You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

785 lines
29 KiB

/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file order_base.h Base class for orders. */
#ifndef ORDER_BASE_H
#define ORDER_BASE_H
#include "order_type.h"
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "depot_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "date_type.h"
#include "schdispatch.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
typedef Pool<Order, OrderID, 256, 64000> OrderPool;
typedef Pool<OrderList, OrderListID, 128, 64000> OrderListPool;
extern OrderPool _order_pool;
extern OrderListPool _orderlist_pool;
struct OrderExtraInfo {
uint8 cargo_type_flags[NUM_CARGO] = {}; ///< Load/unload types for each cargo type.
uint32 xdata = 0; ///< Extra arbitrary data
uint8 xflags = 0; ///< Extra flags
/* If you change this, keep in mind that it is saved on 3 places:
* - Load_ORDR, all the global orders
* - Vehicle -> current_order
* - REF_ORDER (all REFs are currently limited to 16 bits!!)
struct Order : OrderPool::PoolItem<&_order_pool> {
friend const struct SaveLoad *GetVehicleDescription(VehicleType vt); ///< Saving and loading the current order of vehicles.
friend void Load_VEHS(); ///< Loading of ancient vehicles.
friend const struct SaveLoad *GetOrderDescription(); ///< Saving and loading of orders.
friend void Load_ORDX(); ///< Saving and loading of orders.
friend void Save_ORDX(); ///< Saving and loading of orders.
friend void Load_VEOX(); ///< Saving and loading of orders.
friend void Save_VEOX(); ///< Saving and loading of orders.
uint8 type; ///< The type of order + non-stop flags
uint8 flags; ///< Load/unload types, depot order/action types.
DestinationID dest; ///< The destination of the order.
CargoID refit_cargo; ///< Refit CargoID
uint8 occupancy; ///< Estimate of vehicle occupancy on departure, for the current order, 0 indicates invalid, 1 - 101 indicate 0 - 100%
int8 jump_counter; ///< Counter for the 'jump xx% of times' option
std::unique_ptr<OrderExtraInfo> extra; ///< Extra order info
uint16 wait_time; ///< How long in ticks to wait at the destination.
uint16 travel_time; ///< How long in ticks the journey to this destination should take.
uint16 max_speed; ///< How fast the vehicle may go on the way to the destination.
void AllocExtraInfo();
void DeAllocExtraInfo();
inline void CheckExtraInfoAlloced()
if (!this->extra) this->AllocExtraInfo();
inline uint8 GetXFlags() const
return this->extra != nullptr ? this->extra->xflags : 0;
inline uint8 &GetXFlagsRef()
return this->extra->xflags;
inline uint32 GetXData() const
return this->extra != nullptr ? this->extra->xdata : 0;
inline uint32 &GetXDataRef()
return this->extra->xdata;
Order *next; ///< Pointer to next order. If NULL, end of list
Order() : refit_cargo(CT_NO_REFIT), max_speed(UINT16_MAX) {}
Order(uint32 packed);
Order(const Order& other)
*this = other;
Order(Order&& other) = default;
inline Order& operator=(Order const& other)
this->next =;
this->index = other.index;
return *this;
* Check whether this order is of the given type.
* @param type the type to check against.
* @return true if the order matches.
inline bool IsType(OrderType type) const { return this->GetType() == type; }
* Check whether this order is either of OT_LOADING or OT_LOADING_ADVANCE.
* @return true if the order matches.
inline bool IsAnyLoadingType() const { return this->GetType() == OT_LOADING || this->GetType() == OT_LOADING_ADVANCE; }
* Get the type of order of this order.
