You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

449 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file gfx_layout.cpp Handling of laying out text. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "core/math_func.hpp"
#include "gfx_layout.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "table/control_codes.h"
#include "gfx_layout_fallback.h"
#if defined(WITH_ICU_I18N) && defined(WITH_HARFBUZZ)
#include "gfx_layout_icu.h"
#endif /* WITH_ICU_I18N && WITH_HARFBUZZ */
#include "os/windows/string_uniscribe.h"
#endif /* WITH_UNISCRIBE */
#include "os/macosx/string_osx.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
/** Cache of ParagraphLayout lines. */
Layouter::LineCache *Layouter::linecache;
/** Cache of Font instances. */
Layouter::FontColourMap Layouter::fonts[FS_END];
* Construct a new font.
* @param size The font size to use for this font.
* @param colour The colour to draw this font in.
Font::Font(FontSize size, TextColour colour) :
fc(FontCache::Get(size)), colour(colour)
assert(size < FS_END);
* Helper for getting a ParagraphLayouter of the given type.
* @note In case no ParagraphLayouter could be constructed, line.layout will be nullptr.
* @param line The cache item to store our layouter in.
* @param str The string to create a layouter for.
* @param state The state of the font and color.
* @tparam T The type of layouter we want.
template <typename T>
static inline void GetLayouter(Layouter::LineCacheItem &line, std::string_view str, FontState &state)
if (line.buffer != nullptr) free(line.buffer);
typename T::CharType *buff_begin = MallocT<typename T::CharType>(str.size() + 1);
const typename T::CharType *buffer_last = buff_begin + str.size() + 1;
typename T::CharType *buff = buff_begin;
FontMap &fontMapping = line.runs;
Font *f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);
line.buffer = buff_begin;
auto cur = str.begin();
* Go through the whole string while adding Font instances to the font map
* whenever the font changes, and convert the wide characters into a format
* usable by ParagraphLayout.
for (; buff < buffer_last && cur != str.end();) {
char32_t c = Utf8Consume(cur);
if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') {
/* Caller should already have filtered out these characters. */
} else if (c >= SCC_BLUE && c <= SCC_BLACK) {
state.SetColour((TextColour)(c - SCC_BLUE));
} else if (c == SCC_PUSH_COLOUR) {
} else if (c == SCC_POP_COLOUR) {
} else if (c >= SCC_FIRST_FONT && c <= SCC_LAST_FONT) {
state.SetFontSize((FontSize)(c - SCC_FIRST_FONT));
} else {
/* Filter out non printable characters */
if (!IsPrintable(c)) continue;
/* Filter out text direction characters that shouldn't be drawn, and
* will not be handled in the fallback case because they are mostly
* needed for RTL languages which need more proper shaping support. */
if (!T::SUPPORTS_RTL && IsTextDirectionChar(c)) continue;
buff += T::AppendToBuffer(buff, buffer_last, c);
if (fontMapping.count(buff - buff_begin) == 0) {
fontMapping[buff - buff_begin] = f;
f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);
/* Better safe than sorry. */
*buff = '\0';
if (fontMapping.count(buff - buff_begin) == 0) {
fontMapping[buff - buff_begin] = f;
line.layout = T::GetParagraphLayout(buff_begin, buff, fontMapping);
line.state_after = state;
* Create a new layouter.
* @param str The string to create the layout for.
* @param maxw The maximum width.
* @param fontsize The size of font to use.
