
485 lines
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/* $Id$ */
/** @file rail.h */
#ifndef RAIL_H
#define RAIL_H
#include "direction.h"
#include "rail_map.h"
#include "tile.h"
/** These are a combination of tracks and directions. Values are 0-5 in one
direction (corresponding to the Track enum) and 8-13 in the other direction. */
typedef enum Trackdirs {
/* Note the two missing values here. This enables trackdir -> track
* conversion by doing (trackdir & 7) */
} Trackdir;
/** These are a combination of tracks and directions. Values are 0-5 in one
direction (corresponding to the Track enum) and 8-13 in the other direction. */
typedef enum TrackdirBits {
/* Again, note the two missing values here. This enables trackdir -> track conversion by doing (trackdir & 0xFF) */
} TrackdirBits;
/** This struct contains all the info that is needed to draw and construct tracks.
typedef struct RailtypeInfo {
/** Struct containing the main sprites. @note not all sprites are listed, but only
* the ones used directly in the code */
struct {
SpriteID track_y; ///< single piece of rail in Y direction, with ground
SpriteID track_ns; ///< two pieces of rail in North and South corner (East-West direction)
SpriteID ground; ///< ground sprite for a 3-way switch
SpriteID single_y; ///< single piece of rail in Y direction, without ground
SpriteID single_x; ///< single piece of rail in X direction
SpriteID single_n; ///< single piece of rail in the northern corner
SpriteID single_s; ///< single piece of rail in the southern corner
SpriteID single_e; ///< single piece of rail in the eastern corner
SpriteID single_w; ///< single piece of rail in the western corner
SpriteID crossing; ///< level crossing, rail in X direction
SpriteID tunnel; ///< tunnel sprites base
} base_sprites;
/** struct containing the sprites for the rail GUI. @note only sprites referred to
* directly in the code are listed */
struct {
SpriteID build_ns_rail; ///< button for building single rail in N-S direction
SpriteID build_x_rail; ///< button for building single rail in X direction
SpriteID build_ew_rail; ///< button for building single rail in E-W direction
SpriteID build_y_rail; ///< button for building single rail in Y direction
SpriteID auto_rail; ///< button for the autorail construction
SpriteID build_depot; ///< button for building depots
SpriteID build_tunnel; ///< button for building a tunnel
SpriteID convert_rail; ///< button for converting rail
} gui_sprites;
struct {
CursorID rail_ns;
CursorID rail_swne;
CursorID rail_ew;
CursorID rail_nwse;
CursorID autorail;
CursorID depot;
CursorID tunnel;
CursorID convert;
} cursor;
struct {
StringID toolbar_caption;
} strings;
/** sprite number difference between a piece of track on a snowy ground and the corresponding one on normal ground */
SpriteID snow_offset;
/** bitmask to the OTHER railtypes on which an engine of THIS railtype generates power */
RailTypeMask powered_railtypes;
/** bitmask to the OTHER railtypes on which an engine of THIS railtype can physically travel */
RailTypeMask compatible_railtypes;
* Offset between the current railtype and normal rail. This means that:<p>
* 1) All the sprites in a railset MUST be in the same order. This order
* is determined by normal rail. Check sprites 1005 and following for this order<p>
* 2) The position where the railtype is loaded must always be the same, otherwise
* the offset will fail.<p>
* @note: Something more flexible might be desirable in the future.
SpriteID total_offset;
* Bridge offset
SpriteID bridge_offset;
* Offset to add to ground sprite when drawing custom waypoints / stations
byte custom_ground_offset;
} RailtypeInfo;
extern const RailtypeInfo _railtypes[RAILTYPE_END];
// these are the maximums used for updating signal blocks, and checking if a depot is in a pbs block
enum {
NUM_SSD_ENTRY = 256, // max amount of blocks
NUM_SSD_STACK = 32 ,// max amount of blocks to check recursively
* Maps a Trackdir to the corresponding TrackdirBits value
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirToTrackdirBits(Trackdir trackdir) { return (TrackdirBits)(1 << trackdir); }
* These functions check the validity of Tracks and Trackdirs. assert against
* them when convenient.
static inline bool IsValidTrack(Track track) { return track < TRACK_END; }
static inline bool IsValidTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) { return (TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir) & TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK) != 0; }
* Functions to map tracks to the corresponding bits in the signal
* presence/status bytes in the map. You should not use these directly, but
* wrapper functions below instead. XXX: Which are these?
