
delete temp.partid;
} else {
const paySummary = curr?.reduce(summaryReducer, { amount_msat: 0, amount_sent_msat: 0, status: (curr[0] && curr[0].status) ? curr[0].status : 'failed' });
temp = {
is_group: true, is_expanded: false, total_parts: (curr.length ? curr.length : 0), status: paySummary.status, payment_hash: curr[0].payment_hash,
destination: curr[0].destination, amount_msat: paySummary.amount_msat, amount_sent_msat: paySummary.amount_sent_msat, created_at: curr[0].created_at,
mpps: curr
if (paySummary.bolt11) { temp.bolt11 = paySummary.bolt11; }
if (paySummary.bolt12) { temp.bolt12 = paySummary.bolt12; }
return acc.concat(temp);
}, []);
export const listPayments = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'List Payments..' });
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) { return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error }); }
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/v1/listsendpays';
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Payment List Received', data: body.payments });
body.payments = body.payments && body.payments.length && body.payments.length > 0 ? groupBy(body.payments) : [];
return Promise.all(body.payments?.map((payment) => ((payment.bolt11) ? getMemo(req.session.selectedNode, payment) : (payment.memo = '')))).then((values) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Payments List with Memo Received', data: body.payments });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Payments', 'List Payments Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
export const postPayment = (req, res, next) => {
const { paymentType, saveToDB, bolt12, zeroAmtOffer, amount_msat, title, issuer, description } = req.body;
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) { return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error }); }
const options_body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body));
if (paymentType === 'KEYSEND') {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Keysend Payment..' });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/v1/keysend';
delete options_body.uiMessage;
delete options_body.fromDialog;
delete options_body.paymentType;
delete options_body.title;
delete options_body.issuer;
delete options_body.bolt11;
delete options_body.description;
delete options_body.bolt12;
delete options_body.zeroAmtOffer;
delete options_body.pubkey;
delete options_body.riskfactor;
delete options_body.localinvreqid;
delete options_body.exclude;
delete options_body.maxfee;
delete options_body.saveToDB;
options.body = options_body;
} else {
if (paymentType === 'OFFER') {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Sending Offer Payment..' });
} else {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Sending Invoice Payment..' });
if (paymentType === 'OFFER') {
// delete amount for zero amt offer also as fetchinvoice already has amount information
delete options_body.amount_msat;
delete options_body.uiMessage;
delete options_body.fromDialog;
delete options_body.paymentType;
delete options_body.destination;
delete options_body.extratlvs;
delete options_body.title;
delete options_body.issuer;
delete options_body.bolt12;
delete options_body.zeroAmtOffer;
delete options_body.pubkey;
delete options_body.saveToDB;
options.body = options_body;
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/v1/pay';
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Payment Sent', data: body });
if (paymentType === 'OFFER') {
if (saveToDB && bolt12) {
const offerToUpdate: Offer = { bolt12: bolt12, amountMSat: (zeroAmtOffer ? 0 : amount_msat), title: title, lastUpdatedAt: new Date(Date.now()).getTime() };
if (issuer) { offerToUpdate['issuer'] = issuer; }
if (description) { offerToUpdate['description'] = description; }
// eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style
return databaseService.validateDocument(CollectionsEnum.OFFERS, offerToUpdate).then((validated) => {
return databaseService.update(req.session.selectedNode, CollectionsEnum.OFFERS, offerToUpdate, CollectionFieldsEnum.BOLT12, bolt12).then((updatedOffer) => {
logger.log({ level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Offer Updated', data: updatedOffer });
return res.status(201).json({ paymentResponse: body, saveToDBResponse: updatedOffer });
}).catch((errDB) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Offer DB update error', error: errDB });
return res.status(201).json({ paymentResponse: body, saveToDBError: errDB });
}).catch((errValidation) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Payments', msg: 'Offer DB validation error', error: errValidation });
return res.status(201).json({ paymentResponse: body, saveToDBError: errValidation });
} else {
return res.status(201).json({ paymentResponse: body, saveToDBResponse: 'NA' });
if (paymentType === 'INVOICE') {
return res.status(201).json({ paymentResponse: body, saveToDBResponse: 'NA' });
if (paymentType === 'KEYSEND') {
return res.status(201).json(body);
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Payments', 'Send Payment Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });