You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

413 lines
10 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file sortlist_type.h Base types for having sorted lists in GUIs. */
#include "core/enum_type.hpp"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "core/mem_func.hpp"
#include "timer/timer_game_tick.h"
/** Flags of the sort list. */
enum SortListFlags {
VL_NONE = 0, ///< no sort
VL_DESC = 1 << 0, ///< sort descending or ascending
VL_RESORT = 1 << 1, ///< instruct the code to resort the list in the next loop
VL_REBUILD = 1 << 2, ///< rebuild the sort list
VL_FILTER = 1 << 3, ///< filter disabled/enabled
VL_END = 1 << 4,
/** Data structure describing how to show the list (what sort direction and criteria). */
struct Listing {
bool order; ///< Ascending/descending
uint8_t criteria; ///< Sorting criteria
/** Data structure describing what to show in the list (filter criteria). */
struct Filtering {
bool state; ///< Filter on/off
uint8_t criteria; ///< Filtering criteria
* List template of 'things' \p T to sort in a GUI.
* @tparam T Type of data stored in the list to represent each item.
* @tparam P Tyoe of data passed as additional parameter to the sort function.
* @tparam F Type of data fed as additional value to the filter function. @see FilterFunction
template <typename T, typename P = std::nullptr_t, typename F = const char*>
class GUIList : public std::vector<T> {
using SortFunction = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<P, std::nullptr_t>, bool (const T&, const T&), bool (const T&, const T&, const P)>; ///< Signature of sort function.
typedef bool CDECL FilterFunction(const T*, F); ///< Signature of filter function.
SortFunction * const *sort_func_list; ///< the sort criteria functions
FilterFunction * const *filter_func_list; ///< the filter criteria functions
SortListFlags flags; ///< used to control sorting/resorting/etc.
uint8_t sort_type; ///< what criteria to sort on
uint8_t filter_type; ///< what criteria to filter on
uint16_t resort_timer; ///< resort list after a given amount of ticks if set
/* If sort parameters are used then params must be a reference, however if not then params cannot be a reference as
* it will not be able to reference anything. */
using SortParameterReference = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<P, std::nullptr_t>, P, P&>;
const SortParameterReference params;
* Check if the list is sortable
* @return true if we can sort the list
bool IsSortable() const
return std::vector<T>::size() >= 2;
* Reset the resort timer
void ResetResortTimer()
/* Resort every 10 days */
this->resort_timer = Ticks::DAY_TICKS * 10;
/* If sort parameters are not used then we don't require a reference to the params. */
template <typename T_ = T, typename P_ = P, typename _F = F, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<P_, std::nullptr_t>>* = nullptr>
GUIList() :
/* If sort parameters are used then we require a reference to the params. */
template <typename T_ = T, typename P_ = P, typename _F = F, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<P_, std::nullptr_t>>* = nullptr>
GUIList(const P &params) :
* Get the sorttype of the list
* @return The current sorttype
uint8_t SortType() const
return this->sort_type;
* Set the sorttype of the list
* @param n_type the new sort type
void SetSortType(uint8_t n_type)
if (this->sort_type != n_type) {
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_RESORT);
this->sort_type = n_type;
* Export current sort conditions
* @return the current sort conditions
Listing GetListing() const
Listing l;
l.order = (this->flags & VL_DESC) != 0;
l.criteria = this->sort_type;
return l;
* Import sort conditions
* @param l The sort conditions we want to use
void SetListing(Listing l)
if (l.order) {
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_DESC);
} else {
CLRBITS(this->flags, VL_DESC);
this->sort_type = l.criteria;
* Get the filtertype of the list
* @return The current filtertype
uint8_t FilterType() const
return this->filter_type;
* Set the filtertype of the list
* @param n_type the new filter type
void SetFilterType(uint8_t n_type)
if (this->filter_type != n_type) {
this->filter_type = n_type;
* Export current filter conditions
* @return the current filter conditions
Filtering GetFiltering() const
Filtering f;
f.state = (this->flags & VL_FILTER) != 0;
f.criteria = this->filter_type;
return f;
* Import filter conditions
* @param f The filter conditions we want to use
void SetFiltering(Filtering f)
if (f.state) {
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_FILTER);
} else {
CLRBITS(this->flags, VL_FILTER);
this->filter_type = f.criteria;
* Check if a resort is needed next loop
* If used the resort timer will decrease every call
* till 0. If 0 reached the resort bit will be set and
* the timer will be reset.
