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/* $Id$ */
/** @file ai_order.cpp Implementation of AIOrder. */
#include "ai_order.hpp"
#include "ai_vehicle.hpp"
#include "ai_log.hpp"
#include "../ai_instance.hpp"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../vehicle_base.h"
#include "../../roadstop_base.h"
#include "../../depot_base.h"
#include "../../station_base.h"
#include "../../waypoint_base.h"
* Gets the order type given a tile
* @param t the tile to get the order from
* @return the order type, or OT_END when there is no order
static OrderType GetOrderTypeByTile(TileIndex t)
if (!::IsValidTile(t)) return OT_END;
switch (::GetTileType(t)) {
default: break;
if (IsBuoy(t) || IsRailWaypoint(t)) return OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT;
if (IsHangar(t)) return OT_GOTO_DEPOT;
case MP_WATER: if (::IsShipDepot(t)) return OT_GOTO_DEPOT; break;
case MP_ROAD: if (::GetRoadTileType(t) == ROAD_TILE_DEPOT) return OT_GOTO_DEPOT; break;
if (IsRailDepot(t)) return OT_GOTO_DEPOT;
return OT_END;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsValidVehicleOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
return AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id) && order_position >= 0 && (order_position < ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders() || order_position == ORDER_CURRENT);
* Get the current order the vehicle is executing. If the current order is in
* the order list, return the order from the orderlist. If the current order
* was a manual order, return the current order.
static const Order *ResolveOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, AIOrder::OrderPosition order_position)
const Vehicle *v = ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id);
if (order_position == AIOrder::ORDER_CURRENT) {
const Order *order = &v->current_order;
if (order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_DEPOT && !(order->GetDepotOrderType() & ODTFB_PART_OF_ORDERS)) return order;
order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);
if (order_position == AIOrder::ORDER_INVALID) return NULL;
return v->GetOrder(order_position);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsGotoStationOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return false;
const Order *order = ::ResolveOrder(vehicle_id, order_position);
return order != NULL && order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_STATION;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsGotoDepotOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return false;
const Order *order = ::ResolveOrder(vehicle_id, order_position);
return order != NULL && order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_DEPOT;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsGotoWaypointOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return false;
const Order *order = ::ResolveOrder(vehicle_id, order_position);
return order != NULL && order->GetType() == OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsConditionalOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT) return false;
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return false;
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
return order->GetType() == OT_CONDITIONAL;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsCurrentOrderPartOfOrderList(VehicleID vehicle_id)
if (AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return false;
if (GetOrderCount(vehicle_id) == 0) return false;
const Order *order = &::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->current_order;
if (order->GetType() != OT_GOTO_DEPOT) return true;
return (order->GetDepotOrderType() & ODTFB_PART_OF_ORDERS) != 0;
/* static */ AIOrder::OrderPosition AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return ORDER_INVALID;
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT) return (AIOrder::OrderPosition)::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->cur_order_index;
return (order_position >= 0 && order_position < ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders()) ? order_position : ORDER_INVALID;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::AreOrderFlagsValid(TileIndex destination, AIOrderFlags order_flags)
switch (::GetOrderTypeByTile(destination)) {
return (order_flags & ~(AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS | AIOF_UNLOAD_FLAGS | AIOF_LOAD_FLAGS)) == 0 &&
/* Test the different mutual exclusive flags. */
((order_flags & AIOF_TRANSFER) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_UNLOAD) == 0) &&
((order_flags & AIOF_TRANSFER) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) &&
((order_flags & AIOF_UNLOAD) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) &&
((order_flags & AIOF_UNLOAD) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) &&
((order_flags & AIOF_NO_UNLOAD) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_NO_LOAD) == 0) &&
((order_flags & AIOF_FULL_LOAD_ANY) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_NO_LOAD) == 0);
return (order_flags & ~(AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS | AIOF_DEPOT_FLAGS)) == 0 &&
((order_flags & AIOF_SERVICE_IF_NEEDED) == 0 || (order_flags & AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT) == 0);
case OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT: return (order_flags & ~(AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS)) == 0;
default: return false;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::IsValidConditionalOrder(OrderCondition condition, CompareFunction compare)
switch (condition) {
case OC_AGE:
return compare >= CF_EQUALS && compare <= CF_MORE_EQUALS;
return compare == CF_IS_TRUE || compare == CF_IS_FALSE;
return true;
default: return false;
/* static */ int32 AIOrder::GetOrderCount(VehicleID vehicle_id)
return AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id) ? ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders() : -1;
/* static */ TileIndex AIOrder::GetOrderDestination(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return INVALID_TILE;
const Order *order = ::ResolveOrder(vehicle_id, order_position);
if (order == NULL || order->GetType() == OT_CONDITIONAL) return INVALID_TILE;
const Vehicle *v = ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id);
switch (order->GetType()) {
if (v->type != VEH_AIRCRAFT) return ::Depot::Get(order->GetDestination())->xy;
/* Aircraft's hangars are referenced by StationID, not DepotID */
const Station *st = ::Station::Get(order->GetDestination());
const AirportFTAClass *airport = st->Airport();
if (airport == NULL || airport->nof_depots == 0) return INVALID_TILE;
return st->airport_tile + ::ToTileIndexDiff(st->Airport()->airport_depots[0]);
const Station *st = ::Station::Get(order->GetDestination());
if (st->train_station.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
for (uint i = 0; i < st->train_station.w; i++) {
TileIndex t = st->train_station.tile + TileDiffXY(i, 0);
if (st->TileBelongsToRailStation(t)) return t;
} else if (st->dock_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
return st->dock_tile;
} else if (st->bus_stops != NULL) {
return st->bus_stops->xy;
} else if (st->truck_stops != NULL) {
return st->truck_stops->xy;
} else if (st->airport_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
const AirportFTAClass *fta = st->Airport();
BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile, fta->size_x, fta->size_y, st->airport_tile) {
if (!::IsHangar(tile)) return tile;
} END_TILE_LOOP(tile, fta->size_x, fta->size_y, st->airport_tile)
case OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT: return ::Waypoint::Get(order->GetDestination())->xy;
default: return INVALID_TILE;
/* static */ AIOrder::AIOrderFlags AIOrder::GetOrderFlags(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return AIOF_INVALID;
const Order *order = ::ResolveOrder(vehicle_id, order_position);
if (order == NULL || order->GetType() == OT_CONDITIONAL) return AIOF_INVALID;
AIOrderFlags order_flags = AIOF_NONE;
order_flags |= (AIOrderFlags)order->GetNonStopType();
switch (order->GetType()) {
if (order->GetDepotOrderType() & ODTFB_SERVICE) order_flags |= AIOF_SERVICE_IF_NEEDED;
if (order->GetDepotActionType() & ODATFB_HALT) order_flags |= AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT;
order_flags |= (AIOrderFlags)(order->GetLoadType() << 5);
order_flags |= (AIOrderFlags)(order->GetUnloadType() << 2);
default: break;
return order_flags;
/* static */ AIOrder::OrderPosition AIOrder::GetOrderJumpTo(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return ORDER_INVALID;
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT || !IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return ORDER_INVALID;
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
return (OrderPosition)order->GetConditionSkipToOrder();
/* static */ AIOrder::OrderCondition AIOrder::GetOrderCondition(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return OC_INVALID;
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT || !IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return OC_INVALID;
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
return (OrderCondition)order->GetConditionVariable();
/* static */ AIOrder::CompareFunction AIOrder::GetOrderCompareFunction(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return CF_INVALID;
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT || !IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return CF_INVALID;
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
return (CompareFunction)order->GetConditionComparator();
/* static */ int32 AIOrder::GetOrderCompareValue(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
if (!IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return -1;
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT || !IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position)) return -1;
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
int32 value = order->GetConditionValue();
if (order->GetConditionVariable() == OCV_MAX_SPEED) value = value * 16 / 10;
return value;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SetOrderJumpTo(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, OrderPosition jump_to)
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, order_position != ORDER_CURRENT && IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, jump_to) && jump_to != ORDER_CURRENT);
