Add Chinese translation for Gemini Prompting Guide

oujingzhou 9 months ago
parent 40fc3bc2b5
commit e9264e5f6f

@ -1,3 +1,192 @@
# Gemini Prompting Guide
# 开始使用Gemini
This page needs a translation! Feel free to contribute a translation by clicking the `Edit this page` button on the right side.
import { Callout, FileTree } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
import {Screenshot} from 'components/screenshot'
import GEMINI1 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-1.png'
import GEMINI2 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-architecture.png'
import GEMINI3 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-result.png'
import GEMINI4 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-2.png'
import GEMINI5 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-3.png'
import GEMINI6 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-6.png'
import GEMINI7 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-7.png'
import GEMINI8 from '../../img/gemini/gemini-8.png'
## Gemini简介
Gemini是Google Deepmind最新、最强大的AI模型。它原生支持多模态具备跨模态推理能力包括文本图像视频音频和代码。
- **Ultra** - 三个模型版本中功能最强大,适用于高度复杂的任务
- **Pro** - 适用于广泛任务的最佳模型
- **Nano** - 性能最佳的模型适用于终端设备和内存有限的任务包括1.8B参数Nano-1和3.25B参数Nano-2两个版本从较大的Gemini模型中蒸馏训练得到采用4位量化。
Gemini是第一个在[MMLU](大规模多任务语言理解上超越人类专家的模型声称在20项多模态测试基准处于领先水平。Gemini Ultra在MMLU上达到90.0%准确率,在[MMMU基准](上达到62.4%准确率,相当于大学水平的学科知识和推理能力。
Gemini模型在32K的序列长度上进行训练并建立在具有高效注意力机制(例如, [multi-query attention](的Transformer解码器之上在跨越上下文长度进行查询时表现出98%的准确率。这个重要的功能支撑了新的应用场景如文档检索和视频理解。
<Screenshot src={GEMINI2} alt="GEMINI2" />
## Gemini实验结果
Gemini Ultra在与[思维链提示(chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting)](和[自洽性(self-consistency)](等有助于处理模型不确定性的方法相结合时,达到了最高的准确率。
技术报告中提到Gemini Ultra在32个样本上的MMLU测试效果从贪婪采样(greedy sampling)方法的84.0%提高到不确定性路由思维链(uncertainty-routed chain-of-thought)方法(包括CoT和多数投票(majority voting)的90.0%如果仅使用32个思维链样本则略微提高到85.0%。类似地,思维链(CoT)和自洽性(self-consistency)在GSM8K小学数学基准上实现了94.4%的准确率。此外Gemini Ultra正确地实现了74.4%的[HumanEval](代码补全问题。下表总结了Gemini的测试结果以及与其他著名模型的结果对比。
<Screenshot src={GEMINI3} alt="GEMINI3" />
Gemini Nano模型在事实性即检索相关任务推理STEM科学、技术、工程、数学编码多模态和多语言任务方面也表现出强大的性能。
## Gemini的多模态推理能力
Gemini在图像理解任务例如高级目标检测high-level object recognition细粒度语音识别fine-grained transcription图表理解和多模态推理方面始终优于现有方法。一些图像理解和生成功能还可以跨多种全球语言进行传输例如使用印地语和罗马尼亚语等语言生成图像描述
### 文本摘要
虽然Gemini是作为多模态系统进行训练的但它拥有现代大语言模型如GPT-3.5、Claude和Llama中存在的许多功能。以下是使用Gemini Pro实现简单文本摘要任务的示例。本例中我们使用[Google AI Studio](温度值temperature为0。
Your task is to summarize an abstract into one sentence.
Avoid technical jargon and explain it in the simplest of words.
Abstract: Antibiotics are a type of medication used to treat bacterial infections. They work by either killing the bacteria or preventing them from reproducing, allowing the bodys immune system to fight off the infection. Antibiotics are usually taken orally in the form of pills, capsules, or liquid solutions, or sometimes administered intravenously. They are not effective against viral infections, and using them inappropriately can lead to antibiotic resistance.
Gemini Pro输出:
Antibiotics are medicines used to kill or stop the growth of bacteria causing infections, but they don't work against viruses.
Google AI Studio里的任务和模型响应高亮截图
<Screenshot src={GEMINI8} alt="GEMINI8" />
### 信息提取
Your task is to extract model names from machine learning paper abstracts. Your response is an array of the model names in the format [\"model_name\"]. If you don't find model names in the abstract or you are not sure, return [\"NA\"]
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, have revolutionized natural language processing research and demonstrated potential in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, the expensive training and deployment of LLMs present challenges to transparent and open academic research. To address these issues, this project open-sources the Chinese LLaMA and Alpaca…
Gemini Pro输出:
[\"LLMs\", \"ChatGPT\", \"GPT-4\", \"Chinese LLaMA\", \"Alpaca\"]
### 验证和纠错
<Screenshot src={GEMINI1} alt="GEMINI1" />
### 重新排列图表
<Screenshot src={GEMINI4} alt="GEMINI4" />
### 视频理解
Gemini Ultra在各种少样本few-shot视频字幕生成任务和零样本zero-shot视频问答任务中取得了最先进的结果。下面的示例展示了为模型提供了一个视频和文本指令作为输入。它可以分析视频并对情况进行推理以提供适当的答案或者在本示例中提供了视频中的人物如何改进技术的建议。
<Screenshot src={GEMINI5} alt="GEMINI5" />
### 图像理解
Gemini Ultra也可以基于少样本few-shot提示词生成图片。如下例所示可以使用图像和文本交错的示例提示词其中用户提供了有关两种颜色和图像建议的信息。然后模型接受提示词中的最终指令然后基于它看到的颜色和一些想法做出响应。
<Screenshot src={GEMINI6} alt="GEMINI6" />
### 模态组合
<Screenshot src={GEMINI7} alt="GEMINI7" />
### Gemini多面手编程助理
Gemini还被用于构建一个名为AlphaCode 2的多面手助理它将推理功能与搜索和工具使用相结合用来解决编程竞赛问题。AlphaCode 2在Codeforces编程竞赛平台的参赛者中名列前15%。
## 库的使用
下面这个简单的示例演示了如何使用Gemini API提示Gemini Pro模型。你需要安装`google-generativeai`库并从Google AI Studio获取API密钥。下面的示例是以上章节中提到的信息提取任务的代码。
At the command line, only need to run once to install the package via pip:
$ pip install google-generativeai
import google.generativeai as genai
# Set up the model
generation_config = {
"temperature": 0,
"top_p": 1,
"top_k": 1,
"max_output_tokens": 2048,
safety_settings = [
model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name="gemini-pro",
prompt_parts = [
"Your task is to extract model names from machine learning paper abstracts. Your response is an array of the model names in the format [\\\"model_name\\\"]. If you don't find model names in the abstract or you are not sure, return [\\\"NA\\\"]\n\nAbstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, have revolutionized natural language processing research and demonstrated potential in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, the expensive training and deployment of LLMs present challenges to transparent and open academic research. To address these issues, this project open-sources the Chinese LLaMA and Alpaca… [\\\"LLMs\\\", \\\"ChatGPT\\\", \\\"GPT-4\\\", \\\"Chinese LLaMA\\\", \\\"Alpaca\\\"]",
response = model.generate_content(prompt_parts)
## 引用
- [Introducing Gemini: our largest and most capable AI model](
- [How its Made: Interacting with Gemini through multimodal prompting](
- [Welcome to the Gemini era](
- [Gemini: A Family of Highly Capable Multimodal Models - Technical Report](
- [Fast Transformer Decoding: One Write-Head is All You Need](