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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file squirrel_helper.hpp declarations and parts of the implementation of the class for convert code */
#include "squirrel.hpp"
#include "../core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "../economy_type.h"
#include "../string_func.h"
#include "../tile_type.h"
#include "squirrel_helper_type.hpp"
template <class CL, ScriptType ST> const char *GetClassName();
* The Squirrel convert routines
namespace SQConvert {
* To return a value to squirrel, we use this helper class. It converts to the right format.
* We use a class instead of a plain function to allow us to use partial template specializations.
template <typename T> struct Return;
template <> struct Return<uint8_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, uint8_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32_t)res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<uint16_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, uint16_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32_t)res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<uint32_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, uint32_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32_t)res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<int8_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int8_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<int16_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int16_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<int32_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int32_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<int64_t> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int64_t res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<Money> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Money res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<TileIndex> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, TileIndex res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32_t)static_cast<uint32_t>(res)); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<bool> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, bool res) { sq_pushbool (vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<char *> { /* Do not use char *, use std::optional<std::string> instead. */ };
template <> struct Return<const char *> { /* Do not use const char *, use std::optional<std::string> instead. */ };
template <> struct Return<void *> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, void *res) { sq_pushuserpointer(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<HSQOBJECT> { static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, HSQOBJECT res) { sq_pushobject(vm, res); return 1; } };
template <> struct Return<std::optional<std::string>> {
static inline int Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm, std::optional<std::string> res) {
if (res.has_value()) {
sq_pushstring(vm, res.value(), -1);
} else {
return 1;
* To get a param from squirrel, we use this helper class. It converts to the right format.
* We use a class instead of a plain function to allow us to use partial template specializations.
template <typename T> struct Param;
template <> struct Param<uint8_t> { static inline uint8_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<uint16_t> { static inline uint16_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<uint32_t> { static inline uint32_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<int8_t> { static inline int8_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<int16_t> { static inline int16_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<int32_t> { static inline int32_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<int64_t> { static inline int64_t Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<TileIndex> { static inline TileIndex Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return TileIndex((uint32_t)(int32_t)tmp); } };
template <> struct Param<Money> { static inline Money Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<bool> { static inline bool Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQBool tmp; sq_getbool (vm, index, &tmp); return tmp != 0; } };
template <> struct Param<const char *> { /* Do not use const char *, use std::string& instead. */ };
template <> struct Param<void *> { static inline void *Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index) { SQUserPointer tmp; sq_getuserpointer(vm, index, &tmp); return tmp; } };
template <> struct Param<const std::string &> {
static inline const std::string Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index)
/* Convert what-ever there is as parameter to a string */
sq_tostring(vm, index);
const SQChar *tmp;
sq_getstring(vm, -1, &tmp);
std::string result = StrMakeValid(tmp);
return result;
template <typename Titem>
struct Param<Array<Titem> &&> {
static inline Array<Titem> Get(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index)
/* Sanity check of the size. */
if (sq_getsize(vm, index) > UINT16_MAX) throw sq_throwerror(vm, "an array used as parameter to a function is too large");
SQObject obj;
sq_getstackobj(vm, index, &obj);
sq_pushobject(vm, obj);
Array<Titem> data;
while (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_next(vm, -2))) {
data.emplace_back(Param<Titem>::Get(vm, -1));
sq_pop(vm, 2);
sq_pop(vm, 2);
return data;
* Helper class to recognize the function type (retval type, args) and use the proper specialization
* for SQ callback. The partial specializations for the second arg (Tis_void_retval) are not possible
* on the function. Therefore the class is used instead.
template <typename Tfunc> struct HelperT;
* The real C++ caller for functions.
template <typename Tretval, typename... Targs>
struct HelperT<Tretval (*)(Targs...)> {
static int SQCall(void *instance, Tretval(*func)(Targs...), HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return SQCall(instance, func, vm, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
template <size_t... i>
static int SQCall(void *, Tretval(*func)(Targs...), [[maybe_unused]] HSQUIRRELVM vm, std::index_sequence<i...>)
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<Tretval>) {
Param<Targs>::Get(vm, 2 + i)...
return 0;
} else {
Tretval ret = (*func)(
Param<Targs>::Get(vm, 2 + i)...
return Return<Tretval>::Set(vm, ret);
* The real C++ caller for methods.
template <class Tcls, typename Tretval, typename... Targs>
struct HelperT<Tretval(Tcls:: *)(Targs...)> {
static int SQCall(Tcls *instance, Tretval(Tcls:: *func)(Targs...), HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return SQCall(instance, func, vm, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
static Tcls *SQConstruct(Tcls *instance, Tretval(Tcls:: *func)(Targs...), HSQUIRRELVM vm)
return SQConstruct(instance, func, vm, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
template <size_t... i>
static int SQCall(Tcls *instance, Tretval(Tcls:: *func)(Targs...), [[maybe_unused]] HSQUIRRELVM vm, std::index_sequence<i...>)
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<Tretval>) {
Param<Targs>::Get(vm, 2 + i)...
return 0;
} else {
Tretval ret = (instance->*func)(
Param<Targs>::Get(vm, 2 + i)...
return Return<Tretval>::Set(vm, ret);
template <size_t... i>
static Tcls *SQConstruct(Tcls *, Tretval(Tcls:: *)(Targs...), [[maybe_unused]] HSQUIRRELVM vm, std::index_sequence<i...>)
Tcls *inst = new Tcls(
Param<Targs>::Get(vm, 2 + i)...
return inst;
* A general template for all non-static method callbacks from Squirrel.
