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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file linkgraphjob.h Declaration of link graph job classes used for cargo distribution. */
#include "../thread.h"
#include "../core/dyn_arena_alloc.hpp"
#include "linkgraph.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
class LinkGraphJob;
class Path;
class LinkGraphJobGroup;
typedef std::vector<Path *> PathList;
/** Type of the pool for link graph jobs. */
typedef Pool<LinkGraphJob, LinkGraphJobID, 32, 0xFFFF> LinkGraphJobPool;
/** The actual pool with link graph jobs. */
extern LinkGraphJobPool _link_graph_job_pool;
* Class for calculation jobs to be run on link graphs.
class LinkGraphJob : public LinkGraphJobPool::PoolItem<&_link_graph_job_pool>{
* Annotation for a link graph demand edge.
struct DemandAnnotation {
NodeID dest; ///< Target node
uint demand = 0; ///< Transport demand between the nodes.
uint unsatisfied_demand = 0; ///< Demand over this edge that hasn't been satisfied yet.
* Annotation for a link graph flow edge.
struct Edge {
NodeID from; ///< From Node.
NodeID to; ///< To Node.
uint capacity; ///< Capacity of the link.
uint distance_anno; ///< Pre-computed distance annotation.
uint flow; ///< Planned flow over this edge.
* Get edge's from node.
* @return from NodeID.
NodeID From() const { return this->from; }
* Get edge's to node.
* @return to NodeID.
NodeID To() const { return this->to; }
* Get edge's capacity.
* @return Capacity.
uint Capacity() const { return this->capacity; }
* Get edge's distance annotation.
* @return Distance annotation.
uint DistanceAnno() const { return this->distance_anno; }
* Get the total flow on the edge.
* @return Flow.
uint Flow() const { return this->flow; }
* Add some flow.
* @param flow Flow to be added.
void AddFlow(uint flow) { this->flow += flow; }
* Remove some flow.
* @param flow Flow to be removed.
void RemoveFlow(uint flow)
dbg_assert(flow <= this->flow);
this->flow -= flow;
void InitEdge(NodeID from, NodeID to, uint capacity, uint distance_anno)
this->from = from;
this->to = to;
this->capacity = capacity;
this->distance_anno = distance_anno;
this->flow = 0;
typedef std::vector<Edge> EdgeAnnotationVector;
* Annotation for a link graph node.
struct NodeAnnotation {
uint undelivered_supply; ///< Amount of supply that hasn't been distributed yet.
uint received_demand; ///< Received demand towards this node.
PathList paths; ///< Paths through this node, sorted so that those with flow == 0 are in the back.
FlowStatMap flows; ///< Planned flows to other nodes.
span<DemandAnnotation> demands; ///< Demand annotations belonging to this node.
span<Edge> edges; ///< Edges with annotations belonging to this node.
void Init(uint supply);
typedef std::vector<NodeAnnotation> NodeAnnotationVector;
friend SaveLoadTable GetLinkGraphJobDesc();
friend upstream_sl::SaveLoadTable upstream_sl::GetLinkGraphJobDesc();
friend void GetLinkGraphJobDayLengthScaleAfterLoad(LinkGraphJob *lgj);
friend class LinkGraphSchedule;
friend class LinkGraphJobGroup;
const LinkGraph link_graph; ///< Link graph to by analyzed. Is copied when job is started and mustn't be modified later.
std::shared_ptr<LinkGraphJobGroup> group; ///< Job group thread the job is running in or nullptr if it's running in the main thread.
const LinkGraphSettings settings; ///< Copy of _settings_game.linkgraph at spawn time.
DateTicks join_date_ticks; ///< Date when the job is to be joined.
DateTicks start_date_ticks; ///< Date when the job was started.
NodeAnnotationVector nodes; ///< Extra node data necessary for link graph calculation.
EdgeAnnotationVector edges; ///< Edge data necessary for link graph calculation.
std::atomic<bool> job_completed; ///< Is the job still running. This is accessed by multiple threads and reads may be stale.
std::atomic<bool> job_aborted; ///< Has the job been aborted. This is accessed by multiple threads and reads may be stale.
void EraseFlows(NodeID from);
void JoinThread();
void SetJobGroup(std::shared_ptr<LinkGraphJobGroup> group);
btree::btree_map<std::pair<NodeID, NodeID>, uint> demand_map; ///< Demand map.
std::vector<DemandAnnotation> demand_annotation_store; ///< Demand annotation store.