* Maps a trackdir to the bit that stores its status in the map arrays, in the
* direction along with the trackdir.
extern const byte _signal_along_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
static inline byte SignalAlongTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) {return _signal_along_trackdir[trackdir];}
* Maps a trackdir to the bit that stores its status in the map arrays, in the
* direction against the trackdir.
static inline byte SignalAgainstTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) {
extern const byte _signal_against_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _signal_against_trackdir[trackdir];
* Maps a Track to the bits that store the status of the two signals that can
* be present on the given track.
static inline byte SignalOnTrack(Track track) {
extern const byte _signal_on_track[TRACK_END];
return _signal_on_track[track];
* Some functions to query rail tiles
* Checks if a rail tile has signals.
static inline bool HasSignals(TileIndex tile)
return GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS;
* Returns the RailTileSubtype of a given rail tile with type
static inline RailTileSubtype GetRailTileSubtype(TileIndex tile)
assert(GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TYPE_DEPOT_WAYPOINT);
return (RailTileSubtype)(_m[tile].m5 & RAIL_SUBTYPE_MASK);
* Returns whether this is plain rails, with or without signals. Iow, if this
static inline bool IsPlainRailTile(TileIndex tile)
RailTileType rtt = GetRailTileType(tile);
return rtt == RAIL_TYPE_NORMAL || rtt == RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS;
* Returns whether the given track is present on the given tile. Tile must be
* a plain rail tile (IsPlainRailTile()).
static inline bool HasTrack(TileIndex tile, Track track)
return HASBIT(GetTrackBits(tile), track);
* Functions describing logical relations between Tracks, TrackBits, Trackdirs
* TrackdirBits, Direction and DiagDirections.
* TODO: Add #unndefs or something similar to remove the arrays used below
* from the global scope and expose direct uses of them.
* Maps a trackdir to the reverse trackdir.
static inline Trackdir ReverseTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) {
return (Trackdir)(trackdir ^ 8);
* Maps a Track to the corresponding TrackBits value
static inline TrackBits TrackToTrackBits(Track track) { return (TrackBits)(1 << track); }
* Returns the Track that a given Trackdir represents
static inline Track TrackdirToTrack(Trackdir trackdir) { return (Track)(trackdir & 0x7); }
* Returns a Trackdir for the given Track. Since every Track corresponds to
* two Trackdirs, we choose the one which points between NE and S.
* Note that the actual implementation is quite futile, but this might change
* in the future.
static inline Trackdir TrackToTrackdir(Track track) { return (Trackdir)track; }
* Returns a TrackdirBit mask that contains the two TrackdirBits that
* correspond with the given Track (one for each direction).
static inline TrackdirBits TrackToTrackdirBits(Track track) { Trackdir td = TrackToTrackdir(track); return TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td) | TrackdirToTrackdirBits(ReverseTrackdir(td));}
* Discards all directional information from the given TrackdirBits. Any
* Track which is present in either direction will be present in the result.
static inline TrackBits TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackdirBits bits) { return bits | (bits >> 8); }
* Maps a trackdir to the trackdir that you will end up on if you go straight
* ahead. This will be the same trackdir for diagonal trackdirs, but a
* different (alternating) one for straight trackdirs
static inline Trackdir NextTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) {
extern const Trackdir _next_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _next_trackdir[trackdir];
* Maps a track to all tracks that make 90 deg turns with it.
static inline TrackBits TrackCrossesTracks(Track track) {
extern const TrackBits _track_crosses_tracks[TRACK_END];
return _track_crosses_tracks[track];
* Maps a trackdir to the (4-way) direction the tile is exited when following
* that trackdir.
static inline DiagDirection TrackdirToExitdir(Trackdir trackdir) {
extern const DiagDirection _trackdir_to_exitdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _trackdir_to_exitdir[trackdir];
* Maps a track and an (4-way) dir to the trackdir that represents the track
* with the exit in the given direction.
static inline Trackdir TrackExitdirToTrackdir(Track track, DiagDirection diagdir) {
extern const Trackdir _track_exitdir_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIAGDIR_END];
return _track_exitdir_to_trackdir[track][diagdir];
* Maps a track and an (4-way) dir to the trackdir that represents the track
* with the exit in the given direction.
static inline Trackdir TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(Track track, DiagDirection diagdir) {
extern const Trackdir _track_enterdir_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIAGDIR_END];
return _track_enterdir_to_trackdir[track][diagdir];
* Maps a track and a full (8-way) direction to the trackdir that represents
* the track running in the given direction.
static inline Trackdir TrackDirectionToTrackdir(Track track, Direction dir) {
extern const Trackdir _track_direction_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIR_END];
return _track_direction_to_trackdir[track][dir];
* Maps a (4-way) direction to the diagonal trackdir that runs in that
* direction.
