import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient, HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http'; import { TitleCasePipe } from '@angular/common'; import { Subject, throwError, of, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'; import { map, takeUntil, catchError, mergeMap, withLatestFrom, first } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar'; import { LoggerService } from '../../shared/services/logger.service'; import { environment, API_URL } from '../../../environments/environment'; import { APICallStatusEnum, UI_MESSAGES } from './consts-enums-functions'; import { Channel, ClosedChannel, PendingChannels, SwitchReq } from '../models/lndModels'; import { ErrorMessageComponent } from '../components/data-modal/error-message/error-message.component'; import { closeAllDialogs, closeSpinner, logout, openAlert, openSnackBar, openSpinner, updateRootAPICallStatus } from '../../store/rtl.actions'; import { fetchTransactions, fetchUTXOs } from '../../lnd/store/lnd.actions'; import { RTLState } from '../../store/rtl.state'; import { allChannels } from '../../lnd/store/lnd.selector'; import { Channel as ChannelCLN } from '../models/clnModels'; import { channels } from '../../cln/store/cln.selector'; import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../models/apiCallsPayload'; @Injectable() export class DataService implements OnDestroy { private APIUrl = API_URL; private lnImplementation = ''; public lnImplementationUpdated: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(null); private unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient, private store: Store, private logger: LoggerService, private snackBar: MatSnackBar, private titleCasePipe: TitleCasePipe) { } setLnImplementation(lnImplementation: string) { this.lnImplementation = lnImplementation.toLowerCase();; } getFiatRates() { return this.httpClient.get(environment.CONF_API + '/rates'); } decodePayment(payment: string, fromDialog: boolean) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { let url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.PAYMENTS_API + '/decode/' + payment; if (updatedLnImplementation === 'cln') { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.UTILITY_API + '/decode/' + payment; }{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENT })); return this.httpClient.get(url).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[0]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENT })); return res; }), catchError((err) => { if (fromDialog) { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Decode Payment', UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENT, err); } else { this.handleErrorWithAlert('decodePaymentData', UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENT, 'Decode Payment Failed', url, err); } return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } decodePayments(payments: string) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { let url = ''; let msg = ''; if (updatedLnImplementation === 'ecl') { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.PAYMENTS_API + '/getsentinfos'; msg = UI_MESSAGES.GET_SENT_PAYMENTS; } else if (updatedLnImplementation === 'cln') { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.UTILITY_API; msg = UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENTS; } else { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.PAYMENTS_API; msg = UI_MESSAGES.DECODE_PAYMENTS; }{ payload: msg })); return, { payments: payments }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[1]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: msg })); return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithAlert('decodePaymentsData', msg, msg + ' Failed', url, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } getAliasesFromPubkeys(pubkey: string, multiple: boolean) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { if (multiple) { const pubkey_params = new HttpParams().set('pubkeys', pubkey); return this.httpClient.get(this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.NETWORK_API + '/nodes', { params: pubkey_params }); } else { return this.httpClient.get(this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.NETWORK_API + '/node/' + pubkey); } })); } signMessage(msg: string) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { let url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.MESSAGE_API + '/sign'; if (updatedLnImplementation === 'cln') { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.UTILITY_API + '/sign'; }{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.SIGN_MESSAGE })); return, { message: msg }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[2]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.SIGN_MESSAGE })); return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithAlert('signMessageData', UI_MESSAGES.SIGN_MESSAGE, 'Sign Message Failed', url, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } verifyMessage(msg: string, sign: string) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { let url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.MESSAGE_API + '/verify'; if (updatedLnImplementation === 'cln') { url = this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.UTILITY_API + '/verify'; }{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.VERIFY_MESSAGE })); return, { message: msg, signature: sign }).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[3]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.VERIFY_MESSAGE })); return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithAlert('verifyMessageData', UI_MESSAGES.VERIFY_MESSAGE, 'Verify Message Failed', url, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } bumpFee(txid: string, outputIndex: number, targetConf: number | null, satPerByte: number | null) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { const bumpFeeBody: any = { txid: txid, outputIndex: outputIndex }; if (targetConf) { bumpFeeBody.targetConf = targetConf; } if (satPerByte) { bumpFeeBody.satPerByte = satPerByte; }{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.BUMP_FEE })); return + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.WALLET_API + '/bumpfee', bumpFeeBody).