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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file script_admin_json.cpp Tests for the Squirrel -> JSON conversion in ScriptAdmin. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../3rdparty/catch2/catch.hpp"
#include "../game/game_instance.hpp"
#include "../script/api/script_admin.hpp"
#include "../script/api/script_event_types.hpp"
#include "../script/script_instance.hpp"
#include "../script/squirrel.hpp"
#include "../3rdparty/fmt/format.h"
#include "../3rdparty/nlohmann/json.hpp"
#include <squirrel.h>
* A controller to start enough so we can use Squirrel for testing.
* To run Squirrel, we need an Allocator, so malloc/free works.
* For functions that log, we need an ActiveInstance, so the logger knows where
* to send the logs to.
* By instantiating this class, both are set correctly. After that you can
* use Squirrel without issues.
class TestScriptController {
GameInstance game{};
ScriptObject::ActiveInstance active{&game};
Squirrel engine{"test"};
ScriptAllocatorScope scope{&engine};
extern bool ScriptAdminMakeJSON(nlohmann::json &json, HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger index, int depth = 0);
* Small wrapper around ScriptAdmin's MakeJSON that prepares the Squirrel
* engine if it was called from actual scripting..
static std::optional<std::string> TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(std::string_view squirrel)
auto vm = sq_open(1024);
/* sq_compile creates a closure with our snipper, which is a table.
* Add "return " to get the table on the stack. */
std::string buffer = fmt::format("return {}", squirrel);
/* Insert an (empty) class for testing. */
sq_pushstring(vm, "DummyClass", -1);
sq_newclass(vm, SQFalse);
sq_newslot(vm, -3, SQFalse);
sq_pop(vm, 1);
/* Compile the snippet. */
REQUIRE(sq_compilebuffer(vm, buffer.c_str(), buffer.size(), "test", SQTrue) == SQ_OK);
/* Execute the snippet, capturing the return value. */
REQUIRE(sq_call(vm, 1, SQTrue, SQTrue) == SQ_OK);
/* Ensure the snippet pushed a table on the stack. */
REQUIRE(sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_TABLE);
/* Feed the snippet into the MakeJSON function. */
nlohmann::json json;
if (!ScriptAdminMakeJSON(json, vm, -1)) {
return std::nullopt;
return json.dump();
* Validate ScriptEventAdminPort can convert JSON to Squirrel.
* This function is not actually part of ScriptAdmin, but we will use MakeJSON,
* and as such need to be inside this class.
* The easiest way to do validate, is to first use ScriptEventAdminPort (the function
* we are testing) to convert the JSON to a Squirrel table. Then to use MakeJSON
* to convert it back to JSON.
* Sadly, Squirrel has no way to easily compare if two tables are identical, so we
* use the JSON -> Squirrel -> JSON method to validate the conversion. But mind you,
* a failure in the final JSON might also mean a bug in MakeJSON.
* @param json The JSON-string to convert to Squirrel
* @return The Squirrel table converted to a JSON-string.
static std::optional<std::string> TestScriptEventAdminPort(const std::string &json)
auto vm = sq_open(1024);
/* Run the conversion JSON -> Squirrel (this will now be on top of the stack). */
if (sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_NULL) {
return std::nullopt;
REQUIRE(sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_TABLE);
nlohmann::json squirrel_json;
REQUIRE(ScriptAdminMakeJSON(squirrel_json, vm, -1) == true);
return squirrel_json.dump();
TEST_CASE("Squirrel -> JSON conversion")
TestScriptController controller;
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = null })sq") == R"json({"test":null})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = 1 })sq") == R"json({"test":1})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = -1 })sq") == R"json({"test":-1})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = true })sq") == R"json({"test":true})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = "a" })sq") == R"json({"test":"a"})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = [ ] })sq") == R"json({"test":[]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = [ 1 ] })sq") == R"json({"test":[1]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = [ 1, "a", true, { test = 1 }, [], null ] })sq") == R"json({"test":[1,"a",true,{"test":1},[],null]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = { } })sq") == R"json({"test":{}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = { test = 1 } })sq") == R"json({"test":{"test":1}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = { test = 1, test = 2 } })sq") == R"json({"test":{"test":2}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = { test = 1, test2 = [ 2 ] } })sq") == R"json({"test":{"test":1,"test2":[2]}})json");
/* Cases that should fail, as we cannot convert a class to JSON. */
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = DummyClass })sq") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = [ 1, DummyClass ] })sq") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptAdminMakeJSON(R"sq({ test = { test = 1, test2 = DummyClass } })sq") == std::nullopt);
TEST_CASE("JSON -> Squirrel conversion")
TestScriptController controller;
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": null })json") == R"json({"test":null})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": 1 })json") == R"json({"test":1})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": -1 })json") == R"json({"test":-1})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": true })json") == R"json({"test":true})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": "a" })json") == R"json({"test":"a"})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": [] })json") == R"json({"test":[]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": [ 1 ] })json") == R"json({"test":[1]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": [ 1, "a", true, { "test": 1 }, [], null ] })json") == R"json({"test":[1,"a",true,{"test":1},[],null]})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": {} })json") == R"json({"test":{}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": { "test": 1 } })json") == R"json({"test":{"test":1}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": { "test": 2 } })json") == R"json({"test":{"test":2}})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": { "test": 1, "test2": [ 2 ] } })json") == R"json({"test":{"test":1,"test2":[2]}})json");
/* Check if spaces are properly ignored. */
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({"test":1})json") == R"json({"test":1})json");
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({"test": 1})json") == R"json({"test":1})json");
/* Valid JSON but invalid Squirrel (read: floats). */
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": 1.1 })json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": [ 1, 3, 1.1 ] })json") == std::nullopt);
/* Root element has to be an object. */
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( 1 )json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( "a" )json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( [ 1 ] )json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( null )json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( true )json") == std::nullopt);
/* Cases that should fail, as it is invalid JSON. */
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({"test":test})json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": 1 )json") == std::nullopt); // Missing closing }
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json( "test": 1})json") == std::nullopt); // Missing opening {
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test" = 1})json") == std::nullopt);
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": [ 1 })json") == std::nullopt); // Missing closing ]
CHECK(TestScriptEventAdminPort(R"json({ "test": 1 ] })json") == std::nullopt); // Missing opening [