* @return the order type.
inline OrderType GetType() const { return (OrderType)GB(this->type, 0, 4); }
void Free();
void MakeGoToStation(StationID destination);
void MakeGoToDepot(DepotID destination, OrderDepotTypeFlags order, OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type = ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS, OrderDepotActionFlags action = ODATF_SERVICE_ONLY, CargoID cargo = CT_NO_REFIT);
void MakeGoToWaypoint(StationID destination);
void MakeLoading(bool ordered);
void MakeLeaveStation();
void MakeDummy();
void MakeConditional(VehicleOrderID order);
void MakeImplicit(StationID destination);
void MakeWaiting();
void MakeLoadingAdvance(StationID destination);
* Is this a 'goto' order with a real destination?
* @return True if the type is either #OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT, #OT_GOTO_DEPOT or #OT_GOTO_STATION.
inline bool IsGotoOrder() const
* Gets the destination of this order.
* @return the destination of the order.
inline DestinationID GetDestination() const { return this->dest; }
* Sets the destination of this order.
* @param destination the new destination of the order.
inline void SetDestination(DestinationID destination) { this->dest = destination; }
* Is this order a refit order.
* @return true if a refit should happen.
inline bool IsRefit() const { return this->refit_cargo < NUM_CARGO || this->refit_cargo == CT_AUTO_REFIT; }
* Is this order a auto-refit order.
* @return true if a auto-refit should happen.
inline bool IsAutoRefit() const { return this->refit_cargo == CT_AUTO_REFIT; }
* Get the cargo to to refit to.
* @return the cargo type.
inline CargoID GetRefitCargo() const { return this->refit_cargo; }
void SetRefit(CargoID cargo);
* Update the jump_counter of this order.
* @param the jump chance in %.
* @return whether to jump or not.
* @pre IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) && this->GetConditionVariable() == OCV_PERCENT.
bool UpdateJumpCounter(uint8 percent);
/** How must the consist be loaded? */
inline OrderLoadFlags GetLoadType() const
OrderLoadFlags type = (OrderLoadFlags)GB(this->flags, 4, 3);
return type;
* How must the consist be loaded for this type of cargo?
* @pre GetLoadType() == OLFB_CARGO_TYPE_LOAD
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
* @return The load type for this cargo.
inline OrderLoadFlags GetCargoLoadTypeRaw(CargoID cargo_id) const
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
if (!this->extra) return OLF_LOAD_IF_POSSIBLE;
return (OrderLoadFlags) GB(this->extra->cargo_type_flags[cargo_id], 4, 4);
* How must the consist be loaded for this type of cargo?
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
* @return The load type for this cargo.
inline OrderLoadFlags GetCargoLoadType(CargoID cargo_id) const
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
OrderLoadFlags olf = this->GetLoadType();
if (olf == OLFB_CARGO_TYPE_LOAD) olf = this->GetCargoLoadTypeRaw(cargo_id);
return olf;
/** How must the consist be unloaded? */
inline OrderUnloadFlags GetUnloadType() const
OrderUnloadFlags type = (OrderUnloadFlags)GB(this->flags, 0, 3);
return type;
* How must the consist be unloaded for this type of cargo?
* @pre GetUnloadType() == OUFB_CARGO_TYPE_UNLOAD
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
* @return The unload type for this cargo.
inline OrderUnloadFlags GetCargoUnloadTypeRaw(CargoID cargo_id) const
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
if (!this->extra) return OUF_UNLOAD_IF_POSSIBLE;
return (OrderUnloadFlags) GB(this->extra->cargo_type_flags[cargo_id], 0, 4);
* How must the consist be unloaded for this type of cargo?
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
* @return The unload type for this cargo.
