import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { takeUntil, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { faUserLock, faUserClock, faInfoCircle, faLock } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import * as sha256 from 'sha256'; import { TwoFactorAuthComponent } from '../../data-modal/two-factor-auth/two-factor-auth.component'; import { RTLConfiguration, ConfigSettingsNode } from '../../../models/RTLconfig'; import { PASSWORD_BLACKLIST, RTLActions, UI_MESSAGES } from '../../../services/consts-enums-functions'; import { SessionService } from '../../../services/session.service'; import { openAlert, resetPassword, setSelectedNode } from '../../../../store/rtl.actions'; import { RTLState } from '../../../../store/rtl.state'; import { rootAppConfig, rootSelectedNode } from '../../../../store/rtl.selector'; import { LoggerService } from '../../../services/logger.service'; @Component({ selector: 'rtl-auth-settings', templateUrl: './auth-settings.component.html', styleUrls: ['./auth-settings.component.scss'] }) export class AuthSettingsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('authForm', { static: false }) form: any; public faInfoCircle = faInfoCircle; public faUserLock = faUserLock; public faUserClock = faUserClock; public faLock = faLock; public currPassword = ''; public newPassword = ''; public confirmPassword = ''; public errorMsg = ''; public errorConfirmMsg = ''; public initializeNodeData = false; public appConfig: RTLConfiguration; public selNode: ConfigSettingsNode | any; unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store, private actions: Actions, private router: Router, private sessionService: SessionService) { } ngOnInit() { this.initializeNodeData = this.sessionService.getItem('defaultPassword') === 'true';[0])).subscribe((appConfig) => { this.appConfig = appConfig;; });[1])).subscribe((selNode) => { this.selNode = selNode; }); this.actions.pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[2]), filter((action) => action.type === RTLActions.RESET_PASSWORD_RES)). subscribe((action: any) => { if (PASSWORD_BLACKLIST.includes(this.currPassword.toLowerCase())) { // To redirect after initial password reset is done switch (this.selNode.lnImplementation?.toUpperCase()) { case 'CLN': this.router.navigate(['/cln/home']); break; case 'ECL': this.router.navigate(['/ecl/home']); break; default: this.router.navigate(['/lnd/home']); break; } } if (this.form) { this.form.resetForm(); } }); } onChangePassword(): boolean | void { if (!this.currPassword || !this.newPassword || !this.confirmPassword || this.currPassword === this.newPassword || this.newPassword !== this.confirmPassword || PASSWORD_BLACKLIST.includes(this.newPassword.toLowerCase())) { return true; }{ payload: { currPassword: sha256(this.currPassword).toString(), newPassword: sha256(this.newPassword).toString() } })); } matchOldAndNewPasswords(): boolean { let invalid = false; if (this.form && this.form.controls && this.form.controls.newpassword) { if (!this.newPassword) { this.form.controls.newpassword.setErrors({ invalid: true }); this.errorMsg = 'New password is required.'; invalid = true; } else if (this.currPassword !== '' && this.newPassword !== '' && this.currPassword === this.newPassword) { this.form.controls.newpassword.setErrors({ invalid: true }); this.errorMsg = 'Old and New password cannot be same.'; invalid = true; } else if (PASSWORD_BLACKLIST.includes(this.newPassword.toLowerCase())) { this.form.controls.newpassword.setErrors({ invalid: true }); this.errorMsg = PASSWORD_BLACKLIST?.reduce((totalList, currentPass, i) => ((i < (PASSWORD_BLACKLIST.length - 1)) ? (totalList + currentPass + '" / "') : (totalList + currentPass + '".')), 'Password cannot be "'); invalid = true; } else { this.form.controls.newpassword.setErrors(null); this.errorMsg = ''; invalid = false; } } return invalid; } matchNewPasswords(): boolean { let invalid = false; if (this.form && this.form.controls && this.form.controls.confirmpassword) { if (!this.confirmPassword) { this.form.controls.confirmpassword.setErrors({ invalid: true }); this.errorConfirmMsg = 'Confirm password is required.'; invalid = true; } else if (this.newPassword !== '' && this.confirmPassword !== '' && this.newPassword !== this.confirmPassword) { this.form.controls.confirmpassword.setErrors({ invalid: true }); this.errorConfirmMsg = 'New and confirm passwords do not match.'; invalid = true; } else { this.form.controls.confirmpassword.setErrors(null); this.errorConfirmMsg = ''; invalid = false; } } return invalid; } on2FAuth() {{ payload: { data: { appConfig: this.appConfig, component: TwoFactorAuthComponent } } })); } onResetPassword() { this.form.resetForm(); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.initializeNodeData) {{ payload: { uiMessage: UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, prevLnNodeIndex: -1, currentLnNode: this.selNode, isInitialSetup: true } })); } this.unSubs.forEach((unsub) => {; unsub.complete(); }); } }