You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

327 lines
10 KiB

import { HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { BehaviorSubject, of, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { API_URL } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { CLNActions } from '../services/consts-enums-functions';
import { mockResponseData } from './test-data';
export class mockMatDialogRef {
close = (dialogResult: any) => { };
export class mockLoggerService {
info() { };
warn() { };
error() { };
invokeConsoleMethod(type: string, args?: any): void { };
export class mockHttpClient {
post(url: string) {
return of(new HttpResponse(mockResponseData.setSelectedNodeSuccess));
export class mockRouter {
getCurrentNavigation() {
return {
extras: {
state: {
filter: 'DummyChannelID4325565432212367867'
export class mockDataService {
private lnImplementation = 'LND';
private APIUrl = API_URL;
public lnImplementationUpdated: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject(this.lnImplementation);
setLnImplementation(lnImplementation: string) {
this.lnImplementation = lnImplementation.toLowerCase();;
getFiatRates() {
return of(mockResponseData.fiatRates);
decodePayment(payment: string, fromDialog: boolean) {
if (payment ===
) {
return of(mockResponseData.decodePayment);
} else if (payment ===
) {
mockResponseData.decodeEmptyPayment.num_satoshis = '0';
return of(mockResponseData.decodeEmptyPayment);
} else {
return throwError(() => mockResponseData.error);
decodePayments(payments: string) {
return of(mockResponseData.decodePayments);
getAliasesFromPubkeys(pubkey: string, multiple: boolean) {
return of(mockResponseData.getAliasesFromPubkeys);
signMessage(msg: string) {
return of(mockResponseData.signMessage);
verifyMessage(msg: string, sign: string) {
return of(mockResponseData.verifyMessage);
bumpFee(txid: string, outputIndex: number, targetConf: number, satPerByte: number) {
return of(mockResponseData.bumpFee);
labelUTXO(txid: string, label: string, overwrite: boolean = true) {
return of(mockResponseData.labelUTXO);
leaseUTXO(txid: string, output_index: number) {
return of(mockResponseData.leaseUTXO); // 10 mins
listConfigs() {
return of({ '# version': 'v0.10.2-55-g35c6f90', network: 'testnet', 'experimental-dual-fund': true, 'experimental-offers': true, rgb: '009001', alias: 'MyTestNode', 'watchtime-blocks': 6 });
getForwardingHistory(start: string, end: string) {
return of(mockResponseData.getForwardingHistory);
listNetworkNodes(qp: string) {
return of(mockResponseData.getListLiqNode);
export class mockSessionService {
private sessionObj = {
token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiTk9ERV9VU0VSIiwiY29uZmlnUGF0aCI6IkM6L1VzZXJzL3NoYWhhL0FwcERhdGEvTG9jYWwvTG5kL2xuZC5jb25mIiwibWFjYXJvb25QYXRoIjoiQzovVXNlcnMvc2hhaGEvQXBwRGF0YS9Mb2NhbC9MbmQvZGF0YS9jaGFpbi9iaXRjb2luL3Rlc3RuZXQiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjU4NzcwMzZ9.ybM926PINgy3RINjG1CPqQOOFOcofgKbBLLeyfgW4zg',
defaultPassword: false,
lndUnlocked: true
watchSession() {
return of(this.sessionObj);
getItem(key) {
return this.sessionObj[key];
getAllItems() {
return this.sessionObj;
setItem(key: string, data: any) {
return of(this.sessionObj);
removeItem(key) {
return of(this.sessionObj);
clearAll() {
return of(this.sessionObj);
export class mockLoopService {
public swapsChanged = new BehaviorSubject<any[]>([]);
getSwapsList() { };
listSwaps() { };
loopOut(amount: number, chanId: string, targetConf: number, swapRoutingFee: number, minerFee: number, prepayRoutingFee: number, prepayAmt: number, swapFee: number, swapPublicationDeadline: number, destAddress: string) { };
getLoopOutTerms() { };
getLoopOutQuote(amount: number, targetConf: number, swapPublicationDeadline: number) { };
getLoopOutTermsAndQuotes(targetConf: number) { };
loopIn(amount: number, swapFee: number, minerFee: number, lastHop: string, externalHtlc: boolean) { };
getLoopInTerms() { };
getLoopInQuote(amount: number, targetConf: string, swapPublicationDeadline: number) { };
getLoopInTermsAndQuotes(targetConf: number) { };
getSwap(id: string) { };
handleErrorWithoutAlert(actionName: string, err: { status: number, error: any }) { };
handleErrorWithAlert(errURL: string, err: any) { };
export class mockBoltzService {
public swapsChanged = new BehaviorSubject<any[]>([]);
getSwapsList() { };
listSwaps() { };
swapInfo(id: string) { };
serviceInfo() { };
swapOut(amount: number, address: string) { };
swapIn(amount: number) { };
handleErrorWithoutAlert(actionName: string, err: { status: number, error: any }) { };
