signde d6cab2e06d (svn r221) -Feature: console command and variable hooking
-Fix: added another network.c stub
-Consolecommand: "scrollto <tile>" center main view on <tile> [Darkvater]
-Consolecommand: "resettile <tile>" force bulldoze <tile> without any checks (DEBUG only) [Darkvater]
-Fix: resetengines is hooked to be not available in network games
-Codechange: "connect <connectstr>": the connect command now uses a connectionstring like the network-gui
-Fix: Direct Connect editbox can handle up to max ~35 characters [Darkvater]
2004-09-12 20:15:18 +00:00

459 lines
14 KiB

#include "player.h"
//enum { DPARAM_SIZE = 32 };
#if !defined(MAX_PATH)
# define MAX_PATH 260
// Prices and also the fractional part.
VARDEF Prices _price;
VARDEF uint16 _price_frac[NUM_PRICES];
VARDEF uint32 _cargo_payment_rates[NUM_CARGO];
VARDEF uint16 _cargo_payment_rates_frac[NUM_CARGO];
typedef struct {
GameDifficulty diff;
byte diff_level;
byte currency;
bool kilometers;
byte town_name;
byte landscape;
byte snow_line;
byte autosave;
byte road_side;
} GameOptions;
// These are the options for the current game
VARDEF GameOptions _opt;
// These are the options for the new game
VARDEF GameOptions _new_opt;
// Current date
VARDEF uint16 _date;
VARDEF uint16 _date_fract;
// Amount of game ticks
VARDEF uint16 _tick_counter;
// Used when calling OnNewDay
VARDEF VehicleID _vehicle_id_ctr_day;
// Skip aging of cargo?
VARDEF byte _age_cargo_skip_counter;
// Available aircraft types
VARDEF byte _avail_aircraft;
// Position in tile loop
VARDEF TileIndex _cur_tileloop_tile;
// Also save scrollpos_x, scrollpos_y and zoom
VARDEF uint16 _disaster_delay;
// Determines what station to operate on in the
// tick handler.
VARDEF uint16 _station_tick_ctr;
VARDEF uint32 _random_seeds[2][2];
VARDEF uint32 _player_seeds[MAX_PLAYERS][2];
// Iterator through all towns in OnTick_Town
VARDEF byte _cur_town_ctr;
VARDEF uint _cur_player_tick_index;
VARDEF uint _next_competitor_start;
// Determines how often to run the tree loop
VARDEF byte _trees_tick_ctr;
// Keep track of current game position
VARDEF int _saved_scrollpos_x;
VARDEF int _saved_scrollpos_y;
VARDEF byte _saved_scrollpos_zoom;
// ********* END OF SAVE REGION
typedef struct Patches {
bool vehicle_speed; // show vehicle speed
bool build_on_slopes; // allow building on slopes
bool mammoth_trains; // allow very long trains
bool join_stations; // allow joining of train stations
bool full_load_any; // new full load calculation, any cargo must be full
byte station_spread; // amount a station may spread
bool inflation; // disable inflation
bool selectgoods; // only send the goods to station if a train has been there
bool longbridges; // allow 100 tile long bridges
bool gotodepot; // allow goto depot in orders
bool build_rawmaterial_ind; // allow building raw material industries
bool multiple_industry_per_town; // allow many industries of the same type per town
bool same_industry_close; // allow same type industries to be built close to each other
uint16 lost_train_days; // if a train doesn't switch order in this amount of days, a train is lost warning is shown
uint8 order_review_system;
bool train_income_warn; // if train is generating little income, show a warning
bool status_long_date; // always show long date in status bar
bool signal_side; // show signals on right side
bool show_finances; // show finances at end of year
bool new_nonstop; // ttdpatch compatible nonstop handling
bool roadveh_queue; // buggy road vehicle queueing
bool autoscroll; // scroll when moving mouse to the edge.
byte errmsg_duration; // duration of error message
byte snow_line_height; // a number 0-15 that configured snow line height
bool bribe; // enable bribing the local authority
bool new_depot_finding; // use new algorithm to find a depot.
