You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

282 lines
15 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject, combineLatest } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table';
import { MatSort } from '@angular/material/sort';
import { MatPaginator, MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { faBullhorn, faExclamationTriangle, faUsers } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { DataService } from '../../../shared/services/data.service';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { AlertTypeEnum, APICallStatusEnum, DataTypeEnum, getPaginatorLabel, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS, ScreenSizeEnum, NODE_FEATURES_CLN, SortOrderEnum, CLN_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS, CLN_PAGE_DEFS } from '../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { GetInfo, LookupNode } from '../../../shared/models/clnModels';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { openAlert, openConfirmation } from '../../../store/rtl.actions';
import { RTLState } from '../../../store/rtl.state';
import { RTLEffects } from '../../../store/rtl.effects';
import { CLNOpenLiquidityChannelComponent } from '../open-liquidity-channel-modal/open-liquidity-channel-modal.component';
import { clnPageSettings, nodeInfoAndNodeSettingsAndBalance } from '../../store/cln.selector';
import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
import { ColumnDefinition, PageSettings, TableSetting } from '../../../shared/models/pageSettings';
import { CamelCaseWithReplacePipe } from '../../../shared/pipes/app.pipe';
selector: 'rtl-cln-liquidity-ads-list',
templateUrl: './liquidity-ads-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./liquidity-ads-list.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: getPaginatorLabel('Liquidity Ads') }
export class CLNLiquidityAdsListComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@ViewChild(MatSort, { static: false }) sort: MatSort | undefined;
@ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: false }) paginator: MatPaginator | undefined;
public nodePageDefs = CLN_PAGE_DEFS;
public selFilterBy = 'All';
public colWidth = '20rem';
public PAGE_ID = 'liquidity_ads';
public tableSetting: TableSetting = { tableId: 'liquidity_ads', recordsPerPage: PAGE_SIZE, sortBy: 'channel_opening_fee', sortOrder: SortOrderEnum.ASCENDING };
public askTooltipMsg = '';
public nodesTooltipMsg = '';
public displayedColumns: any[] = [];
public faBullhorn = faBullhorn;
public faExclamationTriangle = faExclamationTriangle;
public faUsers = faUsers;
public totalBalance = 0;
public information: GetInfo;
public channelAmount = 100000;
public channel_opening_feeRate = 10;
public node_capacity = 500000;
public channel_count = 5;
public liquidityNodesData: LookupNode[] = [];
public liquidityNodes: any = new MatTableDataSource([]);
public pageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
public pageSizeOptions = PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS;
public screenSize = '';
public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum;
public errorMessage = '';
public selFilter = '';
public apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload = { status: APICallStatusEnum.INITIATED };
public apiCallStatusEnum = APICallStatusEnum;
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store<RTLState>, private dataService: DataService, private commonService: CommonService, private rtlEffects: RTLEffects, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private camelCaseWithReplace: CamelCaseWithReplacePipe) {
this.askTooltipMsg = 'Specify the liquidity requirements for your node: \n 1. Channel Amount - Amount in Sats you need on the channel opened to your node \n 2. Channel opening fee rate - Rate in Sats/vByte that you are willing to pay to open the channel to you';
this.nodesTooltipMsg = 'These nodes are advertising their liquidity offering on the network.\nYou should pay attention to the following aspects to evaluate each node offer: \n- The total bitcoin deployed on the node, the more the better\n';
this.nodesTooltipMsg = this.nodesTooltipMsg + '- The number of channels open on the node, the more the better' +
'\n- The channel open fee which the node will charge from you\n- The routing fee which the node will charge on the payments, the lesser the better' +
'\n- The reliability of the node, ideally uptime. Refer to the information being provided by the node explorers';
this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize();
ngOnInit(): void {[0])).
