
2102 lines
46 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ttd.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "viewport.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "gfx.h"
#include "town.h"
#define VIEWPORT_DRAW_MEM (65536 * 2)
static bool _added_tile_sprite;
static bool _offset_ground_sprites;
typedef struct StringSpriteToDraw {
uint16 string;
uint16 color;
struct StringSpriteToDraw *next;
int32 x;
int32 y;
uint32 params[3];
uint16 width;
} StringSpriteToDraw;
typedef struct TileSpriteToDraw {
uint32 image;
struct TileSpriteToDraw *next;
int32 x;
int32 y;
byte z;
} TileSpriteToDraw;
typedef struct ChildScreenSpriteToDraw {
uint32 image;
int32 x;
int32 y;
struct ChildScreenSpriteToDraw *next;
} ChildScreenSpriteToDraw;
typedef struct ParentSpriteToDraw {
uint32 image;
int32 left;
int32 top;
int32 right;
int32 bottom;
int32 tile_x;
int32 tile_y;
int32 tile_right;
int32 tile_bottom;
ChildScreenSpriteToDraw *child;
byte unk16;
byte tile_z;
byte tile_z_bottom;
} ParentSpriteToDraw;
typedef struct ViewportDrawer {
DrawPixelInfo dpi;
byte *spritelist_mem, *eof_spritelist_mem;
StringSpriteToDraw **last_string, *first_string;
TileSpriteToDraw **last_tile, *first_tile;
ChildScreenSpriteToDraw **last_child;
ParentSpriteToDraw **parent_list;
ParentSpriteToDraw **eof_parent_list;
byte combine_sprites;
int offs_x, offs_y; // used when drawing ground sprites relative
bool ground_child;
} ViewportDrawer;
static ViewportDrawer *_cur_vd;
TileHighlightData * const _thd_ptr = &_thd;
static TileInfo *_cur_ti;
Point MapXYZToViewport(ViewPort *vp, uint x, uint y, uint z)
Point p = RemapCoords(x, y, z);
p.x -= (vp->virtual_width>>1);
p.y -= (vp->virtual_height>>1);
return p;
void AssignWindowViewport(Window *w, int x, int y,
int width, int height, uint32 follow_flags, byte zoom)
ViewPort *vp;
Point pt;
byte z;
uint32 bit;
for(vp=_viewports,bit=1; ; vp++, bit<<=1) {
if (vp->width == 0)
_active_viewports |= bit;
vp->left = x + w->left;
vp->top = y + w->top;
vp->width = width;
vp->height = height;
vp->zoom = zoom;
vp->virtual_width = width << zoom;
vp->virtual_height = height << zoom;
if (follow_flags & 0x80000000) {
Vehicle *veh;
WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle = (VehicleID)(follow_flags & 0xFFFF);
veh = GetVehicle(WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle);
pt = MapXYZToViewport(vp, veh->x_pos, veh->y_pos, veh->z_pos);
} else {
int x = TileX(follow_flags) * 16;
int y = TileY(follow_flags) * 16;
WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle = 0xFFFF;
z = GetSlopeZ(x,y);
pt = MapXYZToViewport(vp, x,y, z);
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = pt.x;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = pt.y;
w->viewport = vp;
vp->virtual_left = 0;//pt.x;
vp->virtual_top = 0;//pt.y;
static Point _vp_move_offs;
static void DoSetViewportPosition(Window *w, int left, int top, int width, int height)
for (; w < _last_window; w++) {
if (left + width > w->left &&
w->left+w->width > left &&
top + height > w->top &&
w->top+w->height > top) {
if (left < w->left) {
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top, w->left - left, height);
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left + (w->left - left), top, width - (w->left - left), height);
if (left + width > w->left + w->width) {
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top, (w->left + w->width - left), height);
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left + (w->left + w->width - left), top, width - (w->left + w->width - left) , height);
if (top < w->top) {
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top, width, (w->top - top));
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top + (w->top - top), width, height - (w->top - top));
if (top + height > w->top + w->height) {
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top, width, (w->top + w->height - top));
DoSetViewportPosition(w, left, top + (w->top + w->height - top), width , height - (w->top + w->height - top));
int xo = _vp_move_offs.x;
int yo = _vp_move_offs.y;
if (abs(xo) >= width || abs(yo) >= height) {
/* fully_outside */
RedrawScreenRect(left, top, left+width, top+height);
GfxScroll(left, top, width, height, xo, yo);
if (xo > 0) {
RedrawScreenRect(left, top, xo + left, top + height);
left += xo;
width -= xo;
} else if (xo < 0) {
RedrawScreenRect(left+width+xo, top, left+width, top + height);
width += xo;
if (yo > 0) {
RedrawScreenRect(left, top, width+left, top + yo);
} else if (yo < 0) {
RedrawScreenRect(left, top + height + yo, width+left, top + height);
