import request from 'request-promise'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import { Logger } from '../../utils/logger.js'; import { Common } from '../../utils/common.js'; import { WSServer } from '../../utils/webSocketServer.js'; export class LNDWebSocketClient { constructor() { this.logger = Logger; this.common = Common; this.wsServer = WSServer; this.webSocketClients = []; this.connect = (selectedNode) => { try { const clientExists = this.webSocketClients.find((wsc) => wsc.selectedNode.index === selectedNode.index); if (!clientExists && selectedNode.ln_server_url) { const newWebSocketClient = { selectedNode: selectedNode }; this.webSocketClients.push(newWebSocketClient); } } catch (err) { throw new Error(err); } }; this.fetchUnpaidInvoices = (selectedNode) => { this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Getting Unpaid Invoices..' }); const options = this.setOptionsForSelNode(selectedNode); options.url = selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/v1/invoices?pending_only=true'; return request(options).then((body) => { this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Pending Invoices Received', data: body }); if (body.invoices && body.invoices.length > 0) { body.invoices.forEach((invoice) => { if (invoice.state === 'OPEN') { this.subscribeToInvoice(options, selectedNode, invoice.r_hash); } }); } return null; }).catch((errRes) => { const err = this.common.handleError(errRes, 'WebSocketClient', 'Pending Invoices Error', selectedNode); return ({ message: err.message, error: err.error }); }); }; this.subscribeToInvoice = (options, selectedNode, rHash) => { rHash = rHash.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/[/]/g, '_'); this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Subscribing to Invoice ' + rHash + ' ..' }); options.url = selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/v2/invoices/subscribe/' + rHash; request(options).then((msg) => { this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Invoice Information Received for ' + rHash }); if (typeof msg === 'string') { const results = msg.split('\n'); msg = (results.length && results.length > 1) ? JSON.parse(results[1]) : JSON.parse(msg); msg.result.r_preimage = msg.result.r_preimage ? Buffer.from(msg.result.r_preimage, 'base64').toString('hex') : ''; msg.result.r_hash = msg.result.r_hash ? Buffer.from(msg.result.r_hash, 'base64').toString('hex') : ''; msg.result.description_hash = msg.result.description_hash ? Buffer.from(msg.result.description_hash, 'base64').toString('hex') : null; } msg['type'] = 'invoice'; msg['source'] = 'LND'; const msgStr = JSON.stringify(msg); this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Invoice Info Received', data: msgStr }); this.wsServer.sendEventsToAllLNClients(msgStr, selectedNode); }).catch((errRes) => { const err = this.common.handleError(errRes, 'Invoices', 'Subscribe to Invoice Error for ' + rHash, selectedNode); const errStr = ((typeof err === 'object' && err.message) ? JSON.stringify({ error: err.message + ' ' + rHash }) : (typeof err === 'object') ? JSON.stringify({ error: err + ' ' + rHash }) : ('{ "error": ' + err + ' ' + rHash + ' }')); this.wsServer.sendErrorToAllLNClients(errStr, selectedNode); }); }; this.setOptionsForSelNode = (selectedNode) => { const options = { url: '', rejectUnauthorized: false, json: true, form: null }; try { options['headers'] = { 'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': fs.readFileSync(join(selectedNode.macaroon_path, 'admin.macaroon')).toString('hex') }; } catch (err) { this.logger.log({ selectedNode: selectedNode, level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'WebSocketClient', msg: 'Set Options Error', error: JSON.stringify(err) }); } return options; }; this.disconnect = (selectedNode) => { const clientExists = this.webSocketClients.find((wsc) => wsc.selectedNode.index === selectedNode.index); if (clientExists) { this.logger.log({ selectedNode: clientExists.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'CLWebSocket', msg: 'Disconnecting from the LND\'s Websocket Server..' }); const clientIdx = this.webSocketClients.findIndex((wsc) => wsc.selectedNode.index === selectedNode.index); this.webSocketClients.splice(clientIdx, 1); } }; this.updateSelectedNode = (newSelectedNode) => { const clientIdx = this.webSocketClients.findIndex((wsc) => +wsc.selectedNode.index === +newSelectedNode.index); const newClient = this.webSocketClients[clientIdx]; newClient.selectedNode = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSelectedNode)); this.webSocketClients[clientIdx] = newClient; if (this.webSocketClients[clientIdx].selectedNode.ln_version === '' || !this.webSocketClients[clientIdx].selectedNode.ln_version || this.common.isVersionCompatible(this.webSocketClients[clientIdx].selectedNode.ln_version, '0.11.0')) { this.fetchUnpaidInvoices(this.webSocketClients[clientIdx].selectedNode); } }; this.wsServer.eventEmitterLND.on('CONNECT', (nodeIndex) => { this.connect(this.common.findNode(+nodeIndex)); }); this.wsServer.eventEmitterLND.on('DISCONNECT', (nodeIndex) => { this.disconnect(this.common.findNode(+nodeIndex)); }); } } export const LNDWSClient = new LNDWebSocketClient();