inline OrderUnloadFlags GetCargoUnloadType(CargoID cargo_id) const
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
OrderUnloadFlags ouf = this->GetUnloadType();
if (ouf == OUFB_CARGO_TYPE_UNLOAD) ouf = this->GetCargoUnloadTypeRaw(cargo_id);
return ouf;
template <typename F> CargoTypes FilterLoadUnloadTypeCargoMask(F filter_func, CargoTypes cargo_mask = ALL_CARGOTYPES)
if ((this->GetLoadType() == OLFB_CARGO_TYPE_LOAD) || (this->GetUnloadType() == OUFB_CARGO_TYPE_UNLOAD)) {
CargoID cargo;
CargoTypes output_mask = cargo_mask;
FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(cargo, cargo_mask) {
if (!filter_func(this, cargo)) ClrBit(output_mask, cargo);
return output_mask;
} else {
return filter_func(this, FindFirstBit(cargo_mask)) ? cargo_mask : 0;
/** At which stations must we stop? */
inline OrderNonStopFlags GetNonStopType() const { return (OrderNonStopFlags)GB(this->type, 6, 2); }
/** Where must we stop at the platform? */
inline OrderStopLocation GetStopLocation() const { return (OrderStopLocation)GB(this->type, 4, 2); }
/** What caused us going to the depot? */
inline OrderDepotTypeFlags GetDepotOrderType() const { return (OrderDepotTypeFlags)GB(this->flags, 0, 3); }
/** What are we going to do when in the depot. */
inline OrderDepotActionFlags GetDepotActionType() const { return (OrderDepotActionFlags)GB(this->flags, 4, 3); }
/** What waypoint flags? */
inline OrderWaypointFlags GetWaypointFlags() const { return (OrderWaypointFlags)GB(this->flags, 0, 3); }
/** What variable do we have to compare? */
inline OrderConditionVariable GetConditionVariable() const { return (OrderConditionVariable)GB(this->dest, 11, 5); }
/** What is the comparator to use? */
inline OrderConditionComparator GetConditionComparator() const { return (OrderConditionComparator)GB(this->type, 5, 3); }
/** Get the order to skip to. */
inline VehicleOrderID GetConditionSkipToOrder() const { return this->flags; }
/** Get the value to base the skip on. */
inline uint16 GetConditionValue() const { return GB(this->dest, 0, 11); }
/** Set how the consist must be loaded. */
inline void SetLoadType(OrderLoadFlags load_type)
SB(this->flags, 4, 3, load_type);
* Set how the consist must be loaded for this type of cargo.
* @pre GetLoadType() == OLFB_CARGO_TYPE_LOAD
* @param load_type The load type.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
inline void SetLoadType(OrderLoadFlags load_type, CargoID cargo_id)
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
SB(this->extra->cargo_type_flags[cargo_id], 4, 4, load_type);
/** Set how the consist must be unloaded. */
inline void SetUnloadType(OrderUnloadFlags unload_type)
SB(this->flags, 0, 3, unload_type);
* Set how the consist must be unloaded for this type of cargo.
* @pre GetUnloadType() == OUFB_CARGO_TYPE_UNLOAD
* @param unload_type The unload type.
* @param cargo_id The cargo type index.
inline void SetUnloadType(OrderUnloadFlags unload_type, CargoID cargo_id)
assert(cargo_id < NUM_CARGO);
SB(this->extra->cargo_type_flags[cargo_id], 0, 4, unload_type);
/** Set whether we must stop at stations or not. */
inline void SetNonStopType(OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type) { SB(this->type, 6, 2, non_stop_type); }
/** Set where we must stop at the platform. */
inline void SetStopLocation(OrderStopLocation stop_location) { SB(this->type, 4, 2, stop_location); }
/** Set the cause to go to the depot. */
inline void SetDepotOrderType(OrderDepotTypeFlags depot_order_type) { SB(this->flags, 0, 3, depot_order_type); }
/** Set what we are going to do in the depot. */
