import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { NgModel } from '@angular/forms'; import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { take, takeUntil, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { faExclamationTriangle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import { Node } from '../../../shared/models/RTLconfig'; import { PayRequest, Channel, LightningBalance, ChannelsStatus } from '../../../shared/models/eclModels'; import { APICallStatusEnum, CurrencyUnitEnum, CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS, ECLActions, FEE_LIMIT_TYPES } from '../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions'; import { CommonService } from '../../../shared/services/common.service'; import { LoggerService } from '../../../shared/services/logger.service'; import { DataService } from '../../../shared/services/data.service'; import { ECLEffects } from '../../store/ecl.effects'; import { RTLState } from '../../../store/rtl.state'; import { rootSelectedNode } from '../../../store/rtl.selector'; import { sendPayment } from '../../store/ecl.actions'; import { allChannelsInfo } from '../../store/ecl.selector'; import { ApiCallStatusPayload } from '../../../shared/models/apiCallsPayload'; import { ConvertedCurrency } from '../../../shared/models/rtlModels'; @Component({ selector: 'rtl-ecl-lightning-send-payments', templateUrl: './send-payment.component.html', styleUrls: ['./send-payment.component.scss'] }) export class ECLLightningSendPaymentsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('paymentReq', { static: false }) paymentReq: NgModel; public faExclamationTriangle = faExclamationTriangle; public convertedCurrency: ConvertedCurrency = null; public selNode: Node | null; public paymentDecoded: PayRequest = {}; public zeroAmtInvoice = false; public paymentAmount = null; public paymentRequest = ''; public paymentDecodedHintPre = ''; public paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; public selActiveChannel: Channel | null = {}; public activeChannels = {}; public feeLimit = null; public selFeeLimitType = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES[0]; public feeLimitTypes = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES; public paymentError = ''; private unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef, private store: Store, private eclEffects: ECLEffects, private logger: LoggerService, private commonService: CommonService, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private actions: Actions, private dataService: DataService) { } ngOnInit() {[0])). subscribe((nodeSettings: Node | null) => { this.selNode = nodeSettings; });[1])). subscribe((allChannelsSelector: ({ activeChannels: Channel[], pendingChannels: Channel[], inactiveChannels: Channel[], lightningBalance: LightningBalance, channelsStatus: ChannelsStatus, apiCallStatus: ApiCallStatusPayload })) => { this.activeChannels = allChannelsSelector.activeChannels;; }); this.actions.pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[1]), filter((action) => action.type === ECLActions.UPDATE_API_CALL_STATUS_ECL || action.type === ECLActions.SEND_PAYMENT_STATUS_ECL)). subscribe((action: any) => { if (action.type === ECLActions.SEND_PAYMENT_STATUS_ECL) { this.dialogRef.close(); } if (action.type === ECLActions.UPDATE_API_CALL_STATUS_ECL && action.payload.status === APICallStatusEnum.ERROR && action.payload.action === 'SendPayment') { delete this.paymentDecoded.amount; this.paymentError = action.payload.message; } }); } onSendPayment(): boolean | void { if (!this.paymentRequest) { return true; } if (this.paymentDecoded.timestamp) { this.sendPayment(); } else { this.paymentAmount = null; this.paymentError = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; this.paymentReq.control.setErrors(null); this.dataService.decodePayment(this.paymentRequest, true). pipe(take(1)).subscribe({ next: (decodedPayment: PayRequest) => { this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment; if (this.paymentDecoded.timestamp && !this.paymentDecoded.amount) { this.paymentDecoded.amount = 0; this.zeroAmtInvoice = true; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Zero Amount Invoice | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } else { this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; if (this.selNode && this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion && this.paymentDecoded.amount) { this.commonService.convertCurrency(+this.paymentDecoded.amount, CurrencyUnitEnum.SATS, CurrencyUnitEnum.OTHER, (this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits && this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits.length > 2 ? this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits[2] : ''), this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion). pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[2])). subscribe({ next: (data) => { this.convertedCurrency = data; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount : 0) + ' Sats ('; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = this.decimalPipe.transform((this.convertedCurrency.OTHER ? this.convertedCurrency.OTHER : 0), CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS.OTHER) + ') | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; }, error: (error) => { this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount / 1000 : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description + '. Unable to convert currency.'; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } }); } else { this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } } }, error: (err) => { this.logger.error(err); this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'ERROR: ' + ((err.message) ? err.message : ((typeof err === 'string') ? err : JSON.stringify(err))); this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; this.paymentReq.control.setErrors({ decodeError: true }); } }); } } sendPayment() { if (this.zeroAmtInvoice && this.paymentAmount) {{ payload: { invoice: this.paymentRequest, amountMsat: this.paymentAmount * 1000, fromDialog: true } })); } else {{ payload: { invoice: this.paymentRequest, fromDialog: true } })); } } onPaymentRequestEntry(event: any) { this.paymentRequest = event && typeof event === 'string' ? event.trim() : event; this.paymentError = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; if (this.paymentRequest && this.paymentRequest.length > 100) { this.paymentReq.control.setErrors(null); this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; this.dataService.decodePayment(this.paymentRequest, true). pipe(take(1)).subscribe({ next: (decodedPayment: PayRequest) => { this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment; if (this.paymentDecoded.timestamp && !this.paymentDecoded.amount) { this.paymentDecoded.amount = 0; this.zeroAmtInvoice = true; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Zero Amount Invoice | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } else { this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; if (this.selNode && this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion && this.paymentDecoded.amount) { this.commonService.convertCurrency(+this.paymentDecoded.amount, CurrencyUnitEnum.SATS, CurrencyUnitEnum.OTHER, (this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits && this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits.length > 2 ? this.selNode.settings.currencyUnits[2] : ''), this.selNode.settings.fiatConversion). pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[3])). subscribe({ next: (data1) => { this.convertedCurrency = data1; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount : 0) + ' Sats ('; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = this.decimalPipe.transform((this.convertedCurrency.OTHER ? this.convertedCurrency.OTHER : 0), CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS.OTHER) + ') | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; }, error: (error) => { this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description + '. Unable to convert currency.'; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } }); } else { this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.amount ? this.paymentDecoded.amount : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; } } }, error: (err) => { this.logger.error(err); this.paymentDecodedHintPre = 'ERROR: ' + ((err.message) ? err.message : ((typeof err === 'string') ? err : JSON.stringify(err))); this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; this.paymentReq.control.setErrors({ decodeError: true }); } }); } } onAmountChange(event: any) { delete this.paymentDecoded.amount; this.paymentDecoded.amount = event; } resetData() { this.paymentDecoded = {}; this.paymentRequest = ''; this.selActiveChannel = null; this.feeLimit = null; this.selFeeLimitType = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES[0]; this.paymentReq.control.setErrors(null); this.paymentError = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPre = ''; this.paymentDecodedHintPost = ''; this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; } ngOnDestroy() { this.unSubs.forEach((completeSub) => {; completeSub.complete(); }); } }