subscribe((settings: { pageSettings: PageSettings[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }) => {
this.errorMessage = '';
this.apiCallStatus = settings.apiCallStatus;
if (this.apiCallStatus.status === APICallStatusEnum.ERROR) {
this.errorMessage = this.apiCallStatus.message || '';
this.tableSetting = settings.pageSettings.find((page) => page.pageId === this.PAGE_ID)?.tables.find((table) => table.tableId === this.tableSetting.tableId) || CLN_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS.find((page) => page.pageId === this.PAGE_ID)?.tables.find((table) => table.tableId === this.tableSetting.tableId)!;
if (this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.XS || this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.SM) {
this.displayedColumns = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tableSetting.columnSelectionSM));
} else {
this.displayedColumns = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tableSetting.columnSelection));
this.pageSize = this.tableSetting.recordsPerPage ? +this.tableSetting.recordsPerPage : PAGE_SIZE;
this.colWidth = this.displayedColumns.length ? ((this.commonService.getContainerSize().width / this.displayedColumns.length) / 10) + 'rem' : '20rem';;
combineLatest([, this.dataService.listNetworkNodes('?liquidity_ads=yes')]).pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[1])).
next: ([infoSettingsBalSelector, nodeListRes]) => {
this.information = infoSettingsBalSelector.information;
this.totalBalance = infoSettingsBalSelector.balance.totalBalance || 0;;
if (nodeListRes && !(<any[]>nodeListRes).length) { nodeListRes = []; }'Received Liquidity Ads Enabled Nodes: ' + JSON.stringify(nodeListRes));
this.apiCallStatus.status = APICallStatusEnum.COMPLETED;
(<any[]>nodeListRes).forEach((lqNode) => {
const a: string[] = [];
lqNode.address_types = Array.from(new Set(lqNode.addresses?.reduce((acc, addr) => {
if (addr.type?.includes('ipv') || addr.type?.includes('tor')) {
acc.push(addr.type?.substring(0, 3));
return acc;
}, a)));
this.liquidityNodesData = (<LookupNode[]>nodeListRes).filter((node) => node.nodeid !==;
}, error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Liquidity Ads Nodes Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
this.apiCallStatus.status = APICallStatusEnum.ERROR;
this.errorMessage = JSON.stringify(err);
onCalculateOpeningFee() {
this.liquidityNodesData.forEach((lqNode) => {
if (lqNode.option_will_fund) {
lqNode.channel_opening_fee = (+(lqNode.option_will_fund.lease_fee_base_msat || 0) / 1000) + (this.channelAmount * (+(lqNode.option_will_fund.lease_fee_basis || 0)) / 10000) + ((+(lqNode.option_will_fund.funding_weight || 0) / 4) * this.channel_opening_feeRate);
if (this.paginator) { this.paginator.firstPage(); }
onFilter() {
// this.liquidityNodes.filter = 'Changed';
applyFilter() {
this.liquidityNodes.filter = this.selFilter.trim().toLowerCase();
getLabel(column: string) {
const returnColumn: ColumnDefinition = this.nodePageDefs[this.PAGE_ID][this.tableSetting.tableId].allowedColumns.find((col) => col.column === column);
return returnColumn ? returnColumn.label ? returnColumn.label : this.camelCaseWithReplace.transform(returnColumn.column, '_') : 'All';
setFilterPredicate() {
this.liquidityNodes.filterPredicate = (node: LookupNode, fltr: string) => {
const newNode = ((node.alias) ? node.alias.toLocaleLowerCase() : '') + (node.channel_opening_fee ? node.channel_opening_fee + ' Sats' : '') +
(node.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_base_msat ? (node.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_base_msat / 1000) + ' Sats' : '') + (node.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_basis ? (this.decimalPipe.transform(node.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_basis / 100, '1.2-2') + '%') : '') +
(node.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_base_msat ? (node.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_base_msat / 1000) + ' Sats' : '') + (node.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths ? (node.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths * 1000) + ' ppm' : '') +
(node.address_types ? node.address_types.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + (curr === 'tor' ? ' tor' : curr === 'ipv' ? ' clearnet' : (' ' + curr.toLowerCase())), '') : '');
return newNode.includes(fltr);
// this.liquidityNodes.filterPredicate = (rowData: LookupNode, fltr: string) => {
// let rowToFilter = '';
// switch (this.selFilterBy) {
// case 'All':
// for (let i = 0; i < this.displayedColumns.length - 1; i++) {
// rowToFilter = rowToFilter + (
// (this.displayedColumns[i] === '') ?