inline void SetDepotActionType(OrderDepotActionFlags depot_service_type) { SB(this->flags, 4, 3, depot_service_type); }
/** Set waypoint flags. */
inline void SetWaypointFlags(OrderWaypointFlags waypoint_flags) { SB(this->flags, 0, 3, waypoint_flags); }
/** Set variable we have to compare. */
inline void SetConditionVariable(OrderConditionVariable condition_variable) { SB(this->dest, 11, 5, condition_variable); }
/** Set the comparator to use. */
inline void SetConditionComparator(OrderConditionComparator condition_comparator) { SB(this->type, 5, 3, condition_comparator); }
/** Get the order to skip to. */
inline void SetConditionSkipToOrder(VehicleOrderID order_id) { this->flags = order_id; }
/** Set the value to base the skip on. */
inline void SetConditionValue(uint16 value) { SB(this->dest, 0, 11, value); }
/* As conditional orders write their "skip to" order all over the flags, we cannot check the
* flags to find out if timetabling is enabled. However, as conditional orders are never
* autofilled we can be sure that any non-zero values for their wait_time and travel_time are
* explicitly set (but travel_time is actually unused for conditionals). */
/** Does this order have an explicit wait time set? */
inline bool IsWaitTimetabled() const { return this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) ? HasBit(this->GetXFlags(), 0) : HasBit(this->flags, 3); }
/** Does this order have an explicit travel time set? */
inline bool IsTravelTimetabled() const { return this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) ? this->travel_time > 0 : HasBit(this->flags, 7); }
/** Get the time in ticks a vehicle should wait at the destination or 0 if it's not timetabled. */
inline uint16 GetTimetabledWait() const { return this->IsWaitTimetabled() ? this->wait_time : 0; }
/** Get the time in ticks a vehicle should take to reach the destination or 0 if it's not timetabled. */
inline uint16 GetTimetabledTravel() const { return this->IsTravelTimetabled() ? this->travel_time : 0; }
/** Get the time in ticks a vehicle will probably wait at the destination (timetabled or not). */
inline uint16 GetWaitTime() const { return this->wait_time; }
/** Get the time in ticks a vehicle will probably take to reach the destination (timetabled or not). */
inline uint16 GetTravelTime() const { return this->travel_time; }
* Get the maxmimum speed in km-ish/h a vehicle is allowed to reach on the way to the
* destination.
* @return maximum speed.
inline uint16 GetMaxSpeed() const { return this->max_speed; }
/** Set if the wait time is explicitly timetabled (unless the order is conditional). */
inline void SetWaitTimetabled(bool timetabled)
if (this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) {
SB(this->GetXFlagsRef(), 0, 1, timetabled ? 1 : 0);
} else {
SB(this->flags, 3, 1, timetabled ? 1 : 0);
/** Set if the travel time is explicitly timetabled (unless the order is conditional). */
inline void SetTravelTimetabled(bool timetabled) { if (!this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) SB(this->flags, 7, 1, timetabled ? 1 : 0); }
* Set the time in ticks to wait at the destination.
* @param time Time to set as wait time.
inline void SetWaitTime(uint16 time) { this->wait_time = time; }
* Set the time in ticks to take for travelling to the destination.
* @param time Time to set as travel time.
inline void SetTravelTime(uint16 time) { this->travel_time = time; }
* Set the maxmimum speed in km-ish/h a vehicle is allowed to reach on the way to the
* destination.
* @param speed Speed to be set.