DynUniformArenaAllocator path_allocator; ///< Arena allocator used for paths
* Link graph job node. Wraps a constant link graph node and a modifiable
* node annotation.
class Node : public LinkGraph::ConstNode {
NodeAnnotation &node_anno; ///< Annotation being wrapped.
* Constructor.
* @param lgj Job to take the node from.
* @param node ID of the node.
Node (LinkGraphJob *lgj, NodeID node) :
LinkGraph::ConstNode(&lgj->link_graph, node),
* Get amount of supply that hasn't been delivered, yet.
* @return Undelivered supply.
uint UndeliveredSupply() const { return this->node_anno.undelivered_supply; }
* Get amount of supply that hasn't been delivered, yet.
* @return Undelivered supply.
uint ReceivedDemand() const { return this->node_anno.received_demand; }
* Get the flows running through this node.
* @return Flows.
FlowStatMap &Flows() { return this->node_anno.flows; }
* Get a constant version of the flows running through this node.
* @return Flows.
const FlowStatMap &Flows() const { return this->node_anno.flows; }
* Get the paths this node is part of. Paths are always expected to be
* sorted so that those with flow == 0 are in the back of the list.
* @return Paths.
PathList &Paths() { return this->node_anno.paths; }
* Get a constant version of the paths this node is part of.
* @return Paths.
const PathList &Paths() const { return this->node_anno.paths; }
* Deliver some supply, adding demand to the respective edge.
* @param amount Amount of supply to be delivered.
void DeliverSupply(uint amount)
this->node_anno.undelivered_supply -= amount;
* Receive some demand, adding demand to the respective edge.
* @param amount Amount of demand to be received.
void ReceiveDemand(uint amount)
this->node_anno.received_demand += amount;
span<DemandAnnotation> GetDemandAnnotations() const
return this->node_anno.demands;
void SetDemandAnnotations(span<DemandAnnotation> demands)
this->node_anno.demands = demands;
Edge &GetEdgeTo(NodeID to)
for (Edge &edge : this->node_anno.edges) {
if (edge.To() == to) return edge;
static Edge empty_edge = {};
return empty_edge;
span<Edge> GetEdges()
return this->node_anno.edges;
* Bare constructor, only for save/load. link_graph, join_date and actually
* settings have to be brutally const-casted in order to populate them.
LinkGraphJob() : settings(_settings_game.linkgraph),
join_date_ticks(INVALID_DATE), start_date_ticks(INVALID_DATE), job_completed(false), job_aborted(false) {}
LinkGraphJob(const LinkGraph &orig, uint duration_multiplier);
void Init();
void FinaliseJob();
* Check if job has actually finished.
* This is allowed to spuriously return an incorrect value.
* @return True if job has actually finished.
inline bool IsJobCompleted() const { return this->job_completed.load(std::memory_order_acquire); }
* Check if job has been aborted.
* This is allowed to spuriously return false incorrectly, but is not allowed to incorrectly return true.
* @return True if job has been aborted.
inline bool IsJobAborted() const { return this->job_aborted.load(std::memory_order_acquire); }
* Abort job.
* The job may exit early at the next available opportunity.
* After this method has been called the state of the job is undefined, and the only valid operation
* is to join the thread and discard the job data.
inline void AbortJob() { this->, std::memory_order_release); }
* Check if job is supposed to be finished.
* @param tick_offset Optional number of ticks to add to the current date
* @return True if job should be finished by now, false if not.
inline bool IsScheduledToBeJoined(int tick_offset = 0) const { return this->join_date_ticks <= (_date * DAY_TICKS) + _date_fract + tick_offset; }
* Get the date when the job should be finished.
* @return Join date.
inline DateTicks JoinDateTicks() const { return join_date_ticks; }
* Get the date when the job was started.
* @return Start date.
inline DateTicks StartDateTicks() const { return start_date_ticks; }
* Change the join date on date cheating.
* @param interval Number of days to add.
inline void ShiftJoinDate(int interval) { this->join_date_ticks += interval * DAY_TICKS; }
* Get the link graph settings for this component.