bool nonuniform_stations;// allow nonuniform train stations
bool always_small_airport; // always allow small airports
bool realistic_acceleration; // realistic acceleration for trains
bool invisible_trees; // don't show trees when buildings are transparent
uint8 toolbar_pos; // position of toolbars, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
byte max_trains; //max trains in game per player (these are 8bit because the unitnumber field can't hold more)
byte max_roadveh; //max trucks in game per player
byte max_aircraft; //max planes in game per player
byte max_ships; //max ships in game per player
bool servint_ispercent; // service intervals are in percents
uint16 servint_trains; // service interval for trains
uint16 servint_roadveh; // service interval for road vehicles
uint16 servint_aircraft;// service interval for aircraft
uint16 servint_ships; // service interval for ships
bool autorenew;
int16 autorenew_months;
int32 autorenew_money;
bool new_pathfinding; // use optimized pathfinding algoritm for trains
byte pf_maxdepth; // maximum recursion depth when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
uint16 pf_maxlength; // maximum length when searching for a train route for new pathfinder
bool bridge_pillars; // show bridge pillars for high bridges
bool ai_disable_veh_train; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_roadveh; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_aircraft; // disable types for AI
bool ai_disable_veh_ship; // disable types for AI
uint32 starting_date; // starting date
uint32 colored_news_date; // when does newspaper become colored?
bool keep_all_autosave; // name the autosave in a different way.
bool extra_dynamite; // extra dynamite
bool never_expire_vehicles; // never expire vehicles
byte extend_vehicle_life; // extend vehicle life by this many years
bool auto_euro; // automatically switch to euro in 2002
bool serviceathelipad; // service helicopters at helipads automatically (no need to send to depot)
bool smooth_economy; // smooth economy
byte dist_local_authority; // distance for town local authority, default 20
byte wait_oneway_signal; //waitingtime in days before a oneway signal
byte wait_twoway_signal; //waitingtime in days before a twoway signal
byte drag_signals_density; // many signals density
bool ainew_active; // Is the new AI active?
} Patches;
VARDEF Patches _patches;
typedef struct Cheat {
bool been_used; // has this cheat been used before?
byte value; // active?
} Cheat;
// WARNING! Do _not_ remove entries in Cheats struct or change the order
// of the existing ones! Would break downward compatibility.
// Only add new entries at the end of the struct!
typedef struct Cheats {
Cheat magic_bulldozer; // dynamite industries, unmovables
Cheat switch_player; // change to another player
Cheat money; // get rich
Cheat crossing_tunnels; // allow tunnels that cross each other
Cheat build_in_pause; // build while in pause mode
Cheat no_jetcrash; // no jet will crash on small airports anymore
Cheat switch_climate;
Cheat change_date; //changes date ingame
} Cheats;
VARDEF Cheats _cheats;
typedef struct Paths {
char *personal_dir; // includes cfg file and save folder
char *game_data_dir; // includes data, gm, lang
char *data_dir;
char *gm_dir;
char *lang_dir;
char *save_dir;
char *autosave_dir;
char *scenario_dir;
} Paths;
VARDEF Paths _path;
// Which options struct does options modify?
VARDEF GameOptions *_opt_mod_ptr;
// NOSAVE: Used in palette animations only, not really important.
VARDEF int _timer_counter;
// NOSAVE: can be determined from _date
VARDEF byte _cur_year;
VARDEF byte _cur_month;
// NOSAVE: can be determined from player structs
VARDEF byte _player_colors[MAX_PLAYERS];
VARDEF bool _in_state_game_loop;
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter;
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_max; // for networking, this is the frame that we are not allowed to execute yet.
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_srv; // for networking, this is the last known framecounter of the server. it is always less than frame_counter_max.
// networking settings
VARDEF bool _network_available; // is network mode available?
