You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
6.9 KiB

@import "constants";
@include mat-core();
@mixin change-font($typography) {
@include mat-core($typography);
&.small-font {
.mat-header-cell {
font-weight: 700;
.mr-4 {
margin-right: 1rem !important;
.mat-menu-item, .mat-tree .mat-tree-node, .mat-tree .mat-nested-tree-node-parent {
min-height: $tree-node-height * 0.7;
height: $tree-node-height * 0.7;
.mat-primary .mat-select-panel .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple),
.mat-primary .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple):not(.mat-option-disabled) {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.1;
.genseed-message, .insecure-message, .validation-error-icon, .fa-icon-small, .top-icon-small {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.2;
.page-title-container, .page-sub-title-container {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.1;
& .page-title-img {
width: $small-font-size * 1.8;
height: $small-font-size * 1.8;
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.5;
.mat-icon-button .top-toolbar-icon.icon-pinned {
padding-top: 1rem;
.top-toolbar-icon .top-toolbar-img, .sidenav-img svg {
width: $small-font-size * 1.8;
height: $small-font-size * 1.8;
font-size: 1.5rem;
.horizontal-button .sidenav-img svg {
width: $small-font-size * 2.1;
height: $small-font-size * 2.1;
font-size: 2.2rem;
.material-icons, .invoice-info-header {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.5;
line-height: 2rem;
.mat-expansion-panel-header, .mat-menu-item, .mat-list .mat-list-item, .mat-nav-list .mat-list-item, .mat-option, .mat-select, .mat-selection-list .mat-list-item {
font-size: $small-font-size !important;
.logo {
font-size: $small-font-size * 2;
.font-60-percent {
font-size: $small-font-size * 0.6;
.fa-icon-regular {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.75;
.icon-large {
font-size: $small-font-size * 5;
.icon-medium {
font-size: $small-font-size * 2 !important;
.icon-small {
font-size: $small-font-size * 1.5 !important;
.icon-smaller {
font-size: $small-font-size * 0.75 !important;
.size-triple {
font-size: $small-font-size * 3;
.mat-icon-36 {
font-size: $small-font-size;
&.regular-font {
.mat-header-cell {
font-weight: 700;
.inner-sidenav-content {
padding-top: $regular-font-size;
.mat-tree .mat-tree-node, .mat-tree .mat-nested-tree-node-parent {
height: $tree-node-height;
.mat-primary .mat-select-panel .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple),
.mat-primary .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple):not(.mat-option-disabled) {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.1;
.genseed-message, .insecure-message, .validation-error-icon {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.2;
.page-title-container, .page-sub-title-container {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.1;
& .page-title-img {
width: 2rem;
height: 2rem;
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.3;
.mat-button .mat-icon-button .top-toolbar-icon.icon-pinned {
font-size: $regular-font-size;
.fa-icon-small, .top-icon-small, .invoice-info-header {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.5;
.top-toolbar-icon.icon-pinned {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.3;
.top-toolbar-icon .top-toolbar-img, .sidenav-img svg {
width: $regular-font-size * 1.8;
height: $regular-font-size * 1.8;
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.3;
.horizontal-button .sidenav-img svg {
width: $regular-font-size * 2.2;
height: $regular-font-size * 2.2;
font-size: 2.5rem;
.material-icons {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 2;
.mat-expansion-panel-header, .mat-menu-item, .mat-list .mat-list-item, .mat-nav-list .mat-list-item, .mat-option, .mat-select, .mat-selection-list .mat-list-item {
font-size: $regular-font-size !important;
.logo {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 2;
.font-60-percent {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 0.6;
.fa-icon-regular {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.75;
.icon-large {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 5;
.icon-medium {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 2 !important;
.icon-small {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 1.5 !important;
.icon-smaller {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 0.75 !important;
.size-triple {
font-size: $regular-font-size * 3;
.mat-icon-36 {
font-size: $regular-font-size;
&.large-font {
.mat-header-cell {
font-weight: 800;
.mat-tree .mat-tree-node, .mat-tree .mat-nested-tree-node-parent {
height: $tree-node-height;
.mat-primary .mat-select-panel .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple),
.mat-primary .mat-option.mat-selected:not(.mat-option-multiple):not(.mat-option-disabled) {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.1;
.genseed-message, .insecure-message, .validation-error-icon {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.2;
.page-title-container, .page-sub-title-container {
margin-top: 0.5rem;
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.1;
& .page-title-img {
width: $large-font-size * 2;
height: $large-font-size * 2;
font-size: $large-font-size * 2.1;
.fa-icon-small, .top-icon-small, .invoice-info-header {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.4;
.top-toolbar-icon.icon-pinned {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.25;
.top-toolbar-icon .top-toolbar-img, .sidenav-img svg {
width: $large-font-size * 2;
height: $large-font-size * 2;
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.25;
.horizontal-button .sidenav-img svg {
width: $large-font-size * 2.25;
height: $large-font-size * 2.25;
font-size: $large-font-size * 2;
.material-icons {
font-size: $large-font-size * 2.5;
.mat-expansion-panel-header, .mat-menu-item, .mat-list .mat-list-item, .mat-nav-list .mat-list-item, .mat-option, .mat-select, .mat-selection-list .mat-list-item {
font-size: $large-font-size !important;
.logo {
font-size: $large-font-size * 2;
.font-60-percent {
font-size: $large-font-size * 0.6;
.fa-icon-regular {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.75;
.icon-large {
font-size: $large-font-size * 5;
.icon-medium {
font-size: $large-font-size * 2 !important;
.icon-small {
font-size: $large-font-size * 1.5 !important;
.icon-smaller {
font-size: $large-font-size * 0.75 !important;
.size-triple {
font-size: $large-font-size * 3;
.mat-icon-36 {
font-size: $large-font-size;