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51 lines
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"multiPass": "password",
"port": "3000",
"SSO": {
"rtlSSO": 0,
"rtlCookiePath": "",
"logoutRedirectLink": ""
"nodes": [
"index": 1,
"lnNode": "LND Testnet",
"lnImplementation": "LND",
"Authentication": {
"macaroonPath": "<Complete path of the folder containing admin.macaroon for the node # 1>",
"lndConfigPath": "<Optional:Path of the lnd.conf if present locally or empty>"
"Settings": {
"flgSidenavOpened": "true",
"flgSidenavPinned": "true",
"menu": "Vertical",
"menuType": "Regular",
"theme": "dark-blue",
"satsToBTC": "false",
"bitcoindConfigPath": "<Optional: path of bitcoind.conf path if available locally>",
"enableLogging": "true",
"lndServerUrl": "<Service url for LND REST APIs for node # 1 e.g."
"index": 2,
"lnNode": "LND Mainnet",
"lnImplementation": "LND",
"Authentication": {
"macaroonPath": "<Complete path of the folder containing admin.macaroon for the node # 2>"
"Settings": {
"flgSidenavOpened": "true",
"flgSidenavPinned": "true",
"menu": "Vertical",
"menuType": "Regular",
"theme": "light-teal",
"satsToBTC": "false",
"bitcoindConfigPath": "",
"enableLogging": "true",
"lndServerUrl": "<Service url for LND REST APIs for node # 2 e.g."