import { Component, OnInit, Inject, OnDestroy, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { MatStepper } from '@angular/material/stepper'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { faInfoCircle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import { opacityAnimation } from '../../../../animation/opacity-animation'; import { ScreenSizeEnum, SwapTypeEnum } from '../../../../services/consts-enums-functions'; import { ServiceInfo, CreateSwapResponse, CreateReverseSwapResponse } from '../../../../models/boltzModels'; import { SwapAlert } from '../../../../models/alertData'; import { BoltzService } from '../../../../services/boltz.service'; import { LoggerService } from '../../../../services/logger.service'; import { CommonService } from '../../../../services/common.service'; import { RTLState } from '../../../../../store/rtl.state'; @Component({ selector: 'rtl-boltz-swap-modal', templateUrl: './swap-modal.component.html', styleUrls: ['./swap-modal.component.scss'], animations: [opacityAnimation] }) export class SwapModalComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('stepper', { static: false }) stepper: MatStepper; public faInfoCircle = faInfoCircle; public serviceInfo: ServiceInfo = { fees: { percentage: null, miner: { normal: null, reverse: null } }, limits: { minimal: 10000, maximal: 50000000 } }; public swapTypeEnum = SwapTypeEnum; public direction = SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT; public swapDirectionCaption = 'Swap out'; public swapStatus: CreateSwapResponse | CreateReverseSwapResponse | { error: any } | null = null; public inputFormLabel = 'Amount to swap out'; public addressFormLabel = 'Withdrawal Address'; public flgShowInfo = false; public stepNumber = 1; public screenSize = ''; public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum; public animationDirection = 'forward'; public flgEditable = true; inputFormGroup: FormGroup; addressFormGroup: FormGroup; statusFormGroup: FormGroup; private unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: SwapAlert, private store: Store, private boltzService: BoltzService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private logger: LoggerService, private router: Router, private commonService: CommonService) { } ngOnInit() { this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize(); this.serviceInfo =; this.direction = || SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT; this.swapDirectionCaption = this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT ? 'Swap Out' : 'Swap in'; this.inputFormLabel = 'Amount to ' + this.swapDirectionCaption; this.inputFormGroup ={ amount: [this.serviceInfo.limits?.minimal, [Validators.required, Validators.min(this.serviceInfo.limits?.minimal || 0), Validators.max(this.serviceInfo.limits?.maximal || 0)]] }); this.addressFormGroup ={ addressType: ['local', [Validators.required]], address: [{ value: '', disabled: true }] }); this.statusFormGroup ={}); this.onFormValueChanges(); } ngAfterViewInit() { if (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT) { this.addressFormGroup.setErrors({ Invalid: true }); } } onFormValueChanges() { if (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT) { this.addressFormGroup.valueChanges.pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[2])).subscribe((changedValues) => { this.addressFormGroup.setErrors({ Invalid: true }); }); } } onAddressTypeChange(event: any) { if (event.value === 'external') { this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.setValidators([Validators.required]); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.markAsTouched(); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.enable(); } else { this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.setValidators(null); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.markAsPristine(); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.disable(); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.setValue(''); } this.addressFormGroup.setErrors({ Invalid: true }); } onSwap(): boolean | void { if (!this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value || (this.serviceInfo.limits?.minimal && this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value < +this.serviceInfo.limits.minimal) || (this.serviceInfo.limits?.maximal && this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value > +this.serviceInfo.limits.maximal) || (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_OUT && this.addressFormGroup.controls.addressType.value === 'external' && (!this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.value || this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.value.trim() === ''))) { return true; } this.flgEditable = false; this.stepper.selected?.stepControl.setErrors(null);; if (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_IN) { this.boltzService.swapIn(this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value).pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[3])). subscribe({ next: (swapStatus: CreateSwapResponse) => { this.swapStatus = swapStatus; this.boltzService.listSwaps(); this.flgEditable = true; }, error: (err) => { this.swapStatus = { error: err }; this.flgEditable = true; this.logger.error(err); } }); } else { const destAddress = this.addressFormGroup.controls.addressType.value === 'external' ? this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.value : ''; this.boltzService.swapOut(this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value, destAddress).pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[4])). subscribe({ next: (swapStatus: CreateReverseSwapResponse) => { this.swapStatus = swapStatus; this.boltzService.listSwaps(); this.flgEditable = true; }, error: (err) => { this.swapStatus = { error: err }; this.flgEditable = true; this.logger.error(err); } }); } } stepSelectionChanged(event: any) { switch (event.selectedIndex) { case 0: this.inputFormLabel = 'Amount to ' + this.swapDirectionCaption; this.addressFormLabel = 'Withdrawal Address'; break; case 1: if (this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value) { if (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_IN) { this.inputFormLabel = this.swapDirectionCaption + ' Amount: ' + (this.decimalPipe.transform(this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value ? this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value : 0)) + ' Sats'; } else { this.inputFormLabel = this.swapDirectionCaption + ' Amount: ' + (this.decimalPipe.transform(this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value ? this.inputFormGroup.controls.amount.value : 0)) + ' Sats'; } } else { this.inputFormLabel = 'Amount to ' + this.swapDirectionCaption; } this.addressFormLabel = 'Withdrawal Address'; break; default: this.inputFormLabel = 'Amount to ' + this.swapDirectionCaption; this.addressFormLabel = 'Withdrawal Address'; break; } if (event.selectedIndex < event.previouslySelectedIndex) { event.selectedStep.stepControl.setErrors({ Invalid: true }); } } onClose() { this.dialogRef.close(true); } showInfo() { this.flgShowInfo = true; } onReadMore() { if (this.direction === SwapTypeEnum.SWAP_IN) {'', '_blank'); } else {'', '_blank'); } this.onClose(); } onStepChanged(index: number) { this.animationDirection = index < this.stepNumber ? 'backward' : 'forward'; this.stepNumber = index; } onRestart() { this.stepper.reset(); this.flgEditable = true; this.inputFormGroup.reset({ amount: this.serviceInfo.limits?.minimal }); this.statusFormGroup.reset(); this.addressFormGroup.reset({ addressType: 'local', address: '' }); this.addressFormGroup.controls.address.disable(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {; completeSub.complete(); }); } }