* @return true if resort bit is set for next loop
bool NeedResort()
if (--this->resort_timer == 0) {
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_RESORT);
return true;
return false;
* Force a resort next Sort call
* Reset the resort timer if used too.
void ForceResort()
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_RESORT);
* Check if the sort order is descending
* @return true if the sort order is descending
bool IsDescSortOrder() const
return (this->flags & VL_DESC) != 0;
* Toggle the sort order
* Since that is the worst condition for the sort function
* reverse the list here.
void ToggleSortOrder()
this->flags ^= VL_DESC;
if (this->IsSortable()) std::reverse(std::vector<T>::begin(), std::vector<T>::end());
* Sort the list.
* @param compare The function to compare two list items
* @return true if the list sequence has been altered
template <typename Comp>
bool Sort(Comp compare)
/* Do not sort if the resort bit is not set */
if (!(this->flags & VL_RESORT)) return false;
CLRBITS(this->flags, VL_RESORT);
/* Do not sort when the list is not sortable */
if (!this->IsSortable()) return false;
const bool desc = (this->flags & VL_DESC) != 0;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<P, std::nullptr_t>) {
std::sort(std::vector<T>::begin(), std::vector<T>::end(), [&](const T &a, const T &b) { return desc ? compare(b, a) : compare(a, b); });
} else {
std::sort(std::vector<T>::begin(), std::vector<T>::end(), [&](const T &a, const T &b) { return desc ? compare(b, a, params) : compare(a, b, params); });
return true;
* Hand the array of sort function pointers to the sort list
* @param n_funcs The pointer to the first sort func
void SetSortFuncs(SortFunction * const *n_funcs)
this->sort_func_list = n_funcs;
* Overload of #Sort(SortFunction *compare)
* Overloaded to reduce external code
* @return true if the list sequence has been altered
bool Sort()
assert(this->sort_func_list != nullptr);
return this->Sort(this->sort_func_list[this->sort_type]);
* Check if the filter is enabled
* @return true if the filter is enabled
bool IsFilterEnabled() const
return (this->flags & VL_FILTER) != 0;
* Enable or disable the filter
* @param state If filtering should be enabled or disabled
void SetFilterState(bool state)
if (state) {
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_FILTER);
} else {
CLRBITS(this->flags, VL_FILTER);
* Filter the list.
* @param decide The function to decide about an item
* @param filter_data Additional data passed to the filter function
* @return true if the list has been altered by filtering
bool Filter(FilterFunction *decide, F filter_data)
/* Do not filter if the filter bit is not set */
if (!(this->flags & VL_FILTER)) return false;
bool changed = false;
for (auto it = std::vector<T>::begin(); it != std::vector<T>::end(); /* Nothing */) {
if (!decide(&*it, filter_data)) {
it = std::vector<T>::erase(it);
changed = true;
} else {
return changed;
* Hand the array of filter function pointers to the sort list
* @param n_funcs The pointer to the first filter func
void SetFilterFuncs(FilterFunction * const *n_funcs)
this->filter_func_list = n_funcs;
* Filter the data with the currently selected filter.
* @param filter_data Additional data passed to the filter function.
* @return true if the list has been altered by filtering
bool Filter(F filter_data)
if (this->filter_func_list == nullptr) return false;
return this->Filter(this->filter_func_list[this->filter_type], filter_data);
* Check if a rebuild is needed
* @return true if a rebuild is needed
bool NeedRebuild() const
return (this->flags & VL_REBUILD) != 0;
* Force that a rebuild is needed
void ForceRebuild()
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_REBUILD);
* Notify the sortlist that the rebuild is done
* @note This forces a resort
void RebuildDone()
CLRBITS(this->flags, VL_REBUILD);
SETBITS(this->flags, VL_RESORT);
#endif /* SORTLIST_TYPE_H */