void SetViewportPosition(Window *w, int x, int y)
ViewPort *vp = w->viewport;
int old_left = vp->virtual_left;
int old_top = vp->virtual_top;
int i;
int left, top, width, height;
vp->virtual_left = x;
vp->virtual_top = y;
old_left >>= vp->zoom;
old_top >>= vp->zoom;
x >>= vp->zoom;
y >>= vp->zoom;
old_left -= x;
old_top -= y;
if (old_top == 0 && old_left == 0)
_vp_move_offs.x = old_left;
_vp_move_offs.y = old_top;
left = vp->left;
top = vp->top;
width = vp->width;
height = vp->height;
if (left < 0) {
width += left;
left = 0;
if ( (i=(left + width - _screen.width)) >= 0)
width -= i;
if (width > 0) {
if (top < 0) {
height += top;
top = 0;
if ( (i=(top + height - _screen.height)) >= 0) {
height -= i;
if (height > 0)
DoSetViewportPosition(w+1, left, top, width, height);
ViewPort *IsPtInWindowViewport(Window *w, int x, int y)
ViewPort *vp = w->viewport;
if (vp != NULL &&
IS_INT_INSIDE(x, vp->left, vp->left + vp->width) &&
IS_INT_INSIDE(y, vp->top, vp->top + vp->height))
return vp;
return NULL;
Point TranslateXYToTileCoord(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y) {
int z;
Point pt;
int a,b;
if ( (uint)(x -= vp->left) >= (uint)vp->width ||
(uint)(y -= vp->top) >= (uint)vp->height) {
Point pt = {-1, -1};
return pt;
x = ((x << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_left) >> 2;
y = ((y << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_top) >> 1;
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
a = y-x;
b = y+x;
a = x+y;
b = x-y;
z = GetSlopeZ(a, b) >> 1;
z = GetSlopeZ(a+z, b+z) >> 1;
z = GetSlopeZ(a+z, b+z) >> 1;
z = GetSlopeZ(a+z, b+z) >> 1;
z = GetSlopeZ(a+z, b+z) >> 1;
pt.x = a+z;
pt.y = b+z;
if ((uint)pt.x >= MapMaxX() * 16 || (uint)pt.y >= MapMaxY() * 16) {
pt.x = pt.y = -1;
return pt;
static Point GetTileFromScreenXY(int x, int y)
Window *w;
ViewPort *vp;
Point pt;
if ( (w = FindWindowFromPt(x, y)) != NULL &&
(vp = IsPtInWindowViewport(w, x, y)) != NULL)
return TranslateXYToTileCoord(vp, x, y);
pt.y = pt.x = -1;
return pt;
Point GetTileBelowCursor()
return GetTileFromScreenXY(_cursor.pos.x, _cursor.pos.y);
Point GetTileZoomCenterWindow(bool in, Window * w)
int x, y;
ViewPort * vp;
vp = w->viewport;
if (in) {
x = ( (_cursor.pos.x - vp->left ) >> 1) + (vp->width >> 2);
y = ( (_cursor.pos.y - vp->top ) >> 1) + (vp->height >> 2);
else {
x = vp->width - (_cursor.pos.x - vp->left);
y = vp->height - (_cursor.pos.y - vp->top);
return GetTileFromScreenXY(x+vp->left, y+vp->top);
void DrawGroundSpriteAt(uint32 image, int32 x, int32 y, byte z)
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
TileSpriteToDraw *ts;
assert( (image & 0x3fff) < NUM_SPRITES);
ts = (TileSpriteToDraw*)vd->spritelist_mem;
if ((byte*)ts >= vd->eof_spritelist_mem) {
DEBUG(misc, 0) ("Out of sprite mem\n");
vd->spritelist_mem += sizeof(TileSpriteToDraw);
ts->image = image;
ts->next = NULL;
ts->x = x;
ts->y = y;
ts->z = z;
*vd->last_tile = ts;
vd->last_tile = &ts->next;
void DrawGroundSprite(uint32 image)
if (_offset_ground_sprites) {
// offset ground sprite because of foundation?
AddChildSpriteScreen(image, _cur_vd->offs_x, _cur_vd->offs_y);
} else {
_added_tile_sprite = true;
DrawGroundSpriteAt(image, _cur_ti->x, _cur_ti->y, _cur_ti->z);
void OffsetGroundSprite(int x, int y)
_cur_vd->offs_x = x;
_cur_vd->offs_y = y;
_offset_ground_sprites = true;
static void AddCombinedSprite(uint32 image, int x, int y, byte z)
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
int t;
uint32 image_org = image;
const SpriteDimension *sd;
Point pt = RemapCoords(x, y, z);
sd = GetSpriteDimension(image & 0x3FFF);
if ((t = pt.x + sd->xoffs) >= vd->dpi.left + vd->dpi.width ||
(t + sd->xsize) <= vd->dpi.left ||
(t = pt.y + sd->yoffs) >= vd-> + vd->dpi.height ||
(t + sd->ysize) <= vd->
AddChildSpriteScreen(image_org, pt.x - vd->parent_list[-1]->left, pt.y - vd->parent_list[-1]->top);
void AddSortableSpriteToDraw(uint32 image, int x, int y, int w, int h, byte dz, byte z)
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
ParentSpriteToDraw *ps;
const SpriteDimension *sd;
Point pt;
assert( (image & 0x3fff) < NUM_SPRITES);
if (vd->combine_sprites == 2) {
AddCombinedSprite(image, x, y, z);
vd->last_child = NULL;
ps = (ParentSpriteToDraw*)vd->spritelist_mem;
if ((byte*)ps >= vd->eof_spritelist_mem) {
DEBUG(misc, 0) ("Out of sprite mem\n");
if (vd->parent_list >= vd->eof_parent_list) {
// This can happen rarely, mostly when you zoom out completely
// and have a lot of stuff that moves (and is added to the
// sort-list, this function). To solve it, increase
// parent_list somewhere below to a higher number.