inline void SetMaxSpeed(uint16 speed) { this->max_speed = speed; }
/** Does this order have a fixed wait time? */
inline bool IsWaitFixed() const { return HasBit(this->GetXFlags(), 1); }
/** Set if the wait time is fixed */
inline void SetWaitFixed(bool fixed)
if (!this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) && fixed != this->IsWaitFixed()) SB(this->GetXFlagsRef(), 1, 1, fixed ? 1 : 0);
/** Does this order have a fixed travel time? */
inline bool IsTravelFixed() const { return HasBit(this->GetXFlags(), 4); }
/** Set if the travel time is fixed */
inline void SetTravelFixed(bool fixed)
if (!this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) && fixed != IsTravelFixed()) SB(this->GetXFlagsRef(), 4, 1, fixed ? 1 : 0);
/** Get the leave type */
inline OrderLeaveType GetLeaveType() const { return (OrderLeaveType)GB(this->GetXFlags(), 2, 2); }
/** Set the leave type */
inline void SetLeaveType(OrderLeaveType leave_type)
if (leave_type != this->GetLeaveType()) SB(this->GetXFlagsRef(), 2, 2, leave_type);
* Get the occupancy value
* @return occupancy
inline uint8 GetOccupancy() const { return this->occupancy; }
* Set the occupancy value
* @param occupancy The occupancy to set
inline void SetOccupancy(uint8 occupancy) { this->occupancy = occupancy; }
bool ShouldStopAtStation(const Vehicle *v, StationID station, bool waypoint) const;
bool CanLeaveWithCargo(bool has_cargo, CargoID cargo) const;
TileIndex GetLocation(const Vehicle *v, bool airport = false) const;
/** Checks if travel_time and wait_time apply to this order and if they are timetabled. */
inline bool IsCompletelyTimetabled() const
if (!this->IsTravelTimetabled() && !this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) return false;
if (!this->IsWaitTimetabled() && this->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) &&
return false;
return true;
void AssignOrder(const Order &other);
bool Equals(const Order &other) const;
uint32 Pack() const;
uint16 MapOldOrder() const;
void ConvertFromOldSavegame();
void InsertOrder(Vehicle *v, Order *new_o, VehicleOrderID sel_ord);
void DeleteOrder(Vehicle *v, VehicleOrderID sel_ord);
struct CargoMaskedStationIDStack {
CargoTypes cargo_mask;
StationIDStack station;
CargoMaskedStationIDStack(CargoTypes cargo_mask, StationIDStack station)
: cargo_mask(cargo_mask), station(station) {}
struct CargoStationIDStackSet {
CargoMaskedStationIDStack first;
std::vector<CargoMaskedStationIDStack> more;
const StationIDStack& Get(CargoID cargo) const
if (HasBit(first.cargo_mask, cargo)) return first.station;
for (size_t i = 0; i < more.size(); i++) {
if (HasBit(more[i].cargo_mask, cargo)) return more[i].station;
void FillNextStoppingStation(const Vehicle *v, const OrderList *o, const Order *first = NULL, uint hops = 0);
template <typename F> CargoTypes FilterCargoMask(F filter_func, CargoTypes cargo_mask = ALL_CARGOTYPES)
CargoID cargo;
CargoTypes output_mask = cargo_mask;
FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(cargo, cargo_mask) {
if (!filter_func(cargo)) ClrBit(output_mask, cargo);
return output_mask;
template <typename T, typename F> T CargoMaskValueFilter(CargoTypes &cargo_mask, F filter_func)
CargoID first_cargo_id = FindFirstBit(cargo_mask);
T value = filter_func(first_cargo_id);
CargoTypes other_cargo_mask = cargo_mask;
ClrBit(other_cargo_mask, first_cargo_id);
CargoID cargo;
FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(cargo, other_cargo_mask) {
if (value != filter_func(cargo)) ClrBit(cargo_mask, cargo);
return value;
* Shared order list linking together the linked list of orders and the list
* of vehicles sharing this order list.
struct OrderList : OrderListPool::PoolItem<&_orderlist_pool> {
friend void AfterLoadVehicles(bool part_of_load); ///< For instantiating the shared vehicle chain
friend const struct SaveLoad *GetOrderListDescription(); ///< Saving and loading of order lists.
StationID GetBestLoadableNext(const Vehicle *v, const Order *o1, const Order *o2) const;
Order *first; ///< First order of the order list.
VehicleOrderID num_orders; ///< NOSAVE: How many orders there are in the list.
VehicleOrderID num_manual_orders; ///< NOSAVE: How many manually added orders are there in the list.
uint num_vehicles; ///< NOSAVE: Number of vehicles that share this order list.
Vehicle *first_shared; ///< NOSAVE: pointer to the first vehicle in the shared order chain.
Ticks timetable_duration; ///< NOSAVE: Total timetabled duration of the order list.