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[4]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.BUMP_FEE }));'Successfully bumped the fee. Use the block explorer to verify transaction.'); return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Bump Fee', UI_MESSAGES.BUMP_FEE, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } labelUTXO(txid: string, label: string, overwrite: boolean = true) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { const labelBody = { txid: txid, label: label, overwrite: overwrite };{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LABEL_UTXO })); return + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.WALLET_API + '/label', labelBody).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[5]), map((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LABEL_UTXO })); return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Lease UTXO', UI_MESSAGES.LABEL_UTXO, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } leaseUTXO(txid: string, output_index: number) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { const leaseBody: any = { txid: txid, outputIndex: output_index };{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LEASE_UTXO })); return + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.WALLET_API + '/lease', leaseBody).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[6]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LEASE_UTXO }));;; const expirationDate = new Date(res.expiration * 1000); const expiryDateInSeconds = Math.round(expirationDate.getTime()) - (expirationDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60);'The UTXO has been leased till ' + new Date(expiryDateInSeconds).toString(). substring(4, 21). replace(' ', '/'). replace(' ', '/'). toUpperCase() + '.'); }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Lease UTXO', UI_MESSAGES.LEASE_UTXO, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } getForwardingHistory(implementation: string, start: string, end: string, status?: string) { if (implementation === 'LND') { const queryHeaders: SwitchReq = { end_time: end, start_time: start };{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY })); return + '/lnd' + environment.SWITCH_API, queryHeaders).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[7]), withLatestFrom(, mergeMap(([res, allChannelsSelector]: [any, { channels: Channel[], pendingChannels: PendingChannels, closedChannels: ClosedChannel[] }]) => { if (res.forwarding_events) { const storedChannels = [...allChannelsSelector.channels, ...allChannelsSelector.closedChannels]; res.forwarding_events.forEach((event) => { if (storedChannels && storedChannels.length > 0) { for (let idx = 0; idx < storedChannels.length; idx++) { if (storedChannels[idx].chan_id?.toString() === event.chan_id_in) { event.alias_in = storedChannels[idx].remote_alias ? storedChannels[idx].remote_alias : event.chan_id_in; if (event.alias_out) { return; } } if (storedChannels[idx].chan_id?.toString() === event.chan_id_out) { event.alias_out = storedChannels[idx].remote_alias ? storedChannels[idx].remote_alias : event.chan_id_out; if (event.alias_in) { return; } } if (idx === storedChannels.length - 1) { if (!event.alias_in) { event.alias_in = event.chan_id_in; } if (!event.alias_out) { event.alias_out = event.chan_id_out; } } } } else { event.alias_in = event.chan_id_in; event.alias_out = event.chan_id_out; } }); } else { res = {}; }{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY })); return of(res); }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithAlert('getForwardingHistoryData', UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY, 'Forwarding History Failed', this.APIUrl + '/lnd' + environment.SWITCH_API, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); })); } else if (implementation === 'CLN') {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY })); return this.httpClient.get(this.APIUrl + '/cln' + environment.CHANNELS_API + '/listForwards?status=' + status).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[8]), withLatestFrom(, mergeMap(([res, channelsSelector]: [any, { activeChannels: ChannelCLN[], pendingChannels: ChannelCLN[], inactiveChannels: ChannelCLN[], apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload }]) => { const forwardsWithAlias = this.mapAliases(res, [...channelsSelector.activeChannels, ...channelsSelector.pendingChannels, ...channelsSelector.inactiveChannels]);{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY })); return of(forwardsWithAlias); }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithAlert('getForwardingHistoryData', UI_MESSAGES.GET_FORWARDING_HISTORY, 'Forwarding History Failed', this.APIUrl + '/cln' + environment.CHANNELS_API + '/listForwards?status=' + status + '&start=' + start + '&end=' + end, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); })); } else { return of({}); } } listNetworkNodes(queryParams: string = '') { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LIST_NETWORK_NODES })); return this.httpClient.get(this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.NETWORK_API + '/listNodes' + queryParams).