* In here the function_proc is recovered, and the SQCall is called that
* can handle this exact amount of params.
template <typename Tcls, typename Tmethod, ScriptType Ttype>
inline SQInteger DefSQNonStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Find the amount of params we got */
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
SQUserPointer ptr = nullptr;
SQUserPointer real_instance = nullptr;
HSQOBJECT instance;
/* Get the 'SQ' instance of this class */
Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, &instance);
/* Protect against calls to a non-static method in a static way */
const char *className = GetClassName<Tcls, Ttype>();
sq_pushstring(vm, className, -1);
sq_get(vm, -2);
sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return sq_throwerror(vm, "class method is non-static");
sq_pop(vm, 3);
/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
sq_getinstanceup(vm, 1, &real_instance, nullptr);
/* Get the real function pointer */
sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, nullptr);
if (real_instance == nullptr) return sq_throwerror(vm, "couldn't detect real instance of class for non-static call");
/* Remove the userdata from the stack */
sq_pop(vm, 1);
try {
/* Delegate it to a template that can handle this specific function */
return HelperT<Tmethod>::SQCall((Tcls *)real_instance, *(Tmethod *)ptr, vm);
} catch (SQInteger &e) {
return e;
* A general template for all non-static advanced method callbacks from Squirrel.
* In here the function_proc is recovered, and the SQCall is called that
* can handle this exact amount of params.
template <typename Tcls, typename Tmethod, ScriptType Ttype>
inline SQInteger DefSQAdvancedNonStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Find the amount of params we got */
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
SQUserPointer ptr = nullptr;
SQUserPointer real_instance = nullptr;
HSQOBJECT instance;
/* Get the 'SQ' instance of this class */
Squirrel::GetInstance(vm, &instance);
/* Protect against calls to a non-static method in a static way */
const char *className = GetClassName<Tcls, Ttype>();
sq_pushstring(vm, className, -1);
sq_get(vm, -2);
sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return sq_throwerror(vm, "class method is non-static");
sq_pop(vm, 3);
/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
sq_getinstanceup(vm, 1, &real_instance, nullptr);
/* Get the real function pointer */
sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, nullptr);
if (real_instance == nullptr) return sq_throwerror(vm, "couldn't detect real instance of class for non-static call");
/* Remove the userdata from the stack */
sq_pop(vm, 1);
/* Call the function, which its only param is always the VM */
return (SQInteger)(((Tcls *)real_instance)->*(*(Tmethod *)ptr))(vm);
* A general template for all function/static method callbacks from Squirrel.
* In here the function_proc is recovered, and the SQCall is called that
* can handle this exact amount of params.
template <typename Tcls, typename Tmethod>
inline SQInteger DefSQStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Find the amount of params we got */
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
SQUserPointer ptr = nullptr;
/* Get the real function pointer */
sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, nullptr);
try {
/* Delegate it to a template that can handle this specific function */
return HelperT<Tmethod>::SQCall((Tcls *)nullptr, *(Tmethod *)ptr, vm);
} catch (SQInteger &e) {
return e;
* A general template for all static advanced method callbacks from Squirrel.
* In here the function_proc is recovered, and the SQCall is called that
* can handle this exact amount of params.
template <typename Tcls, typename Tmethod>
inline SQInteger DefSQAdvancedStaticCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
/* Find the amount of params we got */
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
SQUserPointer ptr = nullptr;
/* Get the real function pointer */
sq_getuserdata(vm, nparam, &ptr, nullptr);
/* Remove the userdata from the stack */
sq_pop(vm, 1);
/* Call the function, which its only param is always the VM */
return (SQInteger)(*(*(Tmethod *)ptr))(vm);
* A general template for the destructor of SQ instances. This is needed
* here as it has to be in the same scope as DefSQConstructorCallback.
template <typename Tcls>
static SQInteger DefSQDestructorCallback(SQUserPointer p, SQInteger)
/* Remove the real instance too */
if (p != nullptr) ((Tcls *)p)->Release();
return 0;
* A general template to handle creating of instance with any amount of
* params. It creates the instance in C++, and it sets all the needed
* settings in SQ to register the instance.
template <typename Tcls, typename Tmethod, int Tnparam>
inline SQInteger DefSQConstructorCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
try {
/* Create the real instance */
Tcls *instance = HelperT<Tmethod>::SQConstruct((Tcls *)nullptr, (Tmethod)nullptr, vm);
sq_setinstanceup(vm, -Tnparam, instance);
sq_setreleasehook(vm, -Tnparam, DefSQDestructorCallback<Tcls>);
return 0;
} catch (SQInteger &e) {
return e;
* A general template to handle creating of an instance with a complex
* constructor.
template <typename Tcls>
inline SQInteger DefSQAdvancedConstructorCallback(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
try {
/* Find the amount of params we got */
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm);
/* Create the real instance */
Tcls *instance = new Tcls(vm);
sq_setinstanceup(vm, -nparam, instance);
sq_setreleasehook(vm, -nparam, DefSQDestructorCallback<Tcls>);
return 0;
} catch (SQInteger &e) {
return e;
} // namespace SQConvert