Ticks total_duration; ///< NOSAVE: Total (timetabled or not) duration of the order list.
std::vector<uint32> scheduled_dispatch; ///< Scheduled dispatch time
uint32 scheduled_dispatch_duration; ///< Scheduled dispatch duration
Date scheduled_dispatch_start_date; ///< Scheduled dispatch start date
uint16 scheduled_dispatch_start_full_date_fract;///< Scheduled dispatch start full date fraction;
/// this count to (DAY_TICK * _settings_game.economy.day_length_factor)
int32 scheduled_dispatch_last_dispatch; ///< Last vehicle dispatched offset
int32 scheduled_dispatch_max_delay; ///< Maximum allowed delay
/** Default constructor producing an invalid order list. */
OrderList(VehicleOrderID num_orders = INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID)
: first(NULL), num_orders(num_orders), num_manual_orders(0), num_vehicles(0), first_shared(NULL),
timetable_duration(0), total_duration(0), scheduled_dispatch_duration(0),
scheduled_dispatch_start_date(-1), scheduled_dispatch_start_full_date_fract(0),
scheduled_dispatch_last_dispatch(0), scheduled_dispatch_max_delay(0) { }
* Create an order list with the given order chain for the given vehicle.
* @param chain pointer to the first order of the order chain
* @param v any vehicle using this orderlist
OrderList(Order *chain, Vehicle *v) { this->Initialize(chain, v); }
/** Destructor. Invalidates OrderList for re-usage by the pool. */
~OrderList() {}
void Initialize(Order *chain, Vehicle *v);
* Get the first order of the order chain.
* @return the first order of the chain.
inline Order *GetFirstOrder() const { return this->first; }
Order *GetOrderAt(int index) const;
VehicleOrderID GetIndexOfOrder(const Order *order) const;
* Get the last order of the order chain.
* @return the last order of the chain.
inline Order *GetLastOrder() const { return this->GetOrderAt(this->num_orders - 1); }
* Get the order after the given one or the first one, if the given one is the
* last one.
* @param curr Order to find the next one for.
* @return Next order.
inline const Order *GetNext(const Order *curr) const { return (curr->next == NULL) ? this->GetFirstOrder() : curr->next; }
* Get number of orders in the order list.
* @return number of orders in the chain.
inline VehicleOrderID GetNumOrders() const { return this->num_orders; }
* Get number of manually added orders in the order list.
* @return number of manual orders in the chain.
inline VehicleOrderID GetNumManualOrders() const { return this->num_manual_orders; }
CargoMaskedStationIDStack GetNextStoppingStation(const Vehicle *v, CargoTypes cargo_mask, const Order *first = NULL, uint hops = 0) const;
const Order *GetNextDecisionNode(const Order *next, uint hops, CargoTypes &cargo_mask) const;
void InsertOrderAt(Order *new_order, int index);
void DeleteOrderAt(int index);
void MoveOrder(int from, int to);
* Is this a shared order list?
* @return whether this order list is shared among multiple vehicles
inline bool IsShared() const { return this->num_vehicles > 1; };
* Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
* @return the first vehicle of the chain.
inline Vehicle *GetFirstSharedVehicle() const { return this->first_shared; }
* Return the number of vehicles that share this orders list
* @return the count of vehicles that use this shared orders list
inline uint GetNumVehicles() const { return this->num_vehicles; }
bool IsVehicleInSharedOrdersList(const Vehicle *v) const;
int GetPositionInSharedOrderList(const Vehicle *v) const;
* Adds the given vehicle to this shared order list.
* @note This is supposed to be called after the vehicle has been inserted
* into the shared vehicle chain.
* @param v vehicle to add to the list
inline void AddVehicle(Vehicle *v) { ++this->num_vehicles; }
void RemoveVehicle(Vehicle *v);
bool IsCompleteTimetable() const;
* Gets the total duration of the vehicles timetable or INVALID_TICKS is the timetable is not complete.
