import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store'; import { initECLState } from './ecl.state'; import { addInvoice, removeChannel, removePeer, resetECLStore, setActiveChannels, setChannelsStatus, setChildNodeSettingsECL, setFees, setInactiveChannels, setInfo, setInvoices, setLightningBalance, setOnchainBalance, setPayments, setPeers, setPendingChannels, setTransactions, updateECLAPICallStatus, updateChannelState, updateInvoice, updateRelayedPayment, setPageSettings } from './ecl.actions'; import { Channel, PaymentReceived, PaymentRelayed } from '../../shared/models/eclModels'; import { PageSettings } from '../../shared/models/pageSettings'; import { ECL_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS } from '../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions'; export const ECLReducer = createReducer(initECLState, on(updateECLAPICallStatus, (state, { payload }) => { const updatedApisCallStatus = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.apisCallStatus)); if (payload.action) { updatedApisCallStatus[payload.action] = { status: payload.status, statusCode: payload.statusCode, message: payload.message, URL: payload.URL, filePath: payload.filePath }; } return { ...state, apisCallStatus: updatedApisCallStatus }; }), on(setChildNodeSettingsECL, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, nodeSettings: payload })), on(resetECLStore, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...initECLState, nodeSettings: payload })), on(setInfo, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, information: payload })), on(setFees, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, fees: payload })), on(setActiveChannels, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, activeChannels: payload })), on(setPendingChannels, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, pendingChannels: payload })), on(setInactiveChannels, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, inactiveChannels: payload })), on(setChannelsStatus, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, channelsStatus: payload })), on(setOnchainBalance, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, onchainBalance: payload })), on(setLightningBalance, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, lightningBalance: payload })), on(setPeers, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, peers: payload })), on(removePeer, (state, { payload }) => { const modifiedPeers = [...state.peers]; const removePeerIdx = state.peers.findIndex((peer) => peer.nodeId === payload.nodeId); if (removePeerIdx > -1) { modifiedPeers.splice(removePeerIdx, 1); } return { ...state, peers: modifiedPeers }; }), on(removeChannel, (state, { payload }) => { const modifiedChannels = [...state.activeChannels]; const removeChannelIdx = state.activeChannels.findIndex((channel) => channel.channelId === payload.channelId); if (removeChannelIdx > -1) { modifiedChannels.splice(removeChannelIdx, 1); } return { ...state, activeChannels: modifiedChannels }; }), on(setPayments, (state, { payload }) => { if (payload && payload.sent) { const storedChannels = [...state.activeChannels, ...state.pendingChannels, ...state.inactiveChannels]; payload.sent?.map((sentPayment) => { const peerFound = state.peers.find((peer) => peer.nodeId === sentPayment.recipientNodeId); sentPayment.recipientNodeAlias = peerFound ? peerFound.alias : sentPayment.recipientNodeId; if ( { => { const channelFound = storedChannels.find((channel) => channel.channelId === part.toChannelId); part.toChannelAlias = channelFound ? channelFound.alias : part.toChannelId; return; }); } return payload.sent; }); } if (payload && payload.relayed) { const storedChannels = [...state.activeChannels, ...state.pendingChannels, ...state.inactiveChannels]; payload.relayed.forEach((rlEvent) => { rlEvent = mapAliases(rlEvent, storedChannels); }); } return { ...state, payments: payload }; }), on(setTransactions, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, transactions: payload })), on(addInvoice, (state, { payload }) => { const newInvoices = state.invoices; newInvoices?.unshift(payload); return { ...state, invoices: newInvoices }; }), on(setInvoices, (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, invoices: payload })), on(updateInvoice, (state, { payload }) => { let modifiedInvoices = state.invoices; modifiedInvoices = modifiedInvoices?.map((invoice) => { if (invoice.paymentHash === payload.paymentHash) { if (payload.hasOwnProperty('type')) { const updatedInvoice = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(invoice)); updatedInvoice.amountSettled = ((payload).parts && (payload).parts.length && (payload).parts.length > 0 && (payload).parts[0].amount) ? ((payload).parts[0].amount || 0) / 1000 : 0; updatedInvoice.receivedAt = ((payload).parts && (payload).parts.length && (payload).parts.length > 0 && (payload).parts[0].timestamp) ? Math.round(((payload).parts[0].timestamp || 0) / 1000) : 0; updatedInvoice.status = 'received'; return updatedInvoice; } else { return payload; } } return invoice; }); return { ...state, invoices: modifiedInvoices }; }), on(updateChannelState, (state, { payload }) => { let modifiedPendingChannels = state.pendingChannels; modifiedPendingChannels = modifiedPendingChannels?.map((pendingChannel) => { if (pendingChannel.channelId === payload.channelId && pendingChannel.nodeId === payload.remoteNodeId) { payload.currentState = payload.currentState?.replace(/_/g, ' '); pendingChannel.state = payload.currentState; } return pendingChannel; }); return { ...state, pendingChannels: modifiedPendingChannels }; }), on(updateRelayedPayment, (state, { payload }) => { const modifiedPayments = state.payments; const updatedPayload = mapAliases(payload, [...state.activeChannels, ...state.pendingChannels, ...state.inactiveChannels]); modifiedPayments.relayed?.unshift(updatedPayload); const feeSats = (payload.amountIn || 0) - (payload.amountOut || 0); const modifiedLightningBalance = { localBalance: (state.lightningBalance.localBalance + feeSats), remoteBalance: (state.lightningBalance.remoteBalance - feeSats) }; const modifiedChannelStatus = state.channelsStatus; if ( { = (state.channelsStatus?.active?.capacity || 0) + feeSats; } const modifiedFees = { daily_fee: ((state.fees.daily_fee || 0) + feeSats), daily_txs: ((state.fees.daily_txs || 0) + 1), weekly_fee: ((state.fees.weekly_fee || 0) + feeSats), weekly_txs: ((state.fees.weekly_txs || 0) + 1), monthly_fee: ((state.fees.monthly_fee || 0) + feeSats), monthly_txs: ((state.fees.monthly_txs || 0) + 1) }; const modifiedActiveChannels = state.activeChannels; let foundFrom = false; let foundTo = false; for (const channel of modifiedActiveChannels) { if (channel.channelId === payload.fromChannelId) { foundFrom = true; const channelTotal = (channel.toLocal || 0) + (channel.toRemote || 0); channel.toLocal = (channel.toLocal || 0) + updatedPayload.amountIn; channel.toRemote = (channel.toRemote || 0) - updatedPayload.amountIn; channel.balancedness = (channelTotal === 0) ? 1 : +(1 - Math.abs((channel.toLocal - channel.toRemote) / channelTotal)).toFixed(3); } if (channel.channelId === payload.toChannelId) { foundTo = true; const channelTotal = (channel.toLocal || 0) + (channel.toRemote || 0); channel.toLocal = (channel.toLocal || 0) - updatedPayload.amountOut; channel.toRemote = (channel.toRemote || 0) + updatedPayload.amountOut; channel.balancedness = (channelTotal === 0) ? 1 : +(1 - Math.abs((channel.toLocal - channel.toRemote) / channelTotal)).toFixed(3); } if (foundTo && foundFrom) { break; } }; return { ...state, payments: modifiedPayments, lightningBalance: modifiedLightningBalance, channelStatus: modifiedChannelStatus, fees: modifiedFees, activeChannels: modifiedActiveChannels }; }), on(setPageSettings, (state, { payload }) => { const newPageSettings: PageSettings[] = []; ECL_DEFAULT_PAGE_SETTINGS.forEach((defaultPage) => { const pageSetting = payload && payload.length && payload.length > 0 ? payload.find((p) => p.pageId === defaultPage.pageId) : null; if (pageSetting) { const tablesSettings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageSetting.tables)); pageSetting.tables = []; // To maintain settings order defaultPage.tables.forEach((defaultTable) => { const tableSetting = tablesSettings.find((t) => t.tableId === defaultTable.tableId) || null; if (tableSetting) { pageSetting.tables.push(tableSetting); } else { pageSetting.tables.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultTable))); } }); newPageSettings.push(pageSetting); } else { newPageSettings.