mirror of https://github.com/Ride-The-Lightning/RTL synced 2024-11-19 15:25:29 +00:00

188 lines
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Raw Normal View History

var request = require('request-promise');
var common = require('../../routes/common');
var logger = require('../shared/logger');
var options = {};
arrangeChannels = (simplifiedChannels) => {
let channelTotal = 0;
let totalLocalBalance = 0;
let totalRemoteBalance = 0;
let lightningBalances = { localBalance: 0, remoteBalance: 0 };
let channelStatus = {active: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }, inactive: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }, pending: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }};
let activeChannels = [];
let pendingChannels = [];
let inactiveChannels = [];
simplifiedChannels.forEach((channel, i) => {
if (channel.state === 'NORMAL') {
channelTotal = channel.toLocal + channel.toRemote;
totalLocalBalance = totalLocalBalance + channel.toLocal;
totalRemoteBalance = totalRemoteBalance + channel.toRemote;
channel.balancedness = (channelTotal == 0) ? 1 : (1 - Math.abs((channel.toLocal-channel.toRemote)/channelTotal)).toFixed(3);
channelStatus.active.channels = channelStatus.active.channels + 1;
channelStatus.active.capacity = channelStatus.active.capacity + channel.toLocal;
} else if (channel.state.includes('WAIT') || channel.state.includes('CLOSING') || channel.state.includes('SYNCING')) {
channel.state = channel.state.replace(/_/g, ' ');
channelStatus.pending.channels = channelStatus.pending.channels + 1;
channelStatus.pending.capacity = channelStatus.pending.capacity + channel.toLocal;
} else {
channel.state = channel.state.replace(/_/g, ' ');
channelStatus.inactive.channels = channelStatus.inactive.channels + 1;
channelStatus.inactive.capacity = channelStatus.inactive.capacity + channel.toLocal;
lightningBalances = { localBalance: totalLocalBalance, remoteBalance: totalRemoteBalance };
activeChannels = common.sortDescByKey(activeChannels, 'balancedness');
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Lightning Balances', data: lightningBalances});
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Active Channels', data: activeChannels});
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Pending Channels', data: pendingChannels});
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Inactive Channels', data: inactiveChannels});
return ({activeChannels: activeChannels, pendingChannels: pendingChannels, inactiveChannels: inactiveChannels, lightningBalances: lightningBalances, channelStatus: channelStatus});
simplifyAllChannels = (channels) => {
let channelNodeIds = '';
let simplifiedChannels = [];
channels.forEach(channel => {
channelNodeIds = channelNodeIds + ',' + channel.nodeId;
nodeId: channel.nodeId ? channel.nodeId : '',
channelId: channel.channelId ? channel.channelId : '',
state: channel.state ? channel.state : '',
channelFlags: channel.data && channel.data.commitments && channel.data.commitments.channelFlags ? channel.data.commitments.channelFlags : 0,
toLocal: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocal) ? Math.round(+channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocal/1000) : 0,
toRemote: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemote) ? Math.round(+channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemote/1000) : 0,
shortChannelId: channel.data && channel.data.shortChannelId ? channel.data.shortChannelId : '',
isFunder: channel.data && channel.data.commitments && channel.data.commitments.localParams && channel.data.commitments.localParams.isFunder ? channel.data.commitments.localParams.isFunder : false,
buried: channel.data && channel.data.buried ? channel.data.buried : false,
feeBaseMsat: channel.data && channel.data.channelUpdate && channel.data.channelUpdate.feeBaseMsat ? channel.data.channelUpdate.feeBaseMsat : 0,
feeRatePerKw: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.feeratePerKw) ? channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.feeratePerKw : 0,
feeProportionalMillionths: channel.data && channel.data.channelUpdate && channel.data.channelUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths ? channel.data.channelUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths : 0,
alias: ''
channelNodeIds = channelNodeIds.substring(1);
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/nodes';
options.form = { nodeIds: channelNodeIds };
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Node Ids to find alias', data: channelNodeIds});
return request.post(options).then(function(nodes) {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Filtered Nodes', data: nodes});
let foundPeer = {};
simplifiedChannels.map(channel => {
foundPeer = nodes.find(channelWithAlias => channel.nodeId === channelWithAlias.nodeId);
channel.alias = foundPeer ? foundPeer.alias : channel.nodeId.substring(0, 20);
return simplifiedChannels;
}).catch(err => {
return simplifiedChannels;
exports.getChannels = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'List Channels..'});
options = common.getOptions();
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/channels';
options.form = {};
if (req.query && req.query.nodeId) {
options.form = req.query;
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channels Node Id', data: options.form});
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Options', data: options});
if (common.read_dummy_data) {
common.getDummyData('Channels').then(function(data) { res.status(200).json(arrangeChannels(data)); });
} else {
request.post(options).then(function (body) {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'All Channels', data: body});
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
if (body && body.length) {
return simplifyAllChannels(body).then(function(simplifiedChannels) {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Simplified Channels with Alias', data: simplifiedChannels});
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channels List Received'});
} else {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Empty Channels List Received'});
res.status(200).json({activeChannels: [], pendingChannels: [], inactiveChannels: [], lightningBalances: { localBalance: 0, remoteBalance: 0 }, channelStatus: {active: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }, inactive: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }, pending: { channels: 0, capacity: 0 }}});
.catch(errRes => {
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'List Channels Error');
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({message: err.message, error: err.error});
exports.getChannelStats = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Getting Channel States..'});
options = common.getOptions();
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/channelstats';
options.form = {};
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Stats Response', data: body});
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel States Received'});
.catch(errRes => {
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Get Channel Stats Error');
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({message: err.message, error: err.error});
exports.openChannel = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Opening Channel..'});
options = common.getOptions();
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/open';
options.form = req.body;
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Open Channel Params', data: options.form});
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Open Channel Response', data: body});
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Opened'});
.catch(errRes => {
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Open Channel Error');
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({message: err.message, error: err.error});
exports.updateChannelRelayFee = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Updating Channel Relay Fee..'});
options = common.getOptions();
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/updaterelayfee';
options.form = req.query;
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Update Relay Fee Params', data: options.form});
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Update Relay Fee Response', data: body});
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Relay Fee Updated'});
.catch(errRes => {
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Update Relay Fee Error');
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({message: err.message, error: err.error});
exports.closeChannel = (req, res, next) => {
options = common.getOptions();
if (req.query.force !== 'true') {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Closing Channel..'});
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/close';
} else {
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Force Closing Channel..'});
options.url = common.getSelLNServerUrl() + '/forceclose';
options.form = { channelId: req.query.channelId };
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: '[Close URL, Close Params]', data: [options.url, options.form]});
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Close Channel Response', data: body});
logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Closed'});
.catch(errRes => {
2021-08-17 11:21:01 +00:00
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Close Channel Error');
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({message: err.message, error: err.error});