VARDEF uint32 _network_ip_list[10]; // Network IPs
VARDEF uint16 _network_game_count;
VARDEF uint _network_client_port;
VARDEF uint _network_server_port;
VARDEF uint16 _network_sync_freq;
VARDEF uint16 _network_ahead_frames;
VARDEF uint16 _network_ready_ahead;
VARDEF uint16 _network_client_timeout;
VARDEF uint32 _sync_seed_1, _sync_seed_2;
VARDEF bool _is_ai_player; // current player is an AI player? - Can be removed if new AI is done
VARDEF bool _do_autosave;
VARDEF int _autosave_ctr;
VARDEF byte _local_player;
VARDEF byte _display_opt;
VARDEF byte _pause;
VARDEF int _caret_timer;
VARDEF uint16 _news_display_opt;
VARDEF byte _game_mode;
VARDEF StringID _error_message;
VARDEF StringID _error_message_2;
VARDEF int32 _additional_cash_required;
VARDEF uint32 _decode_parameters[10];
VARDEF byte _current_player;
VARDEF int _docommand_recursive;
VARDEF uint32 _pressed_key; // Low 8 bits = ASCII, High 16 bits = keycode
VARDEF bool _ctrl_pressed; // Is Ctrl pressed?
VARDEF bool _shift_pressed; // Is Alt pressed?
VARDEF byte _dirkeys; // 1=left, 2=up, 4=right, 8=down
VARDEF bool _fullscreen;
VARDEF bool _double_size;
VARDEF uint _display_hz;
VARDEF bool _force_full_redraw;
VARDEF uint _fullscreen_bpp;
VARDEF bool _fast_forward;
VARDEF bool _rightclick_emulate;
// IN/OUT parameters to commands
VARDEF byte _yearly_expenses_type;
VARDEF TileIndex _terraform_err_tile;
VARDEF uint _build_tunnel_endtile;
VARDEF bool _generating_world;
VARDEF int _new_town_size;
VARDEF uint _returned_refit_amount;
// Deals with the type of the savegame, independent of extension
typedef struct {
int mode; // savegame/scenario type (old, new)
byte name[MAX_PATH]; // name
} SmallFiosItem;
// Used when switching from the intro menu.
VARDEF byte _switch_mode;
VARDEF StringID _switch_mode_errorstr;
VARDEF bool _exit_game;
VARDEF SmallFiosItem _file_to_saveload;
VARDEF byte _make_screenshot;
VARDEF bool _networking;
VARDEF bool _networking_override; // dont shutdown network core when the GameMenu appears.
VARDEF bool _networking_sync; // if we use network mode and the games must stay in sync.
VARDEF bool _networking_server;
VARDEF bool _networking_queuing; // queueing only?
VARDEF byte _network_playas; // an id to play as..
VARDEF byte _get_z_hint; // used as a hint to getslopez to return the right height at a bridge.
VARDEF char *_newgrf_files[32];
VARDEF Vehicle *_place_clicked_vehicle;
VARDEF char _ini_videodriver[16], _ini_musicdriver[16], _ini_sounddriver[16];
VARDEF bool _cache_sprites;
// debug features
VARDEF char _savedump_path[64];
VARDEF uint _savedump_first, _savedump_freq, _savedump_last;
// end of debug features
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *file;
} DynLangEnt;
// Used for dynamic language support
typedef struct {
int num; // number of languages
int curr; // currently selected language index
char curr_file[32]; // currently selected language file
StringID dropdown[32 + 1]; // used in settings dialog
DynLangEnt ent[32];
} DynamicLanguages;
VARDEF DynamicLanguages _dynlang;
VARDEF int _num_resolutions;
VARDEF uint16 _resolutions[32][2];
VARDEF uint16 _cur_resolution[2];
VARDEF char _screenshot_format_name[8];
VARDEF int _num_screenshot_formats, _cur_screenshot_format;
VARDEF char _savegame_format[8];
VARDEF char *_config_file;
// NOSAVE: These can be recalculated from InitializeLandscapeVariables
typedef struct {
StringID names_s[NUM_CARGO];
StringID names_p[NUM_CARGO];
StringID names_long_s[NUM_CARGO];
