Select as 'StoreName', Calendar.title||' ('||calendaritem.calendar_id||')' as 'Title', calendaritem.summary, calendaritem.description, calendaritem.conference, datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.creation_date || ' seconds') as 'CreationDate', case when calendaritem.start_tz != '_float' then calendaritem.start_tz else 'floating' end as StartTimezone, datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.start_date || ' seconds') as 'StartDate', case when calendaritem.end_tz != '_float' then calendaritem.end_tz else 'floating' end as EndTimezone, datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.end_date || ' seconds') as 'EndDate', calendaritem.calendar_scale as 'Scale', case calendaritem.all_day when 0 then 'No' when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'AllDay', case when calendaritem.organizer_id != 0 then calendaritem.organizer_id end as 'OrganizerID', case when calendaritem.self_attendee_id != 0 then calendaritem.self_attendee_id end as 'SelfAttendeeID', case Participant.is_self when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'IsSelf', as 'OrganizerEmail', case calendaritem.has_recurrences when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'IsRecurring', datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.due_date || ' seconds') as 'DueDate', case calendaritem.due_all_day when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'DueAllDay', datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.shared_item_created_date || ' seconds') as 'SharedItemCreatedDate', datetime('2001-01-01', calendaritem.shared_item_modified_date || ' seconds') as 'SharedItemModifiedDate', Location.title as 'LocationTitle', Location.address as 'LocationAddress', Location.latitude, -- The latitude in degrees. Location.longitude, -- The longitude in degrees. Location.radius||' m' as 'radius', -- The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters. Location.item_owner_id, -- ROWID of ABperson table @ Contacts db Location.address_book_id, Location.alarm_owner_id, Calendar.notes, Calendar.shared_owner_name, Calendar.shared_owner_email, Calendar.external_id from calendaritem left join Location on Location.ROWID = CalendarItem.location_id left join Participant on Participant.ROWID = calendaritem.organizer_id left join Calendar on Calendar.ROWID = CalendarItem.calendar_id left join Store on Store.ROWID = Calendar.store_id