// This can not really hurt you, it just gives some black
// spots on the screen ;)
DEBUG(misc, 0) ("Out of sprite mem (parent_list)\n");
vd->spritelist_mem += sizeof(ParentSpriteToDraw);
ps->image = image;
ps->tile_x = x;
ps->tile_right = x + w - 1;
ps->tile_y = y;
ps->tile_bottom = y + h - 1;
ps->tile_z = z;
ps->tile_z_bottom = z + dz - 1;
pt = RemapCoords(x, y, z);
sd = GetSpriteDimension(image & 0x3FFF);
if ((ps->left = (pt.x += sd->xoffs)) >= vd->dpi.left + vd->dpi.width ||
(ps->right = (pt.x + sd->xsize)) <= vd->dpi.left ||
(ps->top = (pt.y += sd->yoffs)) >= vd-> + vd->dpi.height ||
(ps->bottom = (pt.y + sd->ysize)) <= vd-> {
ps->unk16 = 0;
ps->child = NULL;
vd->last_child = &ps->child;
*vd->parent_list++ = ps;
if (vd->combine_sprites == 1) {
vd->combine_sprites = 2;
void StartSpriteCombine()
_cur_vd->combine_sprites = 1;
void EndSpriteCombine()
_cur_vd->combine_sprites = 0;
void AddChildSpriteScreen(uint32 image, int x, int y)
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
ChildScreenSpriteToDraw *cs;
assert( (image & 0x3fff) < NUM_SPRITES);
cs = (ChildScreenSpriteToDraw*) vd->spritelist_mem;
if ((byte*)cs >= vd->eof_spritelist_mem) {
DEBUG(misc,0) ("Out of sprite mem\n");
if (vd->last_child == NULL)
vd->spritelist_mem += sizeof(ChildScreenSpriteToDraw);
*vd->last_child = cs;
vd->last_child = &cs->next;
cs->image = image;
cs->x = x;
cs->y = y;
cs->next = NULL;
/* Returns a StringSpriteToDraw */
void *AddStringToDraw(int x, int y, StringID string, uint32 params_1, uint32 params_2, uint32 params_3)
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
StringSpriteToDraw *ss;
ss = (StringSpriteToDraw*)vd->spritelist_mem;
if ((byte*)ss >= vd->eof_spritelist_mem) {
DEBUG(misc, 0) ("Out of sprite mem\n");
return NULL;
vd->spritelist_mem += sizeof(StringSpriteToDraw);
ss->string = string;
ss->next = NULL;
ss->x = x;
ss->y = y;
ss->params[0] = params_1;
ss->params[1] = params_2;
ss->params[2] = params_3;
ss->width = 0;
*vd->last_string = ss;
vd->last_string = &ss->next;
return ss;
/* Debugging code */
static int _num_push;
static uint _pushed_tile[200];
static int _pushed_track[200];
static uint _stored_tile[200];
static int _stored_track[200];
static int _num_stored;
void dbg_store_path()
memcpy(_stored_tile, _pushed_tile, sizeof(_stored_tile));
memcpy(_stored_track, _pushed_track, sizeof(_stored_tile));
_num_stored = _num_push;
void dbg_push_tile(uint tile, int track)
_pushed_tile[_num_push] = tile;
_pushed_track[_num_push++] = track;
void dbg_pop_tile()
static const uint16 _dbg_track_sprite[] = {
static int dbg_draw_pushed(const TileInfo *ti)
int i;
if (ti->tile==0)
return 0;
for(i=0; i!=_num_stored; i++)
if (_stored_tile[i] == ti->tile) {
DrawGroundSpriteAt(_dbg_track_sprite[_stored_track[i]&7], ti->x, ti->y, ti->z);
return -1;
static void DrawSelectionSprite(uint32 image, const TileInfo *ti)
if (_added_tile_sprite) {
DrawGroundSpriteAt(image, ti->x, ti->y, ti->z + 7);
} else {
AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, ti->x, ti->y, 0x10, 0x10, 1, ti->z + 7);
static bool IsPartOfAutoLine(int px, int py)
const TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
px -= thd->selstart.x;
py -= thd->selstart.y;
switch(thd->drawstyle) {
case HT_LINE | 0: return px == py || px == py + 16;
case HT_LINE | 1: return px == py || px == py - 16;
case HT_LINE | 2: return px == -py || px == -py + 16;
case HT_LINE | 3: return px == -py || px == -py - 16;
/* useless, but avoids compiler warning this way */
return 0;
static void DrawTileSelection(const TileInfo *ti)
uint32 image;
const TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
// Draw a red error square?
if (thd->redsq != 0 && thd->redsq == (TileIndex)ti->tile) {
DrawSelectionSprite(0x030382F0 | _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh], ti);
// no selection active?
if (thd->drawstyle == 0)
// Inside the inner area?
if (IS_INSIDE_1D(ti->x, thd->pos.x, thd->size.x) && IS_INSIDE_1D(ti->y, thd->pos.y, thd->size.y)) {
if (thd->drawstyle & HT_RECT) {
image = 0x2F0 + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh];
if (thd->make_square_red) image |= 0x3048000;
DrawSelectionSprite(image, ti);
} else if (thd->drawstyle & HT_POINT) {
// Figure out the Z coordinate for the single dot.
byte z = ti->z;
if (ti->tileh & 8) {
z += 8;
if (!(ti->tileh & 2) && (ti->tileh & 0x10)) {
z += 8;
DrawGroundSpriteAt(_cur_dpi->zoom != 2 ? 0x306 : 0xFEE,ti->x, ti->y, z);
} else {
if (IsPartOfAutoLine(ti->x, ti->y)) {
image = 0x2F0 + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh];
if (thd->make_square_red) image |= 0x3048000;
DrawSelectionSprite(image, ti);
// Check if it's inside the outer area?
if (thd->outersize.x &&
thd->size.x < thd->size.x + thd->outersize.x &&
IS_INSIDE_1D(ti->x, thd->pos.x + thd->offs.x, thd->size.x + thd->outersize.x) &&
IS_INSIDE_1D(ti->y, thd->pos.y + thd->offs.y, thd->size.y + thd->outersize.y)) {
// Draw a blue rect.
DrawSelectionSprite(0x30582F0 + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh], ti);
static void ViewportAddLandscape()
ViewportDrawer *vd = _cur_vd;
int x, y, width, height;
TileInfo ti;
bool direction;
_cur_ti = &ti;
// Transform into tile coordinates and round to closest full tile
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
x = ((vd-> >> 1) - (vd->dpi.left >> 2)) & ~0xF;
y = ((vd-> >> 1) + (vd->dpi.left >> 2) - 0x10) & ~0xF;
x = ((vd-> >> 1) + (vd->dpi.left >> 2) - 0x10) & ~0xF;
