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216 lines
9.0 KiB

var ini = require('ini');
var fs = require('fs');
6 years ago
var logger = require('./logger');
var common = require('../common');
var request = require('request-promise');
var options = {};
exports.updateSelectedNode = (req, res, next) => {
const selNodeIndex = req.body.selNodeIndex;
common.selectedNode = common.findNode(selNodeIndex);
const responseVal = common.selectedNode && common.selectedNode.ln_node ? common.selectedNode.ln_node : '';{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: 'Selected Node Updated To: ' + JSON.stringify(responseVal)});
res.status(200).json({status: 'Selected Node Updated To: ' + JSON.stringify(responseVal) + '!'});
exports.getRTLConfig = (req, res, next) => {
var confFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json';{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: 'Getting Node Config'});
fs.readFile(confFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
logger.error({fileName: 'RTLConf', lineNum: 22, msg: 'Node config does not exist!'});
res.status(200).json({ defaultNodeIndex: 0, selectedNodeIndex: 0, sso: {}, nodes: [] });
} else {
logger.error({fileName: 'RTLConf', lineNum: 25, msg: 'Getting Node Config Failed!'});
message: "Reading Node Config Failed!",
error: err
} else {
const nodeConfData = JSON.parse(data);
const sso = { rtlSSO: common.rtl_sso, logoutRedirectLink: common.logout_redirect_link };
const enable2FA = !common.rtl_secret2fa ? false : true;
var nodesArr = [];
if (common.nodes && common.nodes.length > 0) {
common.nodes.forEach((node, i) => {
const authentication = {};
if(node.config_path) {
authentication.configPath = node.config_path;
} else {
authentication.configPath = '';
const settings = {};
settings.userPersona = node.user_persona ? node.user_persona : 'MERCHANT';
settings.themeMode = (node.theme_mode) ? node.theme_mode : 'DAY';
settings.themeColor = (node.theme_color) ? node.theme_color : 'PURPLE';
settings.fiatConversion = (node.fiat_conversion) ? !!node.fiat_conversion : false;
settings.bitcoindConfigPath = node.bitcoind_config_path;
settings.enableLogging = node.enable_logging ? !!node.enable_logging : false;
settings.lnServerUrl = node.ln_server_url;
settings.swapServerUrl = node.swap_server_url;
settings.channelBackupPath = node.channel_backup_path;
settings.currencyUnit = node.currency_unit;
index: node.index,
lnNode: node.ln_node,
lnImplementation: node.ln_implementation,
settings: settings,
authentication: authentication})
res.status(200).json({ defaultNodeIndex: nodeConfData.defaultNodeIndex, selectedNodeIndex: common.selectedNode.index, sso: sso, enable2FA: enable2FA, nodes: nodesArr });
exports.updateUISettings = (req, res, next) => {
var RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json';
var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
config.nodes.find(node => {
if(node.index == common.selectedNode.index) {
node.Settings.userPersona = req.body.updatedSettings.userPersona;
node.Settings.themeMode = req.body.updatedSettings.themeMode;
node.Settings.themeColor = req.body.updatedSettings.themeColor;
node.Settings.fiatConversion = req.body.updatedSettings.fiatConversion;
if(req.body.updatedSettings.fiatConversion) {
node.Settings.currencyUnit = req.body.updatedSettings.currencyUnit ? req.body.updatedSettings.currencyUnit : 'USD';
} else {
delete node.Settings.currencyUnit;
const selectedNode = common.findNode(common.selectedNode.index);
selectedNode.user_persona = req.body.updatedSettings.userPersona;
selectedNode.theme_mode = req.body.updatedSettings.themeMode;
selectedNode.theme_color = req.body.updatedSettings.themeColor;
selectedNode.fiat_conversion = req.body.updatedSettings.fiatConversion;
if(req.body.updatedSettings.fiatConversion) {
selectedNode.currency_unit = req.body.updatedSettings.currencyUnit ? req.body.updatedSettings.currencyUnit : 'USD';
} else {
delete selectedNode.currency_unit;
common.replaceNode(common.selectedNode.index, selectedNode);
try {
fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8');{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: 'Updating Application Node Settings Succesful!'});
res.status(201).json({message: 'Application Node Settings Updated Successfully'});
catch (err) {
logger.error({fileName: 'Conf', lineNum: 101, msg: 'Updating Application Node Settings Failed!'});
message: "Updating Application Node Settings Failed!",
error: 'Updating Application Node Settings Failed!'