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), MOF_COND_DESTINATION | (jump_to << 4), CMD_MODIFY_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SetOrderCondition(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, OrderCondition condition)
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, order_position != ORDER_CURRENT && IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, condition >= OC_LOAD_PERCENTAGE && condition <= OC_UNCONDITIONALLY);
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), MOF_COND_VARIABLE | (condition << 4), CMD_MODIFY_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SetOrderCompareFunction(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, CompareFunction compare)
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, order_position != ORDER_CURRENT && IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, compare >= CF_EQUALS && compare <= CF_IS_FALSE);
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), MOF_COND_COMPARATOR | (compare << 4), CMD_MODIFY_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SetOrderCompareValue(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, int32 value)
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, order_position != ORDER_CURRENT && IsConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, value >= 0 && value < 2048);
if (GetOrderCondition(vehicle_id, order_position) == OC_MAX_SPEED) value = value * 10 / 16;
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), MOF_COND_VALUE | (value << 4), CMD_MODIFY_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::AppendOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, TileIndex destination, AIOrderFlags order_flags)
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, AreOrderFlagsValid(destination, order_flags));
return InsertOrder(vehicle_id, (AIOrder::OrderPosition)::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders(), destination, order_flags);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::AppendConditionalOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition jump_to)
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, jump_to));
return InsertConditionalOrder(vehicle_id, (AIOrder::OrderPosition)::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders(), jump_to);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::InsertOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, TileIndex destination, AIOrder::AIOrderFlags order_flags)
/* IsValidVehicleOrder is not good enough because it does not allow appending. */
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT) order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, order_position >= 0 && order_position <= ::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetNumOrders());
EnforcePrecondition(false, AreOrderFlagsValid(destination, order_flags));
Order order;
switch (::GetOrderTypeByTile(destination)) {
OrderDepotTypeFlags odtf = (OrderDepotTypeFlags)(ODTFB_PART_OF_ORDERS | ((order_flags & AIOF_SERVICE_IF_NEEDED) ? ODTFB_SERVICE : 0));
OrderDepotActionFlags odaf = (OrderDepotActionFlags)(ODATF_SERVICE_ONLY | ((order_flags & AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT) ? ODATFB_HALT : 0));
/* Check explicitly if the order is to a station (for aircraft) or
* to a depot (other vehicle types). */
if (::Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) {
if (!::IsTileType(destination, MP_STATION)) return false;
order.MakeGoToDepot(::GetStationIndex(destination), odtf, onsf, odaf);
} else {
if (::IsTileType(destination, MP_STATION)) return false;
order.MakeGoToDepot(::Depot::GetByTile(destination)->index, odtf, onsf, odaf);
order.SetLoadType((OrderLoadFlags)GB(order_flags, 5, 3));
order.SetUnloadType((OrderUnloadFlags)GB(order_flags, 2, 3));
return false;
order.SetNonStopType((OrderNonStopFlags)GB(order_flags, 0, 2));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), order.Pack(), CMD_INSERT_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::InsertConditionalOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, OrderPosition jump_to)
/* IsValidVehicleOrder is not good enough because it does not allow appending. */
if (order_position == ORDER_CURRENT) order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, jump_to));
Order order;
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), order.Pack(), CMD_INSERT_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::RemoveOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position)
order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, order_position, CMD_DELETE_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SkipToOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition next_order)
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, next_order));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, next_order, CMD_SKIP_TO_ORDER);
* Callback handler as SetOrderFlags possibly needs multiple DoCommand calls
* to be able to set all order flags correctly. As we need to wait till the
* command has completed before we know the next bits to change we need to
* call the function multiple times. Each time it'll reduce the difference
* between the wanted and the current order.