y = ((vd->dpi.left >> 2) - (vd-> >> 1)) & ~0xF;
// determine size of area
Point pt = RemapCoords(x, y, 241);
width = (vd->dpi.left + vd->dpi.width - pt.x + 95) >> 6;
height = (vd-> + vd->dpi.height - pt.y) >> 5 << 1;
assert(width > 0);
assert(height > 0);
direction = false;
do {
int width_cur = width;
int x_cur = x;
int y_cur = y;
do {
FindLandscapeHeight(&ti, x_cur, y_cur);
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
y_cur += 0x10;
x_cur -= 0x10;
y_cur += 0x10;
x_cur += 0x10;
_added_tile_sprite = false;
_offset_ground_sprites = false;
} while (--width_cur);
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
if ( (direction^=1) != 0)
y += 0x10;
x += 0x10;
if ( (direction^=1) != 0)
x += 0x10;
y -= 0x10;
} while (--height);
static void ViewportAddTownNames(DrawPixelInfo *dpi)
Town *t;
int left, top, right, bottom;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES) || _game_mode == GM_MENU)
left = dpi->left;
top = dpi->top;
right = left + dpi->width;
bottom = top + dpi->height;
if (dpi->zoom < 1) {
if (t->xy &&
bottom > t-> &&
top < t-> + 12 &&
right > t->sign.left &&
left < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_1) {
AddStringToDraw(t->sign.left + 1, t-> + 1, _patches.population_in_label ? STR_TOWN_LABEL_POP : STR_2001, t->townnametype, t->townnameparts, t->population);
} else if (dpi->zoom == 1) {
right += 2;
bottom += 2;
if (t->xy &&
bottom > t-> &&
top < t-> + 24 &&
right > t->sign.left &&
left < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_1*2) {
AddStringToDraw(t->sign.left + 1, t-> + 1, _patches.population_in_label ? STR_TOWN_LABEL_POP : STR_2001, t->townnametype, t->townnameparts, t->population);
} else {
right += 4;
bottom += 5;
assert(dpi->zoom == 2);
if (t->xy &&
bottom > t-> &&
top < t-> + 24 &&
right > t->sign.left &&
left < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_2*4) {
AddStringToDraw(t->sign.left + 5, t-> + 1, STR_2002, t->townnametype, t->townnameparts, 0);
AddStringToDraw(t->sign.left + 1, t-> - 3, STR_2003, t->townnametype, t->townnameparts, 0);
static void ViewportAddStationNames(DrawPixelInfo *dpi)
int left, top, right, bottom;
Station *st;
StringSpriteToDraw *sstd;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES) || _game_mode == GM_MENU)
left = dpi->left;
top = dpi->top;
right = left + dpi->width;
bottom = top + dpi->height;
if (dpi->zoom < 1) {
if (st->xy &&
bottom > st-> &&
top < st-> + 12 &&
right > st->sign.left &&
left < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_1) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(st->sign.left + 1, st-> + 1, STR_305C_0, st->index, st->facilities, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->color = (st->owner == OWNER_NONE || !st->facilities) ? 0xE : _player_colors[st->owner];
sstd->width = st->sign.width_1;
} else if (dpi->zoom == 1) {
right += 2;
bottom += 2;
if (st->xy &&
bottom > st-> &&
top < st-> + 24 &&
right > st->sign.left &&
left < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_1*2) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(st->sign.left + 1, st-> + 1, STR_305C_0, st->index, st->facilities, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->color = (st->owner == OWNER_NONE || !st->facilities) ? 0xE : _player_colors[st->owner];
sstd->width = st->sign.width_1;
} else {
assert(dpi->zoom == 2);
right += 4;
bottom += 5;
if (st->xy &&
bottom > st-> &&
top < st-> + 24 &&
right > st->sign.left &&
left < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_2*4) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(st->sign.left + 1, st-> + 1, STR_305D_0, st->index, st->facilities, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->color = (st->owner == OWNER_NONE || !st->facilities) ? 0xE : _player_colors[st->owner];
sstd->width = st->sign.width_2 | 0x8000;
static void ViewportAddSigns(DrawPixelInfo *dpi)
SignStruct *ss;
int left, top, right, bottom;
StringSpriteToDraw *sstd;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_SIGNS))
left = dpi->left;
top = dpi->top;
right = left + dpi->width;
bottom = top + dpi->height;
if (dpi->zoom < 1) {
for(ss=_sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
bottom > ss-> &&
top < ss-> + 12 &&
right > ss->sign.left &&
left < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_1) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(ss->sign.left + 1, ss-> + 1, STR_2806, ss->str, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = ss->sign.width_1;
sstd->color = 14;
} else if (dpi->zoom == 1) {
right += 2;
bottom += 2;
for(ss=_sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
bottom > ss-> &&
top < ss-> + 24 &&
right > ss->sign.left &&
left < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_1*2) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(ss->sign.left + 1, ss-> + 1, STR_2806, ss->str, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = ss->sign.width_1;
sstd->color = 14;
} else {
right += 4;
bottom += 5;
for(ss=_sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
bottom > ss-> &&
top < ss-> + 24 &&
right > ss->sign.left &&
left < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_2*4) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(ss->sign.left + 1, ss-> + 1, STR_2807, ss->str, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = ss->sign.width_2 | 0x8000;
sstd->color = 14;
static void ViewportAddWaypoints(DrawPixelInfo *dpi)
Waypoint *cp;
int left, top, right, bottom;