* @return Settings.
inline const LinkGraphSettings &Settings() const { return this->settings; }
* Get a node abstraction with the specified id.
* @param num ID of the node.
* @return the Requested node.
inline Node operator[](NodeID num) { return Node(this, num); }
* Get the size of the underlying link graph.
* @return Size.
inline NodeID Size() const { return this->link_graph.Size(); }
* Get the cargo of the underlying link graph.
* @return Cargo.
inline CargoID Cargo() const { return this->link_graph.Cargo(); }
* Get the date when the underlying link graph was last compressed.
* @return Compression date.
inline Date LastCompression() const { return this->link_graph.LastCompression(); }
* Get the ID of the underlying link graph.
* @return Link graph ID.
inline LinkGraphID LinkGraphIndex() const { return this->link_graph.index; }
* Get a reference to the underlying link graph. Only use this for save/load.
* @return Link graph.
inline const LinkGraph &Graph() const { return this->link_graph; }
* A leg of a path in the link graph. Paths can form trees by being "forked".
class Path {
static Path *invalid_path;
Path(NodeID n, bool source = false);
virtual ~Path() = default;
/** Get the node this leg passes. */
inline NodeID GetNode() const { return this->node; }
/** Get the overall origin of the path. */
inline NodeID GetOrigin() const { return this->origin; }
/** Get the parent leg of this one. */
inline Path *GetParent() { return reinterpret_cast<Path *>(this->parent_storage & ~1); }
/** Get the overall capacity of the path. */
inline uint GetCapacity() const { return this->capacity; }
/** Get the free capacity of the path. */
inline int GetFreeCapacity() const { return this->free_capacity; }
* Get ratio of free * 16 (so that we get fewer 0) /
* max(total capacity, 1) (so that we don't divide by 0).
* @param free Free capacity.
* @param total Total capacity.
* @return free * 16 / max(total, 1).
inline static int GetCapacityRatio(int free, uint total)
return Clamp(free, PATH_CAP_MIN_FREE, PATH_CAP_MAX_FREE) * PATH_CAP_MULTIPLIER / std::max(total, 1U);
* Get capacity ratio of this path.
* @return free capacity * 16 / (total capacity + 1).
inline int GetCapacityRatio() const
return Path::GetCapacityRatio(this->free_capacity, this->capacity);
/** Get the overall distance of the path. */
inline uint GetDistance() const { return this->distance; }
/** Reduce the flow on this leg only by the specified amount. */
inline void ReduceFlow(uint f) { this->flow -= f; }
/** Increase the flow on this leg only by the specified amount. */
inline void AddFlow(uint f) { this->flow += f; }
/** Get the flow on this leg. */
inline uint GetFlow() const { return this->flow; }
/** Get the number of "forked off" child legs of this one. */
inline uint GetNumChildren() const { return this->num_children; }
* Detach this path from its parent.
inline void Detach()
if (this->GetParent() != nullptr) {
uint AddFlow(uint f, LinkGraphJob &job, uint max_saturation);
void Fork(Path *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist);
inline bool GetAnnosSetFlag() const { return HasBit(this->parent_storage, 0); }
inline void SetAnnosSetFlag(bool flag) { SB(this->parent_storage, 0, 1, flag ? 1 : 0); }
* Some boundaries to clamp against in order to avoid integer overflows.
enum PathCapacityBoundaries {
uint distance; ///< Sum(distance of all legs up to this one).
uint capacity; ///< This capacity is min(capacity) fom all edges.
int free_capacity; ///< This capacity is min(edge.capacity - edge.flow) for the current run of Dijkstra.
uint flow; ///< Flow the current run of the mcf solver assigns.
NodeID node; ///< Link graph node this leg passes.
NodeID origin; ///< Link graph node this path originates from.
uint num_children; ///< Number of child legs that have been forked from this path.
uintptr_t parent_storage; ///< Parent leg of this one, flag in LSB of pointer
/** Get the parent leg of this one. */
inline void SetParent(Path *parent) { this->parent_storage = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(parent) | (this->parent_storage & 1); }
inline bool IsLinkGraphCargoExpress(CargoID cargo)
return IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_PASSENGERS) ||
IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_MAIL) ||
IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_EXPRESS);
#endif /* LINKGRAPHJOB_H */