// (rowData ? rowData..toLowerCase() : '') :
// (rowData[this.displayedColumns[i]] ? rowData[this.displayedColumns[i]].toLowerCase() : '')
// ) + ', ';
// }
// break;
// case '':
// rowToFilter = (rowData ? rowData..toLowerCase() : '');
// break;
// default:
// rowToFilter = (rowData[this.selFilterBy] ? rowData[this.selFilterBy].toLowerCase() : '');
// break;
// }
// return rowToFilter.includes(fltr);
// };
loadLiqNodesTable(liqNodes: LookupNode[]) {
this.liquidityNodes = new MatTableDataSource<LookupNode>([...liqNodes]);
this.liquidityNodes.sortingDataAccessor = (data: any, sortHeaderId: string) => ((data[sortHeaderId] && isNaN(data[sortHeaderId])) ? data[sortHeaderId].toLocaleLowerCase() : data[sortHeaderId] ? +data[sortHeaderId] : null);
this.liquidityNodes.sort = this.sort;
this.liquidityNodes.sort?.sort({ id: this.tableSetting.sortBy, start: this.tableSetting.sortOrder, disableClear: true });
this.liquidityNodes.paginator = this.paginator;
// this.liquidityNodes.filterPredicate = (rowData: LookupNode, fltr: string) => rowData.channel_count >= this.channel_count && rowData.node_capacity >= this.node_capacity;
// this.onFilter();
viewLeaseOn(lqNode: LookupNode, link: string) {
if (link === 'LN') {'' + lqNode.nodeid, '_blank');
} else if (link === 'AM') {'' + lqNode.nodeid, '_blank');
onOpenChannel(lqNode: LookupNode) {
const peerToAddChannelMessage = {
node: lqNode,
balance: this.totalBalance,
requestedAmount: this.channelAmount,
feeRate: this.channel_opening_feeRate,
localAmount: 20000
payload: {
data: {
alertTitle: 'Open Channel',
message: peerToAddChannelMessage,
component: CLNOpenLiquidityChannelComponent
onViewLeaseInfo(lqNode: LookupNode) {
const addArr = lqNode.addresses?.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (curr.address && curr.address.length > 40) { curr.address = curr.address.substring(0, 39) + '...'; }
return acc.concat(JSON.stringify(curr).replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace(/:/g, ': ').replace(/,/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;').replace(/"/g, ''));
}, <any>[]);
const featureDescriptions: string[] = [];
if (lqNode.features && lqNode.features.trim() !== '') {
const featureHex = parseInt(lqNode.features, 16);
NODE_FEATURES_CLN.forEach((feature) => {
if (!!(featureHex & ((1 << feature.range.min) | (1 << feature.range.max)))) {
const reorderedLQNode = [
[{ key: 'alias', value: lqNode.alias, title: 'Node Alias', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING },
{ key: 'last_timestamp', value: lqNode.last_timestamp, title: 'Last Timestamp', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.DATE_TIME }],
[{ key: 'nodeid', value: lqNode.nodeid, title: 'Node ID', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'compact_lease', value: lqNode.option_will_fund?.compact_lease, title: 'Compact Lease', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.STRING }],
[{ key: 'base_fee', value: lqNode.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_base_msat ? (lqNode.option_will_fund.lease_fee_base_msat / 1000) : 0, title: 'Lease Base Fee (Sats)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'fee_basis', value: lqNode.option_will_fund?.lease_fee_basis, title: 'Lease Base Basis (bps)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'channel_max_base', value: lqNode.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_base_msat ? (lqNode.option_will_fund.channel_fee_max_base_msat / 1000) : 0, title: 'Max Channel Routing Base Fee (Sats)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER },
{ key: 'channel_max_rate', value: (lqNode.option_will_fund?.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths || 0) * 1000, title: 'Max Channel Routing Fee Rate (ppm)', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'funding_rate', value: lqNode.option_will_fund?.funding_weight, title: 'Funding Weight', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER }],
[{ key: 'features', value: featureDescriptions, title: 'Features', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.ARRAY }],
[{ key: 'address', value: addArr, title: 'Address', width: 100, type: DataTypeEnum.ARRAY }]
payload: {
data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Lease Information',
noBtnText: 'Close',
yesBtnText: 'Open Channel',
message: reorderedLQNode
this.rtlEffects.closeConfirm.pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[2])).subscribe((confirmRes) => {
if (confirmRes) {
onDownloadCSV() {
if ( && > 0) {
this.commonService.downloadFile(, 'LiquidityNodes');
onFilterReset() {
this.node_capacity = 0;
this.channel_count = 0;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {<any>null);