StringSpriteToDraw *sstd;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_WAYPOINTS))
left = dpi->left;
top = dpi->top;
right = left + dpi->width;
bottom = top + dpi->height;
if (dpi->zoom < 1) {
for(cp=_waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
bottom > cp-> &&
top < cp-> + 12 &&
right > cp->sign.left &&
left < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_1) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(cp->sign.left + 1, cp-> + 1, STR_WAYPOINT_VIEWPORT, cp - _waypoints, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = cp->sign.width_1;
sstd->color = (cp->deleted ? 0xE : 11);
} else if (dpi->zoom == 1) {
right += 2;
bottom += 2;
for(cp=_waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
bottom > cp-> &&
top < cp-> + 24 &&
right > cp->sign.left &&
left < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_1*2) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(cp->sign.left + 1, cp-> + 1, STR_WAYPOINT_VIEWPORT, cp - _waypoints, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = cp->sign.width_1;
sstd->color = (cp->deleted ? 0xE : 11);
} else {
right += 4;
bottom += 5;
for(cp=_waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
bottom > cp-> &&
top < cp-> + 24 &&
right > cp->sign.left &&
left < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_2*4) {
sstd=AddStringToDraw(cp->sign.left + 1, cp-> + 1, STR_WAYPOINT_VIEWPORT_TINY, cp - _waypoints, 0, 0);
if (sstd != NULL) {
sstd->width = cp->sign.width_2 | 0x8000;
sstd->color = (cp->deleted ? 0xE : 11);
void UpdateViewportSignPos(ViewportSign *sign, int left, int top, StringID str)
char buffer[128];
int w;
sign->top = top;
GetString(buffer, str);
w = GetStringWidth(buffer) + 3;
sign->width_1 = w;
sign->left = left - (w >> 1);
_stringwidth_base = 0xE0;
w = GetStringWidth(buffer);
_stringwidth_base = 0;
sign->width_2 = w + 1;
static void ViewportDrawTileSprites(TileSpriteToDraw *ts)
do {
Point pt = RemapCoords(ts->x, ts->y, ts->z);
DrawSprite(ts->image, pt.x, pt.y);
} while ( (ts = ts->next) != NULL);
static void ViewportSortParentSprites(ParentSpriteToDraw **psd)
ParentSpriteToDraw *ps, *ps2,*ps3, **psd2, **psd3;
while((ps=*psd) != NULL) {
if (!(ps->unk16 & 1)) {
ps->unk16 |= 1;
psd2 = psd;
while ( (ps2=*++psd2) != NULL) {
if (ps2->unk16 & 1)
if (ps->tile_right >= ps2->tile_x &&
ps->tile_bottom >= ps2->tile_y &&
ps->tile_z_bottom >= ps2->tile_z && (
ps->tile_x >= ps2->tile_right ||
ps->tile_y >= ps2->tile_bottom ||
ps->tile_z >= ps2->tile_z_bottom
)) {
psd3 = psd;
do {
ps3 = *psd3;
*psd3 = ps2;
ps2 = ps3;
} while (psd3 <= psd2);
} else {
static void ViewportDrawParentSprites(ParentSpriteToDraw **psd)
ParentSpriteToDraw *ps;
ChildScreenSpriteToDraw *cs;
for (;(ps=*psd) != NULL;psd++) {
Point pt = RemapCoords(ps->tile_x, ps->tile_y, ps->tile_z);
DrawSprite(ps->image, pt.x, pt.y);
cs = ps->child;
while (cs) {
DrawSprite(cs->image, ps->left + cs->x, ps->top + cs->y);
cs = cs->next;
static void ViewportDrawStrings(DrawPixelInfo *dpi, StringSpriteToDraw *ss)
DrawPixelInfo dp;
byte zoom;
_cur_dpi = &dp;
dp = *dpi;
zoom = (byte)dp.zoom;
dp.zoom = 0;
dp.left >>= zoom; >>= zoom;
dp.width >>= zoom;
dp.height >>= zoom;
do {
if (ss->width != 0) {
int x, y, w, bottom;
x = (ss->x >> zoom) - 1;
y = (ss->y >> zoom) - 1;
bottom = y + 11;
w = ss->width;
if (w & 0x8000) {
w &= ~0x8000;
bottom -= 6;
w -= 3;
DrawFrameRect(x,y, x+w, bottom, ss->color, (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) ? 0x9 : 0);
SetDParam(0, ss->params[0]);
SetDParam(1, ss->params[1]);
SetDParam(2, ss->params[2]);
if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS && ss->width != 0) {
/* Real colors need the IS_PALETTE_COLOR flag, otherwise colors from _string_colormap are assumed. */
DrawString(ss->x >> zoom, (ss->y >> zoom) - (ss->width&0x8000?2:0), ss->string,
(_color_list[ss->color].window_color_bgb | IS_PALETTE_COLOR));
} else {
DrawString(ss->x >> zoom, (ss->y >> zoom) - (ss->width&0x8000?2:0), ss->string, 16);
} while ( (ss = ss->next) != NULL);
_cur_dpi = dpi;
void ViewportDoDraw(const ViewPort *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
ViewportDrawer vd;
int mask;
int x,y;
DrawPixelInfo *old_dpi;
ParentSpriteToDraw *parent_list[6144];
_cur_vd = &vd;
old_dpi = _cur_dpi;
_cur_dpi = &vd.dpi;
vd.dpi.zoom = vp->zoom;
mask = (-1) << vp->zoom;
vd.combine_sprites = 0;
vd.ground_child = 0;
vd.dpi.width = (right - left) & mask;
vd.dpi.height = (bottom - top) & mask;
vd.dpi.left = left & mask; = top & mask;
vd.dpi.pitch = old_dpi->pitch;
x = ((vd.dpi.left - (vp->virtual_left&mask)) >> vp->zoom) + vp->left;
y = (( - (vp->virtual_top&mask)) >> vp->zoom) + vp->top;
vd.dpi.dst_ptr = old_dpi->dst_ptr + x - old_dpi->left + (y - old_dpi->top) * old_dpi->pitch;
vd.parent_list = parent_list;
vd.eof_parent_list = &parent_list[lengthof(parent_list)];
vd.spritelist_mem = mem;
vd.eof_spritelist_mem = &mem[sizeof(mem) - 0x40];
vd.last_string = &vd.first_string;
vd.first_string = NULL;
vd.last_tile = &vd.first_tile;
vd.first_tile = NULL;
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
// This assert should never happen (because the length of the parent_list
// is checked)
assert(vd.parent_list <= endof(parent_list));
if (vd.first_tile != NULL)
/* null terminate parent sprite list */
*vd.parent_list = NULL;
if (vd.first_string != NULL)
ViewportDrawStrings(&vd.dpi, vd.first_string);
_cur_dpi = old_dpi;
// Make sure we don't draw a too big area at a time.
// If we do, the sprite memory will overflow.
