import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient, HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http'; import { BehaviorSubject, Subject, throwError, of } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, takeUntil, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { environment, API_URL } from '../../../environments/environment'; import { AlertTypeEnum, UI_MESSAGES } from '../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions'; import { LoopSwapStatus } from '../models/loopModels'; import { CommonService } from './common.service'; import { LoggerService } from '../../shared/services/logger.service'; import { ErrorMessageComponent } from '../../shared/components/data-modal/error-message/error-message.component'; import { RTLState } from '../../store/rtl.state'; import { closeSpinner, logout, openAlert, openSpinner } from '../../store/rtl.actions'; @Injectable() export class LoopService implements OnDestroy { private loopUrl = ''; private swaps: LoopSwapStatus[] = []; public swapsChanged = new BehaviorSubject([]); private unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient, private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store, private commonService: CommonService) { } getSwapsList() { return this.swaps; } listSwaps() {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_LOOP_SWAPS })); this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/swaps'; this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl).pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[0])). subscribe({ next: (swapResponse: LoopSwapStatus[]) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_LOOP_SWAPS })); this.swaps = swapResponse;; }, error: (err) => this.swapsChanged.error(this.handleErrorWithAlert(UI_MESSAGES.GET_LOOP_SWAPS, this.loopUrl, err)) }); } loopOut(amount: number, chanId: string, targetConf: number, swapRoutingFee: number, minerFee: number, prepayRoutingFee: number, prepayAmt: number, swapFee: number, swapPublicationDeadline: number, destAddress: string) { const requestBody = { amount: amount, targetConf: targetConf, swapRoutingFee: swapRoutingFee, minerFee: minerFee, prepayRoutingFee: prepayRoutingFee, prepayAmt: prepayAmt, swapFee: swapFee, swapPublicationDeadline: swapPublicationDeadline, destAddress: destAddress }; if (chanId !== '') { requestBody['chanId'] = chanId; } this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/out'; return, requestBody).pipe(catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop Out for Channel: ' + chanId, UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, err))); } getLoopOutTerms() { this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/out/terms'; return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl).pipe(catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop Out Terms', UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, err))); } getLoopOutQuote(amount: number, targetConf: number, swapPublicationDeadline: number) { let params = new HttpParams(); params = params.append('targetConf', targetConf.toString()); params = params.append('swapPublicationDeadline', swapPublicationDeadline.toString()); this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/out/quote/' + amount;{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE })); return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl, { params: params }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[1]), map((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE })); return res; }), catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop Out Quote', UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE, err)) ); } getLoopOutTermsAndQuotes(targetConf: number) { let params = new HttpParams(); params = params.append('targetConf', targetConf.toString()); params = params.append('swapPublicationDeadline', (new Date().getTime() + (30 * 60000)).toString()); this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/out/termsAndQuotes';{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES })); return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl, { params: params }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[2]), map((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES })); return res; }), catchError((err) => of(this.handleErrorWithAlert(UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES, this.loopUrl, err))) ); } loopIn(amount: number, swapFee: number, minerFee: number, lastHop: string, externalHtlc: boolean) { const requestBody = { amount: amount, swapFee: swapFee, minerFee: minerFee, lastHop: lastHop, externalHtlc: externalHtlc }; this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/in'; return, requestBody).pipe(catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop In', UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, err))); } getLoopInTerms() { this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/in/terms'; return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl).pipe(catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop In Terms', UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, err))); } getLoopInQuote(amount: number, targetConf: string, swapPublicationDeadline: number) { let params = new HttpParams(); params = params.append('targetConf', targetConf.toString()); params = params.append('swapPublicationDeadline', swapPublicationDeadline.toString()); this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/in/quote/' + amount;{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE })); return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl, { params: params }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[3]), map((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE })); return res; }), catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop In Qoute', UI_MESSAGES.GET_QUOTE, err)) ); } getLoopInTermsAndQuotes(targetConf: number) { let params = new HttpParams(); params = params.append('targetConf', targetConf.toString()); params = params.append('swapPublicationDeadline', (new Date().getTime() + (30 * 60000)).toString()); this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/in/termsAndQuotes';{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES })); return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl, { params: params }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[4]), map((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES })); return res; }), catchError((err) => of(this.handleErrorWithAlert(UI_MESSAGES.GET_TERMS_QUOTES, this.loopUrl, err))) ); } getSwap(id: string) { this.loopUrl = API_URL + environment.LOOP_API + '/swap/' + id; return this.httpClient.get(this.loopUrl).pipe(catchError((err) => this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Loop Get Swap for ID: ' + id, UI_MESSAGES.NO_SPINNER, err))); } handleErrorWithoutAlert(actionName: string, uiMessage: string, err: { status: number, error: any }) { let errMsg = ''; this.logger.error('ERROR IN: ' + actionName + '\n' + JSON.stringify(err));{ payload: uiMessage })); if (err.status === 401) { errMsg = 'Unauthorized User.';'Redirecting to Login');; } else if (err.status === 503) { errMsg = 'Unable to Connect to Loop Server.';{ payload: { data: { type: 'ERROR', alertTitle: 'Loop Not Connected', message: { code: err.status, message: 'Unable to Connect to Loop Server', URL: actionName }, component: ErrorMessageComponent } } })); } else { errMsg = this.commonService.extractErrorMessage(err); } return throwError(() => new Error(errMsg)); } handleErrorWithAlert(uiMessage: string, errURL: string, err: any) { let errMsg = ''; this.logger.error(err);{ payload: uiMessage })); if (err.status === 401) { errMsg = 'Unauthorized User.';'Redirecting to Login');; } else if (err.status === 503) { errMsg = 'Unable to Connect to Loop Server.'; setTimeout(() => {{ payload: { data: { type: 'ERROR', alertTitle: 'Loop Not Connected', message: { code: err.status, message: 'Unable to Connect to Loop Server', URL: errURL }, component: ErrorMessageComponent } } })); }, 100); } else { errMsg = this.commonService.extractErrorMessage(err); const errCode = (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.code) ? err.error.error.code : (err.error && err.error.code) ? err.error.code : err.code ? err.code : err.status; setTimeout(() => {{ payload: { data: { type: AlertTypeEnum.ERROR, alertTitle: 'ERROR', message: { code: errCode, message: errMsg, URL: errURL }, component: ErrorMessageComponent } } })); }, 100); } return { message: errMsg }; } ngOnDestroy() { this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {; completeSub.complete(); }); } }