exports.update2FASettings = (req, res, next) => {
var RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json';
var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
config.secret2fa = req.body.secret2fa;
let message = req.body.secret2fa.trim() === '' ? 'Two factor authentication disabled sucessfully.' : 'Two factor authentication enabled sucessfully.';
try {
fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8');
common.rtl_secret2fa = config.secret2fa;{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: message});
res.status(201).json({message: message});
catch (err) {
logger.error({fileName: 'Conf', lineNum: 121, msg: 'Updating 2FA Settings Failed!'});
message: "Updating 2FA Settings Failed!",
error: 'Updating 2FA Settings Failed!'
exports.updateDefaultNode = (req, res, next) => {
RTLConfFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json';
var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(RTLConfFile, 'utf-8'));
config.defaultNodeIndex = req.body.defaultNodeIndex;
try {
fs.writeFileSync(RTLConfFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf-8');{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: 'Updating Default Node Succesful!'});
res.status(201).json({message: 'Default Node Updated Successfully'});
catch (err) {
logger.error({fileName: 'Conf', lineNum: 139, msg: 'Updating Default Node Failed!'});
message: "Updating Default Node Failed!",
error: 'Updating Default Node Failed!'
exports.getConfig = (req, res, next) => {
let confFile = '';
let JSONFormat = false;
switch (req.params.nodeType) {
5 years ago
case 'ln':
JSONFormat = false;
5 years ago
confFile = common.selectedNode.config_path;
case 'bitcoind':
JSONFormat = false;
confFile = common.selectedNode.bitcoind_config_path;
case 'rtl':
JSONFormat = true;
confFile = common.rtl_conf_file_path + common.path_separator + 'RTL-Config.json';
JSONFormat = false;
confFile = '';
}{fileName: 'RTLConf', msg: 'Node Type: ' + req.params.nodeType + ', File Path: ' + confFile});
fs.readFile(confFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
logger.error({fileName: 'Conf', lineNum: 171, msg: 'Reading Conf Failed!'});
message: "Reading Config File Failed!",
error: err
} else {
const jsonConfig = (JSONFormat) ? JSON.parse(data) : ini.parse(data);
if (jsonConfig.Bitcoind && jsonConfig.Bitcoind['bitcoind.rpcpass']) {
jsonConfig.Bitcoind['bitcoind.rpcpass'] = jsonConfig.Bitcoind['bitcoind.rpcpass'].replace(/./g, '*');
if (jsonConfig['bitcoind.rpcpass']) {
jsonConfig['bitcoind.rpcpass'] = jsonConfig['bitcoind.rpcpass'].replace(/./g, '*');
if (jsonConfig['rpcpassword']) {
jsonConfig['rpcpassword'] = jsonConfig['rpcpassword'].replace(/./g, '*');
if (jsonConfig.multiPass) {
jsonConfig.multiPass = jsonConfig.multiPass.replace(/./g, '*');
const responseJSON = (JSONFormat) ? jsonConfig : ini.stringify(jsonConfig);
res.status(200).json({format: (JSONFormat) ? 'JSON' : 'INI', data: responseJSON});
exports.getCurrencyRates = (req, res, next) => {
options.url = '';
request(options).then((body) => {
if(!body || body.error) {
message: "Fetching Rates Failed!",
error: (!body) ? 'Error From External Server!' : body.error
} else {
body = JSON.parse(body);
.catch(function (err) {
logger.error({fileName: 'Conf', lineNum: 210, msg: 'Fetching Rates Failed! ' + JSON.stringify(err)});
return res.status(500).json({
message: "Fetching Rates Failed!",
error: err.error