You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
8.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Artifacts version="2.0">
<Artifact type="SqliteArtifact" name="Android 7 - calllog.db Call History" version="1.0" platform="Android">
<Source type="FileName">calllog.db</Source>
-- references:
calls."_id" as 'ID',
number, --The phone number as the user entered it.
case presentation
when 1 then 'allowed' --Number is allowed to display for caller id
when 2 then 'restricted' --Number is blocked by user
when 3 then 'unknown' --Number is not specified or unknown by network
when 4 then 'pay phone' --Number is a pay phone
else presentation
end as 'CallerID',
case -- Whether or not the call has been acknowledged
when 1 then 'yes'
else ''
end as 'New',
case type
when 1 then 'incoming' --incoming calls
when 2 then 'outgoing' --outgoing calls
when 3 then 'missed' --missed calls
when 4 then 'voicemail' --Call log type for voicemails
when 5 then 'rejected' --rejected by direct user action
when 6 then 'blocked' --calls blocked automatically
when 7 then 'answered externally' --call which was answered on another device
else type
end as 'type',
-- ISREAD >> Unlike the NEW field, which requires the user to have acknowledged the existence of the entry,
-- this implies the user has interacted with the entry.
case is_read -- Whether this item has been read or otherwise consumed by the user.
when 1 then 'yes'
else ''
end as 'isread',
case features
when 0 then 'None'
when 1 then 'Call had Video'
when 2 then 'Call was pulled externally'
when 4 then 'HD Call'
when 8 then 'Call was WIFI call'
when 32 then 'Call was on RTT at some point'
else features
end as 'features',
operator||' ('||countryiso||')' as 'Operator',
"geocoded_location" as 'geocodedlocation', --The string represents a city, state, or country associated with the number associated with this call
"matched_number" as 'matchednumber',
case numbertype --cached number type (Home, Work, etc) associated with the phone number
when 1 then 'Home'
when 2 then 'Mobile'
when 3 then 'Work'
when 4 then 'Fax_Work'
when 5 then 'Fax_Home'
when 6 then 'Pager'
when 7 then 'Other'
when 8 then 'Callback'
when 9 then 'Car'
when 10 then 'Company_Main'
when 11 then 'ISDN'
when 12 then 'Main'
when 13 then 'Other_Fax'
when 14 then 'Radio'
when 15 then 'Telex'
when 16 then 'TTY_TDD'
when 17 then 'Work_Mobile'
when 18 then 'Work_Pager'
when 19 then 'Assistant'
when 20 then 'MMS'
else numbertype
end as 'numbertype',
"formatted_number" as 'formattednumber',
"post_dial_digits" as 'postdialdigits', --post-dial portion of a dialed number
time(duration,'unixepoch') as 'duration', --The duration of the call in seconds
date as 'calldate', --The date the call occured, in milliseconds since the epoch
"last_modified" as 'lastmodified',--The date the row is last inserted, updated, or marked as deleted, in milliseconds since the epoch
"photo_id" as 'photoid',
"photo_uri" as 'photouri',
"via_number" as 'vianumber', -- the via number indicates which of the numbers associated with the SIM was called
"phone_account_address" as 'phoneaccountaddress', --The identifier for the account used to place or receive the call
"subscription_id" as 'sid', --The identifier for the account used to place or receive the call,
case phone_account_hidden
when 0 then 'No'
when 1 then 'Yes'
end as 'hidden',
"subscription_component_name" as 'component',
calls."_data" as 'data',
case has_content
when 1 then 'Yes'
end as 'hascontent',
"data_usage" as 'datausage',
"source_package" as 'source',
transcription, --only be populated for call log entries of type VOICEMAIL_TYPE that have valid transcriptions
"mime_type" as 'mimetype',
case dirty
when 1 then 'yes'
end as 'dirty',
case deleted
when 0 then 'no'
when 1 then 'yes'
end as 'deleted'
from calls
order by calls._id desc
<Fragment source="ID" alias="Id" datatype="Integer" category="None" />
<Fragment source="number" alias="number" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="CallerID" alias="Caller Id" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="New" alias="Call acknowledged" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="type" alias="Call type" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="isread" alias="Is Read" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="features" alias="Call Features" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="Operator" alias="Operator" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="geocodedlocation" alias="Geocoded Location" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="matchednumber" alias="Matched Number" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="numbertype" alias="Cached Number type" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="formattednumber" alias="Formatted Number" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="postdialdigits" alias="Post Dial Digits" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="name" alias="Name" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="duration" alias="Call Duration (HH:MM:SS)" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="calldate" alias="Call Date" datatype="DateTime" dateformat="UNIX Time (ms)" category="DateTime" />
<Fragment source="lastmodified" alias="Last Modified Date" datatype="DateTime" dateformat="UNIX Time (ms)" category="DateTime" />
<Fragment source="photoid" alias="Photo Id" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="photouri" alias="Photo Location" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="vianumber" alias="Via Number" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="phoneaccountaddress" alias="Phone Account Address" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="sid" alias="Subscription Id" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="hidden" alias="Account Hidden" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="component" alias="Subscription Component Name" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="data" alias="Data" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="hascontent" alias="Has Content" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="datausage" alias="Data Usage" datatype="Integer" category="None" />
<Fragment source="source" alias="Source Package" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="transcription" alias="Transcription" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="mimetype" alias="MIME type" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="dirty" alias="Dirty" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="deleted" alias="Deleted" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Artifact type="SqliteArtifact" name="Android 9 - Contacts2.db Call History" version="1.0" platform="Android">
<Source type="FileName">Contacts2.db</Source>
case type
when 1 then 'incoming' --incoming calls
when 2 then 'outgoing' --outgoing calls
when 3 then 'missed' --missed calls
when 4 then 'voicemail' --Call log type for voicemails
when 5 then 'rejected' --rejected by direct user action
when 6 then 'blocked' --calls blocked automatically
when 7 then 'answered externally' --call which was answered on another device
else type
end as 'type',
time(duration,'unixepoch') as 'duration'
from calls
order by id desc
<Fragment source="id" alias="Id" datatype="Integer" category="None" />
<Fragment source="name" alias="Name" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="number" alias="Number" datatype="String" category="PersonIdentifier" />
<Fragment source="type" alias="Call type" datatype="String" category="None" />
<Fragment source="date" alias="Call date" datatype="DateTime" dateformat="UNIX Time (ms)" category="DateTime" />
<Fragment source="duration" alias="Call duration (HH:MM:SS)" datatype="String" category="None" />