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultPage))); } }); return { ...state, pageSettings: newPageSettings }; }) ); const mapAliases = (rlEvent: PaymentRelayed, storedChannels: Channel[]) => { if (rlEvent.type === 'payment-relayed') { if (storedChannels && storedChannels.length > 0) { for (let idx = 0; idx < storedChannels.length; idx++) { if (storedChannels[idx].channelId?.toString() === rlEvent.fromChannelId) { rlEvent.fromChannelAlias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : rlEvent.fromChannelId; rlEvent.fromShortChannelId = storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId ? storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId : ''; if (rlEvent.toChannelAlias) { return rlEvent; } } if (storedChannels[idx].channelId?.toString() === rlEvent.toChannelId) { rlEvent.toChannelAlias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : rlEvent.toChannelId; rlEvent.toShortChannelId = storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId ? storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId : ''; if (rlEvent.fromChannelAlias) { return rlEvent; } } if (idx === storedChannels.length - 1) { if (!rlEvent.fromChannelAlias) { rlEvent.fromChannelAlias = rlEvent.fromChannelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; rlEvent.fromShortChannelId = ''; } if (!rlEvent.toChannelAlias) { rlEvent.toChannelAlias = rlEvent.toChannelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; rlEvent.toShortChannelId = ''; } } } } else { rlEvent.fromChannelAlias = rlEvent.fromChannelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; rlEvent.fromShortChannelId = ''; rlEvent.toChannelAlias = rlEvent.toChannelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; rlEvent.toShortChannelId = ''; } } else if (rlEvent.type = 'trampoline-payment-relayed') { if (storedChannels && storedChannels.length > 0) { for (let idx = 0; idx < storedChannels.length; idx++) { rlEvent.incoming?.forEach((incomingEvent) => { if (storedChannels[idx].channelId?.toString() === incomingEvent.channelId) { incomingEvent.channelAlias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : incomingEvent.channelId; incomingEvent.shortChannelId = storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId ? storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId : ''; } }); rlEvent.outgoing?.forEach((outgoingEvent) => { if (storedChannels[idx].channelId?.toString() === outgoingEvent.channelId) { outgoingEvent.channelAlias = storedChannels[idx].alias ? storedChannels[idx].alias : outgoingEvent.channelId; outgoingEvent.shortChannelId = storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId ? storedChannels[idx].shortChannelId : ''; } }); if (idx === storedChannels.length - 1) { if (rlEvent.incoming && rlEvent.incoming.length && rlEvent.incoming.length > 0 && !rlEvent.incoming[0].channelAlias) { rlEvent.incoming?.forEach((incomingEvent) => { incomingEvent.channelAlias = incomingEvent.channelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; incomingEvent.shortChannelId = ''; }); } if (rlEvent.outgoing && rlEvent.outgoing.length && rlEvent.outgoing.length > 0 && !rlEvent.outgoing[0].channelAlias) { rlEvent.outgoing?.forEach((outgoingEvent) => { outgoingEvent.channelAlias = outgoingEvent.channelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; outgoingEvent.shortChannelId = ''; }); } } } } else { rlEvent.incoming?.forEach((incomingEvent) => { incomingEvent.channelAlias = incomingEvent.channelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; incomingEvent.shortChannelId = ''; }); rlEvent.outgoing?.forEach((outgoingEvent) => { outgoingEvent.channelAlias = outgoingEvent.channelId?.substring(0, 17) + '...'; outgoingEvent.shortChannelId = ''; }); } const amountInTotalmSats = rlEvent.incoming?.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.amount, 0) || 0; rlEvent.amountIn = Math.round(amountInTotalmSats / 1000); rlEvent.fromChannelId = rlEvent.incoming && rlEvent.incoming.length ? rlEvent.incoming[0].channelId : ''; rlEvent.fromChannelAlias = rlEvent.incoming && rlEvent.incoming.length ? rlEvent.incoming[0].channelAlias : ''; rlEvent.fromShortChannelId = rlEvent.incoming && rlEvent.incoming.length ? rlEvent.incoming[0].shortChannelId : ''; const amountOutTotalmSats = rlEvent.outgoing?.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.amount, 0) || 0; rlEvent.amountOut = Math.round(amountOutTotalmSats / 1000); rlEvent.toChannelId = rlEvent.outgoing && rlEvent.outgoing.length ? rlEvent.outgoing[0].channelId : ''; rlEvent.toChannelAlias = rlEvent.outgoing && rlEvent.outgoing.length ? rlEvent.outgoing[0].channelAlias : ''; rlEvent.toShortChannelId = rlEvent.outgoing && rlEvent.outgoing.length ? rlEvent.outgoing[0].shortChannelId : ''; } return rlEvent; };