You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
13 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { take, takeUntil, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { MatTableDataSource, MatSort, MatPaginator, MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material';
import { Channel, GetInfo } from '../../../../../shared/models/lndModels';
import { PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS, getPaginatorLabel, AlertTypeEnum, DataTypeEnum, ScreenSizeEnum } from '../../../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { CommonService } from '../../../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { LNDEffects } from '../../../../store/lnd.effects';
import { RTLEffects } from '../../../../../store/rtl.effects';
import * as RTLActions from '../../../../../store/rtl.actions';
import * as fromRTLReducer from '../../../../../store/rtl.reducers';
selector: 'rtl-channel-open-table',
templateUrl: './channel-open-table.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./channel-open-table.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: getPaginatorLabel('Channels') }
export class ChannelOpenTableComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@ViewChild(MatSort, { static: true }) sort: MatSort;
@ViewChild(MatPaginator, {static: true}) paginator: MatPaginator;
public totalBalance = 0;
public displayedColumns = [];
public channels: any;
public myChanPolicy: any = {};
public information: GetInfo = {};
public numPeers = -1;
public flgLoading: Array<Boolean | 'error'> = [true];
public selectedFilter = '';
public selFilter = '';
public flgSticky = false;
public pageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
public pageSizeOptions = PAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS;
public screenSize = '';
public screenSizeEnum = ScreenSizeEnum;
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(private logger: LoggerService, private store: Store<fromRTLReducer.RTLState>, private rtlEffects: RTLEffects, private lndEffects: LNDEffects, private commonService: CommonService, private actions$: Actions) {
this.screenSize = this.commonService.getScreenSize();
if(this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.XS) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = [ 'remote_alias', 'actions'];
} else if(this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.SM) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'actions'];
} else if(this.screenSize === ScreenSizeEnum.MD) {
this.flgSticky = false;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'actions'];
} else {
this.flgSticky = true;
this.displayedColumns = ['remote_alias', 'total_satoshis_sent', 'total_satoshis_received', 'local_balance', 'remote_balance', 'balancedness', 'actions'];
ngOnInit() {'lnd')
.subscribe((rtlStore) => {
rtlStore.effectErrorsLnd.forEach(effectsErr => {
if (effectsErr.action === 'FetchChannels/all') {
this.flgLoading[0] = 'error';
this.information = rtlStore.information;
this.numPeers = (rtlStore.peers && rtlStore.peers.length) ? rtlStore.peers.length : 0;
this.totalBalance = +rtlStore.blockchainBalance.total_balance;
if (undefined !== rtlStore.allChannels) {
if (this.flgLoading[0] !== 'error') {
this.flgLoading[0] = (undefined !== rtlStore.allChannels) ? false : true;
onViewRemotePolicy(selChannel: Channel) { RTLActions.ChannelLookup(selChannel.chan_id.toString() + '/' + this.information.identity_pubkey));
.subscribe(resLookup => {
const reorderedChannelPolicy = [
[{key: 'fee_base_msat', value: resLookup.fee_base_msat, title: 'Base Fees (mSats)', width: 34, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'fee_rate_milli_msat', value: resLookup.fee_rate_milli_msat, title: 'Fee Rate (milli mSats)', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'time_lock_delta', value: resLookup.time_lock_delta, title: 'Time Lock Delta', width: 33, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}]
]; RTLActions.OpenAlert({ data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'Remote Channel Policy',
message: reorderedChannelPolicy
onChannelUpdate(channelToUpdate: any) {
if (channelToUpdate === 'all') {
const confirmationMsg = []; RTLActions.OpenConfirmation({ data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Update fee policy for all Channels',
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Update All Channels',
message: confirmationMsg,
flgShowInput: true,
getInputs: [
{placeholder: 'Base Fee (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: 1000, width: 32},
{placeholder: 'Fee Rate (mili mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: 1, min: 1, width: 32},
{placeholder: 'Time Lock Delta', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: 40, width: 32}
.subscribe(confirmRes => {
if (confirmRes) {
const base_fee = confirmRes[0].inputValue;
const fee_rate = confirmRes[1].inputValue;
const time_lock_delta = confirmRes[2].inputValue; RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Updating Channel Policy...')); RTLActions.UpdateChannels({baseFeeMsat: base_fee, feeRate: fee_rate, timeLockDelta: time_lock_delta, chanPoint: 'all'}));
} else {
this.myChanPolicy = {fee_base_msat: 0, fee_rate_milli_msat: 0, time_lock_delta: 0}; RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Fetching Channel Policy...')); RTLActions.ChannelLookup(channelToUpdate.chan_id.toString()));
.subscribe(resLookup => {
if (resLookup.node1_pub === this.information.identity_pubkey) {
this.myChanPolicy = resLookup.node1_policy;
