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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file signal_func.h Functions related to signals. */
#include "signal_type.h"
#include "track_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "direction_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "settings_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
extern uint8_t _extra_aspects;
extern uint64_t _aspect_cfg_hash;
inline uint8_t GetMaximumSignalAspect()
return _extra_aspects + 1;
struct SignalStyleMasks {
uint16_t non_aspect_inc = 0;
uint16_t next_only = 0;
uint16_t always_reserve_through = 0;
uint16_t no_tunnel_bridge = 0;
uint16_t signal_opposite_side = 0;
uint16_t signal_both_sides = 0;
uint16_t combined_normal_shunt = 0;
extern SignalStyleMasks _signal_style_masks;
extern bool _signal_sprite_oversized;
* Maps a trackdir to the bit that stores its status in the map arrays, in the
* direction along with the trackdir.
inline uint8_t SignalAlongTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const uint8_t _signal_along_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _signal_along_trackdir[trackdir];
* Maps a trackdir to the bit that stores its status in the map arrays, in the
* direction against the trackdir.
inline uint8_t SignalAgainstTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const uint8_t _signal_against_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _signal_against_trackdir[trackdir];
* Maps a Track to the bits that store the status of the two signals that can
* be present on the given track.
inline uint8_t SignalOnTrack(Track track)
extern const uint8_t _signal_on_track[TRACK_END];
return _signal_on_track[track];
/// Is a given signal type a presignal entry signal?
inline bool IsEntrySignal(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_ENTRY || type == SIGTYPE_COMBO || type == SIGTYPE_PROG;
/// Is a given signal type a presignal exit signal?
inline bool IsExitSignal(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_EXIT || type == SIGTYPE_COMBO || type == SIGTYPE_PROG;
/// Is a given signal type a presignal combo signal?
inline bool IsComboSignal(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_COMBO || type == SIGTYPE_PROG;
/// Is a given signal type a PBS signal?
inline bool IsPbsSignal(SignalType type)
return _settings_game.vehicle.train_braking_model == TBM_REALISTIC || type == SIGTYPE_PBS || type == SIGTYPE_PBS_ONEWAY || type == SIGTYPE_NO_ENTRY;
/// Is a given signal type a PBS signal?
inline bool IsPbsSignalNonExtended(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_PBS || type == SIGTYPE_PBS_ONEWAY;
/// Is this a programmable pre-signal?
inline bool IsProgrammableSignal(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_PROG;
/// Is this a programmable pre-signal?
inline bool IsNoEntrySignal(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_NO_ENTRY;
/** One-way signals can't be passed the 'wrong' way. */
inline bool IsOnewaySignal(SignalType type)
return type != SIGTYPE_PBS && type != SIGTYPE_NO_ENTRY;
/// Is this signal type unsuitable for realistic braking?
inline bool IsSignalTypeUnsuitableForRealisticBraking(SignalType type)
return type == SIGTYPE_ENTRY || type == SIGTYPE_EXIT || type == SIGTYPE_COMBO || type == SIGTYPE_PROG;
/// Does a given signal have a PBS sprite?
inline bool IsSignalSpritePBS(SignalType type)
SignalType NextSignalType(SignalType cur, SignalCycleGroups which_signals);
/** State of the signal segment */
enum SigSegState {
SIGSEG_FREE, ///< Free and has no pre-signal exits or at least one green exit
SIGSEG_FULL, ///< Occupied by a train
SIGSEG_PBS, ///< Segment is a PBS segment
/** Checks for any data attached to any signals, and removes it. Call when performing
* an action which may potentially remove signals from a tile, in order to avoid leaking
* data.
void CheckRemoveSignalsFromTile(TileIndex tile);
/** Checks for, and removes, any extra signal data. Call when removing a piece of track
* which is potentially signalled, in order to free any extra data that may be associated
* with said track.
void CheckRemoveSignal(TileIndex tile, Track track);
/** Adds a signal dependency
* The signal identified by @p dep will be marked as dependend upon
* the signal identified by @p on
void AddSignalDependency(SignalReference on, SignalReference dep);
/// Removes a signal dependency. Arguments same as AddSignalDependency
void RemoveSignalDependency(SignalReference on, SignalReference dep);
/// Frees signal dependencies (for newgame/load)
void FreeSignalDependencies();
SigSegState UpdateSignalsOnSegment(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection side, Owner owner);
void SetSignalsOnBothDir(TileIndex tile, Track track, Owner owner);
void AddTrackToSignalBuffer(TileIndex tile, Track track, Owner owner);
void AddSideToSignalBuffer(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection side, Owner owner);
void UpdateSignalsInBuffer();
void UpdateSignalsInBufferIfOwnerNotAddable(Owner owner);
uint8_t GetForwardAspectFollowingTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir);
uint8_t GetSignalAspectGeneric(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool check_non_inc_style);
void PropagateAspectChange(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, uint8_t aspect);
void UpdateAspectDeferred(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir);
void UpdateAspectDeferredWithVehicle(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool check_combined_normal_aspect);
void UpdateLookaheadCombinedNormalShuntSignalDeferred(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int lookahead_position);
void FlushDeferredAspectUpdates();
void FlushDeferredDetermineCombineNormalShuntMode(Train *v);
void UpdateAllSignalAspects();
void UpdateExtraAspectsVariable(bool update_always_reserve_through = false);
void InitialiseExtraAspectsVariable();
bool IsRailSpecialSignalAspect(TileIndex tile, Track track);
inline void AdjustSignalAspectIfNonIncStyle(TileIndex tile, Track track, uint8_t &aspect)
extern void AdjustSignalAspectIfNonIncStyleIntl(TileIndex tile, Track track, uint8_t &aspect);
if (aspect > 0 && (_signal_style_masks.non_aspect_inc != 0 || _signal_style_masks.combined_normal_shunt != 0)) AdjustSignalAspectIfNonIncStyleIntl(tile, track, aspect);
inline uint8_t IncrementAspectForSignal(uint8_t aspect, bool combined_normal_mode)
aspect = std::min<uint8_t>(aspect + 1, GetMaximumSignalAspect());
if (combined_normal_mode) aspect = std::min<uint8_t>(aspect + 1, 7);
return aspect;
inline uint8_t GetForwardAspectFollowingTrackAndIncrement(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool combined_normal_mode = false)
return IncrementAspectForSignal(GetForwardAspectFollowingTrack(tile, trackdir), combined_normal_mode);
void UpdateSignalReserveThroughBit(TileIndex tile, Track track, bool update_signal);
void UpdateAllSignalReserveThroughBits();
void UpdateSignalSpecialPropagationFlag(TileIndex tile, Track track, const struct TraceRestrictProgram *prog, bool update_signal);
void UpdateRailSignalSpecialPropagationFlag(TileIndex tile, Track track, const struct TraceRestrictProgram *prog, bool update_signal);
void UpdateTunnelBridgeSignalSpecialPropagationFlag(TileIndex tile, bool update_signal);
void UpdateTunnelBridgeSignalSpecialPropagationFlag(TileIndex tile, Track track, const TraceRestrictProgram *prog, bool update_signal);
void UpdateAllSignalsSpecialPropagationFlag();
#endif /* SIGNAL_FUNC_H */