var os = require('os'); var fs = require('fs'); var platform = require('os').platform(); var crypto = require('crypto'); var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); var common = require('./common'); var path = require('path'); var logger = require('./controllers/shared/logger'); var connect = {}; var errMsg = ''; var request = require('request-promise'); var ini = require('ini'); var parseHocon = require('hocon-parser'); common.path_separator = (platform === 'win32') ? '\\' : '/'; connect.setDefaultConfig = () => { var homeDir = os.userInfo().homedir; var macaroonPath = ''; var configPath = ''; var channelBackupPath = ''; switch (platform) { case 'win32': macaroonPath = homeDir + '\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd\\data\\chain\\bitcoin\\mainnet'; configPath = homeDir + '\\AppData\\Local\\Lnd\\lnd.conf'; channelBackupPath = homeDir + '\\backup\\node-1'; break; case 'darwin': macaroonPath = homeDir + '/Library/Application Support/Lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet'; configPath = homeDir + '/Library/Application Support/Lnd/lnd.conf'; channelBackupPath = homeDir + '/backup/node-1'; break; case 'linux': macaroonPath = homeDir + '/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet'; configPath = homeDir + '/.lnd/lnd.conf'; channelBackupPath = homeDir + '/backup/node-1'; break; default: macaroonPath = ''; configPath = ''; channelBackupPath = ''; break; } return { multiPass: "password", port: "3000", defaultNodeIndex: 1, SSO: { rtlSSO: 0, rtlCookiePath: "", logoutRedirectLink: "" }, nodes: [ { index: 1, lnNode: "Node 1", lnImplementation: "LND", Authentication: { macaroonPath: macaroonPath, configPath: configPath, }, Settings: { userPersona: 'MERCHANT', themeMode: "DAY", themeColor: "PURPLE", channelBackupPath: channelBackupPath, enableLogging: false, lnServerUrl: "https://localhost:8080", fiatConversion: false } } ] } } connect.normalizePort = val => { var port = parseInt(val, 10); if (isNaN(port)) { return val; } if (port >= 0) { return port; } return false; }; connect.replacePasswordWithHash = (multiPassHashed) => { common.rtl_conf_file_path = process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH ? process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH : path.normalize(__dirname); try { RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json'; var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8')); config.multiPassHashed = multiPassHashed; delete config.multiPass; fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8'); console.log('Please note that, RTL has encrypted the plaintext password into its corresponding hash.'); return config.multiPassHashed; } catch (err) { errMsg = errMsg + '\nPassword hashing failed!'; } } connect.validateNodeConfig = (config) => { if((process.env.RTL_SSO == 0) || (typeof process.env.RTL_SSO === 'undefined' && +config.SSO.rtlSSO === 0)) { if (config.multiPassHashed !== '' && config.multiPassHashed) { common.rtl_pass = config.multiPassHashed; } else if (config.multiPass !== '' && config.multiPass) { common.rtl_pass = connect.replacePasswordWithHash(hash.update(config.multiPass).digest('hex')); } else { errMsg = errMsg + '\nNode Authentication can be set with multiPass only. Please set multiPass in RTL-Config.json'; } common.rtl_secret2fa = config.secret2fa; } common.port = (process.env.PORT) ? connect.normalizePort(process.env.PORT) : (config.port) ? connect.normalizePort(config.port) : 3000; = (process.env.HOST) ? process.env.HOST : ( ? : null; if (config.nodes && config.nodes.length > 0) { config.nodes.forEach((node, idx) => { common.nodes[idx] = {}; common.nodes[idx].index = node.index; common.nodes[idx].ln_node = node.lnNode; common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation = (process.env.LN_IMPLEMENTATION) ? process.env.LN_IMPLEMENTATION : node.lnImplementation ? node.lnImplementation : 'LND'; if (common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation !== 'ECL' && process.env.MACAROON_PATH && process.env.MACAROON_PATH.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].macaroon_path = process.env.MACAROON_PATH; } else if(common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation !== 'ECL' && node.Authentication && node.Authentication.macaroonPath && node.Authentication.macaroonPath.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].macaroon_path = node.Authentication.macaroonPath; } else if (common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation !== 'ECL') { errMsg = 'Please set macaroon path for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json!'; } if (common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation === 'ECL') { if (process.env.LN_API_PASSWORD) { common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password = process.env.LN_API_PASSWORD; } else if (node.Authentication && node.Authentication.lnApiPassword) { common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password = node.Authentication.lnApiPassword; } else { common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password = ''; } } if (process.env.CONFIG_PATH) { common.nodes[idx].config_path = process.env.CONFIG_PATH; } else if (process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH) { common.nodes[idx].config_path = process.env.LND_CONFIG_PATH; } else if (node.Authentication && node.Authentication.lndConfigPath) { common.nodes[idx].config_path = node.Authentication.lndConfigPath; } else if (node.Authentication && node.Authentication.configPath) { common.nodes[idx].config_path = node.Authentication.configPath; } else { common.nodes[idx].config_path = ''; } if (common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation === 'ECL' && common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password === '' && common.nodes[idx].config_path !== '') { try { let exists = fs.existsSync(common.nodes[idx].config_path); if (exists) { try { let configFile = fs.readFileSync(common.nodes[idx].config_path, 'utf-8'); let iniParsed = ini.parse(configFile); common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password = iniParsed['eclair.api.password'] ? iniParsed['eclair.api.password'] : parseHocon(configFile).eclair.api.password; } catch (err) { errMsg = errMsg + '\nSomething went wrong while reading config file: \n' + err; } } else { errMsg = errMsg + '\nInvalid config path: ' + common.nodes[idx].config_path; } } catch (err) { errMsg = errMsg + '\nUnable to read config file: \n' + err; } } if (common.nodes[idx].ln_implementation === 'ECL' && common.nodes[idx].ln_api_password === '') { errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set config path Or api password for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json! It is mandatory for Eclair authentication!'; } if(process.env.LN_SERVER_URL && process.env.LN_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].ln_server_url = process.env.LN_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process.env.LN_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process.env.LN_SERVER_URL; } else if(process.env.LND_SERVER_URL && process.env.LND_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].ln_server_url = process.env.LND_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process.env.LND_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process.env.LND_SERVER_URL; } else if(node.Settings.lnServerUrl && node.Settings.lnServerUrl.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].ln_server_url = node.Settings.lnServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.lnServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.lnServerUrl; } else if(node.Settings.lndServerUrl && node.Settings.lndServerUrl.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].ln_server_url = node.Settings.lndServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.lndServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.lndServerUrl; } else { errMsg = errMsg + '\nPlease set LN Server URL for node index ' + node.index + ' in RTL-Config.json!'; } common.nodes[idx].user_persona = node.Settings.userPersona ? node.Settings.userPersona : 'MERCHANT'; common.nodes[idx].theme_mode = node.Settings.themeMode ? node.Settings.themeMode : 'DAY'; common.nodes[idx].theme_color = node.Settings.themeColor ? node.Settings.themeColor : 'PURPLE'; common.nodes[idx].fiat_conversion = node.Settings.fiatConversion ? !!node.Settings.fiatConversion : false; if(common.nodes[idx].fiat_conversion) { common.nodes[idx].currency_unit = node.Settings.currencyUnit ? node.Settings.currencyUnit : 'USD'; } if(process.env.SWAP_SERVER_URL && process.env.SWAP_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].swap_server_url = process.env.SWAP_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process.env.SWAP_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process.env.SWAP_SERVER_URL; common.nodes[idx].swap_macaroon_path = process.env.SWAP_MACAROON_PATH; } else if(node.Settings.swapServerUrl && node.Settings.swapServerUrl.