* @return total timetable duration or INVALID_TICKS for incomplete timetables
inline Ticks GetTimetableTotalDuration() const { return this->IsCompleteTimetable() ? this->timetable_duration : INVALID_TICKS; }
* Gets the known duration of the vehicles timetable even if the timetable is not complete.
* @return known timetable duration
inline Ticks GetTimetableDurationIncomplete() const { return this->timetable_duration; }
* Gets the known duration of the vehicles orders, timetabled or not.
* @return known order duration.
inline Ticks GetTotalDuration() const { return this->total_duration; }
* Must be called if an order's timetable is changed to update internal book keeping.
* @param delta By how many ticks has the timetable duration changed
void UpdateTimetableDuration(Ticks delta) { this->timetable_duration += delta; }
* Must be called if an order's timetable is changed to update internal book keeping.
* @param delta By how many ticks has the total duration changed
void UpdateTotalDuration(Ticks delta) { this->total_duration += delta; }
void FreeChain(bool keep_orderlist = false);
void DebugCheckSanity() const;
* Get the vector of all scheduled dispatch slot
* @return first scheduled dispatch
inline const std::vector<uint32> &GetScheduledDispatch() { return this->scheduled_dispatch; }
void AddScheduledDispatch(uint32 offset);
void RemoveScheduledDispatch(uint32 offset);
void UpdateScheduledDispatch();
void ResetScheduledDispatch();
* Set the scheduled dispatch duration, in scaled tick
* @param duration New duration
inline void SetScheduledDispatchDuration(uint32 duration) { this->scheduled_dispatch_duration = duration; }
* Get the scheduled dispatch duration, in scaled tick
* @return scheduled dispatch duration
inline uint32 GetScheduledDispatchDuration() { return this->scheduled_dispatch_duration; }
* Set the scheduled dispatch start
* @param start New start date
* @param fract New start full date fraction, see \c CmdScheduledDispatchSetStartDate
inline void SetScheduledDispatchStartDate(Date start_date, uint16 start_full_date_fract)
this->scheduled_dispatch_start_date = start_date;
this->scheduled_dispatch_start_full_date_fract = start_full_date_fract;
* Get the scheduled dispatch start date, in absolute scaled tick
* @return scheduled dispatch start date
inline DateTicksScaled GetScheduledDispatchStartTick() { return SchdispatchConvertToScaledTick(this->scheduled_dispatch_start_date, this->scheduled_dispatch_start_full_date_fract); }
* Whether the scheduled dispatch setting is valid
* @return scheduled dispatch start date fraction
inline bool IsScheduledDispatchValid() { return this->scheduled_dispatch_start_date >= 0 && this->scheduled_dispatch_duration > 0; }
* Set the scheduled dispatch last dispatch offset, in scaled tick
* @param duration New last dispatch offset
inline void SetScheduledDispatchLastDispatch(int32 offset) { this->scheduled_dispatch_last_dispatch = offset; }
* Get the scheduled dispatch last dispatch offset, in scaled tick
* @return scheduled dispatch last dispatch
inline int32 GetScheduledDispatchLastDispatch() { return this->scheduled_dispatch_last_dispatch; }
* Set the scheduled dispatch maximum allowed delay, in scaled tick
* @param delay New maximum allow delay
inline void SetScheduledDispatchDelay(int32 delay) { this->scheduled_dispatch_max_delay = delay; }
* Get the scheduled dispatch maximum alowed delay, in scaled tick
* @return scheduled dispatch last dispatch
inline int32 GetScheduledDispatchDelay() { return this->scheduled_dispatch_max_delay; }
#define FOR_ALL_ORDERS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Order, order_index, var, start)
#define FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) for (order = (v->orders.list == NULL) ? NULL : v->orders.list->GetFirstOrder(); order != NULL; order = order->next)
#define FOR_ALL_ORDER_LISTS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(OrderList, orderlist_index, var, start)
#endif /* ORDER_BASE_H */