Layouter::Layouter(std::string_view str, int maxw, FontSize fontsize) : string(str)
FontState state(TC_INVALID, fontsize);
while (true) {
auto line_length = str.find_first_of('\n');
auto str_line = str.substr(0, line_length);
LineCacheItem &line = GetCachedParagraphLayout(str_line, state);
if (line.layout != nullptr) {
state = line.state_after;
} else {
/* Line is new, layout it */
FontState old_state = state;
#if defined(WITH_ICU_I18N) && defined(WITH_HARFBUZZ)
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
GetLayouter<ICUParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str_line, state);
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
state = old_state;
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
GetLayouter<UniscribeParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str_line, state);
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
state = old_state;
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
GetLayouter<CoreTextParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str_line, state);
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
state = old_state;
if (line.layout == nullptr) {
GetLayouter<FallbackParagraphLayoutFactory>(line, str_line, state);
/* Move all lines into a local cache so we can reuse them later on more easily. */
for (;;) {
auto l = line.layout->NextLine(maxw);
if (l == nullptr) break;
/* Break out if this was the last line. */
if (line_length == std::string_view::npos) {
/* Go to the next line. */
str.remove_prefix(line_length + 1);
* Get the boundaries of this paragraph.
* @return The boundaries.
Dimension Layouter::GetBounds()
Dimension d = { 0, 0 };
for (const auto &l : *this) {
d.width = std::max<uint>(d.width, l->GetWidth());
d.height += l->GetLeading();
return d;
* Test whether a character is a non-printable formatting code
static bool IsConsumedFormattingCode(char32_t ch)
if (ch >= SCC_BLUE && ch <= SCC_BLACK) return true;
if (ch == SCC_PUSH_COLOUR) return true;
if (ch == SCC_POP_COLOUR) return true;
if (ch >= SCC_FIRST_FONT && ch <= SCC_LAST_FONT) return true;
// All other characters defined in Unicode standard are assumed to be non-consumed.
return false;
* Get the position of a character in the layout.
* @param ch Character to get the position of. Must be an iterator of the string passed to the constructor.
* @return Upper left corner of the character relative to the start of the string.
* @note Will only work right for single-line strings.
ParagraphLayouter::Position Layouter::GetCharPosition(std::string_view::const_iterator ch) const
const auto &line = this->front();
/* Pointer to the end-of-string marker? Return total line width. */
if (ch >= this->string.end()) {
Point p = {_current_text_dir == TD_LTR ? line->GetWidth() : 0, 0};
return p;
if (ch < this->string.begin()) {
Point p = { 0, 0 };
return p;
/* Find the code point index which corresponds to the char
* pointer into our UTF-8 source string. */
size_t index = 0;
auto str = this->string.begin();
while (str < ch) {
char32_t c = Utf8Consume(str);
if (!IsConsumedFormattingCode(c)) index += line->GetInternalCharLength(c);
/* Initial position, returned if character not found. */
const ParagraphLayouter::Position initial_position = Point{_current_text_dir == TD_LTR ? 0 : line->GetWidth(), 0};
const ParagraphLayouter::Position *position = &initial_position;
/* We couldn't find the code point index. */
if (str != ch) return *position;
/* Valid character. */
/* Scan all runs until we've found our code point index. */
size_t best_index = SIZE_MAX;
for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line->CountRuns(); run_index++) {
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &run = line->GetVisualRun(run_index);
const auto &positions = run.GetPositions();
const auto &charmap = run.GetGlyphToCharMap();
auto itp = positions.begin();
for (auto it = charmap.begin(); it != charmap.end(); ++it, ++itp) {
const size_t cur_index = static_cast<size_t>(*it);
/* Found exact character match? */
if (cur_index == index) return *itp;
/* If the character we are looking for has been combined with other characters to form a ligature then
* we may not be able to find an exact match. We don't actually know if our character is part of a
* ligature. In this case we will aim to select the first character of the ligature instead, so the best
* index is the index nearest to but lower than the desired index. */
if (cur_index < index && (best_index < cur_index || best_index == SIZE_MAX)) {
best_index = cur_index;
position = &*itp;
/* At the end of the run but still didn't find our character so probably a trailing ligature, use the last found position. */
return *position;
* Get the character that is at a pixel position in the first line of the layouted text.
* @param x Position in the string.