} else if (resLookup.node2_pub === this.information.identity_pubkey) {
this.myChanPolicy = resLookup.node2_policy;
} else {
this.myChanPolicy = {fee_base_msat: 0, fee_rate_milli_msat: 0, time_lock_delta: 0};
}; RTLActions.CloseSpinner());
const titleMsg = 'Update fee policy for channel point: ' + channelToUpdate.channel_point;
const confirmationMsg = []; RTLActions.OpenConfirmation({ data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Update Fee Policy',
titleMessage: titleMsg,
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Update Channel',
message: confirmationMsg,
flgShowInput: true,
getInputs: [
{placeholder: 'Base Fee (mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: (this.myChanPolicy.fee_base_msat === '') ? 0 : this.myChanPolicy.fee_base_msat, width: 32},
{placeholder: 'Fee Rate (mili mSat)', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: this.myChanPolicy.fee_rate_milli_msat, min: 1, width: 32},
{placeholder: 'Time Lock Delta', inputType: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER.toLowerCase(), inputValue: this.myChanPolicy.time_lock_delta, width: 32}
.subscribe(confirmRes => {
if (confirmRes) {
const base_fee = confirmRes[0].inputValue;
const fee_rate = confirmRes[1].inputValue;
const time_lock_delta = confirmRes[2].inputValue; RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Updating Channel Policy...')); RTLActions.UpdateChannels({baseFeeMsat: base_fee, feeRate: fee_rate, timeLockDelta: time_lock_delta, chanPoint: channelToUpdate.channel_point}));
onChannelClose(channelToClose: Channel) { RTLActions.OpenConfirmation({ data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.CONFIRM,
alertTitle: 'Close Channel',
titleMessage: 'Closing channel: ' + channelToClose.channel_point,
noBtnText: 'Cancel',
yesBtnText: 'Close Channel'
.subscribe(confirmRes => {
if (confirmRes) { RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Closing Channel...')); RTLActions.CloseChannel({channelPoint: channelToClose.channel_point, forcibly: !}));
applyFilter() {
this.selectedFilter = this.selFilter;
this.channels.filter = this.selFilter;
onChannelClick(selChannel: Channel, event: any) {
const reorderedChannel = [
[{key: 'remote_alias', value: selChannel.remote_alias, title: 'Peer Alias', width: 40},
{key: 'active', value:, title: 'Active', width: 30, type: DataTypeEnum.BOOLEAN},
{key: 'private', value: selChannel.private, title: 'Private', width: 30, type: DataTypeEnum.BOOLEAN}],
[{key: 'remote_pubkey', value: selChannel.remote_pubkey, title: 'Peer Public Key', width: 100}],
[{key: 'channel_point', value: selChannel.channel_point, title: 'Channel Point', width: 100}],
[{key: 'chan_id', value: selChannel.chan_id, title: 'Channel ID', width: 50},
{key: 'capacity', value: selChannel.capacity, title: 'Capacity', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}],
[{key: 'local_balance', value: selChannel.local_balance, title: 'Local Balance', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'remote_balance', value: selChannel.remote_balance, title: 'Remote Balance', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}],
[{key: 'commit_fee', value: selChannel.commit_fee, title: 'Commit Fee', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'commit_weight', value: selChannel.commit_weight, title: 'Commit Weight', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}],
[{key: 'fee_per_kw', value: selChannel.fee_per_kw, title: 'Fee/KW', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'unsettled_balance', value: selChannel.unsettled_balance, title: 'Unsettled Balance', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}],
[{key: 'total_satoshis_sent', value: selChannel.total_satoshis_sent, title: 'Total Satoshis Sent', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'total_satoshis_received', value: selChannel.total_satoshis_received, title: 'Total Satoshis Received', width: 50, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}],
[{key: 'num_updates', value: selChannel.num_updates, title: 'Number of Updates', width: 40, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'pending_htlcs', value: selChannel.pending_htlcs, title: 'Pending HTLCs', width: 30, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER},
{key: 'csv_delay', value: selChannel.csv_delay, title: 'CSV Delay', width: 30, type: DataTypeEnum.NUMBER}]
]; RTLActions.OpenAlert({ data: {
type: AlertTypeEnum.INFORMATION,
alertTitle: 'Channel Information',
showCopyName: 'Channel ID',
showCopyField: selChannel.chan_id,
message: reorderedChannel
loadChannelsTable(mychannels) {
mychannels.sort(function(a, b) {
return ( === ? 0 : (( ? 1 : -1);
this.channels = new MatTableDataSource<Channel>([...mychannels]);
this.channels.filterPredicate = (channel: Channel, fltr: string) => {
const newChannel = (( ? 'active' : 'inactive') + (channel.chan_id ? channel.chan_id : '') +
(channel.remote_pubkey ? channel.remote_pubkey : '') + (channel.remote_alias ? channel.remote_alias : '') +
(channel.capacity ? channel.capacity : '') + (channel.local_balance ? channel.local_balance : '') +
(channel.remote_balance ? channel.remote_balance : '') + (channel.total_satoshis_sent ? channel.total_satoshis_sent : '') +
(channel.total_satoshis_received ? channel.total_satoshis_received : '') + (channel.commit_fee ? channel.commit_fee : '') +
(channel.private ? 'private' : 'public');
return newChannel.includes(fltr);
this.channels.sort = this.sort;
this.channels.paginator = this.paginator;;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach(completeSub => {;