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[9]), mergeMap((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.LIST_NETWORK_NODES })); return of(res); }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('List Network Nodes', UI_MESSAGES.LIST_NETWORK_NODES, err); return throwError(() => this.extractErrorMessage(err)); }) ); })); } listConfigs() { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_LIST_CONFIGS })); return this.httpClient.get(this.APIUrl + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.UTILITY_API + '/listConfigs').pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[10]), mergeMap((res) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_LIST_CONFIGS })); return of(res); }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('List Configurations', UI_MESSAGES.GET_LIST_CONFIGS, err); return throwError(() => this.extractErrorMessage(err)); }) ); })); } getOrUpdateFunderPolicy(policy?: any, policyMod?: any, lease_feeBaseMsat?: any, lease_fee_basis?: any, channelFeeMaxBaseMsat?: any, channelFeeMaxProportional?: any) { return this.lnImplementationUpdated.pipe(first((val) => val !== null), mergeMap((updatedLnImplementation) => { const postParams = policy ? { policy: policy, policy_mod: policyMod, lease_fee_base_msat: lease_feeBaseMsat, lease_fee_basis: lease_fee_basis, channel_fee_max_base_msat: channelFeeMaxBaseMsat, channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths: channelFeeMaxProportional } : null;{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FUNDER_POLICY })); return + '/' + updatedLnImplementation + environment.CHANNELS_API + '/funderUpdate', postParams).pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[11]), map((res: any) => {{ payload: UI_MESSAGES.GET_FUNDER_POLICY })); if (postParams) {{ payload: 'Funder Policy Updated Successfully with Compact Lease: ' + res.compact_lease + '!' })); } return res; }), catchError((err) => { this.handleErrorWithoutAlert('Funder Policy', UI_MESSAGES.GET_FUNDER_POLICY, err); return throwError(() => new Error(this.extractErrorMessage(err))); }) ); })); } mapAliases = (payload: any, storedChannels: ChannelCLN[]) => { if (payload && payload.length > 0) { payload.forEach((fhEvent, i) => { if (storedChannels && storedChannels.length > 0) { for (let idx = 0; idx < storedChannels.length; idx++) { if (storedChannels[idx].short_channel_id && storedChannels[idx].short_channel_id === fhEvent.in_channel) { fhEvent.in_channel_alias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : fhEvent.in_channel; if (fhEvent.out_channel_alias) { return; } } if (storedChannels[idx].short_channel_id && storedChannels[idx].short_channel_id?.toString() === fhEvent.out_channel) { fhEvent.out_channel_alias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : fhEvent.out_channel; if (fhEvent.in_channel_alias) { return; } } if (idx === storedChannels.length - 1) { if (!fhEvent.in_channel_alias) { fhEvent.in_channel_alias = fhEvent.in_channel ? fhEvent.in_channel : '-'; } if (!fhEvent.out_channel_alias) { fhEvent.out_channel_alias = fhEvent.out_channel ? fhEvent.out_channel : '-'; } } } } else { fhEvent.in_channel_alias = fhEvent.in_channel ? fhEvent.in_channel : '-'; fhEvent.out_channel_alias = fhEvent.out_channel ? fhEvent.out_channel : '-'; } }); } else { payload = []; } return payload; }; extractErrorMessage(err: any, genericErrorMessage: string = 'Unknown Error.') { return this.titleCasePipe.transform( (err.error.text && typeof err.error.text === 'string' && err.error.text.includes('')) ? 'API Route Does Not Exist.' : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.error.error && typeof err.error.error.error.error.error === 'string') ? err.error.error.error.error.error : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.error && typeof err.error.error.error.error === 'string') ? err.error.error.error.error : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.error && typeof err.error.error.error === 'string') ? err.error.error.error : (err.error && err.error.error && typeof err.error.error === 'string') ? err.error.error : (err.error && typeof err.error === 'string') ? err.error : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.error.message && typeof err.error.error.error.error.message === 'string') ? err.error.error.error.error.message : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.error && err.error.error.error.message && typeof err.error.error.error.message === 'string') ? err.error.error.error.message : (err.error && err.error.error && err.error.error.message && typeof err.error.error.message === 'string') ? err.error.error.message : (err.error && err.error.message && typeof err.error.message === 'string') ? err.error.message : (err.message && typeof err.message === 'string') ? err.message : genericErrorMessage); } handleErrorWithoutAlert(actionName: string, uiMessage: string, err: { status: number, error: any }) { if (err.error.text && typeof err.error.text === 'string' && err.error.text.includes('')) { err = { status: 403, error: { message: 'API Route Does Not Exist.' } }; } this.logger.error('ERROR IN: ' + actionName + '\n' + JSON.stringify(err)); if (err.status === 401) {'Redirecting to Login');;;{ payload: 'Authentication Failed. Redirecting to Login.' })); } else {{ payload: uiMessage }));{ payload: { action: actionName, status: APICallStatusEnum.ERROR, statusCode: err.status.toString(), message: this.extractErrorMessage(err) } })); } } handleErrorWithAlert(actionName: string, uiMessage: string, alertTitle: string, errURL: string, err: { status: number, error: any }) { this.logger.error(err); if (err.status === 401) {'Redirecting to Login');;;{ payload: 'Authentication Failed. Redirecting to Login.' })); } else {{ payload: uiMessage })); const errMsg = this.extractErrorMessage(err);{ payload: { data: { type: 'ERROR', alertTitle: alertTitle, message: { code: err.status ? err.status : 'Unknown Error', message: errMsg, URL: errURL }, component: ErrorMessageComponent } } }));{ payload: { action: actionName, status: APICallStatusEnum.ERROR, statusCode: err.status.toString(), message: errMsg, URL: errURL } })); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {; completeSub.complete(); }); } }