import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core'; import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router'; import { Breakpoints, BreakpointObserver } from '@angular/cdk/layout'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { takeUntil, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { UserIdleService } from 'angular-user-idle'; import * as sha256 from 'sha256'; import { LoggerService } from './shared/services/logger.service'; import { CommonService } from './shared/services/common.service'; import { SessionService } from './shared/services/session.service'; import { AlertTypeEnum, RTLActions, ScreenSizeEnum } from './shared/services/consts-enums-functions'; import { rootAppConfig, rootNodeData, rootSelectedNode } from './store/rtl.selector'; import { RTLConfiguration, GetInfoRoot } from './shared/models/RTLconfig'; import { closeAllDialogs, fetchRTLConfig, login, logout, openAlert } from './store/rtl.actions'; import { routeAnimation } from './shared/animation/route-animation'; import { RTLState } from './store/rtl.state'; @Component({ selector: 'rtl-app', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], animations: [routeAnimation] }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('sideNavigation', { static: false }) sideNavigation: any; @ViewChild('sideNavContent', { static: false }) sideNavContent: any; public information: GetInfoRoot = {}; public flgLoading: Array = [true]; // 0: Info public flgSideNavOpened = true; public flgCopied = false; public selNode: Node | any; public appConfig: RTLConfiguration; public accessKey = ''; public xSmallScreen = false; public smallScreen = false; public flgSidenavPinned = true; public flgLoggedIn = false; unSubs: Array> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()]; constructor( private logger: LoggerService, private commonService: CommonService, private store: Store, private actions: Actions, private userIdle: UserIdleService, private router: Router, private sessionService: SessionService, private breakpointObserver: BreakpointObserver, private renderer: Renderer2 ) { } ngOnInit() { => { if (!(evt instanceof NavigationEnd)) { return; } document.getElementsByTagName('mat-sidenav-content')[0].scrollTo(0, 0); }); this.breakpointObserver.observe([Breakpoints.XSmall, Breakpoints.TabletPortrait, Breakpoints.Small, Breakpoints.Medium, Breakpoints.Large, Breakpoints.XLarge]). pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[0])). subscribe((matches) => { if (matches.breakpoints[Breakpoints.XSmall]) { this.commonService.setScreenSize(ScreenSizeEnum.XS); this.smallScreen = true; } else if (matches.breakpoints[Breakpoints.TabletPortrait]) { this.commonService.setScreenSize(ScreenSizeEnum.SM); this.smallScreen = true; } else if (matches.breakpoints[Breakpoints.Small] || matches.breakpoints[Breakpoints.Medium]) { this.commonService.setScreenSize(ScreenSizeEnum.MD); this.smallScreen = false; } else if (matches.breakpoints[Breakpoints.Large]) { this.commonService.setScreenSize(ScreenSizeEnum.LG); this.smallScreen = false; } else { this.commonService.setScreenSize(ScreenSizeEnum.XL); this.smallScreen = false; } });; this.accessKey = this.readAccessKey() || '';[1])).subscribe((selNode) => { if (!this.sessionService.getItem('token')) { this.flgLoggedIn = false; this.flgLoading[0] = false; } else { this.flgLoggedIn = true; this.userIdle.startWatching(); } this.selNode = selNode; });[2])).subscribe((appConfig) => { this.appConfig = appConfig; });[3])).subscribe((nodeData) => { this.information = nodeData; this.flgLoading[0] = !(this.information.identity_pubkey);; }); if (this.sessionService.getItem('defaultPassword') === 'true') { this.flgSideNavOpened = false; } this.actions.pipe( takeUntil(this.unSubs[4]), filter((action) => action.type === RTLActions.FETCH_APPLICATION_SETTINGS || action.type === RTLActions.LOGIN || action.type === RTLActions.LOGOUT)). subscribe((action: (any)) => { if (action.type === RTLActions.SET_APPLICATION_SETTINGS) { if (!this.sessionService.getItem('token')) { if (+action.payload.SSO.rtlSSO) { if (!this.accessKey || this.accessKey.trim().length < 32) { this.router.navigate(['./error'], { state: { errorCode: '406', errorMessage: 'Access key too short. It should be at least 32 characters long.' } }); } else {{ payload: { password: sha256(this.accessKey).toString(), defaultPassword: false } })); } } else { this.router.navigate(['./login'], { state: { logoutReason: 'Access key too short. It should be at least 32 characters long.' } }); } } } if (action.type === RTLActions.LOGIN) { this.flgLoggedIn = true; this.userIdle.startWatching(); this.userIdle.resetTimer(); setTimeout(() => { this.commonService.setContainerSize(this.sideNavContent.elementRef.nativeElement.clientWidth, this.sideNavContent.elementRef.nativeElement.clientHeight); }, 1000); } if (action.type === RTLActions.LOGOUT) { this.flgLoggedIn = false; this.userIdle.stopWatching(); this.userIdle.stopTimer(); } }); this.userIdle.onTimerStart().pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[5])).subscribe((count) => {'Counting Down: ' + (11 - count)); }); this.userIdle.onTimeout().pipe(takeUntil(this.unSubs[6])).subscribe(() => {'Time Out!'); if (this.sessionService.getItem('token')) { this.flgLoggedIn = false; this.logger.warn('Time limit exceeded for session inactivity.');;{ payload: { data: { type: AlertTypeEnum.WARNING, alertTitle: 'Logging out', titleMessage: 'Time limit exceeded for session inactivity.' } } }));{ payload: 'Logging Out. Time limit exceeded for session inactivity.' })); } }); if (this.sessionService.getItem('defaultPassword') === 'true') { this.flgSideNavOpened = false; } } private readAccessKey() { const url = window.location.href; return url.includes('access-key=') ? url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('access-key=') + 11).trim() : null; } ngAfterViewInit() { if (this.smallScreen || !this.flgLoggedIn) { this.sideNavigation.close(); } this.commonService.setContainerSize(this.sideNavContent.elementRef.nativeElement.clientWidth, this.sideNavContent.elementRef.nativeElement.clientHeight); } sideNavToggle() { this.flgSideNavOpened = !this.flgSideNavOpened; this.sideNavigation.toggle(); } onNavigationClicked(event: any) { if (this.smallScreen) { this.flgSideNavOpened = !this.flgSideNavOpened; this.sideNavigation.close(); } } backdropClicked() { if (!this.flgSidenavPinned || this.smallScreen) { this.flgSideNavOpened = !this.flgSideNavOpened; this.sideNavigation.close(); } } copiedText(payload: string) { this.flgCopied = true; setTimeout(() => { this.flgCopied = false; }, 5000);'Copied Text: ' + payload); } ngOnDestroy() { this.unSubs.forEach((unsub) => {; unsub.complete(); }); } }