tron 57adc97733 (svn r724) Remove restriction that a tile can only accept 3 cargo types.
This especially enables houses to accept passengers, mail, goods AND food.
Add string templates for up to 5 cargo types for the tile info window. If more are needed just add them.
Simplify (de-uglify) the logic for cargo acceptence for houses and split the goods/food table into two. The acceptance is unmodified, but accepting goods AND food is now trivially possible. The exact amounts have to be decided.
This is based on Celestar's changes in the map branch plus some further bits that will be merged there soon.
2004-11-21 10:49:40 +00:00

277 lines
8.1 KiB

#include "network.h"
/* vehicle.c */
/* window.c */
/* landscape.c */
void FindLandscapeHeight(TileInfo *ti, uint x, uint y);
void FindLandscapeHeightByTile(TileInfo *ti, uint tile);
uint GetTileSlope(uint tile, int *h);
int GetTileZ(uint tile);
void DoClearSquare(uint tile);
void CDECL ModifyTile(uint tile, uint flags, ...);
void SetMapExtraBits(uint tile, byte flags);
uint GetMapExtraBits(uint tile);
void RunTileLoop();
uint GetPartialZ(int x, int y, int corners);
uint GetSlopeZ(int x, int y);
uint32 GetTileTrackStatus(uint tile, TransportType mode);
void GetAcceptedCargo(uint tile, AcceptedCargo ac);
void ChangeTileOwner(uint tile, byte old_player, byte new_player);
void AnimateTile(uint tile);
void ClickTile(uint tile);
void GetTileDesc(uint tile, TileDesc *td);
void DrawTile(TileInfo *ti);
uint TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy);
enum {
TILE_WRAPPED = (uint)-1
bool IsValidTile(uint tile);
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
static Point FORCEINLINE RemapCoords(int x, int y, int z) { Point pt = { (y-x)*2, y + x -z }; return pt; }
static Point FORCEINLINE RemapCoords(int x, int y, int z) { Point pt = { (x + y)*2, x - y -z }; return pt; }
static Point FORCEINLINE RemapCoords2(int x, int y) { return RemapCoords(x, y, GetSlopeZ(x, y)); }
/* game.c */
byte *GetString(byte *buffr, uint16 string);
void InjectDparam(int amount);
int32 GetParamInt32();
int GetParamInt16();
int GetParamInt8();
int GetParamUint16();
/* clear_land.c */
void DrawHillyLandTile(TileInfo *ti);
void DrawClearLandTile(TileInfo *ti, byte set);
void DrawClearLandFence(TileInfo *ti, byte img);
void TileLoopClearHelper(uint tile);
/* station_land.c */
void StationPickerDrawSprite(int x, int y, int railtype, int image);
/* track_land.c */
void DrawTrainDepotSprite(int x, int y, int image, int railtype);
void DrawWaypointSprite(int x, int y, int image, int railtype);
/* road_land.c */
void DrawRoadDepotSprite(int x, int y, int image);
/* water_land.c */
void DrawShipDepotSprite(int x, int y, int image);
void TileLoop_Water(uint tile);
/* players.c */
bool CheckPlayerHasMoney(int32 cost);
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayer(int32 cost);
void SubtractMoneyFromPlayerFract(byte player, int32 cost);
bool CheckOwnership(byte owner);
bool CheckTileOwnership(uint tile);
StringID GetPlayerNameString(byte player, byte index);
/* standard */
void ShowInfo(const char *str);
void CDECL ShowInfoF(const char *str, ...);
void NORETURN CDECL error(const char *str, ...);
/* ttd.c */
uint32 Random();
uint RandomRange(uint max);
void InitPlayerRandoms();
uint32 InteractiveRandom(); /* Used for random sequences that are not the same on the other end of the multiplayer link */
uint InteractiveRandomRange(uint max);
void SetDate(uint date);
/* facedraw.c */
void DrawPlayerFace(uint32 face, int color, int x, int y);
/* texteff.c */
void MoveAllTextEffects();
void AddTextEffect(StringID msg, int x, int y, uint16 duration);
void InitTextEffects();
void DrawTextEffects(DrawPixelInfo *dpi);
bool AddAnimatedTile(uint tile);
void DeleteAnimatedTile(uint tile);
void AnimateAnimatedTiles();
void InitializeAnimatedTiles();
/* tunnelbridge_cmd.c */
bool CheckTunnelInWay(uint tile, int z);
bool CheckBridge_Stuff(byte bridge_type, int bridge_len);
uint32 GetBridgeLength(TileIndex begin, TileIndex end);
int CalcBridgeLenCostFactor(int x);
/* network.c */
typedef void CommandCallback(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);
bool DoCommandP(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, CommandCallback *callback, uint32 cmd);
void NetworkReceive();
void NetworkSend();
void NetworkProcessCommands();
void NetworkListen();
void NetworkInitialize();
void NetworkShutdown();
void NetworkSendCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandCallback *callback);
void NetworkSendEvent(uint16 type, uint16 data_len, void * data);
void NetworkStartSync(bool fcreset);
void NetworkClose(bool client);
void NetworkSendReadyPacket();
void NetworkSendSyncPackets();
void NetworkSendFrameSyncPackets();
bool NetworkCheckClientReady();
void NetworkIPListInit();
void NetworkCoreInit();
void NetworkCoreShutdown();
void NetworkCoreDisconnect();
void NetworkCoreLoop(bool incomming);
bool NetworkCoreConnectGame(const byte* b, unsigned short port);
bool NetworkCoreConnectGameStruct(NetworkGameList * item);
bool NetworkCoreStartGame();
void NetworkLobbyShutdown();
void NetworkLobbyInit();
void NetworkGameListClear();
NetworkGameList * NetworkGameListAdd();
void NetworkGameListFromLAN();
void NetworkGameListFromInternet();
NetworkGameList * NetworkGameListItem(uint16 index);
void NetworkGameFillDefaults();
void NetworkGameChangeDate(uint16 newdate);
/* misc_cmd.c */
void PlaceTreesRandomly();
uint GetTileDist(TileIndex xy1, TileIndex xy2);
uint GetTileDist1D(TileIndex xy1, TileIndex xy2);
uint GetTileDist1Db(TileIndex xy1, TileIndex xy2);
uint GetTileDistAdv(TileIndex xy1, TileIndex xy2);
bool CheckDistanceFromEdge(TileIndex tile, uint distance);
void InitializeLandscapeVariables(bool only_constants);
/* misc.c */
void DeleteName(StringID id);
byte *GetName(int id, byte *buff);
StringID AllocateName(const byte *name, byte skip);
void ConvertDayToYMD(YearMonthDay *ymd, uint16 date);
uint ConvertYMDToDay(uint year, uint month, uint day);
uint ConvertIntDate(uint date);
/* misc functions */
void MarkTileDirty(int x, int y);
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile);
void InvalidateWindow(byte cls, WindowNumber number);
void InvalidateWindowWidget(byte cls, WindowNumber number, byte widget_index);
void InvalidateWindowClasses(byte cls);
void DeleteWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
void SetObjectToPlaceWnd(int icon, byte mode, Window *w);
void SetObjectToPlace(int icon, byte mode, byte window_class, uint16 window_num);
void ResetObjectToPlace();
bool ScrollWindowToTile(TileIndex tile, Window * w);
bool ScrollWindowTo(int x, int y, Window * w);
bool ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileIndex tile);
bool ScrollMainWindowTo(int x, int y);
void DrawSprite(uint32 img, int x, int y);
bool EnsureNoVehicle(TileIndex tile);
bool EnsureNoVehicleZ(TileIndex tile, byte z);
void MarkAllViewportsDirty(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
void ShowCostOrIncomeAnimation(int x, int y, int z, int32 cost);
void MarkWholeScreenDirty();
void DrawFoundation(TileInfo *ti, uint f);
bool CheckIfAuthorityAllows(uint tile);
Town *ClosestTownFromTile(uint tile, uint threshold);
void ChangeTownRating(Town *t, int add, int max);
uint GetRoadBitsByTile(TileIndex tile);
int GetTownRadiusGroup(Town *t, uint tile);
int32 GetTransportedGoodsIncome(uint num_pieces, uint dist, byte transit_days, byte cargo_type);
void ShowRenameSignWindow(SignStruct *ss);
void ShowRenameWaypointWindow(Waypoint *cp);
int FindFirstBit(uint32 x);
void ShowHighscoreTable(int tbl);
TileIndex AdjustTileCoordRandomly(TileIndex a, byte rng);
enum SaveOrLoadResult {
SL_OK = 0, // completed successfully
SL_ERROR = 1, // error that was caught before internal structures were modified
SL_REINIT = 2, // error that was caught in the middle of updating game state, need to clear it. (can only happen during load)
enum SaveOrLoadMode {
SL_LOAD = 0,
SL_SAVE = 1,
int SaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode);
void AfterLoadTown();
void AskExitGame();
void AskExitToGameMenu();
void RedrawAutosave();
StringID RemapOldStringID(StringID s);
void UpdateViewportSignPos(ViewportSign *sign, int left, int top, StringID str);
enum {
void ShowSaveLoadDialog(int mode);
void ttd_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t len);
// callback from drivers that is called if the game size changes dynamically
void GameSizeChanged();
bool FileExists(const char *filename);
bool ReadLanguagePack(int index);
void InitializeLanguagePacks();
byte *ReadFileToMem(const char *filename, size_t *lenp, size_t maxsize);
int GetLanguageList(char **languages, int max);
void CheckSwitchToEuro();
void LoadFromConfig();
void SaveToConfig();
int ttd_main(int argc, char* argv[]);
byte GetOSVersion();
void DeterminePaths();
char * CDECL str_fmt(const char *str, ...);
#endif /* FUNCTIONS_H */