You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
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import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil, withLatestFrom } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Payment, Invoice, ListInvoices } from '../../../shared/models/clnModels';
import { CommonService } from '../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { MONTHS, ScreenSizeEnum, SCROLL_RANGES } from '../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { fadeIn } from '../../../shared/animation/opacity-animation';
import { RTLState } from '../../../store/rtl.state';
import { payments, listInvoices } from '../../store/cln.selector';
import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../shared/models/apiCallsPayload';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../shared/services/logger.service';
selector: 'rtl-cln-transactions-report',
templateUrl: './transactions-report.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./transactions-report.component.scss'],
animations: [fadeIn]
export class CLNTransactionsReportComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public scrollRanges = SCROLL_RANGES;
public reportPeriod = SCROLL_RANGES[0];
public secondsInADay = 24 * 60 * 60;
public payments: Payment[] = [];
public invoices: Invoice[] = [];
public transactionsReportSummary = { paymentsSelectedPeriod: 0, invoicesSelectedPeriod: 0, amountPaidSelectedPeriod: 0, amountReceivedSelectedPeriod: 0 };
public transactionFilterValue = '';
public today = new Date(;
public startDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0);
public endDate = new Date(,, this.getMonthDays(,, 23, 59, 59);
public transactionsReportData: any = [];
public transactionsNonZeroReportData: any = [];
public view: [number, number] = [350, 350];
public screenPaddingX = 100;
public gradient = true;
public xAxisLabel = 'Date';
public yAxisLabel = 'Amount (Sats)';
public showYAxisLabel = true;
public screenSize = '';
public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum;
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private commonService: CommonService, private store: Store<RTLState>) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize();
this.showYAxisLabel = !(this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.XS || this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.SM);[0]),
subscribe(([paymentsSelector, invoicesSelector]: [{ payments: Payment[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }, { listInvoices: ListInvoices, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }]) => {
this.payments = paymentsSelector.payments;
this.invoices = invoicesSelector.listInvoices.invoices || [];
this.transactionsReportData = this.filterTransactionsForSelectedPeriod(this.startDate, this.endDate);
this.transactionsNonZeroReportData = this.prepareTableData();
this.commonService.containerSizeUpdated.pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[1])).subscribe((CONTAINER_SIZE) => {
switch (this.screenSize) {
case ScreenSizeEnum.MD:
this.screenPaddingX = CONTAINER_SIZE.width / 10;
case ScreenSizeEnum.LG:
this.screenPaddingX = CONTAINER_SIZE.width / 16;
this.screenPaddingX = CONTAINER_SIZE.width / 20;
this.view = [CONTAINER_SIZE.width - this.screenPaddingX, CONTAINER_SIZE.height / 2.2];'Container Size: ' + JSON.stringify(CONTAINER_SIZE));'View: ' + JSON.stringify(this.view));
@HostListener('mouseup', ['$event']) onChartMouseUp(e) {
if (e.srcElement.tagName === 'svg' && e.srcElement.classList.length > 0 && e.srcElement.classList[0] === 'ngx-charts') {
this.transactionFilterValue = '';
onChartBarSelected(event) {
if (this.reportPeriod === SCROLL_RANGES[1]) {
this.transactionFilterValue = event.series + '/' + this.startDate.getFullYear();
} else {
this.transactionFilterValue = event.series.toString().padStart(2, '0') + '/' + MONTHS[this.startDate.getMonth()].name + '/' + this.startDate.getFullYear();
filterTransactionsForSelectedPeriod(start: Date, end: Date) {
const startDateInSeconds = Math.round(start.getTime() / 1000);
const endDateInSeconds = Math.round(end.getTime() / 1000);
const transactionsReport: any[] = [];
this.transactionsReportSummary = { paymentsSelectedPeriod: 0, invoicesSelectedPeriod: 0, amountPaidSelectedPeriod: 0, amountReceivedSelectedPeriod: 0 };
const filteredPayments = this.payments?.filter((payment: Payment) => payment.status === 'complete' && payment.created_at && payment.created_at >= startDateInSeconds && payment.created_at < endDateInSeconds);
const filteredInvoices = this.invoices?.filter((invoice: Invoice) => invoice.status === 'paid' && invoice.paid_at && invoice.paid_at >= startDateInSeconds && invoice.paid_at < endDateInSeconds);