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].swap_server_url = node.Settings.swapServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.swapServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.swapServerUrl; common.nodes[idx].swap_macaroon_path = node.Authentication.swapMacaroonPath ? node.Authentication.swapMacaroonPath : ''; } else { common.nodes[idx].swap_server_url = ''; common.nodes[idx].swap_macaroon_path = ''; } if(process.env.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL && process.env.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].boltz_server_url = process.env.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.endsWith('/v1') ? process.env.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL.slice(0, -3) : process.env.BOLTZ_SERVER_URL; common.nodes[idx].boltz_macaroon_path = process.env.BOLTZ_MACAROON_PATH; } else if(node.Settings.boltzServerUrl && node.Settings.boltzServerUrl.trim() !== '') { common.nodes[idx].boltz_server_url = node.Settings.boltzServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.boltzServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.boltzServerUrl; common.nodes[idx].boltz_macaroon_path = node.Authentication.boltzMacaroonPath ? node.Authentication.boltzMacaroonPath : ''; } else { common.nodes[idx].boltz_server_url = ''; common.nodes[idx].boltz_macaroon_path = ''; } common.nodes[idx].bitcoind_config_path = process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH ? process.env.BITCOIND_CONFIG_PATH : (node.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath) ? node.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath : ''; common.nodes[idx].enable_logging = (node.Settings.enableLogging) ? !!node.Settings.enableLogging : false; common.nodes[idx].channel_backup_path = process.env.CHANNEL_BACKUP_PATH ? process.env.CHANNEL_BACKUP_PATH : (node.Settings.channelBackupPath) ? node.Settings.channelBackupPath : common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'backup' + common.path_separator + 'node-' + node.index; try { connect.createDirectory(common.nodes[idx].channel_backup_path); let exists = fs.existsSync(common.nodes[idx].channel_backup_path + common.path_separator + 'channel-all.bak'); if (!exists) { try { var createStream = fs.createWriteStream(common.nodes[idx].channel_backup_path + common.path_separator + 'channel-all.bak'); createStream.end(); } catch (err) { console.error('Something went wrong while creating backup file: \n' + err); } } } catch (err) { console.error('Something went wrong while creating the backup directory: \n' + err); } if (common.nodes[idx].enable_logging) { common.nodes[idx].log_file = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/logs/RTL-Node-' + node.index + '.log'; const log_file = common.nodes[idx].log_file; if (fs.existsSync(log_file)) { fs.writeFile(log_file, '', () => { }); } else { try { var dirname = path.dirname(log_file); connect.createDirectory(dirname); var createStream = fs.createWriteStream(log_file); createStream.end(); } catch (err) { console.error('Something went wrong while creating log file ' + log_file + ': \n' + err); } } } }); } connect.setSSOParams(config); if (errMsg && errMsg.trim() !== '') { throw new Error(errMsg); } } connect.setSSOParams = (config) => { if (process.env.RTL_SSO) { common.rtl_sso = process.env.RTL_SSO; } else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.rtlSSO) { common.rtl_sso = config.SSO.rtlSSO; } if (process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH) { common.rtl_cookie_path = process.env.RTL_COOKIE_PATH; } else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.rtlCookiePath) { common.rtl_cookie_path = config.SSO.rtlCookiePath; } else { common.rtl_cookie_path = ''; } if (process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK) { common.logout_redirect_link = process.env.