static void ViewportDrawChk(ViewPort *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
if (((bottom - top) * (right - left) << vp->zoom) > 180000) {
if ((bottom - top) > (right - left)) {
int t = (top + bottom) >> 1;
ViewportDrawChk(vp, left, top, right, t);
ViewportDrawChk(vp, left, t, right, bottom);
} else {
int t = (left + right) >> 1;
ViewportDrawChk(vp, left, top, t, bottom);
ViewportDrawChk(vp, t, top, right, bottom);
} else {
((left - vp->left) << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_left,
((top - vp->top) << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_top,
((right - vp->left) << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_left,
((bottom - vp->top) << vp->zoom) + vp->virtual_top
static inline void ViewportDraw(ViewPort *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
int t;
if (right <= vp->left ||
bottom <= vp->top)
if (left >= (t=vp->left + vp->width))
if (left < vp->left) left = vp->left;
if (right > t) right = t;
if (top >= (t = vp->top + vp->height))
if (top < vp->top) top = vp->top;
if (bottom > t) bottom = t;
ViewportDrawChk(vp, left, top, right, bottom);
void DrawWindowViewport(Window *w) {
DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi;
dpi->left += w->left;
dpi->top += w->top;
ViewportDraw(w->viewport, dpi->left, dpi->top, dpi->left + dpi->width, dpi->top + dpi->height);
dpi->left -= w->left;
dpi->top -= w->top;
void UpdateViewportPosition(Window *w)
ViewPort *vp = w->viewport;
if (WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle != 0xFFFF) {
Vehicle *veh;
Point pt;
veh = GetVehicle(WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle);
pt = MapXYZToViewport(vp, veh->x_pos, veh->y_pos, veh->z_pos);
SetViewportPosition(w, pt.x, pt.y);
} else {
#if !defined(NEW_ROTATION)
int x;
int y;
int vx;
int vy;
// Center of the viewport is hot spot
x = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x + vp->virtual_width / 2;
y = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y + vp->virtual_height / 2;
// Convert viewport coordinates to map coordinates
// Calculation is scaled by 4 to avoid rounding errors
vx = -x + y * 2;
vy = x + y * 2;
// clamp to size of map
vx = clamp(vx, 0 * 4, MapMaxX() * 16 * 4);
vy = clamp(vy, 0 * 4, MapMaxY() * 16 * 4);
// Convert map coordinates to viewport coordinates
x = (-vx + vy) / 2;
y = ( vx + vy) / 4;
// Set position
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = x - vp->virtual_width / 2;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = y - vp->virtual_height / 2;
int x,y,t;
int err;
x = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x >> 2;
y = WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y >> 1;
t = x;
x = x + y;
y = x - y;
err= 0;
if (err != 0) {
/* coordinate remap */
Point pt = RemapCoords(x, y, 0);
t = (-1) << vp->zoom;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = pt.x & t;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = pt.y & t;
SetViewportPosition(w, WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x, WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y);
static void MarkViewportDirty(ViewPort *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
if ( (right -= vp->virtual_left) <= 0)
if ( (bottom -= vp->virtual_top) <= 0)
if ( (left -= vp->virtual_left) < 0)
left = 0;
if ((uint)left >= (uint)vp->virtual_width)
if ( (top -= vp->virtual_top) < 0)
top = 0;
if ((uint)top >= (uint)vp->virtual_height)
(left >> vp->zoom) + vp->left,
(top >> vp->zoom) + vp->top,
(right >> vp->zoom) + vp->left,
(bottom >> vp->zoom) + vp->top
void MarkAllViewportsDirty(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
ViewPort *vp = _viewports;
uint32 act = _active_viewports;
do {
if (act & 1) {
assert(vp->width != 0);
MarkViewportDirty(vp, left, top, right, bottom);
} while (vp++,act>>=1);
void MarkTileDirtyByTile(TileIndex tile) {
Point pt = RemapCoords(TileX(tile) * 16, TileY(tile) * 16, GetTileZ(tile));
pt.x - 31,
pt.y - 122,
pt.x - 31 + 67,
pt.y - 122 + 154
void MarkTileDirty(int x, int y)
int z = 0;
Point pt;
if (IS_INT_INSIDE(x, 0, MapSizeX() * 16) &&
IS_INT_INSIDE(y, 0, MapSizeY() * 16))
z = GetTileZ(TILE_FROM_XY(x,y));
pt = RemapCoords(x, y, z);
pt.x - 31,
pt.y - 122,
pt.x - 31 + 67,
pt.y - 122 + 154
static void SetSelectionTilesDirty()
int y_size, x_size;
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
int x = thd->pos.x;
int y = thd->pos.y;
if (thd->outersize.x) {
x_size += thd->outersize.x;
x += thd->offs.x;
y_size += thd->outersize.y;
y += thd->offs.y;
assert(x_size > 0);
assert(y_size > 0);
x_size += x;
y_size += y;
do {
int y_bk = y;
do {
MarkTileDirty(x, y);
} while ( (y+=16) != y_size);
y = y_bk;
} while ( (x+=16) != x_size);
static bool CheckClickOnTown(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
Town *t;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES))
return false;
if (vp->zoom < 1) {
x = x - vp->left + vp->virtual_left;
y = y - vp->top + vp->virtual_top;
if (t->xy &&
y >= t-> &&
y < t-> + 12 &&
x >= t->sign.left &&
x < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_1) {
return true;
} else if (vp->zoom == 1) {
x = (x - vp->left + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_top;
if (t->xy &&
y >= t-> &&
y < t-> + 24 &&
x >= t->sign.left &&
x < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_1 * 2) {
return true;
} else {
x = (x - vp->left + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_top;
if (t->xy &&
y >= t-> &&
y < t-> + 24 &&
x >= t->sign.left &&
x < t->sign.left + t->sign.width_2 * 4) {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckClickOnStation(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
Station *st;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES))
return false;
if (vp->zoom < 1) {
x = x - vp->left + vp->virtual_left;
y = y - vp->top + vp->virtual_top;
if (st->xy &&
y >= st-> &&
y < st-> + 12 &&
x >= st->sign.left &&
x < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_1) {
return true;
} else if (vp->zoom == 1) {
x = (x - vp->left + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_top;
if (st->xy &&
y >= st-> &&
y < st-> + 24 &&
x >= st->sign.left &&
x < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_1 * 2) {
return true;
} else {
x = (x - vp->left + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_top;
if (st->xy &&
y >= st-> &&
y < st-> + 24 &&
x >= st->sign.left &&
x < st->sign.left + st->sign.width_2 * 4) {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckClickOnSign(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
SignStruct *ss;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_SHOW_SIGNS))