this.transactionsReportSummary.paymentsSelectedPeriod = filteredPayments.length;
this.transactionsReportSummary.invoicesSelectedPeriod = filteredInvoices.length;
if (this.reportPeriod === SCROLL_RANGES[1]) {
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
transactionsReport.push({ name: MONTHS[i].name, date: new Date(start.getFullYear(), i, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), series: [{ name: 'Paid', value: 0, extra: { total: 0 } }, { name: 'Received', value: 0, extra: { total: 0 } }] });
filteredPayments?.map((payment) => {
const monthNumber = new Date((payment.created_at || 0) * 1000).getMonth();
this.transactionsReportSummary.amountPaidSelectedPeriod = this.transactionsReportSummary.amountPaidSelectedPeriod + (payment.msatoshi_sent || 0);
transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[0].value = transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[0].value + ((payment.msatoshi_sent || 0) / 1000);
transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[0] = transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[0] + 1;
return this.transactionsReportSummary;
filteredInvoices?.map((invoice) => {
const monthNumber = new Date(+(invoice.paid_at || 0) * 1000).getMonth();
this.transactionsReportSummary.amountReceivedSelectedPeriod = this.transactionsReportSummary.amountReceivedSelectedPeriod + (invoice.msatoshi_received || 0);
transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[1].value = transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[1].value + ((invoice.msatoshi_received || 0) / 1000);
transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[1] = transactionsReport[monthNumber].series[1] + 1;
return this.transactionsReportSummary;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < this.getMonthDays(start.getMonth(), start.getFullYear()); i++) {
transactionsReport.push({ name: (i + 1).toString(), date: new Date((((i) * this.secondsInADay) + startDateInSeconds) * 1000), series: [{ name: 'Paid', value: 0, extra: { total: 0 } }, { name: 'Received', value: 0, extra: { total: 0 } }] });
filteredPayments?.map((payment) => {
const dateNumber = Math.floor((+(payment.created_at || 0) - startDateInSeconds) / this.secondsInADay);
this.transactionsReportSummary.amountPaidSelectedPeriod = this.transactionsReportSummary.amountPaidSelectedPeriod + (payment.msatoshi_sent || 0);
transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[0].value = transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[0].value + ((payment.msatoshi_sent || 0) / 1000);
transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[0] = transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[0] + 1;
return this.transactionsReportSummary;
filteredInvoices?.map((invoice) => {
const dateNumber = Math.floor((+(invoice.paid_at || 0) - startDateInSeconds) / this.secondsInADay);
this.transactionsReportSummary.amountReceivedSelectedPeriod = this.transactionsReportSummary.amountReceivedSelectedPeriod + (invoice.msatoshi_received || 0);
transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[1].value = transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[1].value + ((invoice.msatoshi_received || 0) / 1000);
transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[1] = transactionsReport[dateNumber].series[1] + 1;
return this.transactionsReportSummary;
return transactionsReport;
prepareTableData() {
return this.transactionsReportData?.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (curr.series[0] > 0 || curr.series[1] > 0) {
return acc.concat({ date:, amount_paid: curr.series[0].value, num_payments: curr.series[0], amount_received: curr.series[1].value, num_invoices: curr.series[1] });
return acc;
}, []);
onSelectionChange(selectedValues: { selDate: Date, selScrollRange: string }) {
const selMonth = selectedValues.selDate.getMonth();
const selYear = selectedValues.selDate.getFullYear();
this.reportPeriod = selectedValues.selScrollRange;
if (this.reportPeriod === SCROLL_RANGES[1]) {
this.startDate = new Date(selYear, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
this.endDate = new Date(selYear, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59);
} else {
this.startDate = new Date(selYear, selMonth, 1, 0, 0, 0);
this.endDate = new Date(selYear, selMonth, this.getMonthDays(selMonth, selYear), 23, 59, 59);
this.transactionsReportData = this.filterTransactionsForSelectedPeriod(this.startDate, this.endDate);
this.transactionsNonZeroReportData = this.prepareTableData();
this.transactionFilterValue = '';
getMonthDays(selMonth: number, selYear: number) {
return (selMonth === 1 && selYear % 4 === 0) ? (MONTHS[selMonth].days + 1) : MONTHS[selMonth].days;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {<any>null);