handleErrorWithAlert(errURL: string, err: any) { };
export class mockRTLEffects {
closeAllDialogs = of(() => ({}));
openSnackBar = of(() => ({}));
openSpinner = of(() => ({}));
closeSpinner = of(() => ({}));
openAlert = of(() => ({}));
closeAlert = of(() => ({}));
openConfirm = of(() => ({}));
closeConfirm = of(() => ({}));
showNodePubkey = of(() => ({}));
appConfigFetch = of(() => ({}));
settingSave = of(() => ({}));
updateServicesettings = of(() => ({}));
ssoSave = of(() => ({}));
twoFASettingSave = of(() => ({}));
configFetch = of(() => ({}));
showLnConfig = of(() => ({}));
isAuthorized = of(() => ({}));
isAuthorizedRes = of(() => ({}));
authLogin = of(() => ({}));
tokenVerify = of(() => ({}));
logOut = of(() => ({}));
resetPassword = of(() => ({}));
setSelectedNode = of(() => ({}));
fetchFile = of(() => ({}));
showFile = of(() => ({}));
initializeNode = of(() => ({}));
SetToken = of(() => ({}));
setLoggedInDetails = of(() => ({}));
handleErrorWithoutAlert = of(() => ({}));
handleErrorWithAlert = of(() => ({}));
export class mockLNDEffects {
infoFetch = of(() => ({}));
fetchFees = of(() => ({}));
fetchFeeRates = of(() => ({}));
fetchBalance = of(() => ({}));
fetchLocalRemoteBalance = of(() => ({}));
getNewAddress = of(() => ({}));
setNewAddress = of(() => ({}));
peersFetch = of(() => ({}));
saveNewPeer = of(() => ({}));
detachPeer = of(() => ({}));
channelsFetch = of(() => ({}));
openNewChannel = of(() => ({}));
updateChannel = of(() => ({}));
closeChannel = of(() => ({}));
paymentsFetch = of(() => ({}));
decodePayment = of(() => ({}));
setDecodedPayment = of(() => ({}));
sendPayment = of(() => ({}));
queryRoutesFetch = of(() => ({}));
setQueryRoutes = of(() => ({ type: 'SET_QUERY_ROUTES', payload: { routes: [] } }));
peerLookup = of(() => ({}));
channelLookup = of(() => ({}));
invoiceLookup = of(() => ({}));
setLookup = of(() => ({}));
fetchForwardingHistory = of(() => ({}));
deleteExpiredInvoice = of(() => ({}));
saveNewInvoice = of(() => ({}));
invoicesFetch = of(() => ({}));
SetChannelTransaction = of(() => ({}));
utxosFetch = of(() => ({}));
initWalletRes = of(() => ({}));
initWallet = of(() => ({}));
genSeedResponse = of(() => ({}));
setRestoreChannelList = of({ files: [], all_restore_exists: true });
export class mockCLEffects {
infoFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
fetchFeesCL = of(() => ({}));
fetchFeeRatesCL = of(() => ({}));
fetchBalancCL = of(() => ({}));
fetchLocalRemoteBalancCL = of(() => ({}));
getNewAddressCL = of(() => ({}));
setNewAddressCL = of(() => ({}));
peersFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
saveNewPeerCL = of(() => ({}));
detachPeerCL = of(() => ({}));
channelsFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
openNewChannelCL = of(() => ({}));
updateChannelCL = of(() => ({}));
closeChannelCL = of(() => ({}));
paymentsFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
decodePaymentCL = of(() => ({}));
setDecodedPaymentCL = of(() => ({}));
sendPaymentCL = of(() => ({}));
queryRoutesFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
peerLookupCL = of(() => ({}));
channelLookupCL = of(() => ({}));
invoiceLookupCL = of(() => ({}));
setLookupCL = of(() => ({}));
fetchForwardingHistoryCL = of(() => ({}));
deleteExpiredInvoiceCL = of(() => ({}));
saveNewInvoiceCL = of(() => ({}));
invoicesFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
SetChannelTransactionCL = of(() => ({}));
utxosFetchCL = of(() => ({}));
setQueryRoutesCL = of(() => ({ type: CLNActions.SET_QUERY_ROUTES_CLN, payload: { routes: [] } }))
export class mockECLEffects {
infoFetch = of(() => ({}));
fetchFees = of(() => ({}));
fetchFeeRates = of(() => ({}));
fetchBalance = of(() => ({}));
fetchLocalRemoteBalance = of(() => ({}));
getNewAddress = of(() => ({}));
setNewAddress = of(() => ({}));
peersFetch = of(() => ({}));
saveNewPeer = of(() => ({}));
detachPeer = of(() => ({}));
channelsFetch = of(() => ({}));
openNewChannel = of(() => ({}));
updateChannel = of(() => ({}));
closeChannel = of(() => ({}));
paymentsFetch = of(() => ({}));
decodePayment = of(() => ({}));
setDecodedPayment = of(() => ({}));
sendPayment = of(() => ({}));
queryRoutesFetch = of(() => ({}));
setQueryRoutes = of([]);
peerLookup = of(() => ({}));
channelLookup = of(() => ({}));
invoiceLookup = of(() => ({}));
setLookup = of(() => ({}));
fetchForwardingHistory = of(() => ({}));
deleteExpiredInvoice = of(() => ({}));
saveNewInvoice = of(() => ({}));
invoicesFetch = of(() => ({}));
SetChannelTransaction = of(() => ({}));
utxosFetch = of(() => ({}));