StringID names_long_p[NUM_CARGO];
StringID names_short[NUM_CARGO];
byte weights[NUM_CARGO];
SpriteID sprites[NUM_CARGO];
byte transit_days_1[NUM_CARGO];
byte transit_days_2[NUM_CARGO];
byte ai_railwagon[3][NUM_CARGO];
byte ai_roadveh_start[NUM_CARGO];
byte ai_roadveh_count[NUM_CARGO];
} CargoConst;
VARDEF CargoConst _cargoc;
typedef byte TownNameGenerator(byte *buf, uint32 seed);
extern TownNameGenerator * const _town_name_generators[];
#define SET_DPARAM32(n, v) (_decode_parameters[n] = (v))
#define SET_DPARAMX32(s, n, v) ((s)[n] = (v))
#define GET_DPARAM32(n) (_decode_parameters[n])
#define SET_DPARAM(n, v) (_decode_parameters[n] = (v))
#define SET_DPARAMX(s, n, v) ((s)[n] = (v))
#define GET_DPARAM(n) (_decode_parameters[n])
static void FORCEINLINE SET_DPARAM64(int n, int64 v)
_decode_parameters[n] = (uint32)v;
_decode_parameters[n+1] = (uint32)((uint64)v >> 32);
#if defined(TTD_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
#define SET_DPARAMX16(s, n, v) ( ((uint16*)(s+n))[0] = (v))
#define SET_DPARAMX8(s, n, v) ( ((uint8*)(s+n))[0] = (v))
#define GET_DPARAMX16(s, n) ( ((uint16*)(s+n))[0])
#define GET_DPARAMX8(s, n) ( ((uint8*)(s+n))[0])
#elif defined(TTD_BIG_ENDIAN)
#define SET_DPARAMX16(s, n, v) ( ((uint16*)(s+n))[1] = (v))
#define SET_DPARAMX8(s, n, v) ( ((uint8*)(s+n))[3] = (v))
#define GET_DPARAMX16(s, n) ( ((uint16*)(s+n))[1])
#define GET_DPARAMX8(s, n) ( ((uint8*)(s+n))[3])
#define SET_DPARAM16(n, v) SET_DPARAMX16(_decode_parameters, n, v)
#define SET_DPARAM8(n, v) SET_DPARAMX8(_decode_parameters, n, v)
#define GET_DPARAM16(n) GET_DPARAMX16(_decode_parameters, n)
#define GET_DPARAM8(n) GET_DPARAMX8(_decode_parameters, n)
#define COPY_IN_DPARAM(offs,src,num) memcpy(_decode_parameters + offs, src, sizeof(uint32) * (num))
#define COPY_OUT_DPARAM(dst,offs,num) memcpy(dst,_decode_parameters + offs, sizeof(uint32) * (num))
#define INJECT_DPARAM(n) InjectDparam(n);
#define SET_EXPENSES_TYPE(x) if (x) _yearly_expenses_type=x;
/* landscape.c */
extern const byte _tileh_to_sprite[32];
extern byte _map_type_and_height[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map5[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map3_lo[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map3_hi[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map_owner[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map2[TILES_X * TILES_Y];
extern byte _map_extra_bits[TILES_X * TILES_Y/4];
static const byte _inclined_tileh[] = {
extern const TileTypeProcs * const _tile_type_procs[16];
/* station_cmd.c */
// there are 5 types of airport (Country (3x4) , City(6x6), Metropolitan(6x6), International(7x7), Heliport(1x1)
// will become obsolete once airports are loaded from seperate file
extern const byte _airport_size_x[5];
extern const byte _airport_size_y[5];
extern const TileIndexDiff _tileoffs_by_dir[4];
/* misc */
VARDEF byte str_buffr[512];
VARDEF char _screenshot_name[128];
VARDEF char _userstring[128];
VARDEF byte _vehicle_design_names;
VARDEF SignStruct _sign_list[40];
VARDEF SignStruct *_new_sign_struct;
VARDEF bool _ignore_wrong_grf;
/* tunnelbridge */
#define MAX_BRIDGES 13
/* Debugging levels */
VARDEF int _debug_spritecache_level;
VARDEF int _debug_misc_level;
VARDEF int _debug_grf_level;
VARDEF int _debug_ai_level;
VARDEF int _debug_net_level;
void CDECL debug(const char *s, ...);
#define DEBUG(name, level)
#define DEBUG(name, level) if (level == 0 || _debug_ ## name ## _level >= level) debug
#endif /* VARIABLES_H */