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_LINK; } else if (config.SSO && config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink) { common.logout_redirect_link = config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink; } if (+common.rtl_sso) { if (!common.rtl_cookie_path || common.rtl_cookie_path.trim() === '') { errMsg = 'Please set rtlCookiePath value for single sign on option!'; } else { connect.readCookie(common.rtl_cookie_path); } } }; connect.createDirectory = (dirname) => { const initDir = path.isAbsolute(dirname) ? path.sep : ''; dirname.split(path.sep).reduce((parentDir, childDir) => { const curDir = path.resolve(parentDir, childDir); try { if (!fs.existsSync(curDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(curDir); } } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { throw new Error(`ENOENT: No such file or directory, mkdir '${dirname}'. Ensure that channel backup path separator is '${(platform === 'win32') ? '\\\\' : '/'}'`); } else { throw err; } } } return curDir; }, initDir); } connect.readCookie = (cookieFile) => { let exists = fs.existsSync(cookieFile); if (exists) { try { common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8'); } catch (err) { console.error('Something went wrong while reading cookie: \n' + err); throw new Error(err); } } else { try { var dirname = path.dirname(cookieFile); connect.createDirectory(dirname); fs.writeFileSync(cookieFile, crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex')); common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8'); } catch(err) { console.error('Something went wrong while reading the cookie: \n' + err); throw new Error(err); } } } connect.refreshCookie = (cookieFile) => { try { fs.writeFileSync(cookieFile, crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex')); common.cookie = fs.readFileSync(cookieFile, 'utf-8'); } catch(err) { console.error('Something went wrong while refreshing cookie: \n' + err); throw new Error(err); } } connect.logEnvVariables = () => { if (common.nodes && common.nodes.length > 0) { common.nodes.forEach((node, idx) => { if (!node.enable_logging) { return; }{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'PORT: ' + common.port, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'HOST: ' +, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'DEFAULT NODE INDEX: ' + common.selectedNode.index});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'SSO: ' + common.rtl_sso, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'LOGOUT REDIRECT LINK: ' + common.logout_redirect_link + '\r\n', node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'INDEX: ' + node.index, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'LN NODE: ' + node.ln_node, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'LN IMPLEMENTATION: ' + node.ln_implementation, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'FIAT CONVERSION: ' + node.fiat_conversion, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'CURRENCY UNIT: ' + node.currency_unit, node});{fileName: 'Config Setup Variable', msg: 'LN SERVER URL: ' + node.ln_server_url, node}); }); } } connect.getAllNodeAllChannelBackup = (node) => { let channel_backup_file = node.channel_backup_path + common.path_separator + 'channel-all.bak'; let options = { url: node.ln_server_url + '/channels/backup', rejectUnauthorized: false, json: true, headers: {'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': fs.readFileSync(node.macaroon_path + '/admin.macaroon').toString('hex')} }; request(options).then(function(body) { fs.writeFile(channel_backup_file, JSON.stringify(body), function(err) { if (err) { if (node.ln_node) { logger.error({fileName: 'Connect', lineNum: 448, msg: 'Channel Backup Failed for Node ' + node.ln_node + ' with error response: ' + JSON.stringify(err)}); } else { logger.error({fileName: 'Connect', lineNum: 450, msg: 'Channel Backup Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(err)}); } } else { if (node.ln_node) {{fileName: 'Connect', msg: 'Channel Backup Successful for Node: ' + node.ln_node}); } else {{fileName: 'Connect', msg: 'Channel Backup Successful'}); } } }); }, (err) => { logger.error({fileName: 'Connect', lineNum: 379, msg: 'Channel Backup Response Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(err)}); }) }; connect.setSelectedNode = (config) => { if(config.defaultNodeIndex) { common.selectedNode = common.findNode(config.defaultNodeIndex); } else { common.selectedNode = common.findNode(common.nodes[0].index); } } connect.modifyJsonMultiNodeConfig = (confFileFullPath) => { RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL-Multi-Node-Conf.json'; var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8')); if (!config.SSO) { config.SSO = {}; } var newConfig = { port: config.port ? config.port : 3000, defaultNodeIndex: config.defaultNodeIndex ? config.defaultNodeIndex : 1, SSO: { rtlSSO: config.SSO.rtlSSO ? config.SSO.rtlSSO : 0, rtlCookiePath: config.SSO.rtlCookiePath ? config.SSO.rtlCookiePath : "", logoutRedirectLink: config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink ? config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink : "" }, nodes: [] }; if ( { =; } if(config.nodes && config.nodes.length > 0) { let newNode = {}; config.nodes.forEach((node, idx) => { newNode = { index: node.index ? node.index : (idx + 1), lnNode: node.lnNode ? node.lnNode : "Node " + (idx + 1), lnImplementation: node.lnImplementation ? node.lnImplementation : "LND", Authentication: { macaroonPath: node.Authentication.macaroonPath ? node.Authentication.macaroonPath : '' }, Settings: { userPersona: node.Settings.userPersona ? node.Settings.userPersona : "MERCHANT", enableLogging: node.Settings.enableLogging ? !!node.Settings.enableLogging : false, fiatConversion: node.Settings.fiatConversion ? node.Settings.fiatConversion : false } }; if (node.Authentication.configPath) { newNode.Authentication.configPath = node.Authentication.configPath; } else if (node.Authentication.lndConfigPath) { newNode.Authentication.configPath = node.Authentication.lndConfigPath; } if (node.Settings.theme) { var themeArr = node.Settings.theme.split("-"); if (themeArr[2]) { themeArr[1] = themeArr[1] + themeArr[2]; } // For light-blue-gray newNode.Settings.themeMode = (themeArr[0] === "dark") ? "NIGHT" : "DAY"; newNode.Settings.themeColor = (themeArr[1] === "blue") ? "INDIGO" : (themeArr[1] === "pink") ? "PINK" : (themeArr[1] === "green" || themeArr[1] === "teal") ? "TEAL" : "PURPLE"; } else { newNode.Settings.themeMode = node.Settings.themeMode ? node.Settings.themeMode : "DAY"; newNode.Settings.themeColor = node.Settings.themeColor ? node.Settings.themeColor : "PURPLE"; } if (node.Settings.currencyUnit) { newNode.Settings.currencyUnit = node.Settings.currencyUnit; } if (node.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath) { newNode.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath = node.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath; } if (node.Settings.channelBackupPath) { newNode.Settings.channelBackupPath = node.Settings.channelBackupPath; } if (node.Settings.lnServerUrl) { newNode.Settings.lnServerUrl = node.Settings.lnServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.lnServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.lnServerUrl; } else if (node.Settings.lndServerUrl) { newNode.Settings.lnServerUrl = node.Settings.lndServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? node.Settings.lndServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : node.Settings.lndServerUrl; } newConfig.nodes.push(newNode); }); } newConfig.multiPassHashed = config.multiPassHashed ? config.multiPassHashed : config.multiPass ? hash.update(config.multiPass).digest('hex') : ''; fs.writeFileSync(confFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2), 'utf-8'); } connect.modifyIniSingleNodeConfig = (confFileFullPath) => { RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL.conf'; var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8')); if (!config.SSO) { config.SSO = {}; } if (!config.Authentication) { config.Authentication = {}; } if (!config.Settings) { config.Settings = {}; } var newConfig = { port: config.Settings.port ? config.Settings.port : 3000, defaultNodeIndex: 1, SSO: { rtlSSO: config.SSO.rtlSSO ? config.SSO.rtlSSO : 0, rtlCookiePath: config.SSO.rtlCookiePath ? config.SSO.rtlCookiePath : "", logoutRedirectLink: config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink ? config.SSO.logoutRedirectLink : "" }, nodes: [ { index: 1, lnNode: "Node 1", lnImplementation: config.Settings.lnImplementation ? config.Settings.lnImplementation : "LND", Authentication: { macaroonPath: config.Authentication.macaroonPath ? config.Authentication.macaroonPath : (config.Authentication.macroonPath ? config.Authentication.macroonPath : ''), configPath: config.Authentication.configPath ? config.Authentication.configPath : (config.Authentication.lndConfigPath ? config.Authentication.lndConfigPath : ''), }, Settings: { userPersona: config.Settings.userPersona ? config.Settings.userPersona : "MERCHANT", enableLogging: config.Settings.enableLogging ? !!config.Settings.enableLogging : (config.Authentication.enableLogging ? !!config.Authentication.enableLogging : false), fiatConversion: config.Settings.fiatConversion ? config.Settings.fiatConversion : false } } ] }; if (config.Settings.theme) { var themeArr = config.Settings.theme.split("-"); if (themeArr[2]) { themeArr[1] = themeArr[1] + themeArr[2]; } // For light-blue-gray newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.themeMode = (themeArr[0] === "dark") ? "NIGHT" : "DAY"; newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.themeColor = (themeArr[1] === "blue") ? "INDIGO" : (themeArr[1] === "pink") ? "PINK" : (themeArr[1] === "green" || themeArr[1] === "teal") ? "TEAL" : "PURPLE"; } else { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.themeMode = config.Settings.themeMode ? config.Settings.themeMode : "DAY"; newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.themeColor = config.Settings.themeColor ? config.Settings.themeColor : "PURPLE"; } if (config.Settings.currencyUnit) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.currencyUnit = config.Settings.currencyUnit; } if (config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.bitcoindConfigPath = config.Settings.bitcoindConfigPath; } else if(config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.bitcoindConfigPath = config.Authentication.bitcoindConfigPath; } if (config.Settings.channelBackupPath) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.channelBackupPath = config.Settings.channelBackupPath; } if (config.Settings.lnServerUrl) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.lnServerUrl = config.Settings.lnServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? config.Settings.lnServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : config.Settings.lnServerUrl; } else if (config.Settings.lndServerUrl) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.lnServerUrl = config.Settings.lndServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? config.Settings.lndServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : config.Settings.lndServerUrl; } else if (config.Authentication.lndServerUrl) { newConfig.nodes[0].Settings.lnServerUrl = config.Authentication.lndServerUrl.endsWith('/v1') ? config.Authentication.lndServerUrl.slice(0, -3) : config.Authentication.lndServerUrl; } newConfig.multiPassHashed = config.Authentication.rtlPassHashed ? config.Authentication.rtlPassHashed : config.Authentication.rtlPass ? hash.update(config.Authentication.rtlPass).digest('hex') : ''; fs.writeFileSync(confFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2), 'utf-8'); } connect.upgradeConfig = (confFileFullPath) => { try { singleNodeConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL.conf'; multiNodeConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + '/RTL-Multi-Node-Conf.json'; const singleNodeExists = fs.existsSync(singleNodeConfFile); const multiNodeExists = fs.existsSync(multiNodeConfFile); if ((singleNodeExists && multiNodeExists) || (!singleNodeExists && multiNodeExists)) { console.log('Start...config migration for file ' + multiNodeConfFile); connect.modifyJsonMultiNodeConfig(confFileFullPath); console.log('End...config migration.'); } else if (singleNodeExists && !multiNodeExists) { console.log('Start...config migration for file ' + singleNodeConfFile); connect.modifyIniSingleNodeConfig(confFileFullPath); console.log('End...config migration.'); } else if (!singleNodeExists && !multiNodeExists) { if (!fs.existsSync(confFileFullPath)) { console.log('Start...config creation at: ' + confFileFullPath); fs.writeFileSync(confFileFullPath, JSON.stringify(connect.setDefaultConfig(), null, 2), 'utf-8'); console.log('End...config creation.'); } } } catch(err) { console.error('Something went wrong while upgrading the RTL config file: \n' + err); throw new Error(err); } } connect.setServerConfiguration = () => { try { common.rtl_conf_file_path = (process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH) ? process.env.RTL_CONFIG_PATH : path.normalize(__dirname); confFileFullPath = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json'; if(!fs.existsSync(confFileFullPath)) { connect.upgradeConfig(confFileFullPath); } var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(confFileFullPath, 'utf-8')); connect.validateNodeConfig(config); connect.setSelectedNode(config); connect.logEnvVariables(); } catch(err) { console.error('Something went wrong while configuring the node server: \n' + err); throw new Error(err); } } module.exports = connect;