* @param instance The AI we are doing the callback for.
static void _DoCommandReturnSetOrderFlags(class AIInstance *instance)
/* static */ bool AIOrder::_SetOrderFlags()
/* Make sure we don't go into an infinite loop */
int retry = AIObject::GetCallbackVariable(3) - 1;
if (retry < 0) {
DEBUG(ai, 0, "Possible infinite loop in SetOrderFlags() detected");
return false;
AIObject::SetCallbackVariable(3, retry);
VehicleID vehicle_id = (VehicleID)AIObject::GetCallbackVariable(0);
OrderPosition order_position = (OrderPosition)AIObject::GetCallbackVariable(1);
AIOrderFlags order_flags = (AIOrderFlags)AIObject::GetCallbackVariable(2);
order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));
EnforcePrecondition(false, AreOrderFlagsValid(GetOrderDestination(vehicle_id, order_position), order_flags));
const Order *order = Vehicle::Get(vehicle_id)->GetOrder(order_position);
AIOrderFlags current = GetOrderFlags(vehicle_id, order_position);
if ((current & AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS) != (order_flags & AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS)) {
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), (order_flags & AIOF_NON_STOP_FLAGS) << 4 | MOF_NON_STOP, CMD_MODIFY_ORDER, NULL, &_DoCommandReturnSetOrderFlags);
switch (order->GetType()) {
if ((current & AIOF_DEPOT_FLAGS) != (order_flags & AIOF_DEPOT_FLAGS)) {
uint data = DA_ALWAYS_GO;
if (order_flags & AIOF_SERVICE_IF_NEEDED) data = DA_SERVICE;
if (order_flags & AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT) data = DA_STOP;
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), (data << 4) | MOF_DEPOT_ACTION, CMD_MODIFY_ORDER, NULL, &_DoCommandReturnSetOrderFlags);
if ((current & AIOF_UNLOAD_FLAGS) != (order_flags & AIOF_UNLOAD_FLAGS)) {
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), (order_flags & AIOF_UNLOAD_FLAGS) << 2 | MOF_UNLOAD, CMD_MODIFY_ORDER, NULL, &_DoCommandReturnSetOrderFlags);
if ((current & AIOF_LOAD_FLAGS) != (order_flags & AIOF_LOAD_FLAGS)) {
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (order_position << 16), (order_flags & AIOF_LOAD_FLAGS) >> 1 | MOF_LOAD, CMD_MODIFY_ORDER, NULL, &_DoCommandReturnSetOrderFlags);
default: break;
assert(GetOrderFlags(vehicle_id, order_position) == order_flags);
return true;
/* static */ bool AIOrder::SetOrderFlags(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, AIOrder::AIOrderFlags order_flags)
AIObject::SetCallbackVariable(0, vehicle_id);
AIObject::SetCallbackVariable(1, order_position);
AIObject::SetCallbackVariable(2, order_flags);
/* In case another client(s) change orders at the same time we could
* end in an infinite loop. This stops that from happening ever. */
AIObject::SetCallbackVariable(3, 8);
return AIOrder::_SetOrderFlags();
/* static */ bool AIOrder::ChangeOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position, AIOrder::AIOrderFlags order_flags)
AILog::Warning("AIOrder::ChangeOrder is deprecated and will be removed soon, please use AIOrder::SetOrderFlags instead.");
return SetOrderFlags(vehicle_id, order_position, order_flags);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::MoveOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, OrderPosition order_position_move, OrderPosition order_position_target)
order_position_move = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position_move);
order_position_target = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position_target);
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position_move));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position_target));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, order_position_move | (order_position_target << 16), CMD_MOVE_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::CopyOrders(VehicleID vehicle_id, VehicleID main_vehicle_id)
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(main_vehicle_id));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (main_vehicle_id << 16), CO_COPY, CMD_CLONE_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::ShareOrders(VehicleID vehicle_id, VehicleID main_vehicle_id)
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(main_vehicle_id));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id | (main_vehicle_id << 16), CO_SHARE, CMD_CLONE_ORDER);
/* static */ bool AIOrder::UnshareOrders(VehicleID vehicle_id)
EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, CO_UNSHARE, CMD_CLONE_ORDER);