return false;
if (vp->zoom < 1) {
x = x - vp->left + vp->virtual_left;
y = y - vp->top + vp->virtual_top;
for(ss = _sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
y >= ss-> &&
y < ss-> + 12 &&
x >= ss->sign.left &&
x < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_1) {
return true;
} else if (vp->zoom == 1) {
x = (x - vp->left + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_top;
for(ss = _sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
y >= ss-> &&
y < ss-> + 24 &&
x >= ss->sign.left &&
x < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_1 * 2) {
return true;
} else {
x = (x - vp->left + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_top;
for(ss = _sign_list; ss != endof(_sign_list); ss++) {
if (ss->str &&
y >= ss-> &&
y < ss-> + 24 &&
x >= ss->sign.left &&
x < ss->sign.left + ss->sign.width_2 * 4) {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckClickOnWaypoint(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
Waypoint *cp;
if (!(_display_opt & DO_WAYPOINTS))
return false;
if (vp->zoom < 1) {
x = x - vp->left + vp->virtual_left;
y = y - vp->top + vp->virtual_top;
for(cp = _waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
y >= cp-> &&
y < cp-> + 12 &&
x >= cp->sign.left &&
x < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_1) {
return true;
} else if (vp->zoom == 1) {
x = (x - vp->left + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 1) * 2 + vp->virtual_top;
for(cp = _waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
y >= cp-> &&
y < cp-> + 24 &&
x >= cp->sign.left &&
x < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_1 * 2) {
return true;
} else {
x = (x - vp->left + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_left;
y = (y - vp->top + 3) * 4 + vp->virtual_top;
for(cp = _waypoints; cp != endof(_waypoints); cp++) {
if (cp->xy &&
y >= cp-> &&
y < cp-> + 24 &&
x >= cp->sign.left &&
x < cp->sign.left + cp->sign.width_2 * 4) {
return true;
return false;
static void CheckClickOnLandscape(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
Point pt = TranslateXYToTileCoord(vp,x,y);
if (pt.x != -1) {
uint tile = TILE_FROM_XY(pt.x, pt.y);
void HandleClickOnTrain(Vehicle *v);
void HandleClickOnRoadVeh(Vehicle *v);
void HandleClickOnAircraft(Vehicle *v);
void HandleClickOnShip(Vehicle *v);
void HandleClickOnSpecialVeh(Vehicle *v) {}
void HandleClickOnDisasterVeh(Vehicle *v);
typedef void OnVehicleClickProc(Vehicle *v);
static OnVehicleClickProc * const _on_vehicle_click_proc[6] = {
void HandleViewportClicked(ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
if (CheckClickOnTown(vp, x, y))
if (CheckClickOnStation(vp, x, y))
if (CheckClickOnSign(vp, x, y))
if (CheckClickOnWaypoint(vp, x, y))
CheckClickOnLandscape(vp, x, y);
Vehicle *v = CheckClickOnVehicle(vp, x, y);
if (v) _on_vehicle_click_proc[v->type - 0x10](v);
Vehicle *CheckMouseOverVehicle()
Window *w;
ViewPort *vp;
int x = _cursor.pos.x;
int y = _cursor.pos.y;
w = FindWindowFromPt(x, y);
if (w == NULL)
return NULL;
vp = IsPtInWindowViewport(w, x, y);
if (vp) {
return CheckClickOnVehicle(vp, x, y);
} else {
return NULL;
void PlaceObject()
Point pt;
Window *w;
WindowEvent e;
pt = GetTileBelowCursor();
if (pt.x == -1)
if (_thd.place_mode == 2) {
pt.x += 8;
pt.y += 8;
_tile_fract_coords.x = pt.x & 0xF;
_tile_fract_coords.y = pt.y & 0xF;
if ((w = GetCallbackWnd()) != NULL) {
e.event = WE_PLACE_OBJ; = pt; = TILE_FROM_XY(pt.x, pt.y);
w->wndproc(w, &e);
/* scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location */
bool ScrollWindowTo(int x , int y, Window * w)
Point pt;
pt = MapXYZToViewport(w->viewport, x, y, GetSlopeZ(x, y));
WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle = -1;
if (WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x == pt.x &&
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y == pt.y)
return false;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = pt.x;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = pt.y;
return true;
/* scrolls the viewport in a window to a given tile */
bool ScrollWindowToTile(TileIndex tile, Window * w)
return ScrollWindowTo(TileX(tile) * 16 + 8, TileY(tile) * 16 + 8, w);
bool ScrollMainWindowTo(int x, int y)
Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0);
Point pt;
pt = MapXYZToViewport(w->viewport, x, y, GetSlopeZ(x, y));
WP(w,vp_d).follow_vehicle = -1;
if (WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x == pt.x &&
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y == pt.y)
return false;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_x = pt.x;
WP(w,vp_d).scrollpos_y = pt.y;
return true;
bool ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileIndex tile)
return ScrollMainWindowTo(TileX(tile) * 16 + 8, TileY(tile) * 16 + 8);
void SetRedErrorSquare(TileIndex tile)
TileIndex old;
old = _thd.redsq;
_thd.redsq = tile;
if (tile != old) {
if (tile != 0) MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
if (old != 0) MarkTileDirtyByTile(old);
void SetTileSelectSize(int w, int h)
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
thd->new_size.x = w * 16;
thd->new_size.y = h * 16;
thd->new_outersize.x = 0;
thd->new_outersize.y = 0;
void SetTileSelectBigSize(int ox, int oy, int sx, int sy) {
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
thd->offs.x = ox * 16;
thd->offs.y = oy * 16;
thd->new_outersize.x = sx * 16;
thd->new_outersize.y = sy * 16;
void UpdateTileSelection()
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
Point pt;
int x1,y1;
thd->new_drawstyle = 0;
if (thd->place_mode == 3) {
x1 = thd->selend.x;
y1 = thd->selend.y;
if (x1 != -1) {
int x2 = thd->selstart.x;
int y2 = thd->selstart.y;
x1 &= ~0xF;
y1 &= ~0xF;
if (x1 >= x2) intswap(x1,x2);
if (y1 >= y2) intswap(y1,y2);
thd->new_pos.x = x1;
thd->new_pos.y = y1;
thd->new_size.x = x2 - x1 + 16;
thd->new_size.y = y2 - y1 + 16;
thd->new_drawstyle = thd->next_drawstyle;
} else if (thd->place_mode != 0) {
pt = GetTileBelowCursor();
x1 = pt.x;
y1 = pt.y;
if (x1 != -1) {
if (thd->place_mode == 1) {
thd->new_drawstyle = HT_RECT;
} else {
thd->new_drawstyle = HT_POINT;
x1 += 8;
y1 += 8;
thd->new_pos.x = x1 & ~0xF;
thd->new_pos.y = y1 & ~0xF;
if (thd->drawstyle != thd->new_drawstyle ||
thd->pos.x != thd->new_pos.x || thd->pos.y != thd->new_pos.y ||
thd->size.x != thd->new_size.x || thd->size.y != thd->new_size.y) {
// clear the old selection?
if (thd->drawstyle) SetSelectionTilesDirty();
thd->drawstyle = thd->new_drawstyle;
thd->pos = thd->new_pos;
thd->size = thd->new_size;
thd->outersize = thd->new_outersize;
thd->dirty = 0xff;
// draw the new selection?
