You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
724 B

"zeroshot": "Prompt sense entrenament previ (Zero-shot)",
"fewshot": "Prompt amb poques mostres (Few-shot)",
"cot": "Prompt cadena de pensament (CoT)",
"consistency": "Autoconsistència",
"knowledge": "Prompt de coneixement generat",
9 months ago
"prompt_chaining": "Prompt Chaining",
"tot": "Tree of Thoughts",
1 year ago
"rag": "Retrieval Augmented Generation",
"art": "Automatic Reasoning and Tool-use",
"ape": "Enginyeria de prompts automàtic (APE)",
"activeprompt": "Prompt actiu",
"dsp": "Prompt d'Estímul dirigit",
9 months ago
"pal": "Program-Aided Language Models",
"react": "ReAct",
7 months ago
"reflexion": "Reflexion",
"multimodalcot": "Prompt CoT multimodal",
"graph": "Prompt de graf"