logs.db -- sec = (Samsung Electronics Corporation) -- \data\com.sec.android.provider.logsproviders\logs.db Select logs._id as 'id', logs.geocoded_location||' ('||logs.countryiso||')' as 'Location', logs.name, logs.number, case logs.numbertype when 1 then 'Home' when 2 then 'Mobile' when 3 then 'Work' when 4 then 'Fax_Work' when 5 then 'Fax_Home' when 6 then 'Pager' when 7 then 'Other' when 8 then 'Callback' when 9 then 'Car' when 10 then 'Company_Main' when 11 then 'ISDN' when 12 then 'Main' when 13 then 'Other_Fax' when 14 then 'Radio' when 15 then 'Telex' when 16 then 'TTY_TDD' when 17 then 'Work_Mobile' when 18 then 'Work_Pager' when 19 then 'Assistant' when 20 then 'MMS' else logs.numbertype end as 'numbertype', case logs.presentation when 1 then 'allowed' --Number is allowed to display for caller id when 2 then 'restricted' --Number is blocked by user when 3 then 'unknown' --Number is not specified or unknown by network when 4 then 'pay phone' --Number is a pay phone else logs.presentation end as 'CallerID', logs.date as 'lDate', case when logs.duration != 0 then Time(logs.duration, 'unixepoch') end as 'Duration',--The duration of the call in seconds case logs.type when 1 then 'incoming' --incoming calls when 2 then 'outgoing' --outgoing calls when 3 then 'missed' --missed calls when 4 then 'voicemail' --Call log type for voicemails when 5 then 'rejected' --rejected by direct user action when 6 then 'blocked' --calls blocked automatically when 7 then 'answered externally' --call which was answered on another device else logs.type end as 'type', case when logs.logtype in (100) then 'Call ('||logs.logtype||')' when logs.logtype in (300) then 'SMS ('||logs.logtype||')' when logs.logtype in (400) then 'Email ('||logs.logtype||')' else 'Other ('||logs.logtype||')' end as 'logtype', logs.messageid, case logs.is_read when 0 then 'No' when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'IsRead', logs.m_subject as 'MessageSubject', logs.m_content as 'MessageContent', case logs."new" when 1 then 'Yes' end as 'New', logs.contactid, logs.raw_contact_id as 'rawcontactid', logs.lookup_uri as 'lookupuri', logs.photo_id as 'photoid', logs.account_name||' ('||logs.account_id||')' as 'Account' from logs -- order by lDate desc