if (thd->new_drawstyle) SetSelectionTilesDirty();
void VpStartPlaceSizing(uint tile, int user)
TileHighlightData *thd;
thd = _thd_ptr;
thd->userdata = user;
thd->selend.x = TileX(tile) * 16;
thd->selstart.x = TileX(tile) * 16;
thd->selend.y = TileY(tile) * 16;
thd->selstart.y = TileY(tile) * 16;
if (thd->place_mode == 1) {
thd->place_mode = 3;
thd->next_drawstyle = HT_RECT;
} else {
thd->place_mode = 3;
thd->next_drawstyle = HT_POINT;
_special_mouse_mode = WSM_SIZING;
void VpSetPlaceSizingLimit(int limit)
_thd.sizelimit = limit;
void VpSetPresizeRange(uint from, uint to)
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
thd->selend.x = TileX(to) * 16;
thd->selend.y = TileY(to) * 16;
thd->selstart.x = TileX(from) * 16;
thd->selstart.y = TileY(from) * 16;
thd->next_drawstyle = HT_RECT;
void VpStartPreSizing()
_thd.selend.x = -1;
_special_mouse_mode = WSM_PRESIZE;
static void CalcRaildirsDrawstyle(TileHighlightData *thd, int x, int y)
int d;
bool b;
uint w,h;
w = myabs((x & ~0xF) - thd->selstart.x) + 16;
h = myabs((y & ~0xF) - thd->selstart.y) + 16;
// vertical and horizontal lines are really simple
if (w == 16 || h == 16) {
b = HT_RECT;
} else if (w * 2 < h) { // see if we're closer to rect?
x = thd->selstart.x;
b = HT_RECT;
} else if (w > h * 2) {
y = thd->selstart.y;
b = HT_RECT;
} else {
d = w - h;
// four cases.
if (x > thd->selstart.x) {
if (y > thd->selstart.y) {
// south
if (d ==0) b = (x & 0xF) > (y & 0xF) ? HT_LINE | 0 : HT_LINE | 1;
else if (d >= 0) { x = thd->selstart.x + h; b = HT_LINE | 0; } // return px == py || px == py + 16;
else { y = thd->selstart.y + w; b = HT_LINE | 1; } // return px == py || px == py - 16;
} else {
// west
if (d ==0) b = (x & 0xF) + (y & 0xF) >= 0x10 ? HT_LINE | 2 : HT_LINE | 3;
else if (d >= 0) { x = thd->selstart.x + h; b = HT_LINE | 2; }
else { y = thd->selstart.y - w; b = HT_LINE | 3; }
} else {
if (y > thd->selstart.y) {
// east
if (d ==0) b = (x & 0xF) + (y & 0xF) >= 0x10 ? HT_LINE | 2 : HT_LINE | 3;
else if (d >= 0) { x = thd->selstart.x - h; b = HT_LINE | 3; } // return px == -py || px == -py - 16;
else { y = thd->selstart.y + w; b = HT_LINE | 2; } // return px == -py || px == -py + 16;
} else {
// north
if (d ==0) b = (x & 0xF) > (y & 0xF) ? HT_LINE | 0 : HT_LINE | 1;
else if (d >= 0) { x = thd->selstart.x - h; b = HT_LINE | 1; } // return px == py || px == py - 16;
else { y = thd->selstart.y - w; b = HT_LINE | 0; } //return px == py || px == py + 16;
thd->selend.x = x;
thd->selend.y = y;
thd->next_drawstyle = b;
void VpSelectTilesWithMethod(int x, int y, int method)
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
int sx,sy;
if (x == -1) {
thd->selend.x = -1;
// allow drag in any rail direction
if (method == VPM_RAILDIRS || method == VPM_SIGNALDIRS) {
CalcRaildirsDrawstyle(thd, x, y);
if (_thd.next_drawstyle == HT_POINT) { x += 8; y += 8; }
//thd->next_drawstyle = HT_RECT;
sx = thd->selstart.x;
sy = thd->selstart.y;
switch(method) {
case VPM_FIX_X:
x = sx;
case VPM_FIX_Y:
y = sy;
case VPM_X_OR_Y:
if (myabs(sy - y) < myabs(sx - x)) y = sy; else x = sx;
case VPM_X_AND_Y:
// limit the selected area to a 10x10 rect.
int limit = (thd->sizelimit-1) * 16;
x = sx + clamp(x - sx, -limit, limit);
y = sy + clamp(y - sy, -limit, limit);
thd->selend.x = x;
thd->selend.y = y;
bool VpHandlePlaceSizingDrag()
Window *w;
WindowEvent e;
if (_special_mouse_mode != WSM_SIZING)
return true; = _thd.userdata;
w = FindWindowById(_thd.window_class,_thd.window_number);
if (w == NULL) {
return false;
// while dragging...
if (_left_button_down) {
e.event = WE_PLACE_DRAG; = GetTileBelowCursor();
w->wndproc(w, &e);
return false;
// mouse button released..
// keep the selected tool, but reset it to the original mode.
_special_mouse_mode = WSM_NONE;
_thd.place_mode = (_thd.next_drawstyle == HT_RECT || _thd.next_drawstyle & HT_LINE) ? 1 : 2;
SetTileSelectSize(1, 1);
// and call the mouseup event.
e.event = WE_PLACE_MOUSEUP; = _thd.selend; = TILE_FROM_XY(,; = TILE_FROM_XY(_thd.selstart.x, _thd.selstart.y);
w->wndproc(w, &e);
return false;
void SetObjectToPlaceWnd(int icon, byte mode, Window *w)
SetObjectToPlace(icon,mode,w->window_class, w->window_number);
#include "table/animcursors.h"
void SetObjectToPlace(int icon, byte mode, WindowClass window_class, WindowNumber window_num)
TileHighlightData *thd = _thd_ptr;
Window *w;
if (thd->place_mode != 0) {
thd->place_mode = 0;
w = FindWindowById(thd->window_class, thd->window_number);
if (w != NULL)
CallWindowEventNP(w, WE_ABORT_PLACE_OBJ);
SetTileSelectSize(1, 1);
thd->make_square_red = false;
if (mode == 4) {
mode = 0;
_special_mouse_mode = WSM_DRAGDROP;
} else {
_special_mouse_mode = WSM_NONE;
thd->place_mode = mode;
thd->window_class = window_class;
thd->window_number = window_num;
if (mode == 3)
if ( (int)icon < 0)
void ResetObjectToPlace(){