static inline Trackdir DiagdirToDiagTrackdir(DiagDirection diagdir) {
extern const Trackdir _dir_to_diag_trackdir[DIAGDIR_END];
return _dir_to_diag_trackdir[diagdir];
extern const TrackdirBits _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[DIAGDIR_END];
* Returns all trackdirs that can be reached when entering a tile from a given
* (diagonal) direction. This will obviously include 90 degree turns, since no
* information is available about the exact angle of entering */
static inline TrackdirBits DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(DiagDirection diagdir) { return _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[diagdir]; }
* Returns all tracks that can be reached when entering a tile from a given
* (diagonal) direction. This will obviously include 90 degree turns, since no
* information is available about the exact angle of entering */
static inline TrackBits DiagdirReachesTracks(DiagDirection diagdir) { return TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(diagdir)); }
* Maps a trackdir to the trackdirs that can be reached from it (ie, when
* entering the next tile. This will include 90 degree turns!
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirReachesTrackdirs(Trackdir trackdir) { return _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir)]; }
/* Note that there is no direct table for this function (there used to be),
* but it uses two simpeler tables to achieve the result */
* Maps a trackdir to all trackdirs that make 90 deg turns with it.
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(Trackdir trackdir) {
extern const TrackdirBits _track_crosses_trackdirs[TRACKDIR_END];
return _track_crosses_trackdirs[TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)];
/* Checks if a given Track is diagonal */
static inline bool IsDiagonalTrack(Track track) { return (track == TRACK_X) || (track == TRACK_Y); }
/* Checks if a given Trackdir is diagonal. */
static inline bool IsDiagonalTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir) { return IsDiagonalTrack(TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)); }
* Functions quering signals on tiles.
* Checks for the presence of signals (either way) on the given track on the
* given rail tile.
static inline bool HasSignalOnTrack(TileIndex tile, Track track)
GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS &&
(_m[tile].m3 & SignalOnTrack(track)) != 0;
* Checks for the presence of signals along the given trackdir on the given
* rail tile.
* Along meaning if you are currently driving on the given trackdir, this is
* the signal that is facing us (for which we stop when it's red).
static inline bool HasSignalOnTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
assert (IsValidTrackdir(trackdir));
GetRailTileType(tile) == RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS &&
_m[tile].m3 & SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir);
* Gets the state of the signal along the given trackdir.
* Along meaning if you are currently driving on the given trackdir, this is
* the signal that is facing us (for which we stop when it's red).
static inline SignalState GetSignalStateByTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
assert(HasSignalOnTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)));
return _m[tile].m2 & SignalAlongTrackdir(trackdir) ?
* Return the rail type of tile, or INVALID_RAILTYPE if this is no rail tile.
* Note that there is no check if the given trackdir is actually present on
* the tile!
* The given trackdir is used when there are (could be) multiple rail types on
* one tile.
RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir);
* Returns a pointer to the Railtype information for a given railtype
* @param railtype the rail type which the information is requested for
* @return The pointer to the RailtypeInfo
static inline const RailtypeInfo *GetRailTypeInfo(RailType railtype)
assert(railtype < RAILTYPE_END);
return &_railtypes[railtype];
* Checks if an engine of the given RailType can drive on a tile with a given
* RailType. This would normally just be an equality check, but for electric
* rails (which also support non-electric engines).
* @return Whether the engine can drive on this tile.
* @param enginetype The RailType of the engine we are considering.
* @param tiletype The RailType of the tile we are considering.
static inline bool IsCompatibleRail(RailType enginetype, RailType tiletype)
return HASBIT(GetRailTypeInfo(enginetype)->compatible_railtypes, tiletype);
static inline bool HasPowerOnRail(RailType enginetype, RailType tiletype)
return HASBIT(GetRailTypeInfo(enginetype)->powered_railtypes, tiletype);
* Checks if the given tracks overlap, ie form a crossing. Basically this
* means when there is more than one track on the tile, exept when there are
* two parallel tracks.
* @param bits The tracks present.
* @return Whether the tracks present overlap in any way.
static inline bool TracksOverlap(TrackBits bits)
/* With no, or only one track, there is no overlap */
if (bits == 0 || KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits) == 0) return false;
/* We know that there are at least two tracks present. When there are more
* than 2 tracks, they will surely overlap. When there are two, they will
* always overlap unless they are lower & upper or right & left. */
return bits != TRACK_BIT_HORZ && bits != TRACK_BIT_VERT;
void DrawTrainDepotSprite(int x, int y, int image, RailType railtype);
void DrawDefaultWaypointSprite(int x, int y, RailType railtype);
* Draws overhead wires and pylons for electric railways.
* @param ti The TileInfo struct of the tile being drawn
* @see DrawCatenaryRailway
void DrawCatenary(const TileInfo *ti);
uint GetRailFoundation(Slope tileh, TrackBits bits);
#endif /* RAIL_H */