use std::env::args; use std::fs; use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write}; use termion::event::Key; use termion::input::TermRead; use termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use termion::{color, style}; struct Doc { lines: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Coordinates { pub x: usize, pub y: usize, } struct TextViewer { doc: Doc, doc_length: usize, cur_pos: Coordinates, terminal_size: Coordinates, file_name: String, } impl TextViewer { fn init(file_name: &str) -> Self { let mut doc_file = Doc { lines: vec![] }; let file_handle = fs::read_to_string(file_name).unwrap(); for doc_line in file_handle.lines() { doc_file.lines.push(doc_line.to_string()); } let mut doc_length = file_handle.lines().count(); if doc_length == 0 { doc_file.lines.push("".into()); doc_length += 1; } let size = termion::terminal_size().unwrap(); Self { doc: doc_file, cur_pos: Coordinates { x: 1, y: doc_length, }, doc_length: doc_length, terminal_size: Coordinates { x: size.0 as usize, y: size.1 as usize, }, file_name: file_name.into(), } } fn show_document(&mut self) { let pos = &self.cur_pos; let (old_x, old_y) = (pos.x, pos.y); print!("{}{}", termion::clear::All, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1)); println!( "{}{}Welcome to Super text viewer\r{}", color::Bg(color::Black), color::Fg(color::White), style::Reset ); for line in 0..self.doc_length { println!("{}\r", self.doc.lines[line as usize]); } println!( "{}", termion::cursor::Goto(0, (self.terminal_size.y - 2) as u16), ); println!( "{}{} line-count={} Filename: {}{}", color::Fg(color::Red), style::Bold, self.doc_length, self.file_name, style::Reset ); self.set_pos(old_x, old_y); } fn set_pos(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) { self.cur_pos.x = x; self.cur_pos.y = y; println!( "{}", termion::cursor::Goto(self.cur_pos.x as u16, (self.cur_pos.y) as u16) ); } fn run(&mut self) { let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap(); let stdin = stdin(); for c in stdin.keys() { match c.unwrap() { Key::Ctrl('q') => { break; } _ => {} } stdout.flush().unwrap(); } } } fn main() { //Get arguments from command line let args: Vec = args().collect(); //Check if file exists. If not, print error message and exit process if !std::path::Path::new(&args[1]).exists() { println!("File does not exist"); std::process::exit(0); } // Open file & load into struct println!("{}", termion::cursor::Show); // Initialize viewer let mut viewer = TextViewer::init(&args[1]); viewer.show_document();; }