* @param line_index Which line of the layout to search
* @return String offset of the position (bytes) or -1 if no character is at the position.
ptrdiff_t Layouter::GetCharAtPosition(int x, size_t line_index) const
if (line_index >= this->size()) return -1;
const auto &line = this->at(line_index);
for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line->CountRuns(); run_index++) {
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &run = line->GetVisualRun(run_index);
const auto &glyphs = run.GetGlyphs();
const auto &positions = run.GetPositions();
const auto &charmap = run.GetGlyphToCharMap();
for (int i = 0; i < run.GetGlyphCount(); i++) {
/* Not a valid glyph (empty). */
if (glyphs[i] == 0xFFFF) continue;
int begin_x = positions[i].left;
int end_x = positions[i].right + 1;
if (IsInsideMM(x, begin_x, end_x)) {
/* Found our glyph, now convert to UTF-8 string index. */
size_t index = charmap[i];
size_t cur_idx = 0;
for (auto str = this->string.begin(); str != this->string.end();) {
if (cur_idx == index) return str - this->string.begin();
char32_t c = Utf8Consume(str);
if (!IsConsumedFormattingCode(c)) cur_idx += line->GetInternalCharLength(c);
return -1;
* Get a static font instance.
Font *Layouter::GetFont(FontSize size, TextColour colour)
FontColourMap::iterator it = fonts[size].find(colour);
if (it != fonts[size].end()) return it->second.get();
fonts[size][colour] = std::make_unique<Font>(size, colour);
return fonts[size][colour].get();
* Perform initialization of layout engine.
void Layouter::Initialize()
#if defined(WITH_ICU_I18N) && defined(WITH_HARFBUZZ)
#endif /* WITH_ICU_I18N && WITH_HARFBUZZ */
* Reset cached font information.
* @param size Font size to reset.
void Layouter::ResetFontCache(FontSize size)
/* We must reset the linecache since it references the just freed fonts */
#if defined(WITH_UNISCRIBE)
#if defined(WITH_COCOA)
* Get reference to cache item.
* If the item does not exist yet, it is default constructed.
* @param str Source string of the line (including colour and font size codes).
* @param state State of the font at the beginning of the line.
* @return Reference to cache item.
Layouter::LineCacheItem &Layouter::GetCachedParagraphLayout(std::string_view str, const FontState &state)
if (linecache == nullptr) {
/* Create linecache on first access to avoid trouble with initialisation order of static variables. */
linecache = new LineCache();
if (auto match = linecache->find(LineCacheQuery{state, str});
match != linecache->end()) {
return match->second;
/* Create missing entry */
LineCacheKey key;
key.state_before = state;
return (*linecache)[std::move(key)];
* Clear line cache.
void Layouter::ResetLineCache()
if (linecache != nullptr) linecache->clear();
* Reduce the size of linecache if necessary to prevent infinite growth.
void Layouter::ReduceLineCache()
if (linecache != nullptr) {
/* TODO LRU cache would be fancy, but not exactly necessary */
if (linecache->size() > 4096) ResetLineCache();
* Get the leading corner of a character in a single-line string relative
* to the start of the string.
* @param str String containing the character.
* @param ch Pointer to the character in the string.
* @param start_fontsize Font size to start the text with.
* @return Upper left corner of the glyph associated with the character.
ParagraphLayouter::Position GetCharPosInString(std::string_view str, const char *ch, FontSize start_fontsize)
/* Ensure "ch" is inside "str" or at the exact end. */
assert(ch >= && (ch - <= static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(str.size()));
auto it_ch = str.begin() + (ch -;
Layouter layout(str, INT32_MAX, start_fontsize);
return layout.GetCharPosition(it_ch);
* Get the character from a string that is drawn at a specific position.
* @param str String to test.
* @param x Position relative to the start of the string.
* @param start_fontsize Font size to start the text with.
* @return Index of the character position or -1 if there is no character at the position.
ptrdiff_t GetCharAtPosition(std::string_view str, int x, FontSize start_fontsize)
if (x < 0) return -1;
Layouter layout(str, INT32_MAX, start_fontsize);
return layout.GetCharAtPosition(x, 0);