export enum OfferFieldsEnum { BOLT12 = 'bolt12', AMOUNTMSAT = 'amountMSat', TITLE = 'title', VENDOR = 'vendor', DESCRIPTION = 'description' } export class Offer { constructor( public bolt12: string, public amountMSat: number, public title: string, public vendor?: string, public description?: string, public lastUpdatedAt?: number ) { } } export const validateDocument = (collectionName: CollectionsEnum, documentToValidate: any): any => { switch (collectionName) { case CollectionsEnum.OFFERS: return validateOffer(documentToValidate); case CollectionsEnum.PAGE_SETTINGS: return validatePageSettings(documentToValidate); default: return ({ isValid: false, error: 'Collection does not exist' }); } }; export const validateOffer = (documentToValidate): any => { if (!documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.BOLT12)) { return ({ isValid: false, error: CollectionFieldsEnum.BOLT12 + ' is mandatory.' }); } if (!documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.AMOUNTMSAT)) { return ({ isValid: false, error: CollectionFieldsEnum.AMOUNTMSAT + ' is mandatory.' }); } if (!documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.TITLE)) { return ({ isValid: false, error: CollectionFieldsEnum.TITLE + ' is mandatory.' }); } if ((typeof documentToValidate[CollectionFieldsEnum.AMOUNTMSAT] !== 'number')) { return ({ isValid: false, error: CollectionFieldsEnum.AMOUNTMSAT + ' should be a number.' }); } return ({ isValid: true }); }; export enum SortOrderEnum { ASCENDING = 'Ascending', DESCENDING = 'Descending' } export enum PageSettingsFieldsEnum { PAGE_ID = 'pageId', TABLES = 'tables' } export enum TableSettingsFieldsEnum { TABLE_ID = 'tableId', RECORDS_PER_PAGE = 'recordsPerPage', SORT_BY = 'sortBy', SORT_ORDER = 'sortOrder', SHOW_COLUMNS = 'showColumns' } export class TableSetting { constructor( public tableId: string, public recordsPerPage?: number, public sortBy?: string, public sortOrder?: SortOrderEnum, public showColumns?: any[] ) { } } export class PageSettings { constructor( public pageId: string, public tables: TableSetting[] ) { } } export const validatePageSettings = (documentToValidate): any => { let errorMessages = ''; if (!documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.PAGE_ID)) { errorMessages = errorMessages + CollectionFieldsEnum.PAGE_ID + ' is mandatory.'; } if (!documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLES)) { errorMessages = errorMessages + CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLES + ' is mandatory.'; } const tablesMessages = documentToValidate.tables.reduce((tableAcc, table: TableSetting, tableIdx) => { let errMsg = ''; if (!table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLE_ID)) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLE_ID + ' is mandatory.'; } if (!table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.SORT_BY)) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.SORT_BY + ' is mandatory.'; } if (!table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.SORT_ORDER)) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.SORT_ORDER + ' is mandatory.'; } if (!table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.RECORDS_PER_PAGE)) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.RECORDS_PER_PAGE + ' is mandatory.'; } if (!table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.SHOW_COLUMNS)) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.SHOW_COLUMNS + ' is mandatory.'; } if (table[CollectionFieldsEnum.SHOW_COLUMNS].length < 2) { errMsg = errMsg + CollectionFieldsEnum.SHOW_COLUMNS + ' should have at least 2 fields.'; } if (errMsg.trim() !== '') { tableAcc.push({ table: (table.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLE_ID) ? table[CollectionFieldsEnum.TABLE_ID] : (tableIdx + 1)), message: errMsg }); } return tableAcc; }, []); if (errorMessages.trim() === '' && tablesMessages.length && tablesMessages.length === 0) { return ({ isValid: true }); } else { const errObj = { page: (documentToValidate.hasOwnProperty(CollectionFieldsEnum.PAGE_ID) ? documentToValidate[CollectionFieldsEnum.PAGE_ID] : 'Unknown') }; if (errorMessages.trim() !== '') { errObj['message'] = errorMessages; } if (tablesMessages.length && tablesMessages.length > 0) { errObj['tables'] = tablesMessages; } return ({ isValid: false, error: JSON.stringify(errObj) }); } }; export enum CollectionsEnum { OFFERS = 'Offers', PAGE_SETTINGS = 'PageSettings' } export type Collections = { Offers: Offer[]; PageSettings: PageSettings[]; } export const CollectionFieldsEnum = { ...OfferFieldsEnum, ...PageSettingsFieldsEnum, ...TableSettingsFieldsEnum };