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/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file pool_type.hpp Defintion of Pool, structure used to access PoolItems, and PoolItem, base structure for Vehicle, Town, and other indexed items. */
#include "smallvec_type.hpp"
#include "enum_type.hpp"
/** Various types of a pool. */
enum PoolType {
PT_NONE = 0x00, ///< No pool is selected.
PT_NORMAL = 0x01, ///< Normal pool containing game objects.
PT_NCLIENT = 0x02, ///< Network client pools.
PT_NADMIN = 0x04, ///< Network admin pool.
PT_DATA = 0x08, ///< NewGRF or other data, that is not reset together with normal pools.
PT_ALL = 0x0F, ///< All pool types.
typedef SmallVector<struct PoolBase *, 4> PoolVector; ///< Vector of pointers to PoolBase
/** Base class for base of all pools. */
struct PoolBase {
const PoolType type; ///< Type of this pool.
* Function used to access the vector of all pools.
* @return pointer to vector of all pools
static PoolVector *GetPools()
static PoolVector *pools = new PoolVector();
return pools;
static void Clean(PoolType);
* Contructor registers this object in the pool vector.
* @param pt type of this pool.
PoolBase(PoolType pt) : type(pt)
*PoolBase::GetPools()->Append() = this;
virtual ~PoolBase();
* Virtual method that deletes all items in the pool.
virtual void CleanPool() = 0;
* Base class for all pools.
* @tparam Titem Type of the class/struct that is going to be pooled
* @tparam Tindex Type of the index for this pool
* @tparam Tgrowth_step Size of growths; if the pool is full increase the size by this amount
* @tparam Tmax_size Maximum size of the pool
* @tparam Tpool_type Type of this pool
* @tparam Tcache Whether to perform 'alloc' caching, i.e. don't actually free/malloc just reuse the memory
* @tparam Tzero Whether to zero the memory
* @warning when Tcache is enabled *all* instances of this pool's item must be of the same size.
template <class Titem, typename Tindex, size_t Tgrowth_step, size_t Tmax_size, PoolType Tpool_type = PT_NORMAL, bool Tcache = false, bool Tzero = true>
struct Pool : PoolBase {
static const size_t MAX_SIZE = Tmax_size; ///< Make template parameter accessible from outside
const char * const name; ///< Name of this pool
size_t size; ///< Current allocated size
size_t first_free; ///< No item with index lower than this is free (doesn't say anything about this one!)
size_t first_unused; ///< This and all higher indexes are free (doesn't say anything about first_unused-1 !)
size_t items; ///< Number of used indexes (non-NULL)
size_t checked; ///< Number of items we checked for
#endif /* OTTD_ASSERT */
bool cleaning; ///< True if cleaning pool (deleting all items)
Titem **data; ///< Pointer to array of pointers to Titem
Pool(const char *name);
virtual void CleanPool();
* Returs Titem with given index
* @param index of item to get
* @return pointer to Titem
* @pre index < this->first_unused
FORCEINLINE Titem *Get(size_t index)
assert(index < this->first_unused);
return this->data[index];
* Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-NULL) Titem
* @param index index to examine
* @return true if PoolItem::Get(index) will return non-NULL pointer
FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
return index < this->first_unused && this->Get(index) != NULL;
* Tests whether we can allocate 'n' items
* @param n number of items we want to allocate
* @return true if 'n' items can be allocated
FORCEINLINE bool CanAllocate(size_t n = 1)
bool ret = this->items <= Tmax_size - n;
this->checked = ret ? n : 0;
#endif /* OTTD_ASSERT */
return ret;
* Base class for all PoolItems
* @tparam Tpool The pool this item is going to be part of
template <struct Pool<Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero> *Tpool>
struct PoolItem {
Tindex index; ///< Index of this pool item
* Allocates space for new Titem
* @param size size of Titem
* @return pointer to allocated memory
* @note can never fail (return NULL), use CanAllocate() to check first!
FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size)
return Tpool->GetNew(size);
* Marks Titem as free. Its memory is released
* @param p memory to free
* @note the item has to be allocated in the pool!
FORCEINLINE void operator delete(void *p)
Titem *pn = (Titem *)p;
assert(pn == Tpool->Get(pn->index));
* Allocates space for new Titem with given index
* @param size size of Titem
* @param index index of item
* @return pointer to allocated memory
* @note can never fail (return NULL), use CanAllocate() to check first!
* @pre index has to be unused! Else it will crash
FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size, size_t index)
return Tpool->GetNew(size, index);
* Allocates space for new Titem at given memory address
* @param size size of Titem
* @param ptr where are we allocating the item?
* @return pointer to allocated memory (== ptr)
* @note use of this is strongly discouraged
* @pre the memory must not be allocated in the Pool!
FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)
for (size_t i = 0; i < Tpool->first_unused; i++) {
/* Don't allow creating new objects over existing.
* Even if we called the destructor and reused this memory,
* we don't know whether 'size' and size of currently allocated
* memory are the same (because of possible inheritance).
* Use { size_t index = item->index; delete item; new (index) item; }
* instead to make sure destructor is called and no memory leaks. */
assert(ptr != Tpool->data[i]);
return ptr;
/** Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function() */
* Tests whether we can allocate 'n' items
* @param n number of items we want to allocate
* @return true if 'n' items can be allocated
static FORCEINLINE bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n = 1)
return Tpool->CanAllocate(n);
* Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no
* @return true iff we are cleaning the pool now
static FORCEINLINE bool CleaningPool()
return Tpool->cleaning;
* Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-NULL) Titem
* @param index index to examine
* @return true if PoolItem::Get(index) will return non-NULL pointer
static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
return Tpool->IsValidID(index);
* Returs Titem with given index
* @param index of item to get
* @return pointer to Titem
* @pre index < this->first_unused
static FORCEINLINE Titem *Get(size_t index)
return Tpool->Get(index);
* Returs Titem with given index
* @param index of item to get
* @return pointer to Titem
* @note returns NULL for invalid index
static FORCEINLINE Titem *GetIfValid(size_t index)
return index < Tpool->first_unused ? Tpool->Get(index) : NULL;
* Returns first unused index. Useful when iterating over
* all pool items.
* @return first unused index
static FORCEINLINE size_t GetPoolSize()
return Tpool->first_unused;
* Returns number of valid items in the pool
* @return number of valid items in the pool
static FORCEINLINE size_t GetNumItems()
return Tpool->items;
* Dummy function called after destructor of each member.
* If you want to use it, override it in PoolItem's subclass.
* @param index index of deleted item
* @note when this function is called, PoolItem::Get(index) == NULL.
* @note it's called only when !CleaningPool()
static FORCEINLINE void PostDestructor(size_t index) { }
static const size_t NO_FREE_ITEM = MAX_UVALUE(size_t); ///< Contant to indicate we can't allocate any more items
* Helper struct to cache 'freed' PoolItems so we
* do not need to allocate them again.
struct AllocCache {
/** The next in our 'cache' */
AllocCache *next;
/** Cache of freed pointers */
AllocCache *alloc_cache;
void *AllocateItem(size_t size, size_t index);
void ResizeFor(size_t index);
size_t FindFirstFree();
void *GetNew(size_t size);
void *GetNew(size_t size, size_t index);
void FreeItem(size_t index);
#define FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(type, iter, var, start) \
for (size_t iter = start; var = NULL, iter < type::GetPoolSize(); iter++) \
if ((var = type::Get(iter)) != NULL)
#define FOR_ALL_ITEMS(type, iter, var) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(type, iter